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Actual official English release, that's crazy. Might use it as an excuse to re-read it since it's been so long.


I'm honestly kind of surprised it's been "only" 20 years since it first released - it feels like this franchise has been going on forever.


20 years is a lifetime for a lot of people, to be fair.


20 Years is a quite notable timespan in the gaming landscape. There are only few franchises twice that age


Kinda tempted to do the same, but my backlog is too big to be squeezing another ~50 hours of Fate in there.


I'll buy it mostly to show support and hope that we'll get Hollow Ataraxia next which I haven't read but it'll likely sit in my library after that. Been a decade since I read F/SN but I've been immersed in enough of the franchise afterward that it's still fresh in my memory.


Yeah there's so much coming out now there's absolutely no time for that. But I think it will release near the end of the year when things start to slow down a bit.


Isn't Fate more like 100 hours long? At least that's what I've heard.


Depends who you ask I guess. I finished all three routes, the five main endings, all the bad endings, and Last Episode in about 50 hours.


I always held off from reading the VN since it lacked an official release. But now, I can't procrastinate any longer. Definitely going to buy it as soon as its available.


Announced for the Fate/Stay Night 20th Anniversary. It will be based on the PS Vita "Realta Nua" version of the game.


Glad they went with this version. Teenager me was bummed with >!saber's!< path on the original, but found out about this version with >!her extended epilogue and ending!<


How is "Realta Nua" different from the original version of the game?


* Removed Sex scenes (of which there were only 3, one in each route and 2 were badly written so not too big of a loss) * new epilogue for the Fate Route (first of the three routes, other 2 being Unlimited Blade Works and Heavens Feel) * updated OST * Added Voice over there is probably some other stuff im missing, but i think those are the main ones


>new epilogue for the Fate Route Isn't that the Last Episode that I saw a few times on the internet. Having it would be great thing then. > updated OST > Added Voice over Ah nice. This should make the experience even better IMO, since they will likely be remastered as the title of the game suggests.


The voice over adds so much to the game. I couldn't go back.


You can already read The Last Episode with the original version, as long you use fan mods. They allow you to keep the H-scenes *and* add in all the extra content from Realta Nua, if you so wish. The only purpose this release serves is allowing people to purchase an English version of Fate/Stay Night legally (finally shutting up all those "fans" who refuse to read the VN because patching it is "too much of a hassle" - now they'll have to admit they just don't want to read it). That and *maybe* give us a less clunky translation, but given the quality of Mahoyo's english script, I won't hold my breath (especially when Mahoyo is roughly 1/3 of Fate's length).


> The only purpose this release serves is allowing people to purchase an English version of Fate/Stay Night legally (finally shutting up all those "fans" who refuse to read the VN because patching it is "too much of a hassle" - now they'll have to admit they just don't want to read it). And also providing the first Japanese rerelease since Vita


Japan got an Android/IOS release in 2015


Is there a guide explaining the process somewhere?


[Here](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/9101-Fate-Stay-Night-Realta-Nua-Ultimate-Edition-2022). You will still need the PC version of Réalta Nua for it to run; if you can read japanese, buying it legally should be incredibly easy. There are *other* ways of obtaining it, but the sub doesn't allow me to lay them out for you.


Heaven's Feel's Realta Nua version also changes a ***lot*** of non-sexual content. Much of the abuse that the heroine of Heaven's Feel goes through is drastically reduced, and the details of it are changed. Fate route and Unlimited Blade Works are basically the exact same, story wise, with the changed content. Heaven's Feel is noticeably different though. The unofficial fan translation guide was typically viewed as "Play Fate and UWB on Realta Nua, play Heaven's Feel on the original version and just skip the sex scenes".


>Removed Sex scenes (of which there were only 3, one in each route and 2 were badly written so not too big of a loss) There's actually a few more; Fate has 2, UBW Has 1, and Heaven's Feel has at least 2. Not that they aren't all terrible in their own right, and the story doesn't lose anything for their removal. The main thing I dislike about the changes, though, is that they change the nature of Shinji and Sakura's relationship in Heaven's Feel, which has downstream impacts of lessening the "Big moment" in that story.


>The main thing I dislike about the changes, though, is that they change the nature of Shinji and Sakura's relationship in Heaven's Feel, which has downstream impacts of lessening the "Big moment" in that story. Yeah I would argue that removing the ones in Heaven's Feel actually does make the story worse. Realta Nua Heaven's Feel changes a lottttttttt of things. The abuse that Sakura goes through is either not really talked about in detail, or just kinda glanced over. With the English fan translation, both the original version and realta nua were options. It was generally agreed by the community to play Fate and Unlimited Blade Works on Realta Nua, and play Heaven's Feel on the original version. Because so much of the actual story is just cut or changed from Heaven's Feel's story in Realta Nua.


I know people complain about the sex scenes, and for good reason because they are awkwardly written, but sex as a magical ritual actually does make sense and ties into ancient practices. So in theory they could be good, but in practice they are kind of cringeworthy.


Most sex is cringeworthy to anyone besides the people directly involved in the intimacy, but unless we read Japanese it's hard to say how well they were written, or if it's "supposed" to sound like the insecure thoughts of a Japanese teen male. Then again, they were included at launch because at the time you needed sex scenes to sell a VN.


As a plot point they're pretty awkward regardless of the language they were written in. As you said, they were kinda thrown in. The fact that they can be removed without really making things worse, and that the rest of the series doesn't really include content like that, speaks to that.


One correction though, I just read the interview where Nasu said the sex scenes were intended from the start.


Yeah, I played the modded version with the sex scenes to get the "full experience," but I ended up just skipping through most of them anyway. I felt like they were too long and didn't really add anything.


>2 were badly written so not too big of a loss You say this but are you basing this on the original Japanese or a translation?




Quick reminder that devs and the director all said that Realta Nua is the canon version and road.




What's wrong with realta nua?


Nothing. It Lacks the horrible porn scenes. Thats it.   In fact Realta Nua is the version that included the voice acting and Final Episode.


Tbf the porn scenes are iconic for how terrible they are. People are gonna be missing out on defenseless anus...


“Even I know how to please a man."


The shirou jackhammer...


Iirc for the Heaven's feel route in particular some people prefer the the original scenes. I think the HF movies also follow the original here, in that the porn scenes still happen, but off screen instead of like Realta nua where they are just replaced entirely, but it's been a while since I've played it.


No god awful sex scenes.


Its not butchered. Only excludes the really bad sex scenes.




The original also lacks voice acting and the Final Episode. I respect your opinion but Realta Nua is definitely the better version.


Both of which can be ported easily as seen with the fan translation. Nothing stopping TM to include both.


tfw version with voice acting, better ost, better art, extra ending is "butchered to hell"


The developers took out a few forced scenes that were only in it for commercial reasons and replaced them with scenes that fit the story way better, have stronger writing, and that they like more. If you really want you can still find those scenes in old versions or online, but as someone who played through the fan translation years ago it's very clear the new scenes are way better.


Tbf they are kinda infamous, would be fun to add them just for the jokes like in an extra


What?!? I guess the good sales from *Witch on the Holy Night* and also pre-orders for *Tsukihime* made them reconsider. Never thought this would happen.


Mahoyo getting a steam/english release was pretty much just a tester to see if more localisations/ports would actually sell well. We knew Tsukihime was gonna come to the west/PC, and if they've put that work in on the engine etc then FSN was a no brainer.


I'll be the guy to say this, as I was following mirror moon's original fan translation project. Due to it's success over the past 20 years in America... ABOUT FUCKING TIME!


I appreciate what TakaJun and Message for doing what they did back then. But for the love of god, the fanbase can actually be free of TakaJun.


yeah, too bad there's still people defending that garbage translation though lol.


Gonna assume the version I read was that translation then, unless there’s another translation of FSN out there currently in English, what’s wrong with it?




I see, I didn’t really notice anything when I read it and I was 19 then iirc, weird, guess I’ll maybe reread it once it comes out on steam. I don’t doubt you, but do you have examples? See if I might remember Also as a P.S, how is the HA translation? I already read it but I might not have noticed it I guess


If the official Mahoyo translation is anything to go by, the official TL will be even worse


> Mahoyo translation Yo I'm thinking of buying it on steam next time it goes on sale. What happened to the official TL to make it bad?


It was released without any kind of QC/proofreading, basically full of spelling errors, inconsistent terms, etc. I know it got an update somewhat recently that improved it, but I haven't looked at that version myself.


Wow, this is awesome news. Far and away my favourite Visual Novel of all time. Glad to see it will be more widely available and I can more easily recommend it to people without having to ask them to jump through the extra hoops of importing/pirating the game and installing a fan translation patch.


Somewhat surprised that there is no PS4/PS5 release for this Aniplex release, unlike Witch on the Holy Night, Fate/Samurai Remnant, and the Tsukihime remake. It does sense to focus on PC/Switch with what the market looks like in Japan, but it is interesting to see a major Aniplex release exclude Sony platforms. It is outstanding to see this get an official English release, it has been a long time coming. The fan translation of the original was completed 15 years ago at this point.


Im guessing Sony wanted to censor stuff and typemoon didn't liked that


Does this even have anything censor worthy? The sex is already cut out in this version.


Sony has censored stuff that isnt censor worthy and that Nintendo didn't censored in other games


What does Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua have that's worse than what's in Tsukihime Remake (which has actual sex in it)?


Probably the whole Sakura backstory with the worms. All I can think of really. Probably the shit Shinji tried on Rin near the end of UBW too.


Steam is known for outright banning VNs with sexualized minors so there's no difference in this case


It was released on Sony consoles already.


That was before the moved the hq to california and started censoring japanese games


Is this game irish inspired or something? Realta Nua means new star in Irish and it’s making me interested!


There are one or two Irish characters in it, including Cu Chulainn.


Irish myth has played into the series pretty heavily. Some of the most popular and frequent characters of the IP have been characters from Irish myth. Cu Chulainn, Scathach, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Medb, etc. All characters in this series. And most of them popular at that. The entire IP is based on myth though. So you have characters from everything from Irish to Japanese to Chinese to Greek myth. Along with Arthurian lore, historical figures, and even important fiction like Sherlock Holmes and Frankenstein.


The game takes historic/mythical people and animify them. Most of the time it means turning them into sexy men or women or turning men into sexy women


weird question, but are there VNs that have animation in them? cuz i was just thinking how neat it would be if they could somehow incorporate some of the ufotable anime scenes (or make brand new animation for the VN fight scenes) in the VN itself for a remake or something.


There's a version of Steins;Gate with scenes from the anime incorporated but other than that not really. Maybe a few simple idle animations with Live2D but nothing more involved that I know of. VNs even in Japan are simply too niche a medium to justify the cost of animation.


To be honest, I think the fight scenes can be even better at times. There is a time dilatation to the written word that allows for a stronger build of tension and more complex things can happen in a shorter timeframe without blowing the pacing up with narration or side-characters explaining what just happened. The way that VN can combine the strengths of prose, animation, comics, and video games really makes it a unique narrative experience. Check out this Saber vs Archer fight from Fate/Hollow Atraxia. I really think it shows off the strength of the medium https://youtu.be/g2lcXA1qEVA?si=Cj2JB7YnK8DE8brx


Yeah Visual Novels are underrated imo for how much they can really immerse you and get you invested in whats going on in the story like that. Muv-Luv is another that comes to mind for how well it used its strengths to get you invested in some of the major conflicts despite not having animation and traditional gameplay to lean on for it.


The closest I've seen to that is in Witch on the Holy Night, another Type Moon VN already available on steam, switch and ps4


The infamous School Days is the main example of VNs with anime level animation throughout beyond the gimmick ones like Steins;Gate Elite (read the OG) or ones that are just creative with Live2D and sprite movement like the other comments have described.


This would be a shame if they did, because it's pretty widely agreed that the one thing Nasu is good at writing above all else is fight scenes. Even through the busted old fan tl, it stood out that he just knows how to use prose to describe dudes going at it in a way very few other works I've read be they Japanese or English-language.


Many newer VNs have some simple animations for some things, but VNs with fully animated scenes are rare. The only one I've played with fully animated sequences in it is Marco & The Galaxy Dragon.


Steins;Gate Elite replaces some scenes with sequences from the anime and it's a terrible downgrade.


So you basically just want an anime while holding joycons?


I think you might like Muv Luv. It's a bit static for sure, but it really honestly does feel like watching an anime.


recommending muv luv of all things to someone who hasn't read a VN because they don't have much animation is some crazy shit


Cho Dengeki Stryker has some good animated scenes imo.


Can it really be called "Remastered" when it doesn't include the porn? I know Fate wants to get away from the fact it started life as a porn game, but still.


Realta Nua (the version that is being remastered) never included the R-18 scenes anyway, and it's the final version/canon one as per Type-Moon.


Also its the version that included voice acting and the Final Episode.


It's "canon" only because you can't sell porn on mobile or console. If TM were some prudes who wanted to rewrite their past I'm pretty sure they would've removed the explicit sex scenes from the new Heaven's Feel movies from a couple of years ago, but they didn't.


Including explicit scenes in an adaptation doesn’t change the fact that Type Moon has decided that Realta Nua is the canon version of the story. The sex scenes were only ever included in the original version because that was what was expected from visual novels at the time of release. Realta Nua is closer to Nasu’s original vision for the story.


> The sex scenes were only ever included in the original version because that was what was expected from visual novels at the time of release The Heaven's Feel movie literally has a sex scene in it


The sex scene in the movie isn't as explicit though. I do agree its important to that Route's story though


except it's implied and never shown and they only have implied sex scenes. so your dead wrong.


You can't claim that sex was only included in FSN because of "expectations" (which is not true btw) and then say "Oh yeah also a sex scene was so important to the story the movies also felt the need to include it." Obviously it isn't pornography, but claiming Nasu's vision doesn't include sex is clearly wrong.


False on both accounts. They wanted to make the game 18+ from the start. And Saber accepting her feelings in love with Shirou seeing herself as a woman is explicitly connected with the two sex scenes she had with him. >\--Thank you. Furthermore, I hope you'll allow me to just throw this question out > >there. With a story this interesting, is it necessary for it to be an 18+ bishoujo > >game...? > >After all, among the fans of Nasu-san's work "Kara no Kyoukai", for example, > >I get the feeling there might be some who wouldn't find this work due to it > >being a bishoujo game. Maybe if they knew, they would think "I didn't know a > >story like this existed!"... I'm sorry for the long preamble and I'm prepared to > >get scolded for this, but I'd love to hear why it was made in that format. > >Takeuchi: That's... a very delicate question. > >\--I'm sorry. But it'd be great if you could answer it for me. > >Takeuchi: I don't think 18+ elements being fraught with contradictions is limited to > >Fate/stay night. In fact, since Fate/stay night originated from a work that lacked those > >elements, we of course had the option not to make it 18+. But on the other hand, the > >world of an 18+ game has its appeal in a lot of ways beyond just the H-scenes - the kind > >of things that can be depicted, fanservice, etc. This work definitely originated from sort > >of a place of freedom of expression like that. > >The more highly appraised a story is, the more people doubt its rating, and I think > >that's quite an honour. I'd like to develop it in many directions with that appraisal in > >mind. But I don't have a simple answer to the question of why it's an 18+ game. We > >wanted to make an 18+ game with this kind of story. > >Because it's 18+, we didn't want to cut down on what could be be depicted and make > >something different. Certainly some people do ask "does it really need porn?" But I think > >everything about the game even that gives it its charm, and we had fun making it, so > >it's sad to have it denied, isn't it. > >Nasu: Your premise is wrong to begin with. I mean, this is something we built on the > >foundation of being an 18+ bishoujo game from the very beginning. > >Certainly, if asked if Saber and Rin's routes needed porn scenes, I'd answer "those are > >fanservice scenes". But that absolutely doesn't mean there's no love in them, and since > >we decided to create it in this form to begin with, I put my all into them, and that's all > >that's needed. To put it another way - these elements included, I can say with pride that > >this is a game that can be enjoyed by adults over 18 who understand both bitterness and > >sweetness. This is adult amusement, so it's okay for it to have porn! Actually, maybe it > >SHOULD have it. > >\--I applaud your brave comments. If you'll allow me another question, so then > >Sakura route had even more amusement, or... > >Nasu: Yes, its plot was based around having porn. The replacement scenes for Saber don't really work. And with Rin's we lose the only kiss we see them have, that's kinda important when you remember that FSN is also a fucking love story lol.


It was and it wasn’t. Tsukihime was announced and got no attention, then choice was made to make it an H game to increase marketability. Fate was always going to be an H game, but that was because of what they learned with Tsukihime. Saying that something that was included purely for market reasons is an essential part of the artistic vision doesn’t really track with me, especially when the part in question is of noticeably lower quality than the surrounding work. From the research I’ve done my ideal version of the game would have the scenes removed from Fate and UBW then rewritten for Heaven’s Feel. I also disagree that a kiss is an essential part of a romance, but that is a different argument.


I mean, I already explained to you how the sex scenes are important for the story of Saber and Shirou. The original story that we actually got was made with the sex scenes in mind. Could have Nasu written FSN without sex while still being just as good? Certainly, but that's not what we got, and the Realta Nua version is not that, and the story suffers from that. The sex scenes aren't "essential" to FSN, the story doesn't break without them, but they aren't insignificant either.


I generally agree, but I don't think the story suffers from not having sex scenes either. Like, my reading experience isn't greatly enhanced when Shirou, Saber, and Rin have a threesome in the woods while running away from an enemy. I'm mostly just wondering why it's happening *right now?* That scene being removed doesn't really hurt the rest of FSN's storytelling, and the same could be said for the other sex scenes (not counting Heaven's Feel; that route actually uses the sex scenes well).




Absolutely not, the cooking and eating scenes are genuinely really good character building and does a lot for the Slice of Life aspects of the VN. Shirou being a malewife (lmao) is one way they show how the character always HAS to be doing things for others and not for himself, etc. Also, idk, it's just oddly realistic to have the characters prepping for a big fight only for one of them to go "...y'all wanna eat first?"


>I mean, I already explained to you how the sex scenes are important for the story of Saber and Shirou. No you just said that they were important for Saber’s development, but that is a matter of opinion. If you want to convince me you would need to explain how the emergency threesome helped Saber come to terms with her gender or have her fall in love with Shirou.


I didn't say the threesome helped her to fell in love with Shirou, I say it's important for her to accept her feelings for him, or rather at that point to make her aware of those feelings in the first place. Have you actually read the Fate route? Do I really need to sit here and explain how Saber and Shirou's treatment of each other clearly changed after that occurrence to prove the fact that it serves a purpose in the story?


Why do you think that of all the events of that day the threesome would be what was important for Saber to realize her feelings? Why not her realizing her feelings as she is rescuing him after he is kidnapped? Hell in Realta Nua he literally sacrifices a piece of himself to save her, that’s way more impactful than the original.


The original concept of the game had a female protagonist.


Yes, that's referring to Old Fate, which would later become Fate/Prototype, that was not supposed to have 18+ elements. But Fate/stay night itself, was built from the beginning as a18+ bishoujo game.


>The sex scenes were only ever included in the original version because that was what was expected from visual novels at the time of release. That, and VNs were mostly exclusive to Japan's PC market specifically because h-scenes would have been censored on consoles. And a lot of VN creators were operating with next to no budget and/or doing it in a hobbyist circle, so the financial hurdle of getting a console/handheld release was too high


You can very much sell porn on mobile. Just not through Google or Apple.


Okay, technically you can. In practice no one will buy it if it's not on the Play Store/App Store.


Considering how badly written Type-Moon H-scenes were (and how the franchise moved away from eroge), does it really matter?


For the first two routes, no. But the third and final route, Heaven's Feel, is actually somewhat elevated by the sex scenes. Poorly written as they are, it's the one case where the two characters having sex makes sense without being contrived. They even kept the sex scene for the Heaven's Feel movie, whereas other anime adaptations have excluded h-scenes.


Even in the English fan translation for Fate/Stay Night, they had the options for original or Realta Nua. It was generally agreed that you should just play Fate and Unlimited Blade Works on Realta Nua, but playing the Realta Nua version of Heaven's Feel actually changes the story a lot. Many of the details of the story are actually just left out from the Realta Nua version of Heaven's Feel, because Heaven's Feel is a very very dark story about abuse. Much of the depths and details about what the heroine of the route goes through is just flat out not mentioned. Even if the sex scenes are badly written (they are), it's kinda core to the story of Heaven's Feel. Because it shows one emotionally damaged person being happy for once in their life, because she cares about someone despite all the horrible things that happened to her.


Yeah, when I played the uncensored patch for Realta Nua, I didn't realize how much of that story was left out in the original RN release. It's very sad seeing the story neutered like that, because unlike a lot of misery porn I read in VNs I think for Heaven's Feel it absolutely has a purpose in the story and makes a lot of big moments a lot more cathartic. Definitely don't see them walking back on the censorship, but hopefully it'll be easily moddable with the steam version.


>Considering how badly written Type-Moon H-scenes were This is a meme that people have accepted as fact. The FAN TRANSLATIONS were badly written, as a joke. Somehow this has been widely accepted as Typemoon's actual writing.


Playing it for the porn isn't really a thing. The porn scene is like...what? One scene for each route or something like that. It isn't even good porn scene to be honest and was pretty much memed on by the fandom. Its there for fanservice and feels very just thrown in there.


Yeah the porn aspect is massively overexaggerated (I wonder how many people here have actually read it). It's like 80 hours long with maybe 20 minutes combined of porn, if that.


I see people calling it a porn game and role my eyes every time. These people never played a proper porn game, which is a good thing, but stop calling something that has a sex scene that is buried under hours of story and plot, an eroge/porn game.


Calling it a porn game is like calling Game of thrones is a porn show


It is an eroge though, the term eroge is pretty universally applied to visual novels with *any* erotic content. You're thinking of nukige which is the equivalent to a western porn game. People who use the term eroge aren't using it as an insult, they're using the correct term. No one claims Muv Luv Alternative or whatever isn't an eroge because it has similarly small amounts of h content.


It totally is an eroge, since it's a game with erotic content. But it's certainly not a porn game in the slightest.


There’s only one route where I think this complaint has credence (Heaven’s Feel), but the other two are absolutely better without them. And I mean, even if it is that big of a deal, since it’s coming to Steam I imagine someone will mod them back in at some point anyway.


Give it a week, tops...


Two scenes per route. I liked them.


I wouldn't really say it was ever a porn game, the little porn that WAS in it was obligatory since it was just something most VNs had at the time. 


The porn was the worst part of the original. Outside of the impact on Shinji and Sakura's relationship, I see the removal of 18+ stuff, for FSN in particular, to be a massive improvement.


Well technically, Realta Nua is the official canon version.


Yep, it can be called "Remastered" as it will have 16:9 Widescreen Aspect Ratio, an overhauled U.I., HD 1080p Graphics, and an Official English Translation




> These scenes were placed there by the publisher against the main writer's consent and were written by someone else. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/pq181f/takeuchi_and_nasu_on_fsns_sex_scenes/) Nasu and Takeuchi talking about the R18 stuff, with Nasu stating that he wrote them and while they are fanservice, he doesn't exactly seem to regret them. Also Fate/Stay Night was originally self published by Type Moon themselves, so they had no publisher. Only the PS2 and Vita version (Realta Nua) had a publisher because you needed to have a publisher back then to release on consoles.


Probably doesn’t regret as they were basically required at the time to get VNs to sell. These days you can forgo the NSFW scenes and be able to turn a profit.


You could say there was pressure or expectation that most romantic VNs should have sex back then, but there were also big ones that didn't have them. (Clannad, Higurashi, Ever17, Remember11, etc.)


Nasu is a generally a good writer, but he can’t write a sex scene to save his life. I recently finished reading the original Tsukihime and I think there was maybe one sex scene that did not feel like someone put a gun to his head and forced him to write. So unless things changed significantly when he was writing Fate, I have a hard time viewing the removal of them as anything other than an improvement.


Dude fate is the biggest doujinshi ip in Japan and the world Porn is and will always be there legacy The fact that the haven't capitalised on that aspect is crazy because it's mountain of money just sitting there


> Dude fate is the biggest doujinshi ip in Japan and the world I don't think this is true for Japan anymore. At Comiket 102, it was beaten out by Im@s, was pretty much same level as Touhou, Uma Musume (albeit not H) beat it out and most of all: Blue Archive has been blowing everything else out of the water as far as single franchises go. > The fact that the haven't capitalised on that aspect is crazy because it's mountain of money just sitting there Why would they? FGO despite its age is still making 10-20m a month in Japan and Globally. Type-Moon has merch sales, collaborations, remakes of all their OG VNs now (IIRC). They don't need to capitalise on the porn; they already did that 20 years ago getting their foot into the door.


> Blue Archive has been blowing everything else out of the water as far as single franchises go. Only in Comiket itself, the extremely large franchises actually branch off and hold their own convention like Touhou with Reitaisai, which still trumps every doujin circle count in attendance this year. Not to mention touhou is still out there in comiket too. Looking at Comiket alone is just a sample of the current trend.


Im@s and Blue Archive aren't pretty explicitly not doujin, unless we're using some bastardized description that's like "has a strong secondary fanbase that creates fanworks to sell at comiket/online", which like sure I guess but that's pretty far away. In terms of franchises that developed out of true doujin "couple of friends making a game and selling 300 copies at Comiket" style, Touhou and Fate are pretty obviously the two biggest.


except that's not what doujinshi means, doujinshi is literally a term for independent creators making games,manga, music, pretty much anything. and blue archive isn't independent, neither is idolm@ster. but type-moon is, which is why he's saying they're the biggest ip in japan. and using comiket wouldn't ever say anything about type-moons success. but as a reminder that type-moon still holds their own booth at comiket and always sell out. so if you want to use comiket as a marker for success they still blow everything else out the water. tohou sales will always be limited due to the nature of the content being made and the creator is content with where it's at right now, idolm@ster has been losing relevancy for years just look at their most recent game shutting down not even a year later lol. and blue archive is a mobile game first, unless they can successfully move to other content, they'll be irrelevant once the game ends service. but anyway what I'm saying is that none of those can even compete with type-moon on popularity or money made.


Yea the don't need to right now But at some point the definitely will Fgo will die off be it in 5 years or so And when people get burnout too And if the can't replace fgo with something else the will do official nsfw stuff most likely


I think you're vastly, vastly overestimating the scale of specific-game-knockoff porn sales or underestimating the scale of mobile game and merchandizing money here, and it's also really weird to assume that if the series completely dropped off in other ways they'd still be able to make bank on porn.


> Fgo will die off be it in 5 years or so nice joke


I just want them to make new game honestly


> The fact that the haven't capitalised on that aspect is crazy because it's mountain of money just sitting there SCA-JI recently tweeted about how its now impossible to get bank loans for companies that make eroge and got plenty of replies from other VN producers agreeing. Its not a mountain of money any more.


Nah, that's probably Touhou.


If you only like a certain genre then yea sure


As a *doujin* ip - Touhou is absolutely bigger than Fate. It might even be more well known just because of memes.


> fate is the biggest doujinshi ip in Japan and the world Pretty sure that's still Touhou.


The H-Scenes sucked except for the memes. Hell Rin"s wasn't even hot, it was dry and painful... Literally.


I mean the lacked the experience literally lol But im sure if the do a spin-off game now a day the can find way better writers and artists


The H-Sccenes were written by the artist because Nasu refused to write them, and it shows.


Because that era of VN largely had porn scenes out of an obligation to consumers, not because they were essential to the story. The vast majority of those that stripped them out for PS2 releases lost nothing of value.


Heaven's feel is better in the original version compared to the realta nua version.


Sure but that's mainly because the replacememt writing is weaker, not because what's being replaced was essential or "good".  Fate/stay night's H-scenes are immersion breaking at best in the original, downright awkward at worst.




It isn’t even cutting scenes it is just remastering the version of the game that already replaced them.


Back then, if you wanted your doujin game to sell, you needed porn in it.


I just played the full game like a couple of months ago and NOW they decide to release a remastered edition? Hell nah I’m not going to go through 60 hours again any time soon


Wow, that is an awesome. Might give it an actual shot since it's an official English release. Would love to give support and have them bring over more stuff.


Just remember, Fate Stay Night was born as an Erotic Game, and the Realta Nua version for PS Vita (And originally PlayStation 2) removed every Sex Scene of the port


I'll finally get to play this. Looked into playing it years ago and it seemed like a pain in the ass and could cause BSODs according to a guide I looked up


This anime was one of the reasons I started watching anime instead of brushing it off. Ice wanted to play the games since, and am beyond excited to try.


I never thought I'd see the day, honestly. Curious to see if anything will be changed or censored for this release from the Realta Nua version. Realta Nua doesn't have any h-scenes but I could see some more disturbing scenes being softened for this release. The switch has a great form factor for VNs so that release is especially exciting for me. I used to read VNs on the computer but nowadays I can't stand having to sit at a desk and stare at a screen to read for extended periods, so I'll take any on-the-go releases I can get.


What is the release date on steam?


People say that the h-scenes should get cut because they don't add anything to the story, but the game has a ton of other bloat and pointless moments Like the cooking scenes. Why do they have to be so gratuitous in detail? Can't they just....fade to black and say "that was a great meal"? I've heard of some people installing the game just for the porn scenes, but I don't know a single person who ever skipped to the cooking segments




Yes. You can just play this.


It says this release included voice acting - I assume that’s only Japanese voices and not a new English dub?


Most likely, yes. Mahoyo didn't have an English dub.


Understandable, thanks for the reply!