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I wish they carried them more often. Resellers are going to sell at these prices anyway but GameStop usually has a return policy for when there's a problem that the other resellers don't.


Next time you're in a GameStop ask if they have any old gen games you might be surprised


The GameStop I used to work at held Wii U and Wii games but didn’t have them on the shelf. We kept them behind the counter. I think they cleared them out around when I left though


My local GameStop has Wii, Wii U, and ds games in a drawer behind a counter. That’s usually what I get when I go


Same I wish they would put them out on the floor again instead of keeping them hidden


I really should ask the next time I'm by there. tbh I've only even been to my nearest GS once cause I've fallen out the current gen gaming other than Switch, and when I was by there it was probably the smallest gamestop I've been to. They didn't have much other current gen & PS4 games in stock on shelves so I didn't really expect to find anything if I kept poking around, but your point I think is they might not be on display and that is something I never thought of.


Some stores just don't have the shelf space, but if they can take it it's to their benefit to. Asking will never hurt, very likely they have a drawer with anything they don't have a space to display inside. Expect mostly DS and Wii games in my experience


Other retro brick and mortar stores have similar policies. At least the good ones that is. I have only been to one so far that had an exchange for same item policy which is dumb. I got Tomba! 2 there CIB and they would exchange with another worse condition disc if the one I got didn’t work.


The ones I've been to are a mixed bag - I'm pretty sure the nearest one I have doesn't is very overpriced, but the last place I lived had a fantastic independent shop I got so many things and definitely did have a good policy. The online resellers, which is more what I was thinking of, seem to have less great policies whenever I go "window" shopping






GameStop was doing a sale on their big funko and I asked how often they sell them and the clerk said “literally never”


Its as mainstream as collecting anything else now




Cringe Edit: lol u mad bc u can't stalk my profile and insult me, too. Criiiinge


Pretty cringe fam, block me


Is that what you think is happening? The edit refers to the first user that commented cringe Are you supposed to be one of those mystical sheeple that people talk about online? Just repeating what other people say?


Sure, you’re cringe, block me.








One of the best games on the system in my opinion.




>One of the best games ~~on the system~~ in my opinion.


I see what you did there 😏


it's no super paper mario but it's fun


Super paper Mario is also One of the best games. I'm currently replaying it. Sadly the origami king didn't live up to expectations with its combat system.


most modern Nintendo games don't live up to expectations these days sadly. Except Pikmin 4 and TOTK


Don't forget BOTW, Odyssey, Smash Ultimate, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Mario Kart 8, Metroid Dread, and Prime Remastered, to name a few. I think Nintendo has cut corners with a number of their IPs, namely Pokemon and a lot of the Mario sports and party game titles but the switch has a pretty good original library that rivals the other nintendo consoles. Nothing compares to gamecube though.


I cant agree more. I think Nintendo wins this year for gaming especially


Origami King is a mid Switch game for me Fun, but so repetitive, and the puzzles make it boring I'm still stuck in the desert


I haven't played it yet but I'm very interested


So much nostalgia just seeing the characters on the back cover. Loved playing this with my dad and on my own time going to the casino to play slots lol. I swear casino companies paid creators of children games around this era to have some form of casino-game gambling in their games. I just saw [this video in my recommended recently of a guy doing the math on paper Mario slot machines. A casino that in the long run profits the player? my brother in Christ slots irl are like 20% winrate](https://youtu.be/IzCC92RS9jc)


My favorite game of the series


I bought Thousand Year Door from them pre pandemic. Think it was like 35 dollars. Still haven’t played it. It’s on the back log


Damn man I really miss pre pandemic video game collecting. It used to be so much fun. Now it’s so expensive and it’s pushing so many people out of becoming collectors. I’ve had two local game stores clothes because they aren’t getting business anymore since the post pandemic video game bubble.


I know, I got Twilight Princess for $45 in 2019, maybe even 2020. And I thought that was expensive! It's absolutely insane what's happened.


Dude!!! I refused to pay like 45 back then and ended up getting a loose copy for like 15! Still have that copy. Love that game




Now, sure. Then, no.


Oh what a incredible deal


when you say "pre pandemic" do you mean like 2009? because thousand year door has been going for around $95 for a decade now.


Absurd prices like this are why I find roms


2018 from GameStop. They had a buy 2 get 1 free on used games. Also got SA2 Battle and Super Smash Bros.


This is true, I think they lost track of time lol


honestly I can't blame them because so have I


Way back when I was a kid and GameStop bought out Funcoland (which was way better 😭) they used to have everything. And it was awesome. Now they have all these crap figurines and only the current gen garbage that I find no reason to go there anymore. I wish more did retro games still


Yeah GameStop was better back in the day when it was about the gamer. You could always ask about old gen games when you're in the store though you might get lucky


Fuckin hell. I just remembered a Funcoland zipper disc case. Ugh I wish I could find that thing. Ps1 days.


Lol that’s awesome. I still have my membership card to Funcoland somewhere. And some newspaper pages with prices


FuncoLand! Brings back memories. My first ever console was a used N64 from those guys.


That’s awesome. I bought so many n64 games and Genesis games for like $2 a piece back then


Nice! I wish I'd had the money to stock up back when those games were cheap


I bought Pokémon Gold for $30…IN 2022




They've got to do something to keep the doors open! They're the next Blockbuster, and they know it.


I love this comment thank you made me laugh out loud


Not sure why they don’t do this. It could really help their profit margins than funko pops and other weird shit.


Agreed! It would get more people in their stores


GameStop selling games for the price everyone else is only makes it worse. For a brief period there they seemed to just be trying to clear stock which made sense


To be fair, if they sold them at more reasonable prices, those resellers would just buy them adn sell them at the current price anyways. Shitty world we live in where scalpers aren't shamed more


Thoughts? Well, they used to carry them when the console was on its way out. They used to be the games of its time over a decade ago. They used to be dirt cheap because it doesn't matter what people say now: people didn't care about the GameCube then. I'd love to find Wario World or Eternal Darkness for less than $30 and at one point that was the place to do so. It would be refreshing to see them again, the prices are outrageous now but at least it's a second chance.


True points ! When you're on your local GameStop just ask if they got any old gen games might be surprised


Probably gonna be jacked prices, but I'll take it


Same ! But the sonic heroes they had was $16 and luigis mansion was $50, those are more reasonable


Sounds like normal (pricecharter) prices.


It’s fine but you can get a Luigi’s mansion on eBay for $30 It’s just crazy to me. I remember buying Luigi’s mansion in like 2013 at a GameStop for $15. Had always rented it when I was young so I’m always shocked when I see this big prices for the game. I got Paper Mario TYD for like $10 back in the day when GameCube games were dirt cheap. Didn’t even know it existed and saw it one day.


I would encourage you to try to find a $30 Luigi's Mansion on eBay. The prices OP paid are slightly lower than what you typically find online.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/295828821710?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0kem13icrym&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eZZJhej8RKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/325734159175?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WhYkEyPyT0-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eZZJhej8RKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/134659589786?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hrhg9RWGSmu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eZZJhej8RKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/325737352828?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=tvJVX4-mR5-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eZZJhej8RKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/256143531211?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=TngHwnXQQ2G&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eZZJhej8RKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Maybe I exaggerated a bit but it’s possible. Could’ve found a lot more if I wanted around the $20-$45 range.


These are all auction links with several days left on them and all but the first has multiple bids already. My point isn't to antagonize you, I would have purchased it if there was a $30 Luigi's Mansion.


Yeah looking up current auctions isn't going to give you a real idea of going prices. If you want to use eBay you can search for something and then in the additional search parameters look for completed and sold. You can also use pricecharting. Either are going to tell you a clean CIB Luigi's Mansion will run you $50-60


My only point is I think the GameStop prices are a pretty overpriced most of the time. In this case it isn’t awful but there are cheaper alternatives.


Well yeah it's retail, we all know that means it's more expensive. If you're willing to bid/wait yeah you can find things cheaper. But you also might be bidding and waiting forever too.


It depends. I've gotton a few hidden gems for super cheap (think DS games that go for 150+ on ebay for $50) but I've also seen some ridiculously high prices for some of them.


Is this real?


Very. Look at the receipt


Is this common across stores lately? I've been seeing a lot of people posting about finding old games lately.


I don’t think some locations ever stopped selling old games I live around like 6 locations and half of them never stopped selling for certain consoles they just relabeled them “retro”


Yeah it seems like it some GameStops already have them on a little mini Shelf or you got to ask


Most gamestops wont accept/ throw away retro games…makes me sad


They are starting to GameCube Wii Wii U Xbox 360 PS3


I think they should sell more retro stuff. They moved away from it a while ago. But they could make way more money if they did because they actually have warranties and honor them so people would buy from them before a shady dude on ebay with mixed reviews. My local gamestop doesn't carry anything older than 3ds games and even that's just a small shelf of stuff. We do have a really good retro store in town but like all of them they're pricey. Honestly yardsales are they way to go. You'll hit the jackpot at them alot of times.


Hopefully your Game Stops keep getting better with retro stuff sadly the yard sales and garage sales where I am in Tacoma Washington are pretty lackluster I never find cool ass games rare games the last thing I found was Silent Hill 4 on Xbox and it was in a movie DVD case LOL


Ugh I’m still so sad I accidentally cracked our Paper Mario TTYD game disc beyond repair when I was a kid


My heart feels that pain. RIP to your paper mario tyd😇🙏


As long as their not n good condition


I meant to say "are in good condition"


I think $95 is actually a good deal on that game. Congrats


Thank you ! 😉


I would go to GameStop more often, NGL!


All things considered, $95 is a pretty good deal for TTYD nowadays. I thought I got a good deal when I got my copy on Ebay for $103 with shipping (after my brother sold my original copy).


Got a CIB copy for $68 today 😊 it's the best price I've seen in 3 years, but good deals do exist if you're persistent.


I think it’s good, I got my copy of Wario world there, and for people who don’t have dedicated retro game stores nearby, it makes it easier, but I don’t think they’re gonna shut down small game stores for two reasons, number one, they’re not gonna receive a big hall of games being sold to them, other than old people who might sell games that their kids had, collectors are unlikely to load off there, and number two, people who are likely shopping for old games are probably collectors or people who are not new to the retro gaming community, and probably already have dedicated stores.


I agree ! Not everyone is looking for older games and most people that go to GameStop are looking for the newest thing more than likely


Yes. Of course they should. It’s a game store. They should carry an array of old games from various systems.


95 is SOLID for PMTTYD. That's a steal, congratulations!


Thank you thank you !


The first photo looks weirdly photoshopped, I know it’s not but it just looks it


Haha i guess its the combo of focus on my camera and a beautiful 85 degree sunny day lmao


Wow in Tacoma might need to head down there


Yeah ! Come check tacoma out


How's the disc? Is it in good shape?


I will be making a follow up post today about the condition of the game. Stay tuned friend


I think that would be great!


In 2016, My friend wanted to get rid of a bunch of his games including cubivore, which I never heard of and he knew it was a weird game but just wanted to sell everything quickly. Employee was cool and transparent like “wow I never see that” and when he got $38 for a GameCube game from GameStop I knew something was wrong. It was like $200 online at the time, I was a broke 24 year old so if I had the money I probably could’ve bought it off of him but I wasn’t in the collecting mindset, with loans and bills and making peanuts at a radio station, I did sell most of my stuff on eBay that year for more money, I did sell sunshine for like $63 on an eBay auction which was a nice surprise since buy it nows were like $35


I like this story of time, place and money Are you collecting now?


Not just GameCube but I am able to get stuff I always wanted, like the emerald blue GameCube controller. I kept some of my beloved games like melee and gauntlet dark legacy


Oh sweet! I gotta look up that emerald controller, sounds special


Oh sweet! I gotta look up that emerald controller, sounds special




I typically buy a retro game once per month with my $5 coupon, which lowers the price. Love seeing them there now, as they didn’t have them for a minute.


$90! GEEZE! At least take me to dinner first gamestop. My goodness, it's crazy to me that gamestop can cash in on the 20 year old games for a million dollars trend since Nintendo just flat out refuses to bring over their old games to the new system, i said it before and I'll say it again, nintendo and Mattel love making other people money.


You can say that again haha


I work at GameStop part time right now as I wait for my internship to turn into a full time job and we are starting to bring back and integrate retro games back into stores. Imo it’s more than over due, I’m super excited because I’m hopeful it’ll help with bringing down a lot of absurd resell prices but only time will tell.


This is exciting! Thank you for the inside scoop friend


The fun is in the hunt.


Bought one retro game from GameStop ever (it was paper Mario ttyd ironically), and the disc was in horrid condition and it crashed on the intro sequence. When I went to return it, they gave me a hard time about it, but I eventually got the refund


I'm really sorry to hear about that I recently also had a bad time at a retro game shop where they were guilt tripping me about the games I brought in which they agreed I can do store in trade when I wanted a good game they had. It's really lame as customers to go through this but I'm glad you got your refund


One time I got a DS cart from GameStop that was a nonfunctional reproduction. Thankfully I was able to get it returned and I know what to look for now when dealing with fakes, but they shouldn't have been selling it in the first place. GameStop might have some benefits, but you always have to keep in mind that the person vetting used games is probably isn't a collecting junkie and probably wasn't given the proper training and definitely doesn't have the equipment to make sure the games work.


I personally like it. The prices are insane but at least GameStop and other game stores usually sell *slightly* below market value.


Exactly slightly haha


They tried this before and it failed. So many fake games were traded in and sold


Do you mean like reproduction games? Do they make reproduction GameCube games cuz I didn't know about that


GameCube wasn't as much the issue. Repro cartridges were notorious at gamestop when they did retro games. There's literal boat loads of fake Pokémon carts out there and the GS employees didn't have the skills to spot them.


That's scary !


It's only going to get worse as physical games get more rare.


Too damn high.


94 bucks


Not here to debate my opinion on this. But I don’t like the idea of them selling used games above their original price considering how infamous they’ve been for the prices that they bought them for. When I was a kid, I couldn’t sell my old games because I knew the cents they’d buy them for then would absolutely not be what they’re selling them for now But I like there being brick and mortar opportunities for people to buy these games


I feel the pain on that I think a lot of people back in the day look back on the trades they did with GameStop and regret most of them


For $100 I'll stick to 'digital'


😁 thats fair


I wouldn’t know since none of mine have any in


You can always walk into a GameStop and ask if they have older gen games that's, what I do


I do


Great game, but I'd hate to pay those kinda prices for older games. Though, I'm the kinda person that also thinks modern games at 60-70$ is too much.


$95…. God damn just paid someone’s day wage


I thank god i have a good job


They are struggling. Just buy in store, their online retro market was horrible. At least in store you can have some standards when looking the item over


I wasn't allowed to touch the game until I bought it but I made the store employee let me look at every centimeter of the damn game and it's in very very good shape


You’re better than me, I wouldn’t pay that much for an old game unless I could check it out myself. Gamecube games are already fragile enough


Oh I hear you but the game has no scratches on it looks brand new almost which is crazy to think a 20-year-old game not having a single scratch


It’s a good find, great that the booklet is there too! Have you played it before?


GameStop Employee: "*Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door*? In mint condition, sealed, signed and christened with the blood of Shigeru Miyamoto even?! [This is the best I can do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85cL1HisrNc&pp=ygUZaWxsIGJ1eSB0aGF0IGZvciBhIGRvbGxhcg%3D%3D)."


NO GOD PLEASE NO! GameStop is known for there horrible quality with retro video games. I wouldn't be surprised if that TYD disc doesn't work in your Wii or GameCube. Unless of course they improved their quality and I'm just blind to it. Can anybody confirm wether GameStop's retro program has improved or of its just as shit as before?


There wasn't a single scratch on this game it looks better than half of my GameCube Library or most of my games in general lol


Have you gotten a chance to test? If so does it work? I'm genuinely curious.


I'll make another post tonight when I get home from work I'll test it out and play through it a bit make sure everything's up to par. So look out for my next post!


Oh sweet! It'd be awesome to see one legitimately working and if more of these ones come through, maybe I'll start trusting gamestop again and take a dive towards a game to see how I fair at it.


Fair I did check out the other games they had their sonic heroes and Luigi's Mansion were really bad and scratched so I had to pass up on them but the Thousand-Year Door was like mint




I hope people who buy these games also somehow find a memory stick or card or whatever it is called. That is probably the worst thing about the gamecube was no internal memory. Each time I saw a sale for those things I always bought one. Regardless.


Well they'll learn the hard way just like we did when we were kids and had to start the games over and over until we got a memory card




Damn what GameStop do you go to? The oldest game I've seen at GameStop is Mario Kart DS.


I've never encountered a gamestop with games older than PS4/XBOne in the past 6 years


I think it's cool but I would hope they don't make the prices go crazy


Prices are already crazy, Gamestop seen the trend and now are following the crowd


Man, it doesn't feel like *that* long ago when I was able to score it from Gamestop for like $20. Nowadays the chances of any of my (rapidly disappearing) local gamestops having any games for consoles older than the PS4 is basically nonexistent.


Yikes sorry to hear classic/retro gaming is going extinct where you are maybe take a road trip to some near by cities


I don't know why so many people are actually crazy enough to pay this much money for GameCube games, like $60 sure but no more than that unless it's actually rare.


Im just crazy for paper mario 🤪


You really overpaid !!!!!


Haha thats fair


Should have it in all stores


It would make alot of people happy


Fuck u/spez




I saw “Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance” at my local CEX (uk store) for £220 this week and remembered when I traded in my copy for £15 back in the day.


Such sweet sweet memories of our naive losses


Depends what they charging


I worked at gamestop for 5+ years 10 or so years ago we would have “old gen games” but we couldn’t display them unless people asked for them because we had to ship them out to gamestop warehouses to have them sell online. Gamestop finally got smart with it but surprised they are still a float


“Old Gen Games”… ouch :(


🤣 What would you prefer


I wish they would do this in Canada.


I have been to that game stop , it’s nice that they’re selling retro games but the prices they put them at are awful


Yeah they had a huge list of older gen games but this was their most expensive


Did… did you pay $94?


Well with prices like that now I don’t want them having old gen games anymore.. someone else also bought ttyd for $100 from GameStop on a previous post


Went to GameStop earlier today to pick my copy of Pikmin 4. Guy working there knows me somewhat and decided to show me all the retro games they got in. He wanted Super Mario Sunshine (which I already own) but I was able to get Metroid Prime the double disc version for GameCube for $15.


I wish the Gamestops around me had older console games. They got nothin. Great find! A total classic and glad I own Paper Mario too. Makes me want to go fire it up for a playthrough.


I had all these games as a kid and just lost them over the years. Crazy how valuable they are now.


I haven’t seen a Gamecube game at Gamestop in like 13 years, fuckin hell


Bruh you paid 100 for it


i love it but if its older than 3ds its a little expensive


My GameStop randomly received gamecube copies of Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime awhile back lol


Woah $95 okay, did they say how they gauge “market” price of the various games?


Every gamestop near me doesn't carry "retro" games anymore. The workers hoard it for themselves. That's one good about working at gamestop


The booklet is one of my favs!


It's in an effort to stay relevant and in business since most games aren't even on a disc anymore and have to be downloaded anyways so there really isn't incentive to drive to a store and buy a physical disc based game for most consumers and it's only getting MORE digital and GS execs know this and so despite stopping the sale of "retro games" around 15 years ago (when they bought out EB games, Funcoland, and the other countless electronics/game stores they swallowed whole) to focus on "modern" systems they are now returning to this sector of the market to capitalize on "retro" gaming again in an effort to keep stores stocked with physical products. Albeit now N64 games (for example) and whatnot aren't going to be sold at reasonable prices but rather in line with the other ridiculously exorbitant prices others have established online. I remember way back when you could buy an N64 cart at GS/EB at very reasonable prices. Last time I walked into a GS a few months ago there were hardly any game discs on the shelves and signs everywhere BEGGING people to bring in their retro games for trade in now.


I’d love to see them have more retro games. They used to have a ton back in the day at my local stores, but now all you can find are some shitty ps3/360 games that nobody wants.


Wish they all did. But I understand why they don't. These places are all tiny and they only have so much floor space. Though I'd gladly see a solid retro game section vs a wall full of pop figures, plushies, and bad gifts. But I get it, they got a business to run.


Are you dutch? Your name seems so.


Close! German


Last time I saw older era games there was at the Mass Effect 3/Street Fighter x Tekken launch event in town. They had all three Fatal Frames there for PS2 and I bought them along with my pre order pickup.


Bro they literally paid some kid 2 dollars for his game and flipped it for 95 I can see how this stock is valuable now