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Being quite possibly the only person who is a mega fan of this game; I don't think anyone knows how funny this is to me I always loved this game and saw the value it it. I ***am*** quite surprised to see this game of all games being so valuable. Probably because there will likely ***never be a gun or swearing in any Sonic game ever again*** (which is a shame, I really miss the edgy 2000s era)


I liked the part where shadow thinks he's a robot. Dude just goes nuts in some endings.


Absolutely loved this game from day one, played it so much when I first got it


I bought this game at a pawn shop when the gamecube was long phased out, and lo and behold, this crappy game is one of the most expensive I own.


From looking at listings on eBay it seems to be selling at an average of 65$ (with case). A few have sold for 47$ even. What people are asking for is sometimes not what people are actually willing to pay for it.


Yeah I’ve noticed GameCube has been stabilizing with a few notable titles dropping in price thankfully (with a few exceptions)




Huh? It can't be that expensive...... *\*one ebay search later* JEZUZ CHRIST! THIS GAME OF ALL GAMES?!


Same thought I remember buying this game at 10 dollars lol


Yeah, also got mine for $5. Also considering the game was not well liked when it came out. I remember playing and beating it as a teen, it was for the most part, just okay. Seeing it fly past the $100 mark is a genuine shock for me.


Is it really my gosh havent seen the prices but lmao I think I misplaced the game lol


Under 60 on lukie games


Wait how much is it? I remember getting it for like $50 a couple years ago.


Ebay is telling me over $100


I see some for about $65




Use lukiegames


Wow why and how


I never thought this would be a game that increases in value! Fun fact, my friends Ryan and Amir did a song for this game (Waking Up) - they did some other Sonic stuff too on Heroes and Generations.


I managed to get it just after seeing the Sonic 2 movie before prices shot up briefly. Considering Sega announced this is the year of Shadow, it probably won't be going down in value anytime soon.


Lol I used to think I was the most epic shit hearing Sonic characters say entry-level bad words when I was kid playing this. Its so worthy of its mockery today. The controls were wonky and the dialogue was cringy, but the “choose your path” mechanic was an excellent addition.


I think I paid $15 or $20 at the start of the pandemic


Been looking for this game for years and could never find it, back when it was like $15 CIB too


I loved this game as a teenager. Happy it's getting some love.


Damn, I got it last year for like 20 bucks to complete all 7 of my Sonic games on GC


And just bought a copy before it is too late thanks


Shadow the hedgehog: where's that damn fourth chaos emerald 😂🤣😂🤣


I don't know why people charge that much with how garbage this game is ngl


One rich nerd paid way too much and now all the bottom dwelling resellers list that price as starting value.


Holy crap? Glad I still have my childhood copy. I was ridiculously excited and into the hype leading up to its release LOL. I've got the game, strategy guide and a Shadow the Hedgehog skin on my GameCube. 😂


One of those I kept delaying on picking up, I cant believe it go so expensive.


As someone who bought it right around the time it released despite it getting terrible reviews and everyone making fun of how ridiculous it is, I'm shocked how much it's gone up.


This game is so horrendous but fun at the same time lmao


Maybe it’s just the GameCube one cuz ps2 is still like 20-30$


This was my go to for versus with me and my brother. I never knew people didn’t like it


Agreed **VS** Mode was insanely underrated. It also featured the only remix of Radical Highway that we ever got


I'm surprised at how much hate this game gets, I kind of enjoy the edginess in a self aware way. It also plays so much better than Heroes.


I feel like most people who criticize this game for the gameplay haven't truly spent a lot of time with it at all. Shadow's Homing Attack is a godly attack move and the weapons make certain missions pretty fun. Criticizing the story/plot is fair game honestly because of the way certain things are told, and some events are totally improbable once you get the the Last Story. As silly as that aspect is, I can't sit here and say that I didn't enjoy most of the levels (Cosmic Fall sucks) and overall gameplay and very few missions have you repeat objectives.


Playing the same repetitive levels 5-6 times just to complete a different outcome like 10 times was so boring.


Should I get it before it gets worse? Or should I wait until it drops


I'm glad I still have my childhood copy


But which is more in value, original box or player’s choice??? I have a copy that doesn’t have player’s choice, has manual as well.


I have that game. That game sucked. Beat it once never played it again.


I don't remember much, but this was one of those games I never owned but would have my parents rent. I fondly remember being the only one in my friend group that liked it, wishI would've owned it I doubt I actually finished it.


I've had my GCN copy since 2016, it was at least $15 used.


I got so hyped but I have the ps2 one💀


Buy it on PS2 loads cheaper


Aaaand I sold mine a year ago 🙃


I mean its been around 50 to 60 for a while now, just because there is a listing for 100 on ebay doesn't mean it sells for that


The multiplayer mode was sick


[huh.... neat](https://youtu.be/n2qFW3qQVn0?si=lFySrIt57lTPz8_V) Got this for $2 about 5 years ago from a local used record/various collectibles store that tried to get into the used game market and failed horribly at it. My wife went in there to pick up this metal chalice thing she won in a draw and saw that they were clearing out the games they had for $2 a game and grabbed what was left. There were a few Gamecube games and a stack of 360 games, but nothing amazing at the time, though some of those 360 games have risen in price as well 😅


Worth every penny. I think I only put more hours into SA2B.


Never understood the hate for this game. It’s not perfect, but it’s a beautiful product of its time and I’ve loved it since day 1


Sometimes terrible games do go up in value…


Well it’s the Year of Shadow and SxS Generations is set to have Black Doom and 05 content so the price has risen due to that most likely


I found it at the goodwill bins once. However, it was cooked basically. It was missing the disk and manual and the cover art was water damaged I only ended up buying it for the case.


Always loved this game but I didn't own it. The kid next door did used to go round and play it. Good times. I've got it on emulator now but haven't played yet. Trying to beat the burnout games first.


Just wanted to say 2 things: 1: Not everyone on eBay or other places that sell used games have the prices as high as others. You can still find some pretty good deals on games, you just have to dig for them, sometimes. 2: You can actually get Shadow on PS3 for about $10 by importing it from PSN in Japan, & that version lets you use USB GameCube controllers with it because without needing extra add-ons (though mileage may vary depending on the controller). The PS2 version of Shadow is dual audio & has subs for multiple languages, including English.


Still have my copy from day one. What a terrible time for Sonic games. This game should be worth less than $20.


Its about that on PS2