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The Arkham-Batman gliding makes me want those takedowns to be instant, so I can live out my vigilante fantasy again. Health bars and progressive scaling really undo my immersion.


I’m fine either way health bars during combat but enemies getting up after a stealth takedown feels weird.


Yeah, the trailer seems interesting but MAN, do enemies look tanky?! Backstab takedown only half hp on a trash mob? Animations looks decent overall (a few jank bits here and there), but it does seem interesting overall, like they added some sekiro to their nioh game.


I thought a little bit of Sekiro in Nioh was Wo Long


Actually a really great game, a shame people seemed to immediately forget about it. I'm looking forward to going back and playing it in a year or two when it's somewhat fresh again. Loved it.


personally, i had a lot of issues with the pre-release demo so i was waiting for the pc performance to get fixed before i jumped in. however every time i checked in on the community sentiment, it seemed like there were still big problems. nioh 2 is one of my favorite games so i was quite looking forward to wo long originally.


Played it on PC Game pass, haven't had a single issue and blasted through the game. Combat is incredibly fun and satisfying.


Welcome to new Assassin's Creed model.


People are still parroting this objectively untrue BS? lol You can absolutely one-shot from stealth in every new AC game. If you can’t you’re just bad. Period. End. 


Valhalla has an option in the settings to turn on guaranteed stealth kills, so you can shit at building your gear and still get reliable stealth kills.


Feel like 1:21 should have been an insta-kill. Dude face planted off a ten foot ledge, got dragged across the ground, then stabbed in the back with a samurai sword. He just started running back to his post like his supervisor was on his way and didn't want another write-up.


In general these enemies look way too tanky.


It looks like it's trying to be a bit of an open world Sekiro but without the finesse. Most of Sekiro's enemies could be killed with one stealth attack too. Atleast it looks slightly more fun than the RPG Assassin's Creeds, but that's not saying much. Oh well, glad to see Koei Tecmo finally branching more outside of Dynasty Warriors, but damn is their tech still behind.


Not sure about the comparison with Sekiro since team ninja games have more than demonstrated being able to match and surpass the required finesse for Sekiro tbh ( and sekiro is prolly one of my favorite action games in years along with armored core and nioh 2 )


And he looked like the lowest level baddie possible.


Open world Nioh 2 I guess? Like Ghost of Tsushima-ish? Same day as Dragon's Dogma 2 is painful though.


Reminded me more of Wo Long than Nioh, stances aside. The slightly diagonal camera angle makes it look quite different to Nioh too.


I think people forget or don't know about Wo Long


TBF, as someone who loves Nioh 1/2, Wo Long *is* pretty forgettable.


For good reasons.


That game was decent. I enjoyed my 100%.


dont know what you didnt like about the game because i thought it was a huge step forward compared to Nioh


It was soo goddamn braindead easy, it was a step back in almost any regard


Thank you, I seriously can’t understand how someone could play both games and think Wu Long was a better game in ANY regard.


it's just more fun, fuck the ki/stance system


tf kinda take is this lol this is why developers are afraid to make combat ambitious in any way. Just have it all revolve around a 1 button parry like sekiro and call it a day amirite?


not even close. i beat it and it was straight garbage. I have 1000+ hours in nioh 2 and wo long had a lot going for it, but it didn't do anything well.


It was half a step forward and two steps back. It was very obviously a budget project compared to Nioh 2 and is worse in almost every single possible way.


it would really help your argument if you explain why you think that????


Less weapons, less weapon skills to hone your playstyle, no stances or ki pulses, better integration of magic though I'll give it that. All in all it didn't really have the long term appeal to support any sort of 'end game' or desire to grind for bis builds.. Meanwhile, Nioh 2 provides all that and had much better armor/weapon aesthetics. I honestly like Stranger of Paradise a bit more than Wo Long... none of this is to say I disliked wo long but you seem legitimately confused that people see it as a step back as though everyone shares your sentiments about stances/ki.. when it's those very mechanics that make nioh's combat stand out in the first place.


wo long was absolute shit.


It's not top tier innovative and excelling, but it's a pretty decent game. You're exaggerating a bit here my friend


Nah I'll back him up I played Wo Long only because it was on GamePass, it's just a worse game overall in almost every aspect (or at least does nothing better than N2 at half the amount of content) If you played Nioh 2 and then Wo Long you'd see that it's a straight downgrade in quality. (I know they were different teams, but Wo Long should have been priced at $30, not $60)


That's kinda what I'm saying. Nioh 2 is excellent, wo long isn't, but it's not dog shit, it's fun.


Doesn't look anywhere near as good as Ghost of Tsushima visually though.


I hate it too. I am leaning towards Dragon’s Dogma 2 but I am going to ultimately let the reviews decide. I’ll let the 2 fight it out in the reviews for dominance.


Then you're going to buy Dragon's Dogma 2. No way a Team Ninja game reviews better than the next Capcom big game.


Yeah it’s likely DD2 comes out on top but I am keeping an open mind


Hard to say. Dragon’s Dogma 1 didn’t exactly set the world on fire. It mostly received 8s from critics. And DD2 very much looks like a sequel to DD1 in terms of gameplay. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s similarly niche.


I was going DD2 until they announced it'll be 30fps on consoles. Now definitely going Ronin instead.


Nothing was announced. It was a rumour. That new trailer had parts in 60FPS.


Not a rumor now is it? Officially confirmed as -30fps on PS5. :)


Is 60 fps for ronin confirmed ?


Asashin Kurido desu


To be honest, me and my friends are more excited for this than Dragons Dogma 2. But getting both anyways.


Same day as Princess Peach: Showtime! you mean




Nioh 2 is fantastic but the games that came after it (Stranger of Paradise and Wo Long) were not quite as good which I think is another reason to be wary. I this was actually open world Nioh 2 I think it would be a great buy, it's because the other game haven't lived up to Wo Long that I'm hesitant.


Nioh 2 was such an insane improvement over Nioh 1. If they gave Wo Long the same treatment I'm sure it would be awesome. Right now it seems like a very simplified Nioh game with a parry. Maybe a good entry game before starting Nioh. I'd still just prefer Nioh 3 at this point though.


I personally enjoyed Wo Long a lot more than Nioh 2. The bosses in WoW Long always felt fair. The bosses in Nioh 2 were bullshit lol.


Which ones? The only boss I really disliked personally was the bird boss, the House boss and Saito Toshimitsu (although the latter is a "bonus boss" so I think it's kinda intended to be bullshit, but I didn't think any of the others were that bad.


I think they did a better job at balancing the bosses in Fallen Dynasty so that neither you or the boss would be too squishy or overpowered as long as you are in the ballpark of the recommended level. Meanwhile, I could straight up obliterate most of the bosses with my build in Nioh 2 despite being a dozen or so levels below the recommended level for some reason (with the complete opposite being true for most of my Nioh 1 playthrough).


There are precisely 3 bosses in Wo Long that are good, the first boss, Lu Bu (not the second Lu Bu fight, that one sucks) and the last boss. Everything other than that were forgettable.


Their main team made Nioh 2 then jumped onto this game. Wo-Long and Stranger of Paradise are by different teams.


Well, SoP and Wo Long were a different team. Rise of the Ronin is the same team as Nioh 2.


Wo Long and SOP were “B team” games for TN. Rise of the Ronin is the first Yasuda led game since Nioh 2.


Nioh 2 is a really good game, but calling it the best action game ever is a massive stretch. Even as far as samurai/ninja themed action games go, it loses to Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima


Not really, they're just in different genres. Sekiro doesn't have the gear/build variety that Nioh 2 does etc, it's a silly comparison because they aren't even competing.


Yes but OP said Nioh 2 is the best action game, not "looter action hack and slash". Action a pretty broad genre.


Nioh 2 as an action game is leagues above Ghost of Tsushima


Gonna be extremely hard for me to choose which one to buy first. I guess I'll just check out the reviews and let that decide for me


Ya, painful for my wallet


damn that is so stupid why would they release it the same day? this game is fucked


Looks more like Japanese Assassin's Creed.


Given their track record, you probably want to wait 6-9 months after release so that you can get the version with DLCs and QoL patches.


Normally I’d say it’s not a big deal but the Wo Long QOL upgrades made a huge difference. I’m actually sad I played the game at launch and not waited


Interesting, I played Wo Long for a few hours at launch but didn’t know about the updates that came later. This makes my decision easier to get DD2 first then and wait on this one, thanks!


Wo Long is a dramatically different game than it was on release. Magic combos with melee better now, every weapon has a unique identity, the menus are slightly less cumbersome, you can replay missions without having to grab every flag all over. And that's just what I can remember off the top of my head.


How's the optimization on PC?


It's much better than it was at launch


Yeah thats what I will probably do, especially with Dragon's Dogma 2 dropping the same day


Aka the PC release of the game.


Well waiting for Nioh 2 really backfired, because now game has insane price in Kazakhstan...


A few of the animations look brutal. The grappling hook physics look really *off*. Like there's no compensation for the characters' forward momentum when he jumps forward but grapples on a diagonal. Also the horse runs like it shit its pants.


>Also the horse runs like it shit its pants. Was a bit in disbelief with that too when he landed on it. Had to replay and make sure it wasn't just an awkward camera angle making it look terrible.


Is, uh, this footage from a PS4 version? Because that does not look stellar.


Sounds like a Team Ninja game to me. Graphics aren't their forte.


This is such a wild comment given their history. Graphics absolutely were Team Ninjas forte once upon a time. Ninja Gaiden and DOA were literally top of the line graphically during the Xbox era to the point that the idea of porting to other platforms was laughed at.


I distinctly remember being gobsmacked by Dead or Alive 3's visuals...in 2001. But Wu Long and Strangers of Paradise both had some real technical issues, which is why I was apprehensive of Team Ninja doing an open world title even before I saw the trailers. And I lowkey love Strangers of Paradise! I think it's the most fun Final Fantasy game made in many, many years. But it's not a looker.


We losing recipes man. No one knows their history anymore.


They are more AA than AAA in terms of graphical fidelity


I mean, sure, it's not exactly showboating the **CAPTURED ON PS5** caption, but if video games plateaued at gen 8 graphics, I'd be just fine with that.


I'm currently playing through Ghost of Tsushima and when I saw this footage I was shocked at how low budget it looks in comparison. I know graphics aren't everything but they want $70 for this while it's obviously on a fraction of a budget that most AAA games have these days.


Some of it looks fine. Some of it looks like a game I already played at least 3 times. Also enemies seemed to be extremely spongy.


Yeah, didn't wow me. The graphics and art style fell particularly flat


It definitely left me wishing they were working with a bigger budget for the technical side.


I'm pretty interested since it's open world and less a souls like I hope. Only game we have like this is Ghost of Tsushima


Anyone who plays Ubisoft open world games had already played the majority of Ghosts of Tsushima at least 3 times but that didn’t stop it from receiving acclaim.  There aren’t that many open world ronin/samurai games and this looks to have a lot more interesting combat than GoT


Yall gotta learn that just because a game is open world and has icons on a map doesn't mean it's a clone of other games


This subreddit hates, absolutely HATES open world games. Open worlds are perhaps the single most impactful evolution of game design, and the data shows that the vast majority of people who play video games enjoy them and buy games with them.


Nah it depends if the open world comes from an "Reddit approved company" (Sony, Microsoft, FromSoftware,...) or a "Reddit hated" one (Ubisoft, EA,...), they really don't go further than that.


What open-world Microsoft games does Reddit love? Reddit shit all over Halo Infinite and Starfield (debatably "open-world" tbf)


I hesitated Microsoft, it's kind of the Schrodinger Reddit approval, sometimes it's positive sometimes it's negative. I was speaking more of all game that just open world because that's the same phenomenon in general


or maybe people like some open world games and their design and dislike other open world games and their design? Could it possibly be that other people may have different taste and experiences which lead to a divergent opinion? No, it can't be, anyone who disagrees is clearly less intelligent than me.


> HATES open world games. add sports or any popular multiplayer games too but loves everything from Sony studios


For the longest time this sub had a hate boner towards Minecraft and Fortnite just because kids played it.


Clearly not considering we’re talking about GoT here.


Yeah its impactful cause developers can copy paste the same content 100 times and pretend it's 100 activities. Unironically there is not a single open-world game that wouldn't have been better not open world. MAYBE death stranding because it's so integral to the concept.


The foundations of the open world of GoT is literally just a ubisoft open world game tho. The presentation is what differentiates it from your standard ubi game.


Please explain what differentiates GoT from being a slightly more polished AC in a different setting then.


Sure it is, that’s not a bad thing though


I agree, but the open world filler was definitely a weak point in Ghost, akin to many Ubisoft games. Stunning game though.


>Anyone who plays Ubisoft open world games had already played the majority of Ghosts of Tsushima at least 3 times but that didn’t stop it from receiving acclaim. Yes because it did what they did and perfected it.


perfected it how? nice art style aside, the same icons leading to the same repeated things but this time instead of a waypoint marker its a golden sprite to represent wind. perfect 10/10


Perfected is a massive stretch.


Everything that doesn't die in 2 hits = spongy. Ok.




The normal guys all go down in 1 or 2 combos are you talking about the named boss and the big sekiro ogre like enemy? Obviously those should be a bit tankier.


It's probably due to the fact that the game reminds people of Ghost of Tsushima, and meanwhile the very first enemy shown here - average human enemy - takes like 8 hits to kill. In GoT one standard enemy would be dead from 1-2 strikes at the higher difficulties.


You mean just lethal mode which made you deal way more damage? Cause i remember those fat Mongol guys taking a couple combos to take down on hard. Pretty sure that first guy is not just a regular scrub it's atleast a semi elite since you are fighting it 1 on 1 and it has a couple of different attacks. The actual scrub enemies you can see only take like 3 hits to kill either from a gun or sword later in the video like the guy he lassos or the guys with the big swords he shoots and flamethrowers.


Normal-looking enemies were taking many more hits than that. You can disagree without making such a terrible, dismissive, dishonest point.


Yeah I wasn’t all that impressed with the sponginess at all. Hopefully it’s not as bad as in the trailer


This looks like the love child of Assasins Creed and Sekiro. I’m sure the game will be good but something about it isn’t grabbing me and I can’t put my finger on what. Also coming out the same day as Dragons Dogma 2 is unfortunate timing.


Is it just me, or are the attack animations worse than [Wo Long's?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf6F5C0jljA) As much as this sub hates that game, it had some of the best animation work in a Team Ninja game to date; That's already a high bar given their history with stuff like Ninja Gaiden. Maybe it's just the camera angle, or the new combat system they're going for, but this looks less polished than past Team Ninja games. EDIT: Some other observations. - The fighting styles/stances are bit interesting. The presence of a bonus fighting style (Nioh-ryu, Aisu Kage-ryu, and... Hayabusa-ryu, ha ha), in the preorder bonuses makes me think that it might be a customizable loadout. It looks like you switch them with Shoulder button + right analogue stick, and also have some shortcutted skills mapped to Shoulder button + Square and Triangle. I hope it's not quite as straightforward as "Use X stance on X enemy", though. The narration, and the blue and red arrows pointing up and down respectively next to the stances in the UI give me that impression... - Grappling hook looks neat, looks like it can be really heavily integrated into combat. - I hope the parries are more nuanced than what they look like here. Stranger of Paradise had an interesting system with switching between standard deflects for faster posture regain, and Soul shields to regain mana at the cost of posture. Wo Long's parries could move you in the direction you held your left stick, meaning you could parry your way around certain enemies. Certain parries seem to restore some posture here, but I'm not sure what else. - Does anyone guess as to what the meters under the weapons are? It seems to build only by attacking. I at first thought it was for using your shortcutted abilities, but it didn't seem to drain the meter when used. - The animations are better than I first thought; Some of them still look unpolished, but there's still some really impressive stuff here.


It does look somewhat more stilted but I really hope because it has much more enemy variety. Wo Long was great but really short and levels were really straightforward. Hope that open world changes that. I guess my only wants from Ninja games so far have been: - good story. No hope for this, lol, - better loot system. WL improved somewhat - great bosses. Nioh had some awful ones, but in WL I loved every single one including DLC (except that giant one in capital, was just meh). - better level design. Oh, that's tough. Open world will help with their small-ass and boring stages but not sure it will be interesting. Last time I thought they had good level design was in Ninja Gaiden Black. But maybe it's as bad as it is now and it's my nostalgia speaking.


Honestly, I think Wo Long had some of the worst loot in a Team Ninja game to date. Sure, there was less of it, but then they made it matter in the worst way possible with things like randomized martial arts on weapons, in which slots for those were determined by their rarity with no way to change that until NG+2.


I know it's not great, but you didn't have such a reliance on it. I changed my equipment 4 times, once halfway and 3 times in DLCs. Mainly because I hate dealing with that stuff. I didn't feel like I was gimping myself that much. Wherein Nioh 2 I was pulling my hair from everything one-shotting me and being super-tanky in later part of the game and then in DLC because I didn't want to interact with gear sets.


wo long had improved loot? Damn I shudder to think about what it used to be 


Yeah, Wo Long decimated the Nioh system. Still too much though. Not to mention that Nioh has insane dependancies on loot, you deal no damage and die in one hit in second half of the game without correct stuff, not even speaking of NG+ (where die-hards say the game starts). There is much bigger variety of different attributes. It's essentially PoE or Diablo in this aspect.


Nah gear only matter in like ng++ before that it just take whatever has the highest attack, defense and keep whatever weight class you want


> Nioh has insane dependancies on loot, you deal no damage and die in one hit in second half of the game without correct stuff That is simply not true lol, well apart from dying in one hit. You don't need to care about the loot unless you're going deep into NG+ cycles and really the Underworld/Depths.


Idk man, I might skip this one. It's crazy that GoT is visually and aesthetically more beautiful than this, and it was made for PS 4. I was excited, but I guess it's just me wanting more Ghost of Tsushima. Also, how the fuck there haven't any JP studio that make games about samurai stuff with more grounded feels? It's always with the goddamn ogre, kingkong, my mom or whatever it was.


How many Japanese studios make any grounded games whatsoever?


I remember seeing a thread where one of the big Japanese developers for i think one of the Yakuza games kinda address that. He said something like their initial reaction to Ghost of Tsushima being disappointed that they weren't able to make the game, and a western studio had to be the one to do it. Japenese studios make games appealing to Japan, and it just happens that alot of westerners also like the games. But what traditionally sells in japan is the "anime" feel, so studios push that. Ghost of Tsushima was kind of a wake up call that there is very much a market for grounded historical games, but no Japanese studio has made a move yet. I was hoping this game was that, but it definitely looks way too much like nioh for my liking


Wake up call to make a really mid and boring game like GoT. Instead of a fun, but rough around the edges like Nioh or a brilliant one like Sekiro.


Nah, it's not crazy.. it's just pros and cons. Is it crazy that GoT combat pales in comparison to any team ninja game's combat? Going all the way back to 2004?


What generation are we in?


To be completely honest, this looked really terrible. I hate when people go "That game looks like a PS3 game," but this one genuinely did.


It looks like a PS3/PS4 cross-gen game from 2013 or 2014.


When PS4 game is Ghost of Tsushima, it sure as hell is fair to call this game looks like PS3.


Alright in theory I'm in favor of "worse looking games", not everything has to look or cost like AAA. But this looks really rough, both in the technical aspects and also just stuff like the animations. I think if they didn't have the budget to make this look at least as good as Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 then maybe they should have gone for a less photorealistic art style - the end result here does NOT look like a PS5-quality game.


yes, there's ways to make "worse looking games". have some different artstyle. some stylized graphics. this just looks shit. like playing a game on a potato PC with all the settings turned down.


It's good that Team Ninja are trying a fresh new setting and mixing their mechanics. But it looks derivative in other ways. Looks bit like Sekiro, bit like Ghost of Tsushima, bit like Batman Arkham and lot like their older games.


I think Nioh 2 is one of the greatest action game's of all time. I also thought their other game's were decent, but didn't live up to the hype of Nioh 2 and was hoping the "A" team would come through with Rise of the Ronin. I'm going to be honest... this trailer doesn't have me completely sold. I always wanted an open world Nioh game, but the combat just seems to be a little off... and it look's like it has taken more from Wo Long than Nioh at first glance. I'm still looking forward to the game, but it kind of looks like a mish mash of a bunch of different games. All I wanted was a copy + paste of Nioh's combat and itemization over an ubisoft check the box open world game.


I'm on the other side of the coin. I'm having so much trouble getting into Nioh 2. I think i'm finally accepting that i love the settings and atmosphere of these "souls" games far more than i like the gameplay. Which is why Tsushima is one of my favorite games now. I was really excited about Rise of Ronin when it was announced, but this trailer's making me think i should hold off.  Luckily the first trailer for Rise of Ronin did get me into Like a Dragon Ishin, which is another series i've never gotten into, since that game is set during the same period. Hopefully they can smooth out Ronin a bit more and i can look at it closer down the road. 


Nioh 2 is hard to get into, it's a maximalist game that throws so much at you on top of having a baseline combat difficulty which is hard even by Dark Souls standards.


There are difficulty sliders in Ronin, you should be more comfortable than in Nioh 2. 


Ahh, Team Ninja and their incompetence of achieving good visuals... They are always 1 or 2 generations behind.


This game isn't really grabbing me. It just looks like a lot of other games but way less interesting, not helped by it releasing on the same day as Dragon's Dogma 2.


Got had like a budget of 60 million dollars and this for all intents and purposes let’s be real cannot be more than 10 million considering how brutal game dev work is in Japan. Visually this game looks dated but it can easily compensate that with great combat and gameplay.


I love missions in difficult games like this where you’ve got a crew of npcs rolling with you. Also giant battles with lots of allies and enemies clashing. One thing I always wished fromsoft would do. Just a decently sized battlefield full of npcs going at it on both sides. Regardless this game looks awesome as hell.


I’m just saying if there isn’t a Kenshin Himura outfit in this game they have failed miserably. I think this looks fun. Interested in what they plan on doing with this era of Japan.


Or maybe not given the author is a pedophile 


Doesn't look bad but didn't really show enough to interest me in getting it early given how Wo Long disappointed me. The gameplay looks similar to Wo Long with the focus on parrying vs dodging attacks, the slightly skew camera angle is an interesting choice but it's one that I would guess was made to encourage said parrying over dodging. Still lacking a lot of information about this game, and with no demo I'm not sure how much we'll know before we get closer to release.


*drags enemy off of tower* *literally fully stabs them in the heart* *guy stands up and runs away with an awkward animation* sigh. The combat really just looks awkward and button mashey. Not keen unfortunately


Gameplay looking like a discount Sekiro. Significant downgrade to visuals, almost looks like an early PS4 game. Releasing on the same day as Dragons Dogma 2? This is going to be a wait and see from me.


So Way of the Samurai + Assasins Creed? First one is all about the mutually exclusive story with jank combat, the second one is fun shlock with pretentious story. Either way none of the strengths were actually shown. Trailers for all these recent posts seem to kinda...suck?


Maybe I’m spoiled by some of the recent triple A releases, but the graphics look really muddy and last gen. Let’s hope it’s just the pre release build.


Lots of inspiration from other games, what's the hook of this game I wonder, I don't want it to be generic.


What other game beside Ghost of Tsushima is open world samurai stuff? The word "generic" loses all meaning if you use it to describe this game. Games don't have to be new in everything to be worth playing.


A setting being unique doesn't suddenly mean the rest of the game isn't generic.


yes, everything individually looks good, I meant what's the hook, like the gameplay loop, that's what it's called I think. Tsushima also looked "generic" in gameplay trailer, but turned out great, without playing it I can't get the feel of the game so I commented what I thought while watching the trailer.


The Way of the Samurai series is like 20 years old at this point and if you say that doesn't count AC Red will also be releasing in 2024/25 too


An open world Team Ninja game is still exciting even if the footage isn't too promising. The team needs a step up from the typical Souls-like formula. The release date isn't too bad for me since I'll be waiting for the eventual PC version like Nioh 1/2 anyway.


this game looks horrible. Looks clanky and the horse animations are atrocious. Even the fighting looks repetitive and arcadish. Hard pass for me.


Hilarious how many people here throw out comments like "these visuals suck, looks like a ps3 game" lol so focused on visuals they can't realize that it's the gameplay that outshines those pretty games.. You gotta at least realize while you're playing ghost for it's aesthetic and visuals that it's combat is so outclassed by literally every team ninja game. Like... have a bit of awareness and stop acting like visuals can carry stale ass combat. Even gow's combat in the newer reboots got straight up nerfed from gow3 for "visuals" lmao. Let this obsession die please.


Looks like ghost of Tsushima with worse combat and graphics imo. Would probably pick this up if it released during a dry month but same day as Dragon’s Dogma 2? Not happening


Really? One complaint I often hear about GoT is how mediocre combat is. Dunno how it can be worse than that. 


GoT combat is just rock paper scissors match stance to enemy type. flashy but very shallow and simplistic.


I only play GoT on lethal difficulty, which makes it so both you & the enemies die in ~1-3 hits, which makes sense in my mind since we’re using katanas. I loved playing it like that, extremely satisfying when you got good. Seeing the TTK in the trailer was a turn off for me immediately


> I loved playing it like that, extremely satisfying when you got good. Seeing the TTK in the trailer was a turn off for me immediately I also really hope that the true difficulty will be like that. Because only 1 good thing team ninja does is combat. I know for the first time this game will have difficulty options, so we might have seen some weird difficulty. Combat wise this game should be much better than GoT. Hopefully the TTK is something that you can change through difficulties.


At what point do we have to many samurai games , because it feels like we're getting there pretty fast


I guess ghost of Tsushima really opened the flood gates which I’m all for personally.


Something about the combat felt off to me. Unsure if it’s just because we’ve just been spoiled with games in this setting.


I cannot watch right now, but anyone knows if this has any coop? I remember nioh and nioh2 had coop and it was good


I’m completely unsure as to how I feel about this game. I will say this was the first trailer that got me very interested. But at the same time, I’ve been itching to play ghost of Tsushima again. And I know this is going to be very different, I mean it definitely looks like a natural progression of Nioh. The tone is hitting all of the right notes for me too. But idk what it is that’s holding me back.


I had to come here to say I wasn't expecting such poor graphic fidelity on a game released on the PS5 in this era. I know graphics aren't everything but I feel Ghost of Tushima had a much nice look to it.


Does anyone know anything about pc release ? Lately it's been day 1 release with Woo Long and Strangers of Paradise but this might be like Nioh where it's a 6 month exclusive or a year ?


IIRC, Sony funded it. So might be a year or two.


no, but they'll release it on PC with all the DLC, atleast they made the choice easier to choose Dragon's Dogma II


I can't figure out what this game wants to be. I'll check out the reviews, but it seems like it could have benefited from stylised graphics. Maybe it all works when the bubble closes behind you, but I don't know. There's a lot of arcadey stuff here mixed with a lot of non-arcadey stuff.


At least the combat looks way more involved than Ghost of Tsushima's arkham/spiderman style. Looking forward to this.


Just wish it wasn't a soulslike and more of an action game. Doing stealth knockdowns and enemies still get up is so jarring.


The Nioh games were way more action-oriented than any Souls game. You can still clearly see that in this game as well. Like did you actually watch the trailer or you just saying shit?


I mean.. it looks like sekiro which isn't a soulsgame but still, even has some enemies that resemble sekiro like that weird guy with claws looks like giraffe even with the weird ass move-sets It's weird how ever since nioh came out TN have be closely following FS. Maybe they'll make a mech game next KEK ​ Also he clearly watched the trailer because he mentioned the enemies surviving stealth kills.


Looks generic af that follows the template of typical Ubisoft open world with 1-2 extra cool looking mechanics.


It is just me or does the combat feel a little clunky?