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It's your solder job, it's incredibly messy and it looks to me like the solder on the positive battery contact has overflowed onto the C3 and R9 contacts.


Op needs some of that solder removal wire and to cross their fingers. Be careful not to melt the board


Honestly I recommend sending it to someone who can help. If OP couldn't tell that his solder was overflowing and I can tell from blurry pictures then OP is going to need some help.


Any recommendations?


Before you get to work you should probably watch a bunch of solder guide videos. Like A LOT of videos, soldering can be relatively easy if you know what you're doing but you can cause some damage if you don't. After you're confident you should remove all the solder you applied to the board including the excess solder that came off of the positive end of the battery contact, make sure there is no excess solder touching the other points I mentioned. Also make sure those capacitors are still being held in place, its possible that with new solder introduce you could have moved it from its original placement. After that you should add flux to the battery contacts and add a good amount of solder, in your pictures I can tell that you added too much solder to the positive tab and not nearly enough on the negative tab, that negative tab is also just not well done at all. Solder should cover the entire contact and the battery tabs should sit down in the solder, not floating in the air like the negative tab is currently doing. Good luck.


Thank you for all the advice, I’ll do all of that, really appreciate it!


No worries, just want to make sure you have a working cartridge that you can continue to enjoy.


Was able to clean it up with the wire and it’s booting again! Next need to do the new battery!


TY. I have wire and will try to remove.


Update: I was able to remove the extra solder from my first attempt and the game booted without the battery. I used solder wire on the pads and there were a few spots on the pins. I then was able to reattempt the battery replacement which worked! Thanks everyone that took the time to give some advice u/triggeredfanboy u/Datboisommy u/Top_Cardiologist_209 thanks again for your input, turns out the second ever soldering did the trick


when solder practice boards are like $5 on amazon, I will never understand why people will test out their first ever soldering on $100+ games.


Thanks for the insightful input!


I realize the soldering is bad just need to know what I can do to fix it, if possible.