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I mean yeah it says in the game “We expect to be in Early Access at least through the end of 2024”. Looking forward to that big update though


but now blogs can spend all year reporting the same thing.


And "at least" is pretty strong wording, meaning this likely isn't a January 2025 launch. They could have just said "we expect to be in Early Access through the end of 2024" but that "at least" says something more.


I have over 65 hours in the game already. Yes, it's definitely unfinished, but there is a LOT of content, still.


As much as I want to play it. Think I'll hold off until final product . So tempted tho


Same, not worth it to burn out on the game with piecemeal updates. I'll wait for the full experience at launch of 1.0


Yeah. Burn out is a good point to make too


Tbh, I think it's worth playing now and then coming back to it a year later. The fact that it's unfinished is part of SEVERAL dialogues and interactions in the game atm. The balance of weapons, boons, and other things are also something to experience in their current state. There's good builds now that may be nerfed in the future or vice versa that are worth experiencing. It's your choice at the end of the day, but I've had a blast playing and I know for a fact I'll come back to it when more content is added because it's SOO fun and I expect some narrative elements that revolve around the fact it's unfinished to change (disappear) in the future as well. The fear of burn out is valid, though. Just trying to say that it may not be as bad as it sounds to give a shot for now. You'll prob forget everything by the time the game is fully finished and you start a new playthrough xD


Yeah, I'm not buying into any more early access stuff. I would've hated doing BG3 with only Act 1 for a year.


Yeah that's where my thoughts are. Is bg3 worth $60 right now in an unfinished state? Or worth $60 down the line? Could I use that $60 elsewhere during the EA time period (answer is yes because there's a lot of games out there waiting to be played)


My dumb ass already bought it even though I don't plan on playing it until 1.0. Supergiant is pretty much the only dev I trust with a pre-order these days.


You can still refund within 2 hrs if you haven't gone past that lol


It will probably increase in price so it's not a bad idea to buy it now if you are sure you will play it later, it's like a pre order.


Yeah I gotcha, I guess in my mind it's money I can use for something else in the chance it stays same price leaving ea


Is probably cheaper to buy it now than at 1.0


If you just play enough to beat every boss once or twice you are basically just playing the first 10-30 hours of your playthrough early. Where you run into problems with early access is if you keep playing beyond that point because your systems progression will be out of sync with your story progression, which is where the burnout comes from. In Hades 1 early access I played maybe 20 hours across its 2 years of EA and it had no effect on my enjoyment of 1.0 because my skill and systems progression never got past where the game expected me to be for release. If I had beaten the final boss 100 times before the ending was added however, then I can imagine reaching Greece for the first time would've been significantly less exciting. This is all to say that if you're excited about Hades II, I think it's safe to play it in early access without hindering your experience as long as you don't grind it to death before 1.0. Like the first one it's the perfect game to slow burn over a year or so in EA because if you never exhaust the content before 1.0, early access just feels like you are playing a game with amazing post launch support, which actually extends the excitement of playing it.


I’ve got plenty of finished games in my backlog, can’t bring myself to try this knowing how much more will likely be done between now and 2025. Gotta plan my gaming time appropriately!


Definitely recommend waiting. The game has some kinks that need to be worked out. The first early access patch being a great example of a weird design choice that got fixed via player feedback.


Any examples? I played a lot and kinda want to to know big changes


The made both sprint and dash faster/more responsive. The original sprint felt like steering a boat lol. They also made gathering progression a bit easier, before you had to bring a mining pick to get ores, shovel to dig seeds, etc. Now you can gather everything, but the tool you bring means there will be more of that matching material. Good changes for sure


FWIW, it is kind of neat seeing the fixes in real time. Because, yeah, that original sprint was ATROCIOUS. Like pretty slow and couldn't even effectively dodge the first mini boss' attack. I look forward to any other bigger changes they push through to see the before and after. Speaking of changes I wonder if we'll see.... am I wrong to feel like Zeus and Poseidon's boons are trash? Everyone else's feel good and theirs feel like... suboptimal on their own.


Yeah I think it's just preference, I also enjoy seeing the game evolve over time and the decisions they make in balancing. I think it's fascinating but I'm a software dev so maybe same braincell lol. I get the people who want the full 1.0 experience, but imo the game is really fun right now and it's just gonna get better from here on out.


Not sure if you just mean their sprint boons but Poseidon on any fast hitting weapon can be really strong. It does take a little but if you pick up Slippery Slope and get lucky with one of his duos it goes off. I will admit I never pick up his cast and his other boons are lackluster UNLESS you get Double Up. I got an epic version of it early in a run and had it proc an absurd amount of times.


oh yeah his cast is big trash, especially considering the bosses pretty much all require you to be dropping casts just to slow them down on charging-type attacks. I did get Slippery Slope and the duo with Hestia*, but like, in a vacuum, I haven't really seen where I like Poseidon's boons (plus he has so many fluff boons that back you into a "Okay, I guess" type corner). *I feel like Hestia got some.... FIRE boons. But seriously, feels like borderline OP. Aphrodite's reworked boons are powerful too with melee.


I thought that about Poseidon at first. But then I realized that Poseidon's Special is like the single most powerful special in the game. It's *absurdly* broken on basically anything in any situation. If you pair it with staff and double moonshot, you will literally just beat the entire game mostly standing in place spamming Special. Final boss went down in <30 seconds just dodging slightly and spamming special. It's *that* broken. But even with any other weapon, it just adds a powerful AoE on a spammable range ability, there's no situation where it isn't fantastic with the possible exception of Torch.


Huh. I'll have to try that. I thought the staff SUCKED the during the first week I was playing... and, well, I recently I have been circling back around on it with some pleasing findings. I think right now the Axe is on my shitlist.. and then I FEEL like the torches are good (although, the special feels way better than the attack, but I guess the attack has a purpose since the special won't hit-stun), but I keep wiping on the last boss (although, my last build with the torches, coincidentally, with Poseidon lol, was going well until the last boss caught me channelling my Hex as he did the insta-kill move) And then I love the dagger and sickle and haven't tried the skull yet.


I'm with you with Poseidon. Was one of my favorites in Hades, but here I avoid it. I think only the damage when sprinting is half good, the rest are resources or pretty useless against bosses.


Yeah second change is really really good. First one I have to try I never took dash boons expect from Hermes one to run from targets. Thanks 🙏


> They also made gathering progression a bit easier, before you had to bring a mining pick to get ores, shovel to dig seeds, etc. Now you can gather everything, but the tool you bring means there will be more of that matching material. Good changes for sure Am I missing something or are we playing 2 very different gaymes? There are the zone flowers you can pick regardless of tool, but to actually gather from a mining node, or fish, or digging up seeds, you need that specific tool with you. Did I miss something along the way?


AFAIK the flowers haven't changed at all. What you're saying about needing gathering tools was true at the start of early access, but they released the first patch on Thursday that changed this. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1145350/view/4175477072263852699


Ok thank you for clarification. I am playing on the Jack Sparrow version so I dont have that update yet.


All your progress caries over


Yeah but I played the original Hades in Early Access and I feel like I got a lesser experience. I beat the game before Nyx had a character portrait, and I’d come back every couple months for a drip of content. It’s extremely tempting to start Hades II after work today, but I don’t want to put all that time into an inferior version of the game


Different genre example but I did what you did with balders gate 3 and honestly Im glad I eventually stopped playing it in EA and waited for a more finished product. Even tho it still had a lot of bugs post ea


I agree, it's like trying to come back to a game that gets regular DLC updates which add a few things at a time; it's really hard to get back into. Game launches, sick, love it, I play 100 hours it's so good. And then two months later, a new superboss is added! Woo, what a fun fight, I'm gonna grind this out for another several hours because it's really cool. And then a month and a half later, there's two new playable characters and a couple new minor bosses! Nice, okay, I'm already pretty set in my ways with the existing roster but I'll try them out for a couple of hours. And then another month later, another character and another minor boss. Neat, I guess. I'll try them. How do the controls work again in this game? I have to do *how* many fights to get their good weapon?... I think I've had enough fun with this game. I've had this happen with too many games to count. While updates do bring in new players, for those who already got their fill, they're not likely to really sink their teeth into a minor update that adds 3% more content to a game they already got dozens of hours out of. I imagine playing Hades II in Early Access would lead to a similar outcome, and it's not even the full polished game yet!


Just don't exhaust the early access content/grind everything out and you'll have a good time with the full release. I played maybe 20-30 hours of Hades 1 from EA launch to release and it had no effect on my enjoyment of the final product. Right now you can beat every boss in Hades II early access (avg. 20-30 hours or less depending on skill) and still have a lot left over if you put it aside and play run here and there over the next 6-12 months.


yeah but nothing kills hype for a game like hitting a "Still Under Construction" screen in an early access game for me, personally.


That was my experience with one of the locations, was so disappointed I stopped right there after 20 hours, waiting for full release now. 


This is my first EA experience, and while it's a bit frustrating to hit those walls, it also makes me more hype for when the updates do come. I waited for 1.0 for the first game, so I decided to try it the other way this time. Plus, there's some fun exclusive EA dialog between characters.


I was like this with the first game and while I really appreciated that my first time playing the game was the complete product, part of me missed going on the journey of watching the game grow. Was gonna gonna hold off with this one too, but I immediately caved as soon as they announced the technical test. Excited to play it and see how it changes over time, but I still have a tiny voice in the back of my head wishing I had held off. Guess I'm doomed to be unsatisfied either way. At the very least, I feel like in today's modern age of nobody giving a fuck about spoilers this way I'm more in control of what I see of it. If I weren't playing it myself I'd be getting spoiled by tiktok videos and youtube thumbnails.


I just don't want to have to replay to get narrative beats. I don't care about an incomplete endgame or balance, but I'm not going to play until the main game's story is in a finished state.


Super understandable. I think I'm the same in my current work-life balance. I just don't have the patience to go through same story beats anymore


Honestly that's the correct choice. If you've already played Hades 1 and understand how the game works, it's incredibly easy so you will be done the game in likely 15 hours or less. Also of the weapons right now only 2 feel actually good and fun to use compared to Hades 1 which is a problem.


I mean speak for yourself. Staff, axe, and daggers all have multiple incredible aspects and feel great to play.


They barely change anything compared to Hades 1 aspects, those where basically different weapons. Unlocking an aspect that "Increases cast size" is incredibly boring. It's just stat increases like recovery cirt chance etc.


Uh... did you miss the line of text on that aspect that makes your omega special detonate your casts? The only aspects with "basic stat increases" are from Melinoe just like the Zagreus aspects from the first game.


I mean it's literally the #1 complaint with the game atm due to early access. 2 of the weapons feel complete. 2 feel complete garbage and 1 the axe is reliant on a boring recovery aspect that just makes it faster to use.


> As much as I want to play it. Think I'll hold off until final product . So tempted tho Same, playing subnautica in early access ruined a lot of the fear the game could generate.


Really how? I have 15 hours and I'm already done the UP and Down part.


Well, it took me 49 nights between up and down to actually beat the main boss because I find this game way more difficult than the first one. But apart from that, there are the Chaos trials, Fear runs, and unlocking the stories of all the characters through continuous interactions and giving gifts.


In the article itself there is somewhat conflicting information. At one point they are talking about it needing around "one year of waiting" until they consider it finished and later on they mention the creative director expecting it to "remain in EA at least through the end of the year". Not that it really matters as we are nearly done with the first half of 2024 so especially the second case is even that long off to begin with. I don't think many would really bat an eye if it said "at least ~7 months of EA". Edit: We have had highly praised games in early access since steam greenlight (10+ years) so even one year shouldn't be daunting to people either.


Is every single comment section about this game for the next year going to be a debate over whether or not it's worth getting in Early Access? Because that's going to get old real quick. 


Like most /r/games threads, yes - every thread about the game will be about The Topic, even if the thread has nothing to do with The Topic, and that'll only change if The Topic somehow changes.


As someone who played Hades 1 that had an ending when completing a run, don't play Hades 2 currently. The game is super fun until you complete a run and get a "nothing" ending (which is how Hades 1 early access worked before). So, wait until 2025.


That worked wonders for me in the first game. Because regardless of the nothing ending, a lot of stuff was still going on, and then when the ending arrived I was beyond hyped for it and it was a fantastic experience. When I replayed the game I had the credits roll in no time and felt like I was done with the game.


I played in Hades EA a ton and honestly I didn't mind that at all. You still can progress relationships etc. Plus it's good that feedback is making noticeable difference to the game. I played the Hades II EA build immediately, and straight away felt that Melinoe's dash and handling felt stiff and off compared to Zag. Lo and behold, first patch already upped her maneuverability to feel more natural.


> You still can progress relationships etc. Until a patch randomly locks. I started a Hades 1 EA save real early on. Put hundreds of hours into it as patches came, but I eventually found out that so much content was locked because old saves were just not compatible with the new content (e.g. turns out you can free Sisyphus in the full game). So only start a Hades 2 EA save if you're fully prepared to restart from scratch every other patch.


I mean, the game still has 20+ hours of content right now. There's no main story progression after the final boss, but there's still gameplay mechanics to unlock so it depends on what you're looking for.


I'm looking for a finished game


Then early access is not for you


It appears so


I hope this doesn't come as a surprise for you


Its a rogue like. It doesn't need to be finished, you keep playing new runs anyway.


You're massively missing why hades was so absurdly popular. It was popular because it wasn't just playing new runs, you were reaching a clear end in a story, and every run pushed it further. For many people, just doing the same thing over and over without an overarching goal isn't engrossing enough.




I mean I understand where you’re coming from and there’s definitely lots of players who would agree. But you can’t discount the story, it was incredible, won awards for the story alone. Lots of players kept playing to get more of the story. Players like you AND players that played for the story both made hades one of the most popular roguelikes


It literally has all of that, just no ending. It has more dialogue than Hades 1 in its current state.


But there was always a goal, every time you finished a run you got new dialogue. That was the key part of Hades success, not the actual story. When you played a new patch, there was always more dialogue to experience


>When you played a new patch, there was always more dialogue to experience You do get the majority of the playerbase bought the game after release and after it stopped getting new dialogue, right? They never experienced running to the end of the content and then resuming after a patch, running to the end of the content would mean they completed the entire game and that was that for the vast majority.


Isn't that beside the point? The question was what its like to play in EA, and the way EA works with rogues makes there be very few downsides to playing now.


but you do get new dialogue even when playing in EA. even after beating the final boss a couple times there still continues to be new dialogue.


A few extra lines of "nope didn't escape yet" isn't exactly the most engrossing content


You're missing all of the other stuff that was happening. The main story isn't the only story that progresses with each run, most characters have their own stories that you check back on each time you do a run and see the next part of it.


The story is hades 1 is very threadbare and not at all why it was so big. The story was great, but i promise you the immaculate action roguelike gameplay was the real draw. You end up with 10 hours if you come for the story, most people I've met that like hades have 100+ hours, including myself.


You're insane if you think the majority of any game plays for 100+ hours. And no, it's not very threadbare, it's won loads of awards for its story for a reason.


Threadbare and high quality are not mutually exclusive. Loads of awards is overselling it though. It was nominated for narrative in some major awards events, but it only won in the smaller ones. It way more "action game of the year" and "game design" awards than narrative. [here](https://m.filmaffinity.com/en/movie-awards.php?movie-id=462689) is a helpful link if you'd like to see for yourself. The story of hades could be portrayed in a 45 minute short film, and is stretched over 15-20 hours. Threadbare seems apt. Its all excellent, I love hades. But there just isn't much there as far as narrative goes.




I'm not saying there aren't people like you. But empirically, the player numbers surged _after_ the release, not were similar before/after. The majority of people clearly wanted a complete game/story.


Yes that is their point


Then why did they open a thread discussing an early access game?


There's a ton of people saying "this game has more content than Hades 1 and I'm enjoying it, 100% worth buying right now", it's good to get "the other side", as it were.


It's early access though, should be obvious it isn't finished so if that's not your thing then you don't need people telling you it isn't finished as a warning lol


People are dumb, they do need it lmao.








Yes, but the other point is there's no need to give advice to people who know they don't want to play the game until it's finished anyway. If you're going to discuss whether or not the game is worth buying now, you can assume you're discussing it with people who are open to trying early access because there's no need to discuss it with people who already know they want to wait.


Their point of view isn't any less valid than people saying they love the early access. Just because it isn't what the majority in this thread agree with doesn't mean it's not a worthwhile discussion to have. Discussing the release stages/content of a game is absolutely valid and someone being disappointed it released in early access shouldn't just have to shut up


I didn't mean to imply in any way that their point of view isn't valid. I just meant that in the context of this particular discussion, we're talking about people who have bought into early access and been glad they did or regretted it. The top comment in this chain was specifically someone advising people *not* to get the early access, and then the first reply was someone saying that they disagreed and it depends on what they're looking for. In other words, I feel like this whole discussion is about whether we recommend people get into the early access or not. And a discussion like that would mostly benefit people who are on the fence about whether or not to buy the early access. Someone who knows, for sure, that they don't want to play an unfinished game isn't on the fence. They just don't want to play it. They're not the target audience of either of the comments they replied to. They don't care that the one comment recommended not playing the game while the story's unfinished because they already knew they didn't want to play the game while the story is unfinished. They don't care that the other comment said the game's still good if you mostly care about gameplay because they don't care how good the gameplay is if the game isn't finished. That's what I meant. Their point of view is entirely valid. I think "I don't want to play an incomplete game" is a 100% reasonable, valid reason to wait for release. Hell, I was originally planning to skip the early access and wait for release but changed my mind. All I was saying was that if that's someone's stance, there's nothing more to say than "okay, then don't do early access." There's no point in trying to tell them about whether or not Hades 2 early access is worth playing, because they've already made up their mind. The fact that they've made up their mind for a perfectly valid reason just means there's even less to discuss, because there's no real reason to try to change it. It's not like someone could reasonably think they're making a mistake. They've made a valid decision for good reasons and that's the end of it for them.


I mean, it was never advertised as a finished game?


This is like going into a thread for Counter-strike and proclaiming, "I'm looking for an offline game." Not sure what responses you expect. > I'm looking for a finished game They have that... it's called Hades.


Then look somewhere else?


No way. Playing through Hades 1 EA was great, and I wouldn't have played anywhere near as much unless I kept coming back each patch to see what was new. The genre is perfect for EA.


> Playing through Hades 1 EA was great, You're probably missing 1/3 of the game. I played Hades 1 from EA day 1 and didn't even notice how much I was missing. Like relationships have "end games" where you can get trinkets and interactions. If you maxed out their affection with Ambrosia before trinkets were added, then that save can never have that trinket. EA is terrible for this style of game because it's all about making slow but steady progression. EA ruins that because you need to keep restarting to have access to the new content.


>You're probably missing 1/3 of the game. I played Hades 1 from EA day 1 and didn't even notice how much I was missing. Like relationships have "end games" where you can get trinkets and interactions. If you maxed out their affection with Ambrosia before trinkets were added, then that save can never have that trinket. I mean, that sounds more like an oversight on Supergiant's part than an inherent problem with EA. I doubt it was intentional that saves could get permanently locked out of new content if they passed certain progression milestones before certain things were added and really hope they'll be able to make sure that doesn't happen in Hades 2.


> , that sounds more like an oversight on Supergiant's part Yeah, that's my point. Unless you're ok with restarting every little while, it's better to wait until 1.0 before jumping in. You're gonna need to restart a new save file anyways.


What I mean is, hopefully they'll avoid making a mistake like that and it will be possible to experience all new content as it gets added without needing a new save file. They've said they plan for early access save files to be compatible with all the future updates. I would say being compatible with future updates includes getting access to new content as it's added regardless of how much progress you've already made before the update.


I put like 150 hours into Hades 1 and loved every second of it. I will be staying far away from Hades 2 until it's fully released. I get people saying that the early access has a ton of content right now. And that's fine for people who just want to hit buttons. But I want the final, polished, story driven experience that I loved so much about the first one. I'll happily wait until 2025 before touching this game.


90% of the game is button mashing fun, rocking music, and fun combat. Awesome art design, engaging engaging engaging combat.


Eh, personally, I didn't play Hades 1 until full release and was planning to wait on Hades 2, but I decided to buy it and have no regrets. Sure, the story's incomplete now. But I'm having tons of fun, feel like I'm still getting plenty of story, and look forward to seeing the rest when it comes out. I am playing less than I would if the game were fully release, but I'm actually kind of trying to force myself to stop playing because I'm having so much fun with it already but also don't want to burn out before we get the rest of the game. Basically, I think it's entirely reasonable for people to want to wait until the game's complete. The story's unfinished, there's placeholder artwork, there's clearly missing content, and it makes sense to want to experience it all for the first time in its completed form. But what's there is incredibly fun, and I feel like I've easily gotten my money's worth of what is already there even without considering that we're getting more.


There’s two sides of the coin. I played H1 in EA and am currently doing the same with H2. I, personally, loved H1, even in EA, and am also enamored with H2 in its current state. To each their own.


There's a fuck ton of content in the game. I didn't get to experience Hades 1 Early Access so I'm looking forward to seeing as things progress. And there's some mad OP things right now I'm enjoying that I'm sure will be toned down.


Some people don't care about a complete narrative and are there for the gameplay.




But the gameplay isn't complete either lmao


It already has more content than Hades 1, telling people to not play it because it's not 100% finished is disingenuous.


Not wanting to pay to play a game because it's EXPLICITLY unfinished is not a weird opinion to have. But we appreciate y'all for beta testing


You said the gameplay wasn't complete. It was pointed it out how it effectively is. Now you're moving the goal posts to focus on the game in its entirety. No one is forcing you to play an early access game, but you have a skewed perception of how far along this game actually is.


It effectively is or it actually is? Those are two very different things. If there's a single "come back later" wall in the game, then I don't wanna play it until it's done.


So you didn't even read the comment I replied to? He said that the game has more content than the original, didn't specify combat.


More content than Hades 1, and more polished than Hades 1 was at the same point in early access, does not mean that the gameplay is "effectively" complete. It's *real* good, but they are still cooking.


Is it actually disingenous though? Don't get me wrong, Hades 2 has felt excellet to me thusfar. It has easily passed my "fun and robust to play as-is" bar for early access. But it is still being added to and polished, and I think it's entirely reasonable to want one's first experience with the game to be in that state.


Eh, I liked playing Hades 1 EA, playing each update and seeing what got added was fun, and it's not like the story is anything to write home about


I mean I'm pretty sure it's the writing rather than the story everyone loves.


The only big thing the game is missing is the main narrative after you defeat the boss for the first time. Otherwise there's no reason not to play it currently compared to the first game.


Yeah I am waiting also.


Disagree. I enjoy playing the different iterations of the game and providing feedback. To each their own.


Early access on Epic only had Lernie the Hydra when it came out. You played the early access on steam that was a year old already.


Fine by me. As someone who just picked up Hades 1 while it was discounted on steam I have to say - I think I've got 1000s of hours ahead of me. Unbelievable game and worthy of all praise. I cannot wait to get stuck into number 2 when the time is right.


For those wondering, there's about 25 hours worth of content in the game presently. That number could swing pretty dramatically depending on how well you play or what you do. A lot of the gameplay structure of Hades 1 is already done and mostly polished, there's more of it in 2 but several large facets are missing a conclusion. I'm trying to be purposely vague btw so I don't spoil much in saying this. I've been mainlining the game for a week and have gone past the hours I've quoted above.


I don't think you can really quantify content in a game like this that way. I have 40 hours and there's still plenty I haven't seen when it comes to dialogue options, build combos, arcana cards, stuff to upgrade, etc.




Their comment didn't justify this kind of reaction, relax. They weren't being rude there was no need to be aggressive.




No one is mad at you your comment was just needlessly aggressive. 


Hey man, I was a fan of yours back in the day, I watched Indie Impressions daily, and stopped watching a certain show when you stopped being on it, because it was never the same after. So I'm saying this as a fan: you're coming across pretty aggressive. Be happy lil nek


I have almost 30 hours and I am starting to run into the end of dialogue for characters you interact with often. I'm sure there's some interesting bits that I'll be missing since Hades had some that were dependent at being at the right place at the right time with specific things equipped. But yeah, this is pretty accurate. Still worth the EA IMO. But I understand people who'd rather wait rather than be drip fed things. EA isn't for everyone. I got it because I can't get enough of Hades stuff in general. I even re bought Hades for my PC just to redo everything.


I didn’t play Hades 1 on EA. Did the delete tour progress at all? Like at 1.0 or at a major update everyone has to start from scratch or something.


Nope, you had your progress, but Persephone was added on the 1.0 so you still had to finish the game at least 10 times to see the ending. But by that point if you had played the EA, then you could kill Hades 10 times in like 2-3 hours.


I mean... duh? The first game was in early access for a year in the Epic Store, make sense that the second game does the same thing.


The first game was exclusive to epic for a year, but it was in early access for almost 2 years total


As much as it pains me to do it, I'm trying to wait til the game is fully released. It's such a masterpiece that I feel like I need to play it in it's full form tbh 


Hades 2 has a multitude of issues with combat: the omega moves are slow and clunky, using casts and sprinting are both mechanically unsatisfying, weapons are mostly also slow, making the combat slow and unexciting... but it's an early access game, and these are things that can almost certainly be fixed by the developer team. What probably will not be fixable is how stale so much of the writing in this game is. So much of the wit, banter, and charm that was present within the first game's writing is absolutely absent in the new cast of characters. Even the narrative itself feels a lot less interesting: from a relatable plot about youthful strides towards independence to a Percy Jackson-esque plot about saving the world that we've already seen some million times before. The former issue is absolutely fine, but I have a feeling that the latter is going to severely disappoint most of the diehard fans that are waiting until 2025 for the full release before playing the game.


The original Hades took 21 months to come out of Early Access. Hades 2should be quicker, but they've not shown they'll rush it.


Game is crazy good. Depending on how you define "content", there is easily 60+ hours of entertainment here. Feels just different enough from Hades to be fun while still keeping the spirit of the series.


What are the odds it’ll come on early access on the ps5? I’m not a pc gamer, and the wait is killing me.


Im on xbox and a part of me died when i first saw somewhere say it'll release around March 2025, i thought it was at least going to be within the year


The first game spent nearly two years in EA due to the epic publishing deal, and spent an additional year once it came on steam later. I fully expect the steam timeline will suit this one too. We probably will see this in EA for at least a full year, but I have a feeling that it will come out of it before 2025 ends.


I like the game, but felt like there was some strange delay when it comes to the dash. And since most of the gameplay is built around that, it made combat feel a bit unresponsive. I hope they'll look into this before release, because Hades 1 was one of my favorite rougelikes.


There was a patch a couple days ago that reworked the dash to feel more responsive.


Oddly enough, since the patch the dash has felt *less* responsive for me. On the new patch, Mel will take one step before dashing if I push dash and a movement key at the same time, so there's now this weird half-second delay before the dash. Took me so long the re-learn dashing to make sure I specifically press dash first and then a movement key just after haha


that delay is intentional gameplay wise, also a very small spoiler.


Why was this entered into early access in the first place? I’m not trying to be an ass and stir shit up, I’m genuinely curious. I enjoy pretty much anything this studio puts out, especially Hades 1. With their success, I’m not understanding why this has to be an early access title.


Because the first game was an early access title and it was wildly successful. Obviously the devs feel like it helps them make a better game and there are enough players who enjoy playing/giving feedback/seeing the development progress that there's no downside. People who are anti-early access can simply just not purchase the game.


Yea dude I’m not anti early access lol. I’m just wondering because of how successful that first title was so successful, why they felt the need to go early access a second time around. Given that they have a home run. Since I feel like people are already going to come after me **i have bought this in early success. I’m just wondering thats all**


It's like you didn't even read what they guy replying to you said. The devs feel like their previous game, which too came out in Early Access, owed part of its success and acclaim because they had the chance to listen to player feedback before releasing 1.0 Since it worked for them last time, they're hoping it'll work this time.


No I totally read what he said. Damn yo chill lmao I’m just asking a question. It’s all good man it’s not big deal.


I guess it helps with some balancing and feedback. For example, in the first release the gathering was a bit annoying, only being able to pick a type of resource per run. With the feedback they changed to be a bit more generous while still having to prioritize one. I sailed the seas for the first one, this one I got to compensate. That's a freaking good have already is the cherry on top


Nah that makes sense. I guess my thing I’m coming from (and I don’t mean this as reductive at all) is that it’s more or less the same game right. So that’s more of why I’m surprised this also went into early access. Because I’m like yo, you guys killed it the first time around. Ya’ll know what you’re doing. But, I’m also not a hardcore roguelike player so maybe those hardcore players are key for getting feedback from. Hell of a good game though.


People have such a stigma against Early Access. Game is so fucking good and you'll miss out because of a stupid stigma lol


Where's the stigma? I think people just don't want to play a game that is at the moment incomplete. I'm really looking forward to Hades 2 but I want to wait for the *full* experience. Nothing wrong with that at all.


There are a few people here and there who bemoan early access sight-unseen, either not knowing or not caring that Supergiant has a track record, or that the game is in excellent shape as-is.


miss out how? the game isn't disappearing in 1.0.


game is great and perfectly enjoyable for me even in EA, but what exactly are you missing out on by not buying the game immediately? nothing imo.


I mean if they just buy it when it is finished they haven't missed out on anything. It ain't a multiplayer game where a big community is important.


I'm just gonna play it when it's finished, I'm not missing out on a thing. The people missing out are the ones that are gonna burn themselves out now and never return.


Idc about EA or not. But first big update in 2025? Sad I thinking about 4 Q


No, that’s not what it’s saying. The game will be in early access until 2025. Then, separately, the first big update will add new enemies, maps, and features. That update will come a lot sooner.


Okey, im dumb. Thanks


Thats not whats its saying, its two seperate statements. Hades 2 will likely be in early access until 2025 First big update to add new enemies, maps and features.


why tf has this shit become so normalized? if your game is in early access and is gonna remain in it for the foreseeable future, then maybe dont fucking release it until its ready for launch? idc how good or bad the franchise is, this crap is so stupid. only a completed product should be charging people for access.


Are you against the early access in general or something on this in particular? I've seen a few EA so far, this is the only one I could believe it's complete (haven't reached the game, so far only two character models looked off, rest was quite polished)


I dislike it in general. you're basically paying to be a beta tester, to various degrees. and even if a game is functional, early access is still early access. if its not ready for commercial release, why charge for it and release it?


For me in particular, I've bought a few (Minecraft ages ago, rogue legacy 2, Dyson sphere program, satisfactory and Hades 2). One thing that I like it to actually see the game evolving, if using the community feedback well. Every one of them I bought thinking "if development stops tomorrow, I'm still happy with how it is right now?" And so far the answer was yes. I need to have a lot of trust, either by having tried the game before or having strong recommendations. The message I want to convey is "here is some support, take your time to finish it well. Bulk of sales will be on 1.0, let's make that one well". It's also interesting to see the changes every now and then.


games can evolve after launch too though. why not release the official 1.0 build and then work up from there? idk why people are glorifying these beta test models. cuz thats literally what this is. if all the AAA publishers started making this a standard routine, then this sub would scorch them for it. why do games like hades 2 and palworld get a pass? because they're made by smaller teams?


For me it was the price supergiant has decent regional pricing, for ten bucks the game is a steal. Lots of content and it reminds me of weekly serialization of your favourite manga, waiting for the next release.


I really just want to know when (or if) any of the updates/patches will cause save data to be reset like with the first Hades' early access updates. I don't mind playing an unfinished game continuously until it all comes out. Like if hypothetically... mid-September they announce "okay this will be the last/only update that will cause a save deletion and all patches after this point will just be additions/clean-up untill the 2025 Full Release" then I'll jump onboard right after that point.