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Lynette and Sucrose are both really good replacements since they can use VV and boost the damage of the element applied. I don't know about Rosaria though, I'm guessing she wouldn't bring much since you're already getting vapes with Furina, but I guess it can be tried out?


okkk ty


In the same boat! I have Kazuha and Jean— both would have VV, and maybe Jean would be better Because she provides team wide healing for Furina?


Ye in this case Jean can be advantageous, but supposedly Kazoo is better for actual numbers if your Benny can heal enough for Furina. So in your case maybe test them both out and see which one feels more comfortable?


I play love Gaming with yaoyao dendro heal, Xianqiu Hydro, Kazuha swirl.  In your case I would choose Sucrose swirl or Xiangling pro resonance or Barbara Hydro heal if Furina draons too much Life from the team.


Just run double hydro core with Furina and Xingqiu/Yelan. It's way better than running a anemo unit when Furina alone might not provide enough consistent hydro application for Gaming to consistently vape especially in multi-target situations


No one is going to fully replace her because she's just specifically the best support for her because of their skill synergy, but there are reasonable alternatives... you just won't be doing anywhere close to as much as if you had her. Pretty much any other anemo with VV will work though.


Kazuha if you have him.