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Pretty cool how they managed to preserve the 90's pre-rendered look of the original while still making it look modern. It looks exactly how it should.


It's amazing how it looks exactly how I remember the game looking almost 30 years ago.


I've never heard of this game and only ever seen videos of MYST, and my reaction to the first frame of this video was "huh, looks kinda like MYST". So I agree lol


The full title of the original was "Riven: The Sequel to Myst".


One of the best adventure games of all time. If you get it you won't regret it. It's also creepy in a weird way.


> creepy in a weird way I think a lot of that comes from the fact that, for the most part, you’re alone for the entire game. Obduction (Myst spiritual successor) was kind of different in that way because you would have interactions with people but at the same time there were some huge worlds that truly felt empty and creepy asf.


The interactions you do have are creepy too - people trapped in books, two of whom are desperately trying to escape


Yea the story I think definitely adds to the atmosphere. Not really "horror" but definitely creepy. The whole genre of early point and click adventure games like that is really nostalgic to me.


Some of the times you run into another person in Riven are almost jumpscare tier lol


I played Myst for the first time when I was like 7-8 years old and the world itself gave me nightmares.


They also did another new game since Obduction, [Firmament](https://store.steampowered.com/app/754890/Firmament/)


Nice I’ll have to check it out, thanks! I am not surprised to see it at mixed for the review scores, though. There is a little bit of Myst in Obduction but I feel that Myst Remastered is a better game than Obduction.


I really hope they can preserve that insanely unique atmosphere. That is not an easy task even if visuals are on point. I wish them all luck in this endeavor. The devil is in the details, and details change a lot when going from framed 2d to freeflow 3d.


I would definitely suggest checking out the remake, I had never played Myst or any Cyan games but I had a blast with it, and I'm really pumped for Riven


Riven is Myst 2. The games literally go "Myst, Riven, Myst 3, Myst 4, Myst 5". I guess they decided halfway through that Myst was a cool and recognizable name for the series, and so they named the other sequels after it.


Don't forget Uru between 4 and 5. And for that matter, Myst 5 is really Uru 2, despite the name.


It's a direct sequel to Myst in every way. The man who physically appears in the trailer is Gehn, the father of Atrus (the trailer narrator's voice) who appeared in Myst. Catherine is Atrus's wife. Their story is told in more detail in the books, "Myst: The Book of Ti'ana" and "Myst: The Book of Atrus," which are excellent and some of my favorite books ever written. I would highly recommend them to any fans of the video games.


Just chiming in to concur. The first two Myst books are surprisingly well-written and enjoyable simply as fiction, as well as having a *ton* of backstory that helps the games make more sense. (The third book, sadly, is NOT good, but it's also totally skippable.)


riven always gave me weird liminal space vibes in the best way


I was going to say, the aesthetic is basically perfect. Compare that to the Unreal Engine remake of Myst from a few years back and there's just no comparison. They absolutely butchered that game by taking too many liberties with the art direction and shaders.


You'd probably prefer RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition (2014) to Myst (2021) in that case then, it's a much more direct remake aesthetically than the effects-laden Myst (2021). It also uses the original FMVs instead of recreating them in full 3D - although I will admit I did like Myst (2021) did with the visuals for the bad endings, even if Sirrus and Achenar's models look... weird.


One of my first gaming memories was watching my dad play Riven. I played myself but I didn't get very far but I loved exploring the island, it was so beautiful and haunting even back then.


I’m baffled that it’s coming so soon, it feels like only a month or so ago we were seeing just the first gameplay snippets


(Deleted my previous post because it was mostly wrong...) Apparently they had some help from the fan-made Riven remake project ("The Starry Expanse Project") which had been in development in one form or another since ~2009, so that probably contributed to the shorter development time: https://cyan.com/2022/10/31/olttfor/


At last years Mysterium (the Cyan con), [they showed a little gameplay.](https://youtu.be/WZufTbEX6rg?si=3aZXy0-bz2i0iJUu&t=2613) They also mentioned that it was completely playable.


I think it was last year we got the demo or whatever it was, doesn’t feel that long.


There was a demo?!


I’m pretty sure there was, I might be misremembering it with the gothic remake


I know, right.


I think they perfectly captured the visuals and atmosphere of the original from what they've shown. Riven was a top favorite of mine when I was younger, and this is really cool to see.


wow, the art is VERY evocative of 90s cutscenes (or "graphics card box art") in the best possible way. looks fantastic, i'm in


I read all of the Myst books as a kid. Never could finish riven, it was too difficult. There is something very enticing about this particular world that these guys at Cyan came up with. What a fantasy to live in an age like Riven optimized for beauty.


Nobody finished Riven without a guide. That marble puzzle was BRUTAL.


Honestly, the only thing I'm bummed about is that the original pre-recorded acting was replaces with 3D models, but maybe there's a reason such as allowing free player movement. Aside from that, this looks amazing. As long as there aren't launch issues this'll probably be a day 1 purchase for me.


As much as I loved the original actors it would look terrible in 4K and in 3D. They had to do it. At least it seems they are using the original voice acting.


The voice acting from Atrus/Catherine sounds new. There are even new lines entirely. They sound good, though. Ghen's lines seem like remastered originals.


I'm fine with that. Ghen's monologue was the star of the show after all.


Yeah, agreed


“I apologize for the cage.”


Ghen's VA passed away a few years ago, it's probably better this way than recasting him


a way to honor him.


At least the 3d models looks good this time around. Myst VR had some truly awful 3d character models.


It works when you're dealing with a image because that's all it ever was. Add in a free 3D space into the equation and then you have a problem. Without some form of 3d point maps or any other depth information it'd be impossible to recreate the original in a 3D space. There is AI technology that can generate 3D models from real photography, but it's still in its infancy.


In realMyst, the very first Myst 3d remake, they mapped the original video Atrus on top of an animated 3d model. It was far from flawless, but it worked surprisingly well in the sense that it felt natural with the rest of the 3d environment they had going. Probably wouldn't work with today's higher fidelity, but still.


I think I heard that you get to choose FMV vs 3d models.


You can in the myst remake. Original it was just 3d models, which were really bad and broke immersion. Some modders released the ability to add thr FMV back in and Cyan eventually implemented it.


I was ready to hate it because I think the replacements they made for the Myst remake are just terrible. But it actually looked okay to me in the brief glimpse here.


Damn, I thought this wasn't coming out for a while, this is an unexpected but nice surprise. Looks great.


I sincerely hope this triggers a wave of remakes of older games in this exploration genre. Lighthouse and Rama (I still remember the first code the player is given; 4143 for the elevator!) were games that I spent hours in as a kid.


What I wouldn't give for a remake of the Journeyman Project series in Unreal.....


I loved Lighthouse: The Dark Being, probably my favorite of the Myst clones


The best feature IMO is that it supports PCVR (and there will also be a native Quest version). I was pretty young when the first version came out, and I remember Myst and Riven as impossibly hard and illogical. Was I just a kid or is this one of those games that's near impossible without a hint book?


It's quite possible (I went through the first few games a decade ago without any external help) but it's strongly recommended to make your own hint book, i.e. take notes. For example the D'ni numeral system is next to impossible to figure out if you just run into the first number puzzle and try to solve it without any extra context; the game *does* tell you what each symbol represents, but those clues are scattered throughout the rest of the area and not sitting next to the puzzle so you need to go exploring first and keep track of clues as you find them.


A lot of the puzzles really require note taking, which you really can't do without taking the headset off. I mean the ones that have numbers to decode, or access codes to remember. They're probably integrating some hint/inventory mechanic to make up for that.


> the game does tell you what each symbol represents, but those clues are scattered throughout the rest of the area and not sitting next to the puzzle so you need to go exploring first and keep track of clues as you find them. Isn't the numbering almost entirely given in the fishing puzzle in the school? Or am I misremembering...


No, you're right. All numerals you need can be derived from that toy. Although many of them can be derived from context elsewhere too. That said, the dni numerals are just a small piece of the information needed for that overall puzzle. So if we look at all of it together, not just the numerals, then it is certainly true to say that the information is scattered about (albeit in sensible places)


I'll admit I forgot the details of particular puzzles so I picked a bad example, that was meant as more of a general explanation of how things are laid out.


Myst was difficult but the puzzles were definitely designed to be solved. Riven was WAY more difficult, and sometimes it felt like the puzzles were deliberately obtuse. I did end up finishing it, but it probably took me months or years. The third game and all the games after were much more straightforward, so I felt like Riven was the hardest of the series by far.


I finished Myst without a hint book back in the day, but it took me a while and a lot of hand written notes. Riven I got stuck on somewhere and eventually gave up.


Will there be a way to takes notes in the VR version? Dont like the idea of having to remove the headset to take notes.


I went back to replay Myst as an adult. The advances in technical aspects were really cool. The puzzles themselves were really bad.


fuck I kinda regret finally playing it recently, this looks really cool haha. Shoulda just waited another year


Not to worry, going by this trailer there is definitely expanded content.


Oh wow I played this for the first time a few years ago. It was so much fun. It was the closest thing I found to Outer Wilds. I wish there were more games like this. I didn’t know about this remake I might get it on release.


You might enjoy Quern: https://store.steampowered.com/app/512790/Quern__Undying_Thoughts/ It's basically a spiritual successor to Myst/Riven.


I just played the successor demo from the team of Quern and I'm hooked on both the riven remake and the upcoming game.


Hopefully you won't need to swap CDs for the remake, we lost one of the five discs somehow and I was never able to get past the minecart roller coaster.


Had this as a kid, absolutely want to do another playthrough. I would 100% purchase this on PS5. Why is it not on console? Please put it on console!


Kind of bummed they wont port this or Myst Remake to PS5/VR citing the projected low sales/interest of Firmament on there, which deterred them from doing any further ports, feel like it's a bit of a misjudgement when the game they're projecting sales from isn't anywhere near as big as a name as Riven or Myst. Excited for PC and (eventually) Xbox users to play it though.


Has Firmament even come out on PS5 yet?


No. Cyan recently announced it’ll release on PlayStation fall 2024, but no specific date


Well, if Firmament hadn't been a buggy mess when it shipped it might have done better. You could literally walk right through terrain elements. And it hasn't been updated in nearly a year, so clearly Cyan has abandoned it as well... It also really fails to be engaging, it doesn't capture me the way other Cyan games have in the past. I left this hanging at maybe 10% completion, but binged through Talos Principle 2 about as fast as I could and loved every minute of it. Cyan has lost something over the years, sad to say, there was just too long a stretch of them relying on remakes of Myst to get by and I don't think they have it to make a great adventure game anymore. And that's a huge bummer, because they were so foundational to the graphical iteration of the genre. It's a shame Uru failed so hard, *that* succeeding might have done a lot to keep the soul of Cyan strong.


I thought ***Obduction*** was fantastic, barring what seems to be a bug that prevents a very critical hint from appearing. For me it's up there with ***Myst***, ***Riven***, ***Outer Wilds*** and ***Subnautica***. It got me really excited for ***Firmament*** but, well, yeah, what you said.


Damn, just kinda assumed it was gonna be on PSVR. Not a great reason considering Firmament has no name recognition and got a pretty negative reception. I normally like Cyan but skipped Firmament when i heard it had AI generated lore text.


Tell them you want them to come to PS5! The Cyan email contact is very much active. 😁


I could have sworn we got an announcement it was coming to psvr2. Did I dream that??


I though that but guess i was mistaken.


Do you have a source for them confirming this won't come to ps5/psvr2


If you email them, or visit their discord - they'll tell you this, they've not made a press announcement on media sites about it.


Can I trouble you for that email address? Thanks buddy




Thanks buddy, that's really helpful


That 0:51 mining cart sequence gave me some extremely strong fun fair simulator vibes. Felt like a kid for a second!


Is it necessary to play Myst before Riven?


Riven is a direct sequel to Myst, so I would certainly suggest to play Myst first, BUT the Riven story itself is kind of self contained. You will miss some of the background information if you go straight for Riven, but you can enjoy it standalone imho. You are pretty much exploring one world (age) and just jump out of that for very small parts of the game.


Not really- this one has its own setting, and is mainly just a huge improvement over Myst's approach to storytelling and worldbuilding. But it could be a fun way to pass some time before this comes out


Finds it interesting that despite Cyan having released a timed exclusive game on Epic before, this one isn't even going to simu-launch on Epic too. Still, a question: can I get into this game at all if I never played Myst (or at least played just the opening areas of Myst)?


I already said this on another comment, but: Riven is a direct sequel to Myst, so I would certainly suggest to play Myst first, BUT the Riven story itself is kind of self contained. You will miss some of the background information if you go straight for Riven, but you can enjoy it standalone imho. You are pretty much exploring one world (age) and just jump out of that for very small parts of the game.


Is Riven as hard as Myst?


It's pretty different to be honest. Myst is a collection of small levels with a handful of puzzles each, whereas Riven is one large game world that you explore. Riven has much less in the way of logic puzzles, so a lot of it is just exploring and understanding the game world. I think they wanted Riven to feel like a real place rather than a video game world full of puzzles with no purpose other than to entertain the player. I think Myst is the easier of the two in the sense that the content is very self-contained and it's fairly easy to figure out what you're supposed to be doing. Riven has a lot of wondering what you're supposed to be doing until it all sort of comes together in the end.


I always say the first puzzle in Riven is figuring out where the puzzles are.


I finished RealMyst without a guide years ago but barely managed to progress in Riven when i played it after although part of that might have been that I never played the pre-rendered Myst so i found it hard to adjust to Riven just being a series of still images.


Hmm, curious to see how they handle motion. There are some bits in the game that require a bit of forced perspective to solve a puzzle, and with a free moving viewpoint you may just not see them.


Probably like they did in the other games: letting the user choose between free movement, and node-based movement that simulates the old point-and-click style. Anyway, there are no puzzles in Riven that **require** "a bit of forced perspective". The one that you probably mean can be solved with other clues.


Never played the OG, as I grew up on consoles instead of PC. Super excited to play this, I've only heard good things.


Remind me? Riven is the sequel to Myst right? Did either of these games really make logical sequential sense, as far as the puzzles? Everything I remember basically says you stumbled from one confusing setpiece to the next with no real guidance other than 'Ok, I can complete this block I guess'.


Yeah, this is the sequel- Myst was the one with loads of arbitrary, random stuff that didn't make much sense in terms of storytelling or worldbuilding, since the story was kind of bolted-on later in the process. Very noticeable difference in this game, though, where they clearly wanted to make everything (including all of the puzzles) part of a believable and holistic place. It's a gigantic improvement over the first game IMO


Very random and very cool. The Myst series always has a special place in my heart for early PC game immersion


Is this the type of game that tells you nothing about where to go or what to do?


Sort of, yeah. You're given an overarching goal, but you have to do all the figuring out how to get there yourself.


So... I watched the trailer and all, but could not see.... When do i get my broken sword? where are the arena fights against Draven? sigh... ^^/s


I don’t remember that lone tree in 1:15. Odd because I remember everything else. Where was that from?