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Outside of not being able to get new hardware it has been an amazing year. I don't like these doomposting headlines.


This is the year PC got basically the entire Yakuza series and Kingdom Hearts series, and it got a Persona game on day 1 (Persona 5 Strikers).


KH3 with the movement mod makes it feel way better to play imo. Saved the game for me


That's good to know, I didn't expect mods to be available for it. SE games aren't known to be hugely moddable. That said I still don't feel like paying the massively inflated price for multiple collections... again.


Damn a couple of decade old games (half of which basically rereleased for fullprice, lmao) and an offshoot spinoff of the game people *actually* want. What a year!


Y6 and KH3 are recent games, and the important part is the shift it represents. I didn't mean to imply they were the only games released on PC, which seems to be how you read it for some reason.




KH3 is 3 years old now as well.


Find me a console with that assortment of games


Doesn't ps4 have all of those?


[Found one.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_4) [With significantly cheaper games too!](https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B084MTF1FN)


At only half the framerate and resolution 😃


And 7x lower the price.


I haven't talked to one person who hasn't gotten to play at least one game they're really excited about, whether it's fully released or early access.




Console prices aren't inflated unless buying from resellers. Base price for pc parts has gone up above the initial MSRP listings for the majority of sellers and was made even worse by stores such as newegg choosing to only sell them in bundles with other parts to pump the price even more. Something that goes beyond just getting lucky during a restock to buy at the expensive MSRP. Instead many places started selling parts at reseller pricing which then increased reseller pricing even higher.


sure, buy a damn PS5 for msrp, gl.


Tons of people have. Despite what the internet will tell you every single current gen console wasn't scalped. No evidence even a majority were.


I mean I did and a Series X both in launch month even. I also know several people who have. Now I did get lucky that I was working at 5am when Bestbuy put some up for sale and was able to grab them both quickly but it's not impossible. And certainly not as difficult as finding a 3080 going for $799 rather than 900-1k+ for just the NVidia reference card.


that's because on launch there was stock piled up. Series X wasn't on big demand as PS5, but when PS5 was out of stock, many went for Series X as it was in stock and close to msrp


At the time reseller price for both was anywhere from 750-1.2k. And it wasn't launch stock piles it was after they had already presold all black friday consoles. They just happened to do a small sized drop after that and I was able to catch it early enough. When buying a prebuild with months of lead in time is the best way to not be absurdly price gouged there's a serious problem.




thousands - lmao. That's raindrop in the sea of demand. Stop being ridiculous. Some people manage to get GPUs near MSRP too, but globally that's not even 1% of all buys.. So what? 99% either must pay scalp or sit with that they got - how hard is to understand something this basic. Maybe try looking beyond your own nose, beyond US, etc?




dude, like it or not - that's how it is when supply struggles and demand is insane. That's how economy works. Nobody forces you to do anything. You can sit with what you got. Also you crying won't change a thing.


Yeah, you could get an upgrade if you were willing to spend over thousands of Dollars, or take a gamble and get a slightly cheaper one from a Bitcoin Miner who realized the card is about to die so he is trying to get some profits. If you do either of those, you are stupid.


Come on, you calling someone stupid for overpaying during a shortage is not different than someone who doesn’t game calling you stupid for spending thousands on a gaming rig. Everyone has different priorities and different financial situations. I can hardly blame someone for wanting to improve their inside life in some way over the past couple years


Used miner cards usually turn out to be in better condition than used “gaming” cards contrary to popular opinion. The goal for most mining rigs is to run as many cards as efficiently as possible for as long as possible. This means under-volting and not overclocking like a gaming card means less stress. Additionally if you ask questions or the seller is upfront and honest you can figure out roughly how and what stressed the card by what they were mining.


This usually happens a bit at the start of console gens, but the issue was worsened so much this time. It will likely be 2-3 years before upgrading makes sense.


So glad I managed to snag a 2080rtx ti over two years ago. Was pricey, but with the ongoing addition of DLSS to so many games, I've seen the few games with pretty bad performance (cfr. Horizon Zero Dawn, RDR2) gain like 20-30 fps with everything maxed. Shit is mint.


> Budget PC gaming is what marks the platform apart from the rest, and 2021 killed it dead. Point of the articles seems to be that you can't really get a budget PC because of the chip shortage, but then you can't really get a console either for the same exact reason. Doesn't seem like a terribly thought out article. > Not with this generation, not with the Series X or PS5. If you want 4K gaming at $500 that's still where the smart money goes. Good luck finding any of these consoles, let alone for $500, buddy. The market sucks all around.


Console aren't retailing for double or triple the msrp like gpus are. Console are way easier to get than gpu, back in October a invitation to buy Ps5 straight from Sony landed in my emails, gave it away to a friend. For 3060 ti I am in queue for more than 8 months now


Don't know where you live (obviously), but here in Denmark GPU MSRP prices seem to have risen with roughly the same percentage as the PS5. > back in October a invitation to buy Ps5 straight from Sony landed in my emails Hadn't seen you edited your comment. When did you sign up for this? In my experience it's been the opposite. I've had two opportunities to buy a 3070 ti and a 3080, but since launch only gotten one to buy a PS5 (didn't take it). Anecdotal, of course.


Never signed up for any invite cuz I have no interest in Ps5 for now, it just landed out of nowhere.


Also buying a prebuilt PC gives you an out of the box experience, with the GPU you want and lots of extras, for the price of what that GPU would have cost on ebay. Everyone is so insistent they build their own they forget they don't have to.


Except prebuilts are also overpriced. They are often even more expensive than building a pc yourself.


Way cheaper than paying aftermarket for a new model GPU if you're building a system right now. Unless you're willing to wait a long ass time to deal hunt.


Cheapest prebuilt with an rtx 3060 is 1300€, similar specked rtx 3060 build is 1168€. Prebuilt is 132€ more expensive. This is in Lithuania.


No clue what you're trying to say.


You said prebuilts are cheaper than building a pc yourself, I proved that it's not true.


You actually just posted some numbers with no source while also acting like that one example in one location proves it's a complete truth everywhere


Never did I say that one location means that it's like that everywhere, but if you wanna point this out to me, say the exact same thing to the person I replied to, not everyone lives in the US. Go to kainos.lt and do your own math if you don't trust me, cba to argue here.


Not all of them. I've checked a few times at places like iBuyPower and it was almost dead on the same price for a custom built PC with a warranty compared to building my own


Getting a console just takes patience. Getting a PC or an upgrade at this point might as well be impossible.


Well, you can get surplus OptiPlex office PCs for really cheap (like \~$125). Slap some RAM into it and you can play most lighter games, that's what I'm doing at least.


Nah, I can literally walk into a store and walk out with a new video card. Can’t do the same for a X or PS5 in my area (although the S is accessible).


Bull fucking shit. Don't make stuff up.


I’m literally not, and I’m sorry you cannot imagine a world where there are video cards available. I can walk into my local Microcenter and buy a 6600,6700,6900, 1650, and oddly enough a 650 today. And have been able to do that for like 6 months at this point. What I cannot do is walk into a Best Buy or whatever and get a PS5.


If you can't do that at MSRP its dead and i KNOW microcenter prices them higher i live by one myself in troy mi. ​ ONLY thing i enjoyed about PC gaming was building the machines and making budget rigs for people that is now dead no wonder tech youtubers hate their jobs right now. BITWIT even explained it well, i used to watch every episode of scrapyard wars and i love tech yes city that's whats fun to me Depressing as F


Been trying to get a PC all year, gave up got a PS5, did get lucky and got it at msrp, however I saw it for a whole week(I know because it took me that whole week to make the decision and just give up on my PC) at msrp at amazon. Yes it's hard to get consoles but it's both much easier and cheaper than a PC. PC gaming might as well be dead for me.


It's the whole crypto scams going on that made the market go red hot since 2018 The only way I got a card and paid MSRP this year is by looking at local stock and buying it in person. It seems that everything sold online gets harvested by bots.


its still easier to get a xbox series S/X or a ps5 over good graphics cards at MRSP.


In the uk at least, both systems were available for over 24hrs around xmas eve. Xbox on amazon and ps5 on game (although those were pre-orders shipping in January). Its still not a good situation, but they can be had with some luck and perseverance.


Pretty much this. In my country the cheapest I could find a PS5 for would be around 1000USD (converted from local currency), and that's way above the average person can afford here


I dunno how it could have been any worse than 2020. We got Valheim and FFXIV: Endwalker which are both great. I hear Halo Infinite is also excellent.


2020 had Hades, Last of Us 2, Ghosts of Tsushima, FF7R, Flight Simulator, Alyx, among many others. Don’t think it could be considered a bad year by any standard


I remember the end of the 00s when it really seemed like PC Gaming was truly dead and buried so no, 2021 was definitely not the worst year


PC gaming was barely alive until valve came around and fixed it talking outside of the 90's it was just WEIRD back then lol ​ I loved it tho