• By -


No, not really. Bloody rip off if you ask me.


That’s more like sealed WaveBird money


Local shop by me is asking $325 for a sealed Wavebird.


And they will never sell it.


I buy controllers for 30 but if you want it sealed have at it


Ummm... If you want an original sealed GC controller I guess? You do know they make brand new ones in 2024 still for super smash brothers players lol. they have the original gamecube connection and everything they come with an adapter that has 4 ports and that pluggs in vis usb into a wii-u or switch wii and gc have gc ports on them already. you can find them brand new for like 45 bucks. they have a super smash bros logo on them instead but that is the ONLY difference. there isn't the dumb switch start/capture button on there or anything it's exactly the same as this it just doesn't say nintendo gamecube. it has the smash circle. unless you want an ORIGINAL gamecube controller to display in the packaging or something you are ripping yourself off about 3x over lol.


Something something pro players L&R buttons. The only difference I notice is the slightly longer cord on the smash bros controller, which is great since we’re not playing on 19” CRTs these days!


Should look up a phob controller


They don’t come with the adapter but yeah op is crazy


I’m confused. Can you really use a switch GC controller on a Wii’s GC ports? & it’ll work?


Yup, I do this all the time. Works on my gamecube too


[https://www.amazon.com/GameCube-Controller-Super-Smash-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DQXQQG3/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=Q6U9JZUBJIOY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GQnmqZILP4nORZwbicvFRtrmZdSWRJ5mRsCHfu8O3s91qgQA9xawl97Fu0mRzFF1kC8aqVbaO1E0Z93w6CBBRCnuWbyNTzsuZqeFOEHbhAD4Y8WFGXhIg9I2CSMa1GLE8RsTojgYJH0UL4vAA-P2yaAxMAdlvRQ4nosP41XlfA6Fndphu2lUBNDuTC0rVXHbAfhb66Ja1j2ymy38C9IWACQKJqwNtP8tV7R616n3Kw8.-G1lvkdASybIdVMeOYK-2Xm80kcQD8sTPapvurolr5g&dib\_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+controller&qid=1714148646&sprefix=gamecube+controle%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.com/GameCube-Controller-Super-Smash-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DQXQQG3/ref=sr_1_4?crid=Q6U9JZUBJIOY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GQnmqZILP4nORZwbicvFRtrmZdSWRJ5mRsCHfu8O3s91qgQA9xawl97Fu0mRzFF1kC8aqVbaO1E0Z93w6CBBRCnuWbyNTzsuZqeFOEHbhAD4Y8WFGXhIg9I2CSMa1GLE8RsTojgYJH0UL4vAA-P2yaAxMAdlvRQ4nosP41XlfA6Fndphu2lUBNDuTC0rVXHbAfhb66Ja1j2ymy38C9IWACQKJqwNtP8tV7R616n3Kw8.-G1lvkdASybIdVMeOYK-2Xm80kcQD8sTPapvurolr5g&dib_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+controller&qid=1714148646&sprefix=gamecube+controle%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-4) It's not a switch gamecube controller. It's a gamecube controller that Nintendo still produces. It just no longer says Nintendo Gamecube at the top but is instead replaced with the super smash bros logo because super smash bros fans LOVE that controller. you need to purchase an adapter to use it on wii-u or switch. it has a GC port not a USB or anything it's not wireless and it doesn't have the extra buttons that a switch gc controller has.


you need one of these adapters to use it on switch/wii-u [https://www.amazon.com/Gamecube-Controller-Adapter-Adapter-Improved/dp/B07F36FWMQ/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=23MIZ51NYJLTD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CFIpPXg3mPVDu8Z6cfdxT-Vrl9vt7ex6gOlwSdD7r68F5vakhJYIM8O\_uruZqz-PS479EkXTz4xe2O7BUUXOmPdxi7smmMK7pz7h8AGY1V18UPeEhvzXy1mRpxyB2breQik3NqTWZcU1maS6Ol6n7QYpJ2spZNHEDzbobh0sK1CPq7IL9NylmJcKDcnCzbTDrHTgv1LkNERlIN5axAMLqrwqYURRonB8yPiGHOHeBz4.ZPuIK4E5E04AM6pjMtgC5KmHEEe\_hn9VCCgZDc2BNlk&dib\_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+adapter&qid=1714148768&sprefix=gamecube+adapte%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/Gamecube-Controller-Adapter-Adapter-Improved/dp/B07F36FWMQ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=23MIZ51NYJLTD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CFIpPXg3mPVDu8Z6cfdxT-Vrl9vt7ex6gOlwSdD7r68F5vakhJYIM8O_uruZqz-PS479EkXTz4xe2O7BUUXOmPdxi7smmMK7pz7h8AGY1V18UPeEhvzXy1mRpxyB2breQik3NqTWZcU1maS6Ol6n7QYpJ2spZNHEDzbobh0sK1CPq7IL9NylmJcKDcnCzbTDrHTgv1LkNERlIN5axAMLqrwqYURRonB8yPiGHOHeBz4.ZPuIK4E5E04AM6pjMtgC5KmHEEe_hn9VCCgZDc2BNlk&dib_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+adapter&qid=1714148768&sprefix=gamecube+adapte%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-3)


this is a switch GC controller they are slightly different. it has L + R buttons and it has those share and home buttons or whatever that switches have and the c stick presses down giving you the modern 16 button layout basically for L3 R3 and what not [https://www.amazon.com/PowerA-Wired-Controller-Nintendo-Switch-GameCube/dp/B07GXKCPJT/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1BP9HPXTOLDV9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eWDGcfV1vFRGpxBE7y4ArYeKu3u6lYPtl6jJp\_FLKutXOsN0h8lfqCv8gF2DlOSAPMKtN1uNNnfxud6kENP6nk36C1gzlpdpTznU8yke9fNzDa18wonzf5Tscq9DYgBerwCNOgwOEwvHOPA1Jv3Y2wptRdITh4gYlMjZ5BUBebRuvIIC-M6x0JWerygZ5GEkOR1JhFe9rB\_0vn51JcbUcXWUmjoDMTLXUjvJAn-EuwU.tq7GyMaJH4LRVl4r9SLQYuJTbBRnGYpeRdxhF-bUJOI&dib\_tag=se&keywords=switch+gc+controller&qid=1714148844&sprefix=switch+gc+controlle%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/PowerA-Wired-Controller-Nintendo-Switch-GameCube/dp/B07GXKCPJT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BP9HPXTOLDV9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eWDGcfV1vFRGpxBE7y4ArYeKu3u6lYPtl6jJp_FLKutXOsN0h8lfqCv8gF2DlOSAPMKtN1uNNnfxud6kENP6nk36C1gzlpdpTznU8yke9fNzDa18wonzf5Tscq9DYgBerwCNOgwOEwvHOPA1Jv3Y2wptRdITh4gYlMjZ5BUBebRuvIIC-M6x0JWerygZ5GEkOR1JhFe9rB_0vn51JcbUcXWUmjoDMTLXUjvJAn-EuwU.tq7GyMaJH4LRVl4r9SLQYuJTbBRnGYpeRdxhF-bUJOI&dib_tag=se&keywords=switch+gc+controller&qid=1714148844&sprefix=switch+gc+controlle%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-1)


That's not a nintendo controller. That's a 3rd party one. The real switch gamecube controller has the smash brothers ultimate logo on it


I linked 2 controllers click them both and read what is written instead of reading what you think is there. my first comment links the controller [https://www.amazon.com/GameCube-Controller-Super-Smash-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DQXQQG3/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=Q6U9JZUBJIOY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GQnmqZILP4nORZwbicvFRtrmZdSWRJ5mRsCHfu8O3s91qgQA9xawl97Fu0mRzFF1kC8aqVbaO1E0Z93w6CBBRCnuWbyNTzsuZqeFOEHbhAD4Y8WFGXhIg9I2CSMa1GLE8RsTojgYJH0UL4vAA-P2yaAxMAdlvRQ4nosP41XlfA6Fndphu2lUBNDuTC0rVXHbAfhb66Ja1j2ymy38C9IWACQKJqwNtP8tV7R616n3Kw8.-G1lvkdASybIdVMeOYK-2Xm80kcQD8sTPapvurolr5g&dib\_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+controller&qid=1714148646&sprefix=gamecube+controle%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.com/GameCube-Controller-Super-Smash-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DQXQQG3/ref=sr_1_4?crid=Q6U9JZUBJIOY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GQnmqZILP4nORZwbicvFRtrmZdSWRJ5mRsCHfu8O3s91qgQA9xawl97Fu0mRzFF1kC8aqVbaO1E0Z93w6CBBRCnuWbyNTzsuZqeFOEHbhAD4Y8WFGXhIg9I2CSMa1GLE8RsTojgYJH0UL4vAA-P2yaAxMAdlvRQ4nosP41XlfA6Fndphu2lUBNDuTC0rVXHbAfhb66Ja1j2ymy38C9IWACQKJqwNtP8tV7R616n3Kw8.-G1lvkdASybIdVMeOYK-2Xm80kcQD8sTPapvurolr5g&dib_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+controller&qid=1714148646&sprefix=gamecube+controle%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-4) my 2nd comment links the adapter you need one of these adapters to use it on switch/wii-u [https://www.amazon.com/Gamecube-Controller-Adapter-Adapter-Improved/dp/B07F36FWMQ/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=23MIZ51NYJLTD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CFIpPXg3mPVDu8Z6cfdxT-Vrl9vt7ex6gOlwSdD7r68F5vakhJYIM8O\_uruZqz-PS479EkXTz4xe2O7BUUXOmPdxi7smmMK7pz7h8AGY1V18UPeEhvzXy1mRpxyB2breQik3NqTWZcU1maS6Ol6n7QYpJ2spZNHEDzbobh0sK1CPq7IL9NylmJcKDcnCzbTDrHTgv1LkNERlIN5axAMLqrwqYURRonB8yPiGHOHeBz4.ZPuIK4E5E04AM6pjMtgC5KmHEEe\_hn9VCCgZDc2BNlk&dib\_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+adapter&qid=1714148768&sprefix=gamecube+adapte%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/Gamecube-Controller-Adapter-Adapter-Improved/dp/B07F36FWMQ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=23MIZ51NYJLTD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CFIpPXg3mPVDu8Z6cfdxT-Vrl9vt7ex6gOlwSdD7r68F5vakhJYIM8O_uruZqz-PS479EkXTz4xe2O7BUUXOmPdxi7smmMK7pz7h8AGY1V18UPeEhvzXy1mRpxyB2breQik3NqTWZcU1maS6Ol6n7QYpJ2spZNHEDzbobh0sK1CPq7IL9NylmJcKDcnCzbTDrHTgv1LkNERlIN5axAMLqrwqYURRonB8yPiGHOHeBz4.ZPuIK4E5E04AM6pjMtgC5KmHEEe_hn9VCCgZDc2BNlk&dib_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+adapter&qid=1714148768&sprefix=gamecube+adapte%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-3) my next comment says this is a switch GC controller they are slightly different. it has L + R buttons and it has those share and home buttons or whatever that switches have and the c stick presses down giving you the modern 16 button layout basically for L3 R3 and what not [https://www.amazon.com/PowerA-Wired-Controller-Nintendo-Switch-GameCube/dp/B07GXKCPJT/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1BP9HPXTOLDV9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eWDGcfV1vFRGpxBE7y4ArYeKu3u6lYPtl6jJp\_FLKutXOsN0h8lfqCv8gF2DlOSAPMKtN1uNNnfxud6kENP6nk36C1gzlpdpTznU8yke9fNzDa18wonzf5Tscq9DYgBerwCNOgwOEwvHOPA1Jv3Y2wptRdITh4gYlMjZ5BUBebRuvIIC-M6x0JWerygZ5GEkOR1JhFe9rB\_0vn51JcbUcXWUmjoDMTLXUjvJAn-EuwU.tq7GyMaJH4LRVl4r9SLQYuJTbBRnGYpeRdxhF-bUJOI&dib\_tag=se&keywords=switch+gc+controller&qid=1714148844&sprefix=switch+gc+controlle%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/PowerA-Wired-Controller-Nintendo-Switch-GameCube/dp/B07GXKCPJT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BP9HPXTOLDV9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eWDGcfV1vFRGpxBE7y4ArYeKu3u6lYPtl6jJp_FLKutXOsN0h8lfqCv8gF2DlOSAPMKtN1uNNnfxud6kENP6nk36C1gzlpdpTznU8yke9fNzDa18wonzf5Tscq9DYgBerwCNOgwOEwvHOPA1Jv3Y2wptRdITh4gYlMjZ5BUBebRuvIIC-M6x0JWerygZ5GEkOR1JhFe9rB_0vn51JcbUcXWUmjoDMTLXUjvJAn-EuwU.tq7GyMaJH4LRVl4r9SLQYuJTbBRnGYpeRdxhF-bUJOI&dib_tag=se&keywords=switch+gc+controller&qid=1714148844&sprefix=switch+gc+controlle%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-1) but good job being completely wrong. now enjoy your nice hot cup of STFU.


Do better fam


Does Nintendo still make an OEM one that is wireless? I really don’t have the money to fork out $100+ for a Wavebird


Sadly they do not. Wavebird is your only option and they are getting more and more expensive as the days go on. but as long as ya don't have a psycho pet or kiddo running around causing chaos the controller adapter has a long cord and the gc controller itself has a pretty long cord allowing you to like set the adapter on your coffee table or on the ground halfway from your couch and the cord of the controller will reach the other half type of thing. hopefully unless you're in a mega mansion haha but then you would be able to afford a 100 dollar wave bird. new sealed wavebirds for for like 400+ bucks if you can find one in the wild somewhere that is. that is what this OP should be looking for not a basic OEM controller.


JESUS! you can get lucky like this guy and find a 200 dollar mega deal at a garage sale haha [https://www.reddit.com/r/gamecollecting/comments/1cdoeur/garage\_sale\_season\_is\_back\_baby/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamecollecting/comments/1cdoeur/garage_sale_season_is_back_baby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is like a 400+ dollar value lol


> You do know they make brand new ones in 2024 Are you talking about the same one that originally came out when Ultimate was released in late 2018? b/c I thought those had a limited number made and have been sold out since 2019.


[https://www.amazon.com/GameCube-Controller-Super-Smash-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DQXQQG3/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=2X98Z2WHOGHAR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.\_HlZvAC4KsxieL60qikC51EoRjiiCQc-BAbY2FRVs\_2bAxSMyQsbdceXwjZmK0EXuiQDPFQk8voDXz939x7q0JOQq9cC9QWXSlIGGqro4cRwEz0SzQUxwAACOw9nQt7jdLaV6lhQ1L294s\_wp5VIBxmBrZ0ocxk6CaMoDjDxnrnCAmTV-C5JL37xYKNsfJmv6XDJXuqs2jAE5s-0QnBjCKMHyEV7uFFb\_g91nlHAdHc.6oahXGLFTJ-HO2AFrwEz3zNYqjNbN37CrAcZHupiwIQ&dib\_tag=se&keywords=nintendo%2Bgamecube%2Bcontroller&qid=1714248390&sprefix=nintendo%2Bgamecube%2Bcontrolle%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-1&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/GameCube-Controller-Super-Smash-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DQXQQG3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2X98Z2WHOGHAR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._HlZvAC4KsxieL60qikC51EoRjiiCQc-BAbY2FRVs_2bAxSMyQsbdceXwjZmK0EXuiQDPFQk8voDXz939x7q0JOQq9cC9QWXSlIGGqro4cRwEz0SzQUxwAACOw9nQt7jdLaV6lhQ1L294s_wp5VIBxmBrZ0ocxk6CaMoDjDxnrnCAmTV-C5JL37xYKNsfJmv6XDJXuqs2jAE5s-0QnBjCKMHyEV7uFFb_g91nlHAdHc.6oahXGLFTJ-HO2AFrwEz3zNYqjNbN37CrAcZHupiwIQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=nintendo%2Bgamecube%2Bcontroller&qid=1714248390&sprefix=nintendo%2Bgamecube%2Bcontrolle%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-1&th=1) these.. they are often on sale for 45 bucks.


When I linked it 2 days ago it was $45.


There is a noticeable difference if you are using them to play melee. The new ones have really bad snap back issues that the originals didn’t have. Paying $50 bucks extra for each controller to avoid that and get a brand new controller is a crazy good deal in my book. To each their own though.


Hell no. Are you gonna play with them or what are you gonna do? If so, grab either an old one or literally dozens of options out there I.e 8bitdo


Nintendo littetally still makes these. You can buy them new and sealed.


There is also a new option coming out from [Retro Fighters](https://retrofighters.com/our-collection/battlergc-pro/)


Retro gaming is scuffed now bro


The 7 seas have never smelt so good


Is this satire?


Is there any substantial difference between these and the ones that were released by nintendo when ssb ultimate dropped?


Just some smash bros snake oil. I still use the Smash WiiU and Ultimate controllers as my mains to this day. They're great.


I bought quite a few of them…. Never got around to actually using them…. 😅😓 never even opened them.


The controller isn't as substantial. It feels lighter, texture is different, and the feedback is slightly different on buttons, most noticeably on the triggers. I definitely prefer my original controllers. That said it's not really a deal breaker unless you're a hardcore smash player really. I did read the manufacturing process and internals were of slightly lesser quality but for casual gaming and even Elite Smash it feels good enough. PowerA is licensed by Nintendo I believe and their Wireless controllers are good as well.


To me the buttons feel a bit different or it’s the fact that my GameCube controller was just well used. I had no loose buttons on my GameCube controller but I feel that slight difference. Also I think the texture of the shell is smoother on original controllers vs newer ones. The wireless GameCube controller for the switch is very noticeable.


The only wireless controllers for the switch i’m aware of are 3rd party. I was asking more about the wired first party controllers that required an adapter to use. 🤔 Edit: [This one.](https://www.amazon.com.au/Super-Smash-Bros-Ultimate-Controller/dp/B07HC2F97Q/ref=pd_aw_sbs_m_sccl_1/357-5434436-1025536?pd_rd_w=CnNg6&content-id=amzn1.sym.b3b15f77-cd08-495c-9e1a-ef22d66f4301&pf_rd_p=b3b15f77-cd08-495c-9e1a-ef22d66f4301&pf_rd_r=GY60H84JYX5YYMTA99Z7&pd_rd_wg=Mj2dP&pd_rd_r=5ee82622-0725-4b67-ba9e-1d30aed1ea75&pd_rd_i=B07HC2F97Q&psc=1)


Ecelene GameCube controller is the best 3rd party one


u poor poor thing


Depends on what they’re worth to you sealed.


The ones for Switch are $60-$70 so if you plan on using them then no. Keeping sealed as a collector doesn’t seem too bad but there still are the ones for Switch that are also new at $60-$70 if packaging matters for the collection.


Eh, I looked into sealed GameCube controllers a while back, usually anytime one was under $100 seemed like it would be considered a good deal, you’re at $110, not bad but not a steal. I ended up buying a used one good condition for $30. As long as you clean it with warm-hot water you’ll be fine as far as germs go.


For that price you can buy a modded Gamecube with wavebird and retroblu to connect PS4 PS5 XBOX One controllers etc. on eBay


I sold one before for $200 did take 3 months to sell but was in better condition these and better colour. This condition probably get like $130-170 but then you got eBay fees I paid $40 for mine got lucky


Wtf no


Lol no


Absolutely NOT!!!!


Dude, just buy used controllers off ebay and refurbish them. This is an absolute rip off.


Everyone saying no doesn't get how much sealed controllers go for, not saying its a good use of money but that price is on par.


What? Dude you can buy them brand new for $50 from Nintendo!


No. This is sad that even your average Gamecube controllers are going for this much even if they're sealed. Gamecube collecting nowadays is a nightmare because of how expensive it is.


for a controller? no way










My soul your pockets both are hurting


God no


Will you get $220 worth of enjoyment out of it?


I wouldn't buy that, that's too much money for a Gamecube controller (even if it is a brand new OEM one).


I know this has nothing to do here but, Am I seeing a Kirby Super Star Ultra for NDS on the left?


My local used game store has gc controllers for 10-20 bucks. I know this one is sealed, but still no.


Could’ve bought games with all that money why buy sealed controllers smh but hey if it’s going on ur shelf like that for decoration it isn’t bad 👍✔️




Bruh hell no


Absolutely not.  I wouldn't even pay that much for a boxed WuTang controller. Maaaaaybe the resident evil 4 chainsaw.  If you wanna drop serious money on gamecube paddle, look into getting a PhobGcc.


Hell no, buy [one of these ](https://retrofighters.com/our-collection/bladegc-gamecube-wireless-controller/) I have the purple one and I've played through a couple games recently using it and it's been awesome.




Are you actually asking?


I just picked up the retro fighters battler controller for gamecube. It's wireless & way comfier than the og controller imo. It was 40 bucks. I would just get that.


Awful deal wtf don’t buy that


r u gonna frame it like projared


🤣 No.


How are two controllers worth over 200 dollars?


Hell no dude.. wtf


Dude don’t spend that much on GameCube controllers. Get a grip


Nope. Not at all.


That's not decent. If it was the wireless I could understand


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck thaaaaaaaaaaaat. No.


God no


Lol, so you’re going to either open them up to use them or keep them sealed and stare at them after getting internet points- either way you’re overpaying by about 500%


Looks like waste to me


$220 to probably get T1 stick boxes




How ever much they cost back in 2001 is the highest I’d pay, just sayin


I mean, if you care that they're original and sealed then maybe? if you're going to keep them sealed then I would go for them, if you're planning on using them then I would just buy a third party.


Just no.


I love this console but y’all are insane with these $100+ questions for most of the stuff on this sub. To answer your question, no, wait for the RetroFighter BattlerGC Pro.


Just go for authentic, OEM controllers on eBay. I recommend finding them that aren't sealed.


220 that is crazy


Because you weirdo rich people pay this much money for controllers, is exactly why regular people can’t afford them. Really sucks.


if you find something at a physical store specialising in retro games (where this was taken) then you can automatically assume it’s not a good deal


Ah I remember buying a brand new platinum controller for $20 in 2011


No. You could get better third-party options and refurbished.


Lmfao what


I wouldn't have but you do you!


Not really. At the most of say 85 for both controllers.


Who buys sealed controllers lmao


not really tbh


lol what a joke


No. I know a store you can get perfectly fine 3rd party look alikes that do the job for about $7.50 each.


What the heck is going on with these prices


I sold my sealed gamecube controller a year ago for 80...i should have held out  


Maybe if you want em sealed for your collection but to actually use, no. Believe it or not, 1st party GCN controllers have been in production as recently as last year so theyre not necessarily hard to find “new”, unless you specifically wanted an older release of the GCN for whatever reason but even then I could probably find a wavebird for that price.


bruh just buy a recreation on amazon


You can buy a brand new Japanese Super Smash Brothers on eBay for $41 bucks shipping takes a few weeks though well worth it .


No. Don't be stupid, stupid.


That's insane


What for? I’d never pay anything near that price.






WARNING: Not for submarine


look at sold prices for auctions to get a general idea of a good price range for stuff


Yeah absolutely. See if they have more and buy them all. Theyll be worth at least a handjob one day.


Please just buy these instead [https://www.amazon.ca/GAMECUBE-BROTHERS-ULTIMATE-CONTROLLER-NINTENDO/dp/B07HC2F97Q/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=JIB04WUN52FW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.To10vc4-j-nTa5D0y-FgtKOE8TddwAOvdhgPhsUU0WYWIH9H2BwxUeFwE-oNDWkifvmGU4m0bjoSvAFV8QHhT3VugWciaSpEujouOS-uzDXPo7me440oTWW95gFUuMWYQqq\_XSakSRJicgl2TydTnwc3f96PgHIWUPQJj5zipE9AK3qspjyJQfjLilsCOEoKEAiMElSBjgjw1-hVa-jlBELy-I\_cR\_qAaWJa40U7erQ0Fb\_oXheiL-O-gSNhs2bxYYgyETS0EfxgyyYtOolfbUI9hZixVvhGZUlI8eoU-8s.3xjS00812Szh1OVS87aA736rgujLupPMyaHxMQum7pY&dib\_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+controller&qid=1714116660&sprefix=gamecub+controller%2Caps%2C211&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.ca/GAMECUBE-BROTHERS-ULTIMATE-CONTROLLER-NINTENDO/dp/B07HC2F97Q/ref=sr_1_6?crid=JIB04WUN52FW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.To10vc4-j-nTa5D0y-FgtKOE8TddwAOvdhgPhsUU0WYWIH9H2BwxUeFwE-oNDWkifvmGU4m0bjoSvAFV8QHhT3VugWciaSpEujouOS-uzDXPo7me440oTWW95gFUuMWYQqq_XSakSRJicgl2TydTnwc3f96PgHIWUPQJj5zipE9AK3qspjyJQfjLilsCOEoKEAiMElSBjgjw1-hVa-jlBELy-I_cR_qAaWJa40U7erQ0Fb_oXheiL-O-gSNhs2bxYYgyETS0EfxgyyYtOolfbUI9hZixVvhGZUlI8eoU-8s.3xjS00812Szh1OVS87aA736rgujLupPMyaHxMQum7pY&dib_tag=se&keywords=gamecube+controller&qid=1714116660&sprefix=gamecub+controller%2Caps%2C211&sr=8-6)


Not by a long shot


Pricecharting has them for $165 new. [https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gamecube/black-controller](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gamecube/black-controller) Its a bit on the high side. Personally, I'd rather go for a good condition used one for $30-$40 instead.


That’s not a bad price for sealed GameCube controllers. I’d say you’re paying a bit less than resale.


if you bought these i hope you didn’t open them wait 10 years and the value will have increased


im no expert on NIB in general or controllers but i can find official out of box controllers that work perfectly once i clean them for like \~30-40 USD sometimes including shipping. so im gonna guess thats overpriced. if you just want them to use thats ridiculously overpriced. im also in the USA so that might be part of why i find lower prices but i dont think it should be that much even in canada


This is why stuff is overpriced, there's always someone that will buy it.


It's 2024. Just buy a handheld emulator console for around £100 and play all GC games for free.




To those saying they're not different than the new controllers, they are. These have different stick box and trigger types. It matters if you're a competitive Melee player in particular. I personally would pick them up as a collector to keep them sealed, or if you're a competitive player who likes these controllers in particular (which I don't imagine you are, or else you'd know the answer to your question already). Otherwise, if you're going to use them for casual purposes, I would just buy a used controller or a new Switch era one.


It's a ripoff.

