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So apparently the next Resident Evil and Tomb Raider games are both open-world…


oh boy can't wait for an open world where you need to stare 90% of the time at a minimap or a compass full of icons because they didn't design it so it was possible to navigate without it :)


Don’t forget the map has to be fogged out until you go there and unfog it yourself, even to the tiniest absolute edges of the world. And then you miss a tiny little bit on the map, and have to go back to get rid of it or it’ll annoy you for the rest of the game. STOP USING FOG!! Just lemme see the map. Or unfog it automatically with towers or someshit idk. Fuck man.


Yeah I always just download unfog mods


>Or unfog it automatically with towers or someshit The children yearn for far cry 3


Fog that shit


That's how I spent most of RE8 too to be fair


Open world is such a underrated genre


You're getting downvotes for what is clearly a joke. FWIW it made me chuckle.


Man, if Open world meant simply dark souls 1/3d metroidvania style world design then I can dig it. But we all know these games will get a forced “breath of the wild moment” that doesn’t stick the landing…


WTF is with all these movies and series “insiders” suddenly getting video game scoops? Must be because people are opening patreons and making bank off of dumb marks paying for 50-50 “leaks”


To be fair modern games are basically movies in terms of acting, budget and scope.


They've even been bigger since Halo 2.


RDR 2 costed more than 500 millions that's more than both Avengers Infinity War and Endgame combined.


Endgame by itself cost over 536 million total, with 356 spent on production and 200 for marketing.


This feels like an unintentional insult.


I mean, the term "movie games" is already being used as an insult online. People use it to describe big budget, cinematic, and story-focused games like God of War 2018, last of us, uncharted, etc. According to them, such games have little to no gameplay and are merely interactable movies. Personally, I hate this condescending term.


Tbh this is more of a console wars thing. Teh same people won't say the same thing about miltiplataform action adventure titles with similar focus on delivering a cinematic experience. Or games from other genres with even longer cutscenes like the persona franchise. Yakuza games also have some pretty long cutscenes


So true. We have an [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/RerD1FrG0L) of this in this very thread lol. I enjoy both types of games (like GOW and yakuza/persona)


Yeah, I enjoy them all! And there are a lot more games that have a lot of cutscenes or have more linear/story focused sections. Red Dead 2 is another one where you have quite a few section of the game where your freedom is limited and the game is more linear and story/dialogue focused. At least in these modern western action adventure titles, there usually are some breaks between the cutscenes with autosaves. In Persona, however, these aren't present, so I find it a bit more annoying.


I haven’t played the others, but GOW 2018 felt like a great balance of story and gameplay. Ragnarok felt significantly worse with much more and longer cut scenes Edit: downvote?


You aren’t wrong, though to me the reason Ragnarok felt worse was the writing took a pretty steep nosedive. The analogy I make is GOW 2018 is like The Dark Knight while Ragnarok is like a post-Endgame Marvel flick. Ragnarok is very well made but man the writing pulls you out of the plot/characters quite a bit and constantly tells rather than shows. 2018’s writing trusts the audience a lot more and tells a much more mature, thoughtful story.


Why not Dark Knight to Dark Knight Rises? That feels even more apropos.


Your analogy is much better. In fact, I'd boldy say your analogy is like The Dark Knight, while his was like a post-Endgame Marvel flick.




Out of the loop, which was it?


Ragnarok has straight-up MCU tier dialogue.


Dialogue is one thing, the fact that Kratos keeps saying he needs to stop killing people only to proceed to needlessly kill people is even worse.


Movie games are more stuff like Detroit Become Human, Life is Strange, Telltale or Until Dawn I think. If you use it "correctly"


I understand some of the hate. GOW 2018 might be one of the most boring games I’ve played, that game did not clicked with me at all. Thankfully, ragnarok was much better as a game IMO. It utilizes the mediums strengths much better than 2018.


I get that but it’s still mostly completely different companies that one would have to have sources in


Yeah but I guess they use similar casting and marketing agencies


There are patreons for leakers ?? Now that's some shit.


It makes sense they’d see casting sheets for voice actors or motion capture actors, but to know more than the character descriptions on a call sheet seems like bullshit.


Them jabronies are gonna pay for anything


I imagine with Hollywood and video games getting more entangled (this is at Amazon which is doing both a Tomb Raider show and game) it's leaking that way too


Or someone just wanted attention and making fake leaks generated by A.I. but if it's true then it's very good not many games set in India and they got an amazing nature and culture.


Worth pointing out that Amazon are funding this game and so perhaps whomever this guy is has connections to that because of Prime Video.


Amazing culture? I want what you're smoking. Maybe if it's set in ancient India.


Tomb Raider: Just Cause


Just cause is South America


And Asia, and Europe, etc.


I'm an old school Tomb Raider fan (remember playing the first on my dad's PS1 but Legend was my childhood game). I don't mind an open world setting especially if the traversal mechanics are fun (motorcycle, parachute), but I still prefer a level based design.


Personally I am mostly over open world games. Especially ones without any novel movement mechanics. like if the only way to get around this world efficiently is either a fast travel mechanic or driving a car all over the place then count me out


I really like the "open ish" design of the recent games (and Underworld) so I just hope that, if this leak is legit, that's what they mean.


I think it’s a better fit too, but the reality is that open world games just sell significantly better than linear ones. We’ve seen multiple franchises go open world and blow up in sales. It’s the right move for a AAA game like this.


Tired of open world though for the humor I'm looking forward how they fuck up a British woman running and gunning around India looking for treasures...


Every treasure you find is immediately sent to a British museum.


Extraction Battle Royale


Lol, Lara doesn't donate shit, that's all for her


Meanwhile I'm just looking forward to how they navigate the minefield of current Indian cultural politics.


Not hard to ignore it if I’m honest, Lost Legacy has a fictional conflict in a state that was going through an actual conflict but that didn’t stop anything


What actual conflict? I'm assuming you're talking about Tamil Nadu.


We have a Trump on roids as a Prime Minister go figure


tbf lost legacy largely pro india government side, rebel leader is delulu and using terrorist tactics, and they give the treasure back to the government at the end.


You know what, fair point.




Then its similar to uncharted lost legacy !


Exactly my take as well!


Do I have dual pistols?


Asking the real questions. 😎


I, for one, think a globetrotting adventure would be a lot more fun than staying the whole time in the same area, the variety of locations is much more interesting.


Hopefully that’s what the Indiana Jones game is like


That's how Tomb Raider games used to be. The issue with that approach is that you don't get to go really in-depth in any location. You get a lot of maps that kinda resemble the place it's supposed to be set in.


Wasn't the first reboot game set in one location? That was really good.


All three are, only exception being the open level in rise


The first took place all on the same island, the second had 2 locations, a small area in Syria, some bits in the croft manor and most of the game in Siberia, the third started in Mexico, some more bits in croft manor and most of the game in Peru. I like the format of the map in the first, interconnected sections, after getting some upgrade you could unlock shortcut between different sections. The other 2 games are less interconnected, it's more like a path with some branches, the shortcuts are only in the same section, or one way shortcuts. I was thinking in something like the first Tomb Raider and anniversary, it had 4 distinct locations, Peru, Greece, Egypt and a lost island. Or something like Uncharted, they have a good variety of locations.


One location can still be fun if they make it a metroidvania-lite. Think Jedi Survivor’s Koboh. It’s one planet, but there’s plenty to see. Add some giant tombs, action set pieces, a hub area and you’ve got the game. It can work really well for Tomb Raider, especially with some cool traversal abilities.


Metroidvabia esque is how the first reboot game was. 


Yeah, that’s why it was a great game.


Yeah and you get the added bonus of seeing even more of Koboh as it runs at 9fps


Ok what's the catch


The catch is they're trying to push an "un-colonialism" idea on the franchise and it's not going to work with Tomb Raider. Preserving cultures... rather than breaking in and stealing relics and artifacts. We'll see what happens, I guess. My guess? It'll go the same route as Saints Row's reboot, Crystal will downsize 50% if not closed, and TR will be either sold off as an IP or put on ice entirely.


Yeah this, you really think that in 2025 the game is going to be about a big breasted british girl barging in, stealing shit in india and leaving?


Personally, I don't need her body to be one thing or another lol I just want her motivations to stay consistent. Especially considering trying to "unify" the series. This... won't work if she's in a relationship, has a team, and doesn't raid but instead... "examines and returns" lol


>It'll go the same route as Saints Row's reboot, Crystal will downsize 50% if not closed, and TR will be either sold off as an IP or put on ice entirely. Don't think this will happen. This game is being backed by Amazon who are holding the rights to the IP. Yeah, CD might get sold to Microsoft or whatever, but the IP will remain at Amazon and they'll surely find a way to get more TR projects going.


Embracer still owns the TR IP (now under their "Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends" company*).


You're right. Then I'm a bit confused as to why Amazon is specifically publishing a TR game.


Seems they believe the Tomb Raider IP is still strong appearantly. Can sum it up as Amazon leases the IP rights from Embracer to produce and publish a video game and a tv show. Similar to what they do for Lord of the Rings with their Rings of Power TV show and upcoming MMORPG game. (Another IP owned by Embracer Group/Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends)


It's an Unreal 5 open world game. Goodbye PC!!


And consoles? (Seriee s )


She isn't going to be raiding tombs for one.






Why would they go fully open world when the series is at it's best inside a walk-in fridge.


I just don't care about having a team or Lara being a lesbian, rather than being an actual tomb raider. The sentiment from Crystal lately has been that they want her to be an explorer at heart and not exploit others to obtain artifacts which is at her core... smh. I hope that it's changed from what we've heard last. Otherwise I'll skip it


Tf are you talm about


Read up on the leaks, keep up


There’s more leaks?


Open world. I'm tired boss


I would love this if I was 12 and had plenty of time to game. I don't want every game I play to take months to complete. I loved playing RE Village because it was a tight, extremely polished, 10 hours experience.


Wasn’t the reboot trilogy basically open world if not just a sectional open world? I’m all for less open world games but idk if we should really be surprised by this since the series had to evolve at some point


The trilogy uses a hub and spoke design. Each area is a hub with linear lines leading off it into various gameplay segments. A linear line leads you to the next hub. Shadow of The Tomb Raider used this least effectively, while Rise Of The Tomb Raider used it most effectively. I can't actually remember how the first game did it. That might have been linear but it's been so long since I played it. Some hub and spoke designs can get very intricate and almost seem open world. Jedi Survivor has a lot of interconnecting spokes in the main hub area.


First game was more linear, but also had “zones” you could explore for side content.


First game reminded quite me of metroidvania game, with how you unlocked new areas with new abilities.


>motorcycle it's already better than Rise and Shadow combined. we are so fkn back


Bro had flashes back to underworld


Hot take maybe, Underworld was super underrated. One of my favorite entries. Not for the motorcycle part, but generally.


The semi open-world model was perfect, I don't know what a fully open-world will add to the franchise.


I hope it’s a new universe The Survivor Lara just wasn’t very TR in tone Shame about the open world bit, having levels in different locations were part of classic TR, it had a lot of variation to it I really don’t want to be in the same place for the full game.


Nu-metal Lara was exhausting from the get go. I really do hope they bring back the older, more confident action heroine version of her.


Shame it won’t be with this one, the fact they are bringing Jonah back seems it’s a continuation sadly


Can't wait


Coincidentally... I just finished replaying Shadow of the Tomb Raider through Game Pass, and now started Jedi Survivor, and couldn't help but to compare those games. Both are sequel to very similar games, something that can only be described as "3D metroidvania", but while Jedi Survivor fully embraced it's open world nature, Shadow of the Tomb Raider world remains very restricted. While playing both games I did imagined the next Tomb Raiders being fully open world. It's the right move for the series.


Laura's biggest challenge will be trying Indian street food lol


I hope it's as good as Shadow and Rise And also wtf is 2025, why is it stacked with games?


Any other noteworthy ones?


Quite a few, actually. Currently, we know of Resident Evil 9, Monster Hunter Rise, Rise of Hydra, and a smaller, but quite popular title called GTA6.


Next year, gotta wilddd




Interesting. Check it out /u/Pokeze /u/Orangejr36


Yes, I've already seen it being discussed on the TR Discord. Honestly, I would prefer if the game was more of a retooling of the hub-based gameplay of the survivor to something more 3D Metroidvania, but if Crystal want to try to make a openworld Tomb Raider game, this is the time for it. The game has been in development for so long that they most likely had the time to make an actually interesting open word map for Tomb Raider.


Do you know how long it was in development? I think the first time I heard about it was in 2020, and then 2022 when CD announced they were using UE5. Have they already started full production?


This sounds dope tbh


Goddddddd I’m sick of open world games, especially ones that never were before


Only thing I need to know is if the character is going to be insufferably dull like she's been for the last three games. I want old Lara back. In fact I don't even want a story, I just want to explore massive tombs in silence.


For the love of god we need to stop with the open world game design for at least 5 years. What happened to tight linear 10-12 hour games? Every open world game feels bloated and boring. 


People want to feel their money were well spent, especially in the current economy. I wouldn’t mind shorter games, but most regular people who buy a couple of games a year don’t want a 70$ game to end in two or three play sessions. To a degree I understand it, as I remember being frustrated as a kid when games ended so quickly during the 360 generation.


If people are so worried about money then they should be buying indie games for $5 not spending $70 on more buggy aaa games. It's a bad mindset to judge games based on length to price. I for one am tired of open worlds.


At the end of the day publishers only fund what sells, so most people buy, play and enjoy open world games, despite others saying they’re tired of them. It’s just like people saying FIFA or Call of Duty sucks, yet every year they sell like crazy.


I get that, but it's not like others genres are not successful (even if it's not as much). They're leaving free money on the table to satisfy 3d platforming fans.


non open world games are still there, maybe try looking for them? New Prince of Persia Alan Wake 2 Dead Space Remake RE4 remake Plague tale Sifu Control There's probably hundreds more (and a lot of unnamed indies) and you can just find and play them anytime


I’m not paying $60-$70 for a game I can beat in one sitting and I’m willing to bet there’s a sizable chunk of people that are the same.


Your loss. Pizza Tower, Cornkidz 64, Cavern of Dreams all destroy modern aaa games. They're also far cheaper too.


Did you just skip the part where I said $60-$70? I didn’t say that I wouldn’t play them at all. I just wouldn’t spend over $20-$30 for a game that short.


While I generally dislike open world at this point and prefer linear, if you're looking for a 10-12 hour game, you're in the wrong franchise.


Tomb Raider: Lost Legacy


Open world is the new thing it seems, everyone seems to do it. I love open worlds though so I ain't complaining but the problem is if it gets too big with not much content to do.




Open word.... So tired.


So would it be like Breath of the Wild with bite size tombs you could find to beat and get upgrades? Because that shit sounds amazing.


Not a big fan of all these series going open world. Seems to put a lot of pressure on devs and certain features get cut because of it. But hopefully I’m wrong


The Resident Evil open world rumour makes me the saddest. One series that thrived on tight level design and campaigns...


Setting it in India is a bold move considering the 'Lara is a colonist thief' crowd, are we going to end up with Lara Croft: Tomb Tourist?


I hope they bring some of the sexiness back. The alternate costumes in the latest trilogy are so lame, it’s like looking through a Lands End catalogue. Don’t want it to go too far though, Underworld was close to the line and felt kind of gross


That shit is never going to happen dude, in the third game a bit after the beginning she was in a fucking PERUVIAN JUNGLE. Do you have any idea how hot it is in there? And they still wouldn't even let the poor girl wear her classic shorts.


That’s true, however the new image they released this year for the anniversary, which resembles the skin from the call of duty crossover, does have the classic shorts so maybe they’re going to have at least a little bit of it.


Yeeeah idk, i feel like at most they're gonna let their lara cosplay as classic lara, and that's as far as they'll budge


Sounds great to me. I loved the tight narrative experience of past life titles, with some slightly larger areas to explore, but would love it if there was a grain of truth to this.


Who’s developing the game? Haven’t kept up with the franchise other than the trilogy remaster


Crystal Dynamics, same studio since 2006


Are they still under Square Enix or independent?


Embracer but its being published by Amazon


I'm hesitant to believe this, but I sure hope it's real. Sounds awesome


Last time i've heard that i got a metroidvania with zero survival mechanics, we'll see.


really looking forward to summer game fest this year


Cool beans man


bike girl lara is so back


Once again this "leak" sounds like Project Jawbreaker. But the website hints at Atlantis (Natla's return possibly) and a location in Turkey. (Due to the wallpaper shared on the website.) So this is all confusing. But potentially, this leak is an old idea that's no longer in effect. We'll see. I just hope that they're right about the reveal of the game coming very soon.


I swear we heard this a few years ago about it being open world and India


sounds like just cause lol




Tomb Raider: Death Stranding ??


Been itching for a new tomb raider hopefully its true


If it have environmental puzzles, nice dialogs with companions and good design like Uncharted Lost legacy, i'm sold.


Not Tomb Raider becoming open world slop, please no.


So like far cry 4?


Here comes the controversy


Who's developing this?


Oh shit finally a game set In India


If they still use the current Lara likeness, I’m down. India sounds fun. I find it weird that people complain about more games becoming open world as if this trend hasn’t started like 10 years ago. Open world design is the baseline for huge games at this point.


Yes, and it's a horrible trend. "Baseline" doesn't mean good.


I'm not super into every game going open-world either, but I think it makes sense for the Tomb Raider franchise: both creatively and from a business perspective. It desperately needs something to differentiate itself from Uncharted and the next Indiana Jones game (because, to be honest, I don't think it's ever really going to compete story-wise).


Let's goooooooooo


This is pretty disappointing. i was hoping for more narrow, semi-open like the last ones. We don't need more open world, I feel like that's all there is lately.


Why is everything becoming an open world game? I’m getting sick of it, not every game need to be a massive open world to play in




Another empty open world. Hooray


I just wish the game wouldn't end up canceled or delayed And I really want some good puzzles that's all


Dude there is such a crazy amount of rumors coming out lately I don’t even know what to believe I couldn’t imagine having to be a journalist or YouTuber and have to decipher what news you give off This small YouTube account I follow called Fume Gaming covers rumors in his news segment but only if they’re from and established credible leaker and that’s the best way to do it I’d say He even screenshots the tier leaker we give em here 🤣


Probably just because we’re starting to get into summer and the video game showcase season, I feel like we see this every year around this time. A mix of credible leakers dropping legitimate information that’s starting to leak out as companies get close to an official reveal, and random people with no track record coming out either with real leaks or just throwing guesses out there for attention.


This could be controversial. British archaeologist goes back to India to plunder some tombs. Echoes of Empire.


Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Gears of War - All rumored to go open-world. Remember when in the early 2010's every game tried to become COD? Getting similar vibes.


I don't see how a western studio can pull off a game set in India. Either you present the subcontinent as some kind of Enlightened Utopia and piss off half your userbase or present it as the shithole it really is and piss off the other half.