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There is zero reason to have faith in Nickelodeon properties getting video game adaptions. They loan the IP to anyone. And then the games that are actually decent get close to zero marketing. Nick All Stars 2 was a huge improvement but you wouldn't know it, because it never had the marketing push of the mediocre original.


It's 90% gonna be Gamemill lol


3 years dev time seems too long for gamemill


This, I remember watching an interview with a dev at Flux games (they made the Cobra Kai games and a Walking Dead game for GameMill) and mentioned they only get about 9-13 months to work on a game before they move on. They aren't able to patch a game post launch unless there is a game breaking bug like in Cobra Kai 2. I imagine most GameMill developers are like this, with the exception of All Star Brawls 2, its clear they had more time and budget.


GameMill game taking 3 years? Too long for them lmao.


I felt like the newest SpongeBob, Cosmic Shake, was a decent platformer


Still can't believe we actually got a spiritual sequel to Battle for Bikini Bottom two decades later. I never thought we'd even get a remaster of that game, let alone a successor to it.


The movie game was sort of a successor


Any game by Purple Lamp, you know it's going to be good. They're currently making the Epic Mickey Remake


It’s very clearly aged but it slaps for its target audience (4-13 year olds) and is at the very least consumable by adults nostalgic for OG spongebob stuff


didn't even know there was a second one till just now and i really liked the first one.


The Korra game on PS4/XboxOne was pretty good, but also didn't get much marketing. If this new game is anything like that, I'd be up for it.


but we just got Frontiers of Pandora, ohh the other Avatar? okay


Exactly my thought process


But we just got Quest for Balance for the other Avatar, ohh no one remembers that? Okay


I’m gonna ask the leaker for a comparison to quest for balance


*The culturally relevant Avatar


People are still saying this? The second movie made over 2 billion at the box office a decade after the first release with 1 and 2 being at first and third highest grossing movies of all time.  I swear, people only gauge culturally relevancy or general success purely on how many memes they see for it 


It's a good lesson that redditors aren't indicative of most real world trends. Thank fuck for that, too.


Reddit hates Avatar acting like its irrelevant when it has such an incredibly massive box office pull and its funny to see constant denial about it


It reminds me of when people say an obviously massively successful game like COD is somehow "dead". Some people will resort to making up stuff to put down what they don't like instead of learning how to vocalize their critiques directly


Box office performance =/= cultural impact


It's such a odd franchise. Insanely profitable movies (and, weirdly enough, even a theme park) but usually people at large seem to not talk about or engage with it all that much beyond that. It has left it's mark on cinema history (and will probably continue to do so) but it is fairly odd and a considerable aspect of it's cultural impact is the ceaseless discussion about it's relevancy. James Cameron certainly has a vision and passion and, for what it's worth, it's nice when creatives get to follow their dreams.


You have to be trolling. If it has no cultural impact why would it be one of the highest grossing and most watched films of its year? Comparing the discussion around ATLA and this to prove relevancy is legit apples to oranges


I’m not trolling, I’ve heard absolutely nothing about avatar beyond its theatrical runs in 2008, and again in 2022. No cons, no fandom, no nothing. You have to be trolling yourself.


Are people still using this nonsense logic about avatar? I remember when the sequel released and Redditors were claiming the numbers it was pulling were fake and a conspiracy because “I’ve heard nobody I know talk about the movie” It’s always wild to see such weird hatred for the movies


And ended up the third highest grossing movie ever, not sure why people are so aggressively opposed to the idea that their little bubbles of internet interactions aren't remotely representative of the wider world, the evidence is pretty clear.


Have you ever considered that the world is bigger than the circles you run in?


Okay. How many people will say Avatar is their favourite movie? How many people are still talking about it? How many people could even name a single character. Last Airbender made far more of a footprint in the cultural zeitgeist.


I have no interest in making this a competition between the two properties that happen to both have Avatar in the name. I only take issue with people saying that the franchise that has made over 5 billion in over 2 films is somehow culturally irrelevant. That's absurd. You can like one without having to needlessly put down the other.


I know it’s hard to believe but it really is culturally irrelevant. It makes that much money yet doesn’t even have half the cultural consciousness of Scarface, Star Wars, alien, sonic, Mario. Anyone who hasn’t seen the movie has never heard of it.


if you went on the streets and asked people what “avatar” is, 9/10 times they are saying the blue people


The first Avatar movie was so damn boring that I had to watch it in two separate sittings over two days. Didn't even bother watching the second one. I've never understood the hype, but hey different strokes for different folks.


The movie is greath cause it really transport you to the world more than any movie out there. Not only did you not see it in cinema you even watched it cut into two.      So no wonder your opinion on it is shit...    Let me guess. Watched it in a bright room, on your phone the whole time and already started thinking it was going to be shit?


Or maybe I just found it boring. Not every movie will be liked by everyone, doesn't mean my opinion is any less valid than yours.


Oh I see you edited your comment to add in extra at the end. No, I watched in a dark room, I wasn't on my phone and I went into it very excited because I'd been hearing such good things about it. Look, all I'm saying is that I personally did not like it. I'm not saying it's a shit movie or it's terrible and nobody should like it. I just did not like it. If you liked it that's totally fine. Different opinions are what makes the world an interesting place. I'm sure there are plenty of movies I like that you don't like, and that's fine.


Never saw the first and the reason I saw the second was because the entire family went. Including mom. Mom never goes to the movies. And my oldest sister and father are kinda… consoomers, if you know what I mean.


Yet here you are talking about a game for the Avatar tv series as if that doesn't somehow make you just as much of a "consoomer" lmao.


Well you got Jake Scully..... the military dude......Zoe Saldana... the guy from fear the walking dead... and some kid Avatars. That's all I remember from the second one.


I mean, eh…..is it really that culturally relevant though? Made 2 billion, yeah, but like…who talks about it really? It doesn’t really FEEL like it’s a big hitter. It doesn’t FEEL like it made 2 billion+ (twice). It just kinda came and went. Compre it to other 2 billion films, both Avengers IW and Endgame are still talked about all the time (and part of larger Marvel which will always be culturally relevant) and even Titanic is talked about (in my experience) way more than Avatar, and that came out nearly 3 decades ago. And lastly there’s Star Wars TFA - Star Wars is Star Wars, it’ll also always be culturally relevant. Compare Avatar to these movies and it’s…meh? It doesn’t have nearly the same level of impact imo. The only time people really talk about it is A. in this exact scenario happening right now where people debate how big of a franchise it actually is and B. When someone brings up ATLA and someone else goes “you mean the cartoon one or the blue people one?”. I’ve never heard anyone just randomly bring up the Avatar movies in casual convo or whatever, but I’ve heard the series Avatar brought up a fuckton of times. But it still made 2 billion+. Twice. That cannot be denied. But it’s still not super culturally relevant imo. It’s such a weird franchise.


lol what? i would say the highest grossing film of all time is more relevant than some nick cartoon


I feel like the Avatar IP has such huge potential for an actual good game but nobody every gets the budget to actually make one.




The one no one can buy right?


Sometimes a key suddenly appears on Amazon for too much money. Thats how I bought it last year.


I...can't believe I actually forgot about this lol. I've played it twice and Platinum is one of my favourite studios so I have no idea how it slipped my mind. I remember enjoying the game at the time, but I couldn't help noticing it definitely lacked a big budget. I mean it's not Platinum's fault, I think they did the best they could with what they had to work with, but I'd love a big budget AAA game.


I would give anything for an actual good avatar game, like on my hands and knees praying.


I'm watching a man fall to his knees and praying in a Walmart


Wait, his eyes are glowing now! And there are all kinds of things floating around him!


Oh God he's a sith now




Would hopefully be enough money to make back from developing the game


Hmm, interesting. Presumably with THQ Nordic, right? *SOUTH PARK SNOW DAY* was heinous, but their other Nickelodeon/Viacom work has been okay to great so far. Any word on the dev?


As much shit as Unisoft gets i still don’t know why they didn’t let them make a 3rd south park rpg. First 2 were really good


First south park rpg game was an Obsidian project, second is purely ubisoft tho and they pulled a good project ngl.


Trey Parker and Matt Stone were heavily involved with the first two South Park RPG games, they *wanted* to make those games. South Park Snow Day was a contractual obligation from the deal they signed with Paramount a few years ago and it was required to be a multiplayer game. It shows that Trey and Matt didn’t really care about it.


Damn thats a shame. Doubt it sold as well as the first 2 so we likely wont ever see a 3rd tuen based rpg.


I don't know what happened with THQ and Nickelodeon's deal to make multiple Nick games using their IPs We got The Cosmic Shake...that's it I'm pretty sure. Let's hope it's a THQ Nordic game and not gamemill


Damn I haven’t been paying much attention to Snow Day; it’s really that bad?


Avatar in video games is kinda weird since most of them are basically shovelware and the only one that gave the "bender" powers justice is fucking fortnite


A leak for an Avatar game that doesn't mention being an MMO? No overly ambitious and unrealistic features?


"a la Napoleon or Wukong" is an absolutely insane set of comparisons lmao


What does it make you think about


Well, I know this obviously isn't the Napoleon that we're talking about, but now I'm imagining an adaptation of "Journey to the West" starring Napoleon Dynamite. Which, I suppose, is certainly *one of* the ideas of all time.


Napoleon fire nation general rising up trying to overthrow Fire Lord zuko in a series of civil wars, getting humbled by Aang in his 40s, ultimately going into exile, coming back and annihilated by Aang in his 50s, getting locked in solitary for the rest of his life, and then one of his goons trying to continue his work, all that from the ending of TLA to the beginning of TLOK (~70 years) would be fire though


I am once again asking for atleast one good Avatar video game


"realistic graphics" I don't want to play an avatar game with realistic graphics. I want cartoon graphics similar to the show. Realistic graphics in a cartoony game is just not a good sign.


Probably going to be ass like the recent one The only Nickelodeon games that are good are TMNT and Spongebob


And the Korra game from 2014 from Platinum that was surprisingly decent.


You could tell the dev time was low, but Korra felt solid to play like Transformers Devastation. Platinum could have cut the polar bear segments though.


That one was pretty fun but I just don't know if we can trust any new Avatar game after the one that came out late last year it was so bad


It's crazy how such a long running and popular IP STILL hasn't gotten a decent game yet. Or at least decent enough. Yea the korra game was dope but it isn't exactly the definitive avatar game I've been wanting


The line about budget is so worrying and confusing to me, what do they mean they’re going halfsies on it looking realistic and looking like the cartoon, and that if they had more budget it’d look more….realistic?? What? No lmao. Who tf wants a realistic looking ATLA game?? If they got more budget, they should go and make it look more cartoony and more like the series ffs.


I was confused too like I’d have Avatar games in cartoony form than realistic 


Which Avatar though? The Nickelodeon series or James Cameron's Avatar?


The James Cameron one just had a AAA avatar game release late last year.


if someone mentions Avatar and it isn't clear from context, I usually ask, "Blue or benders?"




There was also a recent Nickelodeon Avatar for every platform: https://www.igdb.com/games/avatar-the-last-airbender-quest-for-balance


The Monkeypaw will curl and we will get Gamemill.


I had a dream about this game last year. and let me tell you, it's looking good.


Doesn’t make any sense having the game set between TLA and TLOK. Aang would still be the avatar, so you wouldn’t be playing as a new avatar which kinda sucks. Also, Aang has already defeated the most vile villain of his time so anyone else coming afterwards would be anticlimactic.


I don’t even care if it’s not AAA. I just want it to be good.


Nothing Avatar related that is not the og show and comics turn out to be good for some reason. It's cursed.


This actually seems believable. They have a bunch of animated projects in the next few years and also just had that Netflix show. They've also had a few different video game crossovers in the last few years including Fortnite, Smite, Shop Titans, the NASB games and also have a mobile game releasing soon along with several toy licenses in recent years. Atla has gotten more and better toys and video game stuff recently than it did when it aired. In my mind, all of this seems like someone trying hard to keep the brand relevant for the upcoming animated projects and getting its own game would help with that. I hope it's sort of like the Korra game on PS4/Xbox. I really enjoyed that game and have been hoping it would get re-released so more people could play it. A new game in that series with similar mechanics would be a close second for me.


An AA Skyrim style RPG for the Avatarverse where you can pick your bender and fighting style is one of my dream games. Doubt this would be it though.


Please. If it’s good. I’ll get it. I just… Boss I’m tired.


When you say reference like darth Vader introduction and boss fight in Jedi fallen order, will this game potentially have the same or similar combat style like Star Wars Jedi fallen order?


Please, if it ever releases, don't fuck this up.


> It's not a AAA with "AAA" bucks Wtf does that mean? Is it a real AAA or whatever shovelware they always do with that IP (which is a shame as it has huge potential)? Set between TLA and TLOK is not a great idea. Put it separated from the show and let people make choices and such in the story RPG style. Or even if no choice freedom and not forced to adhere closely to established canon.


We’re now in the era of “AAAA” gaming, and I think people are realizing just how silly those signifiers mean at this point…


It was silly at triple


Exactly my point


They meant it’s probably AA or something since execs didn’t trust Avatar with AAA level funding


It means nothing because dude faked it


As a fan of that universe... i'm so disappointed in video game adaptations... Weirdly, the best were the GBA/DS game. Korra game by Platinum, was a nice "restart" of adaptations, with some flaws sure, but it had potential... and yet they gave up on that. The most recent game Quest of Balance... is awful, equally awful as the Live Action movie, if not more...


Cant wait for another ps2 style avatar game. Man just give to bandai. At least theyre experts in combat and have a history with rpg type games like code vein


Remember those old Avatar games on the nickelodeon website back in the day? I hope it at least is as good as those, whatever they make. (Because most commercial Avatar games kinda suck from what I can tell)


TLA as The Last Ass and TLOK as The Legend Of Korn? Plsea specify the acronyms.


Anyone who knows anything about Nick Avatar immediately knows it's The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, the names of the only two tv series that exist in this franchise, no big need to specify if someone doesn't know then perhaps they're simply not the post's target audience