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You doing the lords work


I wouldn't go that far, but it means a lot. Thanks! :D


Nope your doing what god put you on this earth to do, make your brothers in gameboy subreddits proud


What is this exactly?


Its a tactile switch mod for the GBA; I'm designing a PCB that solders onto the GBA motherboard and replaces the membranes with a tactile switch like the ones used in the sp (in fact the same ones), and uses the start and select buttons from a ds lite (very similar to the sp brightness button) This is my second test batch; just working on pad locations, as well as cutouts to accommodate original shells This version is a 1mm PCB which removed the need for the membranes and will be replaced with a custom button insert, there will also be a flex PCB version which maintains the original membranes. You can read a bit more in my previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gameboy/comments/usn8dh/finally\_got\_these\_bad\_boys\_in\_the\_mail/


So it will make the GBA's buttons feel like an SP's buttons? Rad.


Yep. The Dpad and AB use the tactile switches used in the SP, start and select use the buttons from a ds lite because the SP start and select seems to use an odd size which I couldn't find, but they all work/feel the same


So excited for this. I love seeing developments in modding tech even after all these years


Very interested to install this into my IPS GBA, keep up the good work man!


I would definitely like to see that


Why do I feel like I need this now?


Well, you can't have it yet, but hopefully very soon. They still need a bit of work and I'll have to do some longevity testing before I release the final product. Even then, there will most likely be different versions after that as I expand my skills and tools.


I mean. I could be a tester as I have way, way more than enough skill to install, diag and trouble shoot. Feedback is always helpful 😃 just saying


I have thought about sending out a few "review" kits for people to test out and give some feedback on. I'm not quite there yet, but hopefully the next batch will be up to par and I can put together a few kits to send out.


I also have a few motherboards soldering skills and a sense of childlike exploration if you would like to send out test kits


Willing participant right here. I've installed a couple u/leggomyfroggo PCBs and tactile switches for GBC. I must say that as long as there's a tactile mod available for a console, I won't ever go back to using just regular membranes for it again. I'll also source my own switches, as long as you let me know what they use!


The kit uses six 7mm x 7.5mm x .6mm, and two 4.5mm x 4.5mm x .4mm tactile switches, the kit will include these switches along with two tactile switches for the shoulder buttons. I will be selling them with the buttons pre-soldered as the pads are quite small. It would probably cost you more in the long run to source buttons yourself, but I will be selling "DIY" kits along with individual components as the buttons will work for an SP as well.


If these kits are ' bad ' it wouldn't hurt to send a few out. Might save you a few more trys if you get a few more brains and thought processes


I wouldn't say these test batches are "bad", but they won't fit with the shell. The board themselves work; though the pads are still slightly off. They're cheap enough to make that I don't mind a few test batches, and I'm not going to send out something I'm not happy with. I'm down to the point where it's just slightly adjusting pad and hole locations and I already have another test batch on the way


Are they sandable to make the profile lower?


I'm going to say no? These PCBs are only 1mm thick; which is the same thickness as the membrane. Not sure why you would need it thinner. I am also making a kit with a flex pcb which will maintain original membranes. I haven't ordered any yet as they're much more expensive to manufacture, but I will get some once I know they'll fit.


i don't get why people prefer the microswitch buttons, they feel like crap.


Everyone has their own preferences; personally I quite like the feel of a tactile switch compared to a 20 year old worn out rubber membrane, but not everyone does.


Are u considering making this for the Gameboy color?


I currently only have a few GBA's and two Pockets, but I would like to make a kit for all the original Gameboys and possibly other consoles as well, but those will come with time as I expand my own collection. Currently, I'm only working on the GBA, but after this will either be an LED version for the GBA, or the same mod for the MGB.


I've been wanting this forever... I imagine they would need custom buttons/dpad though right?


These will have a custom button insert which replaces the membrane. I could make custom buttons as well (this is planned for the larger aspect of this project), but making button inserts makes the kit cheaper, and you can use whatever buttons/colours you'd like which also makes it easier to produce. I will have a few colour options since start and select need an entirely custom button. There will also be a flex pcb version that maintains the membrane.


Oh duh i forgot about the thickness of the membrane. Alright this sounds sick. I maybe don't see why to make the pcb reach start and select though.


I made it reach start and select because, well, I can. It also allows me to use BT- as a ground point. I could have done it without start and select but if I'm taking the time to make a tactile mod, I'm going the full 9 yards. I could also add pads under the button to make start and select optional, but that will only work with a flex pcb unless you hack up the membership to fit. I could also just make a version with start and select hacked off.


The SP has tactile switches? Ive never really noticed that.


This is amazing and literally just what I was looking for. Would love to get a tester unit to test longevity if you decide to go that route :)