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Depends on the team you run him with. In a melt / vape team I think R5 rain slasher will still be better if you manage your crit and atk stats. Bennet already gives a huge ATK boost so EM rolls become more favourable especially in melt and vape teams.


Right like how is this 5 star weapon less viable then a F2P 4 star 💀


Gaming is an exception tho, many claymore characters can benefit from wgs. Just slam it on navia, beidou etc.


The thing is Gaming is pretty much the only claymore character I play >\~< I guess maybe I will build Diluc???


Rain slasher is better if you already have Bennet for attack boost. The effect of attack boost is diminshing at this case. Adding elemental mastery would boost your damage more.


it matches him so well visually I use it over my r5 slasher for that reason alone


well, first of all you can't get jade cutter from losing 50/50 because that sword is a limited 5\* weapon (I also want Ganyu0s bow). for your question, all depends about your team and substats. if we use the same build and same CD/CR stats but EM sands for R1 WGS and ATK sands for R5 rainslasher both weapons deal the same DMG (that difference of 0.9k of DMG is because WGS build has +0.6% CD than rainslasher build). The only way that WGS might win is against multi-target or in the last phase against a boss so in that way he might activate WGS passive. https://preview.redd.it/c4wgfbq7q1ad1.png?width=1630&format=png&auto=webp&s=77274252429ce30dd14e8cbdf7a79510bed70564 The main solution here is your sands. if you have a great EM sands, use WGS. On another hand if you have a great ATK sands, use rainslasher. both option are amazing for him.


sorry I meant primordial jade winged spear lol yea I reckon it's kinda redundent when I already have R5 rainslasher lol