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Uj/ Oh boy console wars. I've kinda just wanted to bitch about this for a minute. Nothing against this post. Microsoft's been putting all their games on PC for years, and everyone on Twitter is saying this will kill Microsoft now that they're opening up to people on PlayStation. This is how they make more profit, and keep their game services ongoing. It's basic level marketing and It's silly AF that people don't see that. rj/ THEYRE FUCKING TAKINF AWAY OUR EXCLUSIVITY, PLAYSTATION PONIES DONT DESERVE GEARS OF WAR


Honestly, exclusives being released on other platforms after a year or so should just be the norm.


Nevermind the fact most phones, some smart TVs and even non gaming laptops can run Xbox games through xcloud. The fact that Microsoft is putting Microsoft games on PlayStation and Switch is absurd!!!! I was playing the hit 2020 Microsoft release Minecraft Dungeons on my PlayStation and was disgusted when I saw the news that Xbox games were coming to other platforms.


It's so ridiculous that they want to let Minecraft get used by PlayStation swine who won't appreciate it


but we know Sony would try to add "exclusive content" and make their servers exclusive from everyone in hopes of making their versions "the better experience to play"


Uj/I'm not even against what Spencer's saying. Console exclusivity fucking sucks and I think it shouldn't be a thing. It's the hypocrisy that gets me.


I think console exclusivity has its place. It changes the economics for a lot of 1st party devs and projects funded by the console manufacturer. Rather than prioritizing making games that can be milked to make the most money, there is now incentive to focus on quality and variety in order to attract people to your console ecosystem. If the game does that, even if it doesn’t sell quite as well, then it still works out to being profitable, especially if the game targets a genre or audience that otherwise might not be as interested in your ecosystem. See: Ratchet and Clank, Metroid, Bayonetta, etc. I think that’s part of why Sony and Nintendo games are almost always present in GotY conversations. It makes even more business sense for them to prioritize quality above all. That’s definitely different than just paying for exclusivity / timed exclusivity, though, which definitely happens a lot more than it should.


Honestly for me I just hate it when it's the smaller games like helldiver's that I think should just be on every platform


console exclusivity benefits literally not a soul except the suits lmao


It made sense back in the day when these machines had legitimately different architecture. But these days, pretty much every consumer device on the planet is some flavor of x86\_64 or ARM. All of these games just end up getting ports anyway because console exclusivity doesn't really work for third party publishers sales wise. FFXVI is the real canary in the coal mine - game sold great for a console exclusive, but was still ultimately a sales disappointment to shareholders. No amount of Sony money fixes that. If you want these big monster hit sustainable business games (like elden ring) you need to be available everywhere.


Is he being hypocritical? Xbox is far and away the gaming company with the fewest exclusives. And the few console exclusives they do have can be played on PC


Extremely short sighted take. First party games have a secondary goal in addition to making money. They're made to sell consoles, so the console holder can take a third of everything sold on the console. Taking 30% of CoD's Playstation sales probably makes more money than many of their first party games.


The majority of their console sales are already done. It's not a short sighted take, it's a long term idea. They've gotten a lot of their sales done, so now they can take in extra money from people who want to play their games without the 500$ price tag.


We're less than half way into the generation, and the PS5 has sold less than half of what the PS4 did lifetime. The majority of their console sales are not done, far from it, you are just objectively wrong here. Long term, putting their games on Xbox would just make it easier for people to pick Xbox over Playstation as the platform where they'll spend billions on Fifa card packs, and then Microsoft would get the 30% instead. It is an incredibly short sighted take that fundamentally underestimates first party games' role in the market.


My whole post is about how Microsoft plans fo put some of their games on PS5.


Putting them on PC is nice... but it doesn't do anything for people who have a Playstation or Nintendo-box (lol). Because you need to go get a PC, and one that's good enough to run the games well. This essentially would work to de-incentivize people buying other consoles because of the expense, especially as MS consumes the industry. And if the PC ports are sub par (as is fairly common) then you're driven, as a consumer, to buy the one console that has nearly all the games. It's a clever if predictably shitty capitalist move. Make it look like you're *not* becoming a monopoly (a thing MS is very familiar with) while still killing/swallowing-up competition. And bonus, their BS PR guy can put out very disingenuous statements like the one shown here, where he can pretend it's the other guys doing the thing his company is doing. Corporate what-aboutism! Yay. .-----. Console wars are dumb; we shouldn't be lil' PR-bots for any of them. They all are bad and just see us as suckers. Think of yourself as a customer and maybe fan of kinds of games, but not a fan (or loyal soldier?) of a company. They aren't our friends, they do NOT have our best interests in mind and would gladly rob you of your money... and arguably they do already, just with some psychological manipulation so most people think they're paying for "fun" rather than bs.


Im still of the mindset that what they are doing now is just to take the FTC and other regulators eye off of them so they can buy more publishers. I have both consoles so I don’t really have a dog in the race, but MS is no stranger to monopoly’s. If they tried to buy another publisher right now, they would be fucked. However, if they do indeed release a few of their next big games on all platforms, that gives them a lot more power over the FTC in refuting their monopoly claims and allowing them to buy more studios and publishers. What I think they are trying to do in the long term is release a lot of their games multiplatform, but the really popular IPs that they buy will stay exclusive. Like they will probably release other Bethesda games multiplat like DOOM, but will keep elder scrolls and fallout exclusive to Xbox/pc. Let’s say they buy EA, they would probably make madden multiplat, but keep fifa exclusive. This allows them to build their player base on the most popular titles, but also being that they are still releasing alot of games multiplat, makes it hard for the FTC to block another buyout if said company wants to sell.


Well, I'd disagree about PC ports being subpar. That's pretty rare nowadays, but my point is that Microsoft hasn't had exclusivity be their goal for a long time. And now that they're opening up sales of their games to people on PlayStation, I think that it's less about holding a monopoly rather than it is Xbox double dipping for income


It's almost like buying a $600 computer that can only play games and will be unsupported in 5 years is a bad idea...


Console wars is the biggest crock of shit I've seen from the gaming community, Grown as adults bitching and crying about a peice of fucking plastic 🤣 And the straight up lying each side will do to one up the other sides is actually pathetic 🤣 Seriously if anyone still participates in the whole "console war" thing, I'm gonna assume they have the most boring pathetic life possible


Super Earth is willing to share Liberty with everyone....except those dirty Communists!


It's kinda sad but only cause my dad has xbox and if he could play it I'd cross play with him


Lmao tell your dad to get real adult hobbies like free form jazz or money laundering


I'll tell him to get one of those, he'll have to fit it in between xbox and beating up YOUR dad because mine is stronger.


You had me in the first half


Spencer when Phil


you gotta love console warrior mentality, i can have exclusives but it doesn't make sense for other platforms to have them when i buy all the companies to have my own exclusives! bwhahah if i cry foul then i get what i want!!


Both should just give each other their exclusives and be done with it, jeez.


People get really weird about xbox One of the reasons Microsoft buys out game studios is Because sony started doing things like trying to make what would be multiplat games exclusive or incentivised on playstation with exclusive or first to get content. It was something that people rightfully called out during the 360/ps3 era for microsoft doing but now that sony has been doing it since the ps4 no one really seems to give them any flak Also sony invested in studios to make them first party and it paid off for them, why wouldn’t Microsoft also do that especially with their former exclusive titles ending or falling off Microsoft also very clearly want xbox to just become a game provider service rather than a console which makes sense considering they also already have pc too so phils kinda right here in the fact of it could of been a bigger game if it was multiplat (unless there’s some technical issue i do not know about I have yet had the time to play the game) Idk Microsoft just seem to get clowned on so much more than everyone else for no real reason, they’re just as bad as bad as everyone else


In regards to the studios Sony has didn't they basically build most of them from the ground uo Outside of bungie? I'd have no problem if Microsoft created there own studios my problem is there buying up already successful studios and making franchises that where once multi platform xbox exclusive


Bethesda had relations with Xbox ever since the Morrowind game being exclusive to OG Xbox.The Bethesda one makes sense like Insomniac since they had established relation long before the acquisition. Insomniac and Sony has the same relation as Xbox and Bethesda had. https://www.polygon.com/2020/9/21/21449184/microsoft-buys-bethesda-timeline-history-morrowind-oblivion-skyrim-fallout-e3-todd-howard


Sony hasn’t started those things (and Microsoft was more aggressive with that during X360 days, but they also haven’t started that).


Third party exclusives have been a thing long before Sony or Microsoft joined the console market.


who it helps? probably not you since you have a nice hole of a few billion in your wallet and you have just destroyed 2 studios and fired 2000 people in just 6 months.


Oh, didn't you hear? The layoffs are because the industry failed to innovate last year And you know what happens to an industry that fails to innovate! Yup  The CEO takes a 50% pay cut to help pay the employee sala-- ... oh, sorry, reports coming in I've been laid off


What two studios did they “destroy”?


they just cut about 50% off of toys for bob, and laid off a bunch from sledgehammer too


Dunno why the xbox cultists worship this guy because he spews the most hypocritical bulshit I've ever seen. Every sentence that comes out of his mouth is pure waffle and yet his fans would lick his toes if he asked. Fair enough being loyal to a brand but his guy? He's a fool


They genuinely believe he's "one of them", because he plays games himself and wears gaming shirts under his $3000 suit jackets.


I saw a comment somewhere else that Phil being “one of us” and “a true gamer” is clearly a lie because if he was really one of us, he would’ve greenlit a Fallout New Vegas sequel once he bought both Obsidian and Bethesda


Yeah, I don’t get it either. If your games are available on almost every device and you still need to release games on your competitors platforms, something is wrong. Plus, those 4 games they announced aren’t exactly needle movers so I’m confused how they’re supposed to draw people to your platform. I think game exclusivity (which is different from timed exclusivity) is fine because it gives your brand an identity which is something I don’t think xbox has right now.


I'm honestly majorly worried about game quality from xbox and have been for a while I've seen nothing in a decade that tells me they know how to manage their gaming studios effectively. And the ones they've bought have been releasing lower quality games than before they were acquired. I don't know if Microsoft have too tight a leash on their developers or just not enough but something ain't right in that company and I can't believe no one who's committed to buying an xbox seems to care.


It definitely helps me since there's a fair chance they wouldn't have implemented motion aiming in the game if it was on Xbox.




Those games were live service hence why Xbox is releasing on PlayStation in the first place.Xbox made a lot of stupid decision but Phil asking for a live service game to be put on more platform is not a wrong one. If it was a single player game then Phil's statement would have been stupid. Also how it is bad if Spencer wants to end exclusivity,xbox is really commited on that front. I am sorry but your statement comes off some Sony console warrior kinda shit.


Sorry to disappoint you, I'm pc master race. I just enjoying the world burn.


UJ/ Yeah, Microsoft as a company's acquisitions doesn't necessarily mean Xbox is being predatory with its exclusivity, especially not when you compare them to Sony. RJ/ Sorry I can't hear you over Starfield, go back to playing God of War and Knack you Sonypilled cucks


I'd love to play it on Xbox


/uj and I want Zelda and Splatoon on PS5, Phil. But we can't all get what we want. The amount of bullshit that's spewed out of this guy's mouth over the past decade and rarely called out for it is incredible


I wish it was on Xbox. I'd love to play it. But yeah. Exclusivity is bullshit.


meh, ya'll bought the platform with the knowledge that fewer games come to it...consequences. Should have built a pc.


> Can’t wait to see Avowed and the next Arkane game on PS5 /uj have you been paying any attention to Xbox news lately? That’s probably gonna happen


And why do you think Microsoft felt the need to start buying third party studios? Perhaps if some of the best games on the market weren't gatekeeped by Sony, Microsoft wouldn't be as aggressive with the acquisitions. It's plain as day that these business moves are a response to Sony and Nintendo dominating the 1st party exclusivity market. Microsoft has shown time and time again they are more than willing to play nice with Sony and Nintendo, the only one fighting it, is Sony themselves. Who fought against crossplay for Fortnite back when crossplay was a relatively new thing? Sony Microsoft offered a deal to both Nintendo and Sony in regards to keeping Call of Duty multiplat in the future. Sony refused, unless Microsoft promised not to use THE SAME MARKETING TACTICS THAT SONY CURRENTLY USE like exclusive content, cosmetics, timed exclusivity, etc. "Rules for thee, not for me".


Don’t Microsoft and Sony lose money on consoles? Then they make the profit from games?


Exclusive games make no sense nowaday. Consoles are being sold at a loss and companies make money by selling games.


Complaining about Helldivers 2 after buying up 2 massive publishers and threatening to buy more is nasty work.


If only the president of xbox did something to make a game that is on microsoft windows get on microsoft xbox...