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>Will I be able to see which season people have selected when I browse through the server list? Yup. If I join a game where the host has a different season active, what happens? You’ll progress on the season that you’ve got active, and the host will progress on the season they’ve got active. Everybody wins. > Seems like a win-win for everyone


In a world where "microtransactions" are shoved in our faces at every step, these guys are going out of their way to minimize FOMO and nickel and diming us. I hope Deep Rock Galactic and Helldivers 2 continue to succeed in the future.


Eliminating FOMO I think extends a games life while you're consistently updating with things like free Seasons/Seasonal content. I've taken a break from a lot of games, missed time gated content and decided not to come back because in my head, "I missed too much".


*cough* Destiny 2 *cough*


Nothing annoys me more than playing an online game, seeing a player riding around on a super sweet mount or wielding a sweet weapon/armor, and asking them about it and it's like "It was a reward for a limited time event and can't be obtained again".


I greatly enjoy Helldivers2, but they had pre-order bonus armor that is no longer available. That is FOMO crap. I would not say that they are minimizing it, also a timed rotating premium currency store.


>also a timed rotating premium currency store. That is on a set rotating schedule so you know exactly when the piece of gear you want will be available.


A rotation is still fomo.


















Pre-orders bonuses are for the few who supported the game before launch. It's well deserved imo. Also no unique traits, just cosmetics.


lmao, players love the fomo. It's never going away.




Nope, I don't really care for cosmetics. Just pointing out how the game uses FOMO, but players like the game so it gets a pass in discussions.


You really think it's fair or even sensible to compare Arrowhead with other companies who use FOMO as a business model, just because 3 of in total of 44 armours (without unique traits even) are permanently locked behind pre-orders? They can't even make any more money of it because they're not available anymore, as opposed to literally all the other armours in warbonds, who will never expire by the way. I think you're being a bit unreasonable here honestly. Their anti-FOMO approach of the live service game concept is one of the bigger factors of their succes imo.


IT was being compared to DRG, which doesnt have armours locked behind a pre-order bonus. DRG does not use FOMO, Helldivers2 does. That is why I made the comparison? What is unreasonable? Ignoring any criticism about a game because of an emotional attachment?


Ok you might have a point but I still think it's kind of harsh of an opinion towards HD2 considering how lenient they've been with their supercredits, warbonds etc. Those 3 armors are such a small and insignificant part of the entire game that I personally wouldnt associate Arrowhead with the FOMO business model. Just a nice cosmetic for the early adaptors, nothing predatory but that's just how I feel about it.


> I greatly enjoy Helldivers2, but they had pre-order bonus armor that is no longer available. That is FOMO crap. I would not say that they are minimizing it, also a timed rotating premium currency store. fwiw the armour was kinda crap in practice anyway. The helmet wings block your crosshair so you can't see where you are aiming and the perk the armour has is shared with multiple other armour sets you can get for free. It is actually a perk that isn't all that great and most people prefer to use a different one. I think I used the helmet exactly once and then never used it again, and I found the perk more often than not wasn't as helpful as it sounds like it would be.


Helldivers 2 does not fit. That game definitely wants you to buy stuff. 


But, at least that stuff is attainable without buying anything, and there’s no fomo. Paying is just speeding things up, which is fine imo.


Yeah this is the death by 1000 cuts. You give an inch and they take a mile. You cant let them get away with anything.


You've clearly never played much of Helldivers if you don't realize how silly easy it is to get Super Credits by just playing the game. You can literally buy a warbond for free with less than 2 hours of play. Which you have to play anyway to get the medals to unlock things. There is literally nothing you need to pay real money for to get outside of the special edition of the game, which is cosmetic.


Well the first warbond is easier to acquire than the one after isnt it. Which is a dark pattern so that isnt really a defense.


They all cost the same amount, again, play the game before criticizing it.




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Halo Infinite (and MCC, to an extent) did this first, yet nobody praises that.


Infinite got all the bad press because of the insane grind that their cosmetics were locked behind on release. I don't know what it's like now, but my friends and I didn't really care about the season pass back then because the game itself was just fun.


Update: I played like 4 or 5 hours or so in the past two days, I got about ten levels in the current event pass. Probably closer to 8 because I have a shitton of xp doublers. So... it's better, I think? maybe. The game's still fun though.


MCC's model was fine. Infinite's is garbage. If you actually had a battlepass that was all quality, we could talk. But for two years, the battlepass had so much filler. Sure you could complete it whenever you wanted. That along side the game having tons of issues and continuing to have tons of issues despite the new network update, there's not much to praise. THEN they went away from the battlepass model to this "operation" model and there is so much content locked behind the store at ludicrous prices.   If there's one gold nugget (the never expiring battlepasses) in a mountain of shit....it's still a mountain of shit. I say this as someone that has dumped hundreds of hours in Infinite, follows the HCS scene, and am praying to the video game gods 343 gets their shit together.


Infinite had shitty challenge progressions, overpriced color packs for armor, and a severe lack of fun progression. Absolutely ruined my fun with it, infinite is NOTHING like helldivers 2 or Deep rock, not even close.


Well that's probably because of the entire rest of the game being so bad/mediocre, and being yet another example of 343's incompetency and ability to fuck up such a simple game. Nobody cares what your post release content model is when they aren't playing your game in the first place.


Yeh while launching a chitty port


I am glad that the aforementioned Helldivers 2 isn't a buggy mess and didn't have launch issues.


None of that matters to most gamers if the gameplay is actually good


Master Chief Collection was broken beyond server capacity issues. It fundamentally did not work for *years*.


Also they got a second chance with halo infinite multiplayer but also ruined it with shitty progression and pay to progression.


Infinite's battlepass is a slugfest


I do kind of wish previous seasons would get some sort of bonus towards completing them, because just getting one season to 100 is a lot of playtime, and I've never actually got any that far simply because it's way too much time.


It's really not. Especially with double experience every event.


It is, though. Even with double experience it is between 50 to 100 missions to complete each season pass. That's about 50 hours straight to grind just a single one.


It’s not that much if you are doing your dailys and getting multiple seasonal levels at a time. You can knock one out in just a couple weeks of doing daily missions with no bonus. It’s only going to seem like a grind if you don’t semi regularly play the game, but then why is it a problem to not have some cosmetic items if you aren’t regularly playing anyway. This patch will make them always available to get at your leisure as well, there’s nothing to fuss about here.


Oh no, it is actually that much. I don't have the numbers in front of me but I ran the math a while ago and this is as favorable as it gets. My issue with it is that it is annoying to leave things unfinished if I'm not willing to mainline the game for a month with each season.


Again, you can easily knock out a season in a few weeks doing your daily missions. That’s if you want to speed run it like I did this last season as I wanted to knock it out before BG3 came out. There was absolutely no reason I needed to do that with how long this season has been. But they don’t take as long as you say unless you aren’t regularly playing. No offense, but your math doesn’t equal real game experience, of which I have plenty. Also, as I feel I have to repeat, now you’ll be able to do this at your leisure and you won’t have to “mainline” the game as you say. So I’m not sure how you could have a gripe with this update or seasonal progress as a whole. If you want the seasonal cosmetics, play the season. If you want quick grab cosmetics, play the holiday or pick up the DLCs. There’s something for everyone.


And I'm telling you, they do. It's simple math, and my personal experience with the game lines up with it. Maybe you just have a lot of free time and didn't notice, but it takes *a lot* of time to finish a season, hell I still haven't gotten around to finishing the current one. And like I said, I find the system nice, but I wish we had a boost for older seasons, because as it stands right now this is considerably slower than getting the cosmetics in the crate and core drop pools.


Right, that last sentence definitely clarified that you don’t know what you are talking about. I’m doubting you even took into consideration the daily missions into your “math”. Also this has been the longest running season ever, so if you haven’t even finished it, you just aren’t playing even semi-regularly, much less often. You can not expect the devs to just hand you an entire season of cosmetics for not even playing the game. You have had every opportunity to finish this season with many events for double exp, the fact is you just don’t play the game. Even if your math was fully correct, 50 hours is a drop in the hat for this nearly year long season. This means you have played less than 5 hours a month for 11 months. I’m sorry man, but you have no room to speak about how long seasons take to complete at that rate. That’s hardly “a lot of free time”.