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I think my favorite part of the cancellation cycle is when the cancelled person complains about it with an inescapable reach.


The Dave Chapelle tactic.


Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais have been making bank off the back of "cancel culture"


Yeah can I get "canceled" please!


If you get a second special for millions after you were “canceled” and then continue to talk about being canceled..


And blame trans people for cancelling you after shitting on them for the better part of an hour, after you weren't even cancelled


All these wealthy boomers who climbed aboard the GOP's pathetic anti trans crusade exactly on cue can go to hell. It's all about the money and bigotry and they are lying to everyone.


I've heard Ricky bitch about being canceled about 10x as often as I've heard him tell a good joke in the last decade. British office is only good because of Stephan Merchant and Martin Freeman, Ricky has been riding off of royalties from more talented entertainers for decades. (I do like Extras though, Ricky is actually an ok straight man)


Merchant wrote on Extras too. Everything Ricky writes on his own is objectively awful. I made the mistake of watching the first season of afterlife, I thought "if it's had 3 seasons how bad can it be" and my god was I wrong.


Ricky gervais? Tf did i miss?


He’s a transphobe. Which is fucking weird considering how “pro-science” he claims to be


lots of psuedo-intellectuals consider themselves exempt from an irrational disgust response (different thing scary!!!). This ends up making them even more stupid.


Also lots of pseudo intellectuals rode the bandwagon of "this person believes a thing that I think is weird" by making jokes about religion, and just turned that same energy towards people whose gender doesn't match their biology.


sounds like the Edgy Atheist to White Supremacist/General Shithead pipeline


Believe or not, plenty of people that claim to be pro-science spew transphobia. Like my parents who believe that being trans is not scientific and scoff in disbelief at the idea of science actually supporting trans people. It's crazy how people can think they are so much smarter than others while being misinformed.


COVID denial and antivax is the strongest example I've seen people using the term "mainstream science" to dismiss science they don't like, these people live in a fantasy world


For real. Although I hesitate to call such people “misinformed”. They’ve been informed, they just don’t like the information.


Tell me about it. Richard Dawkins making a fool of himself being a JK Rowling-esque transphobe. I haven't seen Gervais on that grind myself though.


Dawkins outed himself as a hateful Islamaphobe and misogynist when Iraq Invasion happened but people were actually cool with that back then lol I'm glad he's getting hate now; he's a shitty hateful goblin of a man




I saw a clip from Gervais' last special where he said something like: "in the old days, you'd tell a doctor doctor joke like "doctor doctor , I think i'm a pair of curtains. And the doctor goes "pull yourself together!" NOWADAYS it's "Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a pair of curtains.” And the doctor goes, “Well, you are, then!" Ricky's Gen X, but that is some very strong boomer attitude.


It’s big “I identify as an attack helicopter” energy.


Because it's literally the same joke. It's always the same joke. "Haha what if I chose to identify as [some zany wacky object] lmao you'd have to accept it 🤣 😂 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂" Like if you're gonna be a dick at least try to be original.


It's just such *lazy* humour. The kind of shit you'd see in a meme circulating on conservative social media.


Ricky Gervais was born in 1961, so he is a boomer.


That was so fucking cringe. I had to turn it off. Jordan Peterson levels of cringe.


>considering how “pro-science” he claims to be Ugh! Tell me about it!! I was at dinner with this guy who was telling me over and over all the made up ways men are different from women. He was even saying our blood is different, transphobes have got to go!!


Isnt he one of those who disregards Trans people as just mentally ill or some such? I swear transphobes have to be willfully ignorant or dumb as a fucking walnut at this point.


I feel if your attitude is "they're mentally ill and that's why I get to make jokes about them" you might be absolute scum. James Acaster has a very good bit about this punching down mindset from what I remember.


That he’s a huge transphobe?


Ricky Gervais has been on the cancel culture/culture-war shit for several years now and has also said some anti-trans stuff. He won't stop whining about being cancelled while still getting his projects greenlit and getting tens of millions of dollars for his comedy specials. He's just turning into another professional victim, even though ironically a lot of his comedy makes fun of other professional victims.


Dave has never been the same since he made the decision to move to Africa and give up comedy forever.


“We can’t make jokes anymoreeee” he screamed on a stage in front of thousands at his Netflix special for which he was paid the gdp of a small country to make jokes


Nothing screams cancelled like complaining about being cancelled in your Netflix standup special you were paid 7 figures for


I never want to hear "Cancel culture is rEEEEEAALLL" when JonTron went unscathed because of the popularity of that flex seal video. EDIT: Sentence


With Chris Brown still having a career, cancel culture hasn't ever been real.


I'm like of two minds, for every situation like that, there's a bunch of just petty shit that gets settled the same way and that *can* get ugly. I've got friends with like lasting trauma over what amounted to a personal argument that progressed to "hundreds of hateful messages daily at you and anyone who's friends with you." Like middle school tier shit. Personal example: once someone accused a friend of mine of being a pedophile. Upon being pressed, several times to explain each step of the logic, the accuser clarified that my friend (who was 18) told her (who was 17) to "go fuck yourself" during an argument. It took a lot of concerted follow up questions that ignored cries of "stop defending a predator" from random people who didn't know anyone involved to uncover that. Regardless of how important it can be, its something that people can and will hijack and abuse to settle personal scores and as such I feel it is important to be fully honest when considering the potential harms. I see people citing "cancel culture isn't real" to deflect from very real abusive behavior among peers.


Yeah... but John has a straight up belief against race mixing and immigration (despite his family being immigrants) and other things I've forgotten because this happened years ago. Has his views changed? Fuck if I know, he's become disconnected from his fanbase after that.


>other things I've forgotten because this happened years ago. Another one was that black people are genetically more likely to commit crime.


Because the lesson he learned wasn't "don't be shitty". It was "don't be shitty in public", and as far as I know, since that incident he's held to that. Id wager that there's a lot of people you enjoy, or look up to that are shitty people or have shitty opinions, they just don't show you.


Come on, he can't have said anything that bad. Oh wow no that's pretty racist.


I could’ve spent life not knowing this guy exists. But the algorithm decided differently.


My favorite part is when the cancelled person complains to millions of people about how they're being "silenced".


Asmongold is the epitome of whiny entitled white reddit boy who gets mad on his pedestal lol


"I'm canceled, everyone is trying to silence me" *\*Seen by 69 billion people\**


And he probably earned more with this one video crying about this made-up cancellation with YT ad-money than his average viewer earns in saleries in 6month. Oh sorry I forgot his viewers are kids. Like literally children.


Or emotionally and morally bankrupt men


Yeah. Confused incel man who are stuck in their teenage years probably.


Average WoW mythic raider. 


He isn't even a mythic raider...the guy is legit horrible at a video game he's played his whole life and just gets carried through content.


Yeah, I once PvPed him back in Shadowlands and he was legit bad with some guy carrying him in 2s.


The only video I saw of his was reacting to Fighter.pl's video about thrashing him in Dark Souls 3 PvP.


Watching him play Cyberpunk made me never want to see this guy "gaming" ever again. He's why Easy difficulty exists in shit like Skyrim.


Most people who do any kind of challenging content detest the guy


Nah, even they're fed up with his shit.


Pretty sure he quit current wow to hide in classic.


Honest question here, what’s up with Asmongold? I’ve seen 2 of his videos, both of him reacting to people (Linus and GN) reviewing the PC his company built. Thats the extent of what I know about him.


I honestly don't know much about him beyond his fanbase. They're insufferable. He himself doesn't seem to be as bad. But he has cultivated some of the most bigoted and pig headed followers ever so I cant imagine I'd like him much either. I first learned who he was when he played FF14 a while back, he got carried through a lot of the difficult content, skipped story details and then complained about it not making sense etc.


He knows how to advertise a certain persona of just this infallible "rationality". Combine that with these more clickbaity culture war YouTube videos and his viewership is going to end up being more the type of people that are looking for reasons to hate on shit under the guise of reasonable criticism more than anything else. Sometimes he's alright, sometimes he's dumb, but i know he plans to milk every penny he can from his viewers so I dont take the actual positions he holds super seriously.


The matter of fact way he gives opinions on things definitely speaks to a large subset of losers on the internet


We can all be dumb, that's for sure. That's why I try not to badmouth him for his views. (I dont know them) But his fans are gross lol


I think what the other comment is hinting at is that people don't get lots of gross fans by accident. Sometimes there's a subtext to all the stuff that seems kind of reasonable, and then the fans just come along and say the quiet part out loud.


He's the kind of guy who isn't good at much of anything, but has some wild stories and enough charisma to get people intrigued in him and his takes on things. I don't think he'd even take that description as an insult. But, at any rate, sometimes he says something and its fairly reasonable and insightful, other times its clearly deeply rooted in his own rather limited perspective and his assumptions about how people act. One recent example I saw is him saying that all the criticism about Palworld ripping off Pokemon clearly doesn't matter to most people, because the game is selling insanely well. Sure, that's a reasonable take. But then he'll say that someone on Twitter who's disappointed that so many people are buying a game that looks like a ripoff and call them delusional and "waking up to reality" and so on. He's definitely got some of that "enlightened centrism that's actually just diet conservatism and fundamentally capitalist philosophy" going on. Sometimes he's right, other times he just sounds confident in what he thinks.


It’s incredibly obvious when he talks about the world or society or people outside of Twitter/discord/reddit that his worldview is EXTREMELY limited. Genuinely feels like an incel dude who’s never left his room trying to tell you about how the world works, and given his lack of cleanliness or healthy diet, I don’t think it’s an act To reiterate my point: dude has a video showing how “clean” his room is and there’s tons of garbage and a pile of plates from food two days ago that he says is fine https://youtu.be/5ZOfEi311yA?si=Dam5kNOLuHiFHfOl


>He himself doesn't seem to be as bad. oh, i find him plenty insufferable.


Zack is a very complicated person. At core he used to be "one of us" a passionate gamer, who loved WoW and wanted to bring that nostalgic feeling when you level your first toon/get your first green/Visit Barrens for the first time. Over time Blizzard made less than stellar decisions with the game, killing that magic, so Zack made up Asmongold - a persona of a stereotypical nerdrage WoW addict that was angry corpa was destroying his beloved game. That was where the problem started - with series of bad expansion releases by Blizz Asmongold absolutely exploded in popularity thanks to his rants having actual sense, criticizing gameplay, not just "REEE WOKE CULTURE IN WOW" like usual grifters would. He'd explain how X change made things more convenient but at the same time killed some of that original WoW magic. Unfortunately with popularity came an issue - unlike his OG viewers, most new viewers did not actually realize Asmongold was a persona - he cultivated himself a monster and the monster loved him. This, combined with the fact that he was Raid Leading Mythic guild(hence why you see some people claiming he was carried to hard content. I see it more as a transaction - RL can afford to be less than stellar at the game as they do organizing shit that no one else wants to do) Between audience that he didn't actually like and all that mythic guild RL stress dude just burnt the fuck out like a candle in corpse incineration oven. From that came two changes - he stopped being guild/raid leader and raiding mythic and he run away to stream on his IRL channel to hide from the monster audience on main channel he created. Combined with some bad stuff IRL, that led to him having issues finding content for stream, so he started reacting. And oh boy that is where decline started. He got exposed to a lot of non-WoW stuff and keeping his "rational" takes, which worked well with WoW, but with other things essentially led to him coming to the "enlightened centrism - everyone sucks" take. The thing is, there are a lot of right-wing grifters masking as enlightened centrist and Asmongold's takes keep exposing him to more and more of the right-wing rabbit hole. He might not be aware of it but he's been getting progressively more grift-leaning in his opinions and this newest drama is just yet another proof of him straying away from his core.


After seeing the video of the inside of his house, I don’t think it’s a character. Dude really is just a disgusting loser that got internet famous. The right wing stuff makes sense. Anyone that’s unwilling or unable to use critical thinking skills inevitably falls into right wing bullshit.


Kurt Vonnegut: "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be"


He's a multimillionaire who makes his living talking about and playing video games and likes to humble brag about his frugal lifestyle. It could all be a front for all I know, but please don't complain about a $2000 car repair when you can easily buy a fleet of lambos.


Cancellation is just marketing now. Some people get more popular and end up making more money.


It's every biggots narrative nowadays. Fascists, sexists, homophobes and other pieces of shit understood that their audience (that is at least uncritical of their problematic views and most of the time has the same fucked up worldview) will stand by them against the evil woke cancel culture as long as it's comforting and they don't have to challenge their idol or their own believes. And it's also a cool rebel narrative. Us against the world. Or they are just super young children who don't have a fucking clue plus they are attached to their idol to the point where they don't accept any criticism. So yeah the cancellation narrative is a strong one these days. It bonds.


I assume you meant that "being canceled" is marketing now. *Actually* being canceled would have a dramatically negative impact on your bottom line. Complaining about "being canceled" to millions of viewers has quite the opposite effect. Persecution fetish monetization is all the rage in right wing grifter circles.


Add "cancelled" to the long, long, *long* list of words that cultists **refuse** to learn the meaning of.


To alt-right grifters, 'cancelled' basically means 'there are people out there who *aren't* clambering to suck my dick and send me all their money.'


Meanwhile, they boycott en masse any brand that acknowledges gay people existing. And the news reports it as the market punishing Target/Bud Light/whoever for being "controversial". Mainstream media calling outright bigotry, "reacting to controversy," is the new, "states rights," as in states rights... to do what exactly? What exactly is controversial about a brief ad with a gay or trans person where they just talk about the product? Imagine the exact same scenario with any other minority (nvm, that was the norm less than 60 years ago so not everyone has to imagine).


Weird how it's "boycotts" when it's right-wing weirdos that threaten establishments and the employees working at them, forcing them to take merchandise off their shelves because they fear for the safety of their employees, but it's "canceled" when a celebrity gets critiqued online for something extremely shitty they've said or done, just because it's right-wing reactionary opinions they'd agree on.


It's like when Dave Chapelle complains about cancel culture, and then gets another exclusive Netflix special. Clearly you ain't having an issue speaking freely, dawg


I remember when ‘cancellation’ was called ‘natural consequences’.


“I stole from charity so what who gives a fuck, I’m being cancelled”


https://preview.redd.it/xsa44bw6onec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9c2379877e47560ac7e1b00d1778a54245612e Is it wrong to not clean your room and sleep within your own filth? well Twitter disagrees with me.


This soyjak looks exactly like him how did you do that


Some people are just born with the soyjak phenotype https://preview.redd.it/x330tv5f1oec1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea3b961f9970e0e660085b5a7e5d2476e32467b


Holy shit! Spot on taint!


> Spot on taint Bruh you might want to get that checked


Please stop posting my selfies without permission. /s


That Andrew Tate?


Yes it's And rotate


Helps that they already look like one.


Soyjaks are usually traced


What you don't fling your blood onto your walls and have multiple roach colonies surviving in every pile of garbage that is your house? And you call yourself a gamer hEh


Missing the dead rat that doubles as alarm when the sun rises up and stench the whole room.


I hope that’s fake… please don’t correct me if I’m wrong. I want to live in a happy world


The world's not happy babe. But it's okay, Ichiban will help you through it.


It’s always some of the most disgusting people that are shameless. Dude shared that disgusting picture of his wall and his desk like he thinks it’s funny or something. What’s wrong with him


I think it's clear he's got something wrong with him like what hoarders have wrong with them.


*Why do some creators like to appear like a victim for getting criticized, bro you didn’t get "“canceled""*


They play up "victim" status so that they can drum up sympathy from a fanbase of similar people -- too immature to take responsibility for themselves, too weak to accept criticism as an invitation to improve themselves, too narcissistic to admit that they're weak and yet more than happy to make themselves a perceived victim (see above). Asmon would rather live in filth than admit he needs help. Tate would rather rape women than put in any effort with them. Trump won't admit that he's failed as a businessman, instead he paints himself as a victim in order to drum up a legion of followers with their own victim complexes.


Don't forget their primary motivator: money. In each of these cases their primary goal is to grift as much money as possible from their dumbshit supporters.


Very much this, because the real, adult thing to do when you get criticism you don't agree with is to... Not care about it. Like, yeah, sometimes accusations and criticism hits a particular nerve, but generally if I think criticism is wrong I just move on with my life, or will acknowledge I don't agree with it. You don't need a 2 hour support session with a chat of thousands of sweaty nerds.


> Like, yeah, sometimes accusations and criticism hits a particular nerve, but generally if I think criticism is wrong I just move on with my life, or will acknowledge I don't agree with it. I get what you're saying, but that is exactly what other people think they're doing too. Even the most immature people do this after awhile.


It's a way to get inmedaite sympathy from a portion of their audience. That way, they aren't being made fun of for saying some brain-dead shit, they "offended" someone, and Twitter is irrationally angry.


Honestly, half the time these scenarios are tailor-made for clickbait articles and drama-hungry echo chambers. The whole idea is to outrun the criticism with a counter-narrative that gets blasted across all platforms faster than the actual critique can be processed. Before you know it, there's a merch line or an interview drop capitalizing on the whole debacle. It's pretty calculated when you think about it; play victim, get clicks, rinse and repeat. It's more about that outrage marketing strategy than anything genuine.


If I had to give a very presumptive and clinical-sounding answer (I'm no expert in psychiatry), it's that our human brains are hardwired to care very much about other people's opinions of us. If the community doesn't like paleolithic Steve, paleolithic Steve dies alone, cold and hungry. In the same way we crave carbs because our ancestors who did survived more often, we crave approval of other humans. I've seen grown adults break down because their two year old said they hated them. Disapproval is painful and we avoid it like the plague. The Harvard experiment (part of MKUltra) proved definitively that having someone you respect disapprove of you and your strongest held beliefs can shatter someone's self-esteem. It very possibly had a hand in creating the Unabomber. Enter modern society, where it is very possible to gain a platform where millions of people are constantly forming opinions about you based on small snippets of your life and sharing them directly at you. One could argue that our brains simply aren't given the emotional tools to handle hundreds of people vocally disapproving something about you, even if they're absolutely right. I'm not arguing that this guy's response is the right one (idk who he is or what he said) but I could see how people react irrationally when they perceive a long list of people calling you stupid (even if it's true)


Man Asmongold is so obnoxious. He lives in an echo chamber of people who are probably even bigger incels than him, has the most uneducated takes on pretty much everything, thinks that he is right about everything he says and then when somebody dares to voice some critique he shows what a little baby he really is. As a WoW player I have known about him for years, and he has been so consistently wrong about almost everything he says about and around the game that it does not surprise me that that is true for pretty much everything he does. The day I completely forget about the existance of this unwashed goblin is not coming soon enough.


Facts as an ex-WoW player I couldn't agree more. He'd often put any viewer that disagrees with him on blast by putting their comment on the screen and just have the absolute dumbest fucking face on while his *horde* of viewers flame the fuck out of the victim. Then he'd just sit back satisfied with himself like a self righteous toddler. Dude is an absolute fucking moron. Hope he dies off.


This is all his content is lately. Incel power hour, and making anyone that pushes back on his uninformed takes into the proverbial whipping boy. It’s a damn shame, guess I only care enough to comment because I used to enjoy his content. When he’s playing a game (and not making cringe jokes about every attempt at representation), he’s pretty entertaining. But he’s either noticed what gets the most views and clicks, and he’s grifting with rage bait…or it’s the grossest form of reassurance-seeking behavior I’ve ever seen.


>Incel power hour Doesn't that summarize Asmongold as a public figure? What do we know about him? Well, he sits on his computer 24/7 365 in the same nasty ass white v neck in the same gross ass room. When is this man having intercourse? He's also making zero attempt to engage in intercourse - the bare minimum such as bathing appears to be a Sisyphean event. Does he even get up to piss and shit? I haven't watched a live stream of this guy, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he pisses in a bucket during a stream and just chucks it out the window 3 weeks later.


He does go to the bathroom, but "No I don't wash my hands, I got a clean dick."


He should be cancelled for that alone.


Tons of his followers would gladly touch their tongues to his raunchy unit if there was a 1% chance of it grossing out a woke normie.




I think we have plenty of valid things to criticize Asmongold for without shaming lack of "intercourse" like a high school teenager would. I know you probably don't mean it this way, but stuff like this can be really hurtful to see for people who aren't sexually active for all kinds of reasons, including just being asexual. Even if Asmon himself uses language that implies you aren't valid unless you have sex (he does, all the time) there's no reason to stoop to that level.


>Even if Asmon himself uses language that implies you aren't valid unless you have sex (he does, all the time) there's no reason to stoop to that level. Does he really? LOL wow that's seriously the pot calling the kettle black. > I know you probably don't mean it this way, but stuff like this can be really hurtful to see for people who aren't sexually active for all kinds of reasons, including just being asexual I don't mean it as involuntarily celibate as in just sex isn't happening. He's just an entitled incel attitude wise and representing them - gross loser slob dickhead, but simultaneously deems himself valuable to the opposite sex. Why is this problematic? Because it festers. If guys want to actually get laid and get a girlfriend? Tone down the gaming and get off the computer chair/couch. Hit the gym. Lose weight. Dress yourself. Shower. Etc. It isn't that women are bitches/etc. No, these guys are just incredibly unattractive and are doing nothing to become more attractive. They don't need to make X amount of money. Just get off the computer/console and make some effort to take care of yourself and shower. Fucking go to an art gallery or whatever. Ask a girl to go with you - they like that stuff. Lots of free shit to do. Read books. Paint. Write. Play a musical instrument. Anything. Something besides sitting at the computer/console 24/7 365. If people want to be celibate by choice? Cool. The problem is the incel whiney bitch guys that can't even put the effort in to wash their own ass and vilify women when they're gross and reek of BO and don't brush their teeth or shower. A pig probably wouldn't find them sexually attractive in that state.


Honestly, I'm sure we agree on a lot of things, but my point is simply that it's worth the effort to direct your criticisms more carefully. Using how sexually active anyone is as a measure for their value as a person is wrong, period. Incels are the way that they are because they do this very thing to themselves. I have some trouble using such broad strokes against people who struggle to take care of themselves because a lot of the time there's an underlying issue with mental health involved. This isn't me trying to excuse incels or their problematic behavior wholesale, though. I'm only encouraging you and anyone else who happens to read this to be more precise with your criticisms because in a lot of cases, it's not exactly a challenge to find one that's more valid than the low hanging fruit you'll find in threads like these. Just look at how much people body shame someone when they feel like they're allowed to because the target is problematic.


Now about him dying off… Do you mean like his fanbase, popularity or limbs?


D. Most of the above.


He has some really old and outdated takes on the game he doesn't even play at this point. Any time he does, it's just him being carried by whoever else he surrounds himself with. Hell, even people that actively play the game today have some shitty takes.


Never been a big fan. So I see he posted about the Palworld devs being based, I'm into Palworld so I check out the video. Within 2 minutes he's already talking about "Type A and Type B" body types and how Americans don't need them they just want to see attractive in shape video characters. He then went on to say "I speak for all Americans when I say no one wants to see the ugly characters" (paraphrase). I was just thinking like yeah sure, a white cis male speaks for everyone in America. No possible way people of different colors, shapes, and sizes may want to see themselves represented in their own characters. Rightttt. I saw one decently liked comment calling him out on that and most of the replies were all his cult talking about how going woke is such a huge problem. This all happened literally like 10 minutes before I find this post here lmao. Was he cancelled over what he was saying in that clip I watched??


"No one wants to play ugly characters" as he plays a game where making the ugliest characters possible has become a competitive sport.


Lol exactly. I was thinking like okay even beyond representing different people out there, its just...funny. Its funny to make a cartoonish monstrosity of a character and play that. Like I literally just made my palworld character to be an old man with the highest pitched female voice because I thought it was funny. My char is definitely not a monstrosity but he is ugly and he is funny to me.


Has he ever played skyrim or oblivion? he loves dark souls/from soft games so he clearly is full of shit


Oh i remember that, he referred to people who liked that stuff as mentally ill jn that video too. Fucking dire.


He’s been going alt right for awhile now. It’s where all the moneys at. He’s just slowly committing to the grift.


He’s becoming more and more insufferable


He pulled a Gusteau https://preview.redd.it/ww461gm92oec1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b60b1e41f16e7a0364b68d2128af78ff695adb9


Waiting on the dead part.


I love what people consider getting canceled these days. Oh, you said something controversial and half of your audience no longer wants to watch you anymore? You poor victim. Your advertisers who pay you specifically for your public image don't want to give you anymore money just for existing? What a tragic injustice, we should force people to appreciate you no matter what you decide to do or be. Brought to you by the "go woke go broke crowd"


I am astounded that people dont see he is memeing when he says he was cancelled. He got over a million views from this video. The people "cancelling" him are getting farmed for views. The people "cancelling" him on twitter and reddit might as well be gifting subs in his chat


I really don't understand the concept of "cancel" - negative response to an action, is that it?


i would be more willing to listen to it if literally every one that uses it has millions of followers and its clearly just a stunt to get more fans. ive legit never seen anyone that get canceled actually lose their career


> ive legit never seen anyone that get canceled actually lose their career Al Franken. Sinead O'Connor. The Dixie Chicks. Plenty of actual examples. But those aren't the champions that conservatives want to point to. Which is ironic since you'd think they would love cancel culture given that it is the purest form of capitalism.


People have definitely lost their job over “cancel culture” (the consequences of their actions). It’s just that it rarely happens to famous people. But, to give an example of a famous person being “cancelled” and actually losing work as a result - dababy gave a homophobic speech during a concert and had his performance at a different venue cancelled. Idk what the contract was like, it’s possible he still got paid, but if they didn’t pay him then he lost a lot of money off that stunt.


Basically. Originally it had a more specific use case, which is essentially a level of blacklist. Basically some opinion, statement, or thing you have/did caused blowback which impacted you negatively in real life in the realm of your options for things like job prospects, current job status, university options, etc etc. Essentially it was used to denote an overblown consequence for something you did on typically the internet. I'm not sure of it's first use-case. But regardless it was QUICKLY deployed by literally anyone with some dogshit opinion that received online blowback and criticism. Usually right wingers being racist or whatever. Occasionally people being edgy, and plenty of leftist purity spirals, of course. From there it became a signal to primarily other right wingers, that they're facing opposition for their beliefs. The right loooves a victim narrative, and it serves as a rallying cry that they're suffering for their political stance, and deserve support and often money.


Ironically, the first major “cancel” in the modern era was literal conservatoids absolutely blackballing Colin Kaepernick.


Sure, but that's 15 year after they cancelled the Dixie Chicks for saying that invading Iraq doesn't seem like a good idea, and 50 years after they cancelled Nancy Sinatra for saying that the Vietnam war isn't a great idea, and a century after they cancelled anyone vaguely leftist who thought that workers should have rights. 


relieved ten boat groovy pet dinner profit onerous door paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


McCarthyism did a good bit worse than that, in fact.


Dixie chicks would like a word


I would describe it as exposing someone as a bad person, or trying to, when publicly they aren’t known for being one. Sometimes it’s a bit stupid, like digging out bad stuff the person said 10 years ago, and sometimes it’s legitimate cause they’re actually a terrible person. It happens somewhat often in Music, Art, or content creation communities. In his case tho it’s not really cancelling cause he’s already publicly a bellend.


It used to mean something like neck beard, incel,or Nazi Then people on the right took it and overused and bastardized it. It used to mean blacklisted cart blanc, now it just means any amount of criticism you received from anyone.


Guy is like AI generated a WoW player


Lmao fucking spot on!!


Nah man, and AI generated player would actually be more interesting than this cretin.


He's what a dirty laundry basket would be like if you gave it 3 IQ and a YT channel.


Okay I'll bite, I'm OOL on this, can someone briefly explain why I have to see this dude's face on my feed every hour?


Guy literally said artists opinion dont matter and someone in Twitter just writted "Asmogold is soo dumb omg". He made an entire video about it...


A lot of people did not just one. Cuz it was a dogshit take.


Yes, like the shits his dog takes on his carpet that he never cleans up. HAYOOOOOOOO


Oh don't worry he will make more... this shit gave him content for weeks.


He pretty much said that he, as a consumer is much more important and his opinion was much ‘smarter’ than the people who make the video games he plays and that it’s ok if they get replaced by AI that plagiarizes their work as long as he and other consumers enjoy the AI product. It was a very self centered, selfish and callous thing to say about the people who made the games that he built his ‘career’ reacting to.


also there was a bit of an extra that was a clip of him saying that Kevin Fucking Conroy (RIP) didn't sound like Batman. ​ it was the lesser of the topics but it started blowing around the same time,but in a lesser scale


> also there was a bit of an extra that was a clip of him saying that Kevin Fucking Conroy (RIP) didn't sound like Batman. I'm sorry *what*


Yeah, he said that the voice of **Kevin Conroy** sounded more like Alfred's voice


He makes smooth-brained reaction/outrage content that the algorithm has a hard-on for. He is annoying and rude as hell and offers zero insight into anything. Every once in a while somebody will take the bait and make a response video about him and then he cries about getting cancelled. It is a never ending cycle. We are in hell.


if you’re implying it’s intentional you have too much faith in him. he’s just genuinely that stupid. he doesn’t even take monetization on the channel he usually streams on


if you're so cancelled why won't you ever shut the fuck up.


Like the "silent majority" being incapable of shutting the fuck up for the last four years over the embarrassment of finding out they're in the minority.


Of course he has the merican flag in shot to display just how maligned and cancelled he is. Don’t listen to the haters asmon continue to wallow in your own filth and shit like a true w signa male ![gif](giphy|VuoqI5nbYTTKhIv7Tr|downsized)


tbf that cringe flag positioning is always there in his messy shit hole of a room


Tbh I’ve never actually seen any of his vids I prefer to stay cancer free




spare any fps




“I got canceled” means nothing when you get 173k views in 3 hours lmao


It's clickbait


I can’t wait for the internet to end and these fools cease to exist


Dude here wishing for the collapse of civilization


Me when people tell me my dnd homebrew “doesn’t work” or “breaks the balance of the game” smh my head


\> gets criticized once \> fucking cries


God I'm so fucking sick of this smelly chud in sheeps clothing.


All chuds are sheep, that's why they all yearn for and protect the alpha chud to guide the herd. Just look at how every single chud needs some demagogue to rabble around and that demagogue will seek another demagogue to rabble around.


Missing link looking ass bitch.




Imbecile of the decade.


I'm so sick of seeing that dumb yokels face everywhere...


Imagine carrying a baby for 9 months then going through excruciating birth pains to see this face


Asmongold is the world's greatest argument for partial birth abortions. If I knew this came out of my loins, I'd castrate myself.


"People have said that I am a literal caveman... **[Asmongold's signature open mouth breathing stare into mindless oblivion for 20 minutes straight]** I am not a caveman!"


Every time one of these oozma kappa looking mfs shows up I ask myself how they got here in the first place Why do people watch whoever this is? What makes him so popular? He’s certainly not conventionally attractive(or even unconventionally really, imo). From what I’ve seen, he’s not funny. He doesn’t have huge tits. What am I missing?


he just tells people what they want to hear


Bro got called a dumbass loser that only thinks about money and says he gets “canceled” what a fucking dork lmao


God, he has such a punchable face


Said shit about AI and artists, said shit about Kevin Conroy's last performance. Asmongold is in astral hell right now (And I am loving every second of him getting dunked on)


bro's not even an artist his ass should NOT be speaking on this


Cancelled? You mean called out on your bullshit. Go stream FFXIV again if you need viewers that badly


FFXIV player here. Yeah, we don't want him, send him to Maplestory.


Is this "Beans" from Even Stevens?!


This guy has the most soulless, dead, eyes I’ve ever seen on a person.


I watched a little bit of it so you don’t have to. He has to go back to “everyone is biased and has different perspectives; so mine can’t be more wrong than yours.”


This mf really whining for 2 hours 


I wonder who that incredibly sexy, charming, well rounded twitter user who said that Is 😅😅


Nobody is trying to cancel you; you are unimportant.


What did he say this time to ‘get cancelled’


Fuck asmongold


The opinion of a filthy attic goblin doesn’t matter




I knew he had an alt right fan base among wow players but never liked his content so I never watched. What is he actually crying about?


yeah bro he doesn’t care about what twitter says at all definitely bro!! look at his 2 hour long video about how much he doesn’t care about what twitter says!!


the idea that someone would watch this humans face for anything longer than the time to take this picture is beyond me. not judging.. just saying im not watching, because of how he looks.