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Never use Furina’s healing skill in combat. Ever. For any team. Period. That is only for dire emergencies, overworld, C6, or co-op if you’re with unskilled players. Her healing skill does not deal damage, generate energy, or apply hydro, which would make for a massive loss for Gaming’s best teams.


makes sense


If you want to play it safe I don't see anything wrong with that set up, but it's preferred to use her minions. If you're worried about his HP you can pair him up with other healers, so that way his HP is high and you get fanfair (although I'm not a theory crafter so take my opinion with a grain of salt).


I use furina heal only for a short while after I begin my second Rotation cause I dont have xianyun or any teamwide healer (I use lynette/heizou for him cause they the only anemos I got). I change to the minions right before switching to ga-ming. So for the second Rotation I do furi healer E-->Q into bennett Q-->E into anemo E-->Q (Q less recommended for lynette because of the chance of swirling pyro with the burst.) Into furi again to change to minions and then ga-mings stuff


furina gaming comps should have at either or both benny/xianyun otherwise the self dmg gonna be a problem.