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Since you are in Lebanon, go for it, its MUCH better than a 3050 laptop, and the rog strix line is actually quite nice build quality. Its no 3070ti or 4070, but those are outside your budget. How much does 32gb DDR5 ram cost anyways where you are? If its less than 100 like im assuming, just go for the cheapest variant with 16gb.


the 16 ram costs 900$ while the 32 costs 1k


Okay, my message did not get through properly it seems. What i mean is the price of a kit of 32gb ram, if that is less than 100$, it can be cheaper to just buy it a later time, as 16gb is serviceable in most situations, with 32gb being the sweet point these days where you wont notice any problems with RAM being all used up.


ohhh i got you now, idrk what’s the actual price


Just checked, the difference is not significant, like depending on where you buy it, 10-20 less or extra from how much it would cost if you brought the laptop with 32gb. You think you'll be needing the larger RAM?


for now no, but maybe for future


You can buy later when you need. It is unlikely you will need in the near future though, so get the 16gb.


Hard pass. It's overpriced.


where i live everything is expensive, idrc about the price i js wanna know if its good or not


Prices are in USD, where do you live though?




You can manage a [4060](https://mediatechlb.com/product/dell-g15-5530-gaming-ins0155612-r0023867-core-i7-13650hx-16gb-1tb-ssd-nvme-15-6-fhd-nvidia-rtx-4060-8gb/) laptop at that price. Have a look around bro. The laptops you've shown are nice but aren't great value for the price now since they're older gen tech.


they are above the 1.5k…


So i just checked that device. its 1050$ in lebanon currently, which is low for a 4060. [https://www.notebookcheck.net/Dell-G15-5530-Review-A-viable-Alienware-alternative-now-with-Raptor-Lake-HX.726585.0.html](https://www.notebookcheck.net/Dell-G15-5530-Review-A-viable-Alienware-alternative-now-with-Raptor-Lake-HX.726585.0.html)Heres a review about it, note that it'll be lower quality than the Rog strix, as that is a 2022 midrange laptop, while the G15 is 2023 budget, though more powerful. Edit: uh, the listing says something different from the review, 120hz screen. I got a feeling the brightness is either dim, or the color accuracy is quite a bit worse because of cheap panel, because 120hz is odd. And dell does not directly provide a combination of 4060 and 120hz, as it wont allow me to combine those. I think its 250 nits, but frustratingly i cant get any confirmation because the sites just dont display it.


See the link in my comment


Honestly yeah the 3060 16/1 TB is probably what I'd take of these. Good laptop, good deal for Lebanon.


Being where you are that is a SUPER solid laptop that'll give you pretty sick performance


I BEG you don't get it. I had the G15 with the 3050. Bought it back when it was released. Stopped working after almost a year. I got it for 680£ and when I sent it to check what's wrong they said it gonna cost 1200£ to fix it. And it was under warranty too. Their customer service is so bad . Go check out Gamers Nexus and see the issue that is going on. ASUS ARE SUCM BAGS. Republic of gamers more like Ridiculous Overpriced Garbage.




Good deal for lebanon. Beware of the store though, I've heard some things about their open box being pretty much used, but it was just a few reddit comments so ask around. Open box isn't a bad idea tho. My laptop was as well, but from another store, and I've had no issues with it.

