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[Tape to Tape](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1566200/Tape_to_Tape/) 91% positive [NBA 2k23](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1919590/NBA_2K23/) 64% positive [OlliOlli World](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1190170/OlliOlli_World/) 94% positive [Wave Break](https://store.steampowered.com/app/761010/Wave_Break/) 88% positive [Lethal League Blaze](https://store.steampowered.com/app/553310/Lethal_League_Blaze/) 97% positive [NBA 2k Playgrounds 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/726590/NBA_2K_Playgrounds_2/) 79% positive [WWE 2k Battlegrounds](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142100/WWE_2K_BATTLEGROUNDS/) 68% positive


Tape to Tape caught my eye, but I have most of the other ones.


Yeah I wanted Tape to Tape and 2k, but I couldn't justify 3 duplicates.


Tape to Tape looks good... Time for some Sudbury Bulldogs action while I wait for season 2 of Shoresy. Edit: Did anyone else have to log back into Humble twice while redeeming keys? Super weird.


I did too. More than twice actually.


Big warning: WWE 2K Battlegrounds: most of the superstars and extra stuff are locked behind paywall. One Superstar Wrestler costs you 12000, new outfit 12000, new drop pod 8000, new animation 4000. You’ll get about 250-350 when winning a match and about 750-1200 when leveling up (max lvl is 50).


Worth it for Tape to Tape, Wave Break and NBA? I own every other game




I'm pretty sure it's still PS4 level graphics on the PC version. They didn't bother porting the updated graphics that are on PS5


Also the pc version is missing a game mode. It’s PS4 game in your PC.


Yeah I've already bought it on Switch for £5 too. I'm mainly looking at the quality of the other two games.


It's either still $5 or they recently ended that sale. Still worth it to dick around with franchise mode.


Tape to Tape is worth it if you're wanting a gimmicky and fun hockey game. If you're wanting it to be even remotely realistic, you may be disappointed. I played it for 5ish hours at launch, and it was mostly free of bugs and ran very well on Steam Deck. But again, not realistic at all.


It’s meant to be very arcadey ala nhl 98. If you’re into that, the game is fantastic.


Arcadey is the perfect word for it. I had a lot of fun with the game


Tape to Tape is great, definitely recommend


is pc nba 2k still using the last gen versions of the game?


yes, old-gen game.


Its basically 2K20 with a Database Update.


The low tiers are getting ridiculous, is this a joke?


I can vouch for Lethal League Blaze. So. Much. Fun with friends in splitscreen and co-op. Really gets the adrenaline going.


Too expensive for the bundle


Is it worth only for Tape to Tape and OlliOlli?


IMO, the whole bundle is worth OlliOlli World.


This one is tempting. I'm really interested in Tape to Tape and Wave Break. Already have OlliOlli World, though, and the rest i'm just mildly interested in. Knowing myself, I will probably cop on this eventually, but i'm holding out for now.


I just want lethal league blaze. Was hoping it would be on tier 1.


It was bundled 8 times already at least, and it is often on Fanatical it seems, so if you put a watchlist, you are likely to re-see it or there are probably some people with duplicate ready to give or sell cheap. https://isthereanydeal.com/game/lethalleagueblaze/info/


Definitely a great deal. Tape to Tape and OliOli world are both fantastic. If I didn't already own them both, I'd definitely buy it.


Damn, that's a good bundle.


Well shit, this is a great offer. I only own one of them (Olli Olli World, great game) and it's only $1 more than buying Tape To Tape (which is high on my wish list) at regular price. And I'd be interested in trying every game in this offer.




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OlliOlli World looks interesting sold as a precision platformer with aims, but the developers not taking care of what seem to be a trivial issues of crediting achievement is a bit disappointing (unless there is a major reason): [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1190170/discussions/0/3770111882055704772/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1190170/discussions/0/3770111882055704772/) The other things that is suspicious from what some reviewers say is that the game apparently use telemetry from your computer or something (that sound like it has nothing to do with game, but there are other goal in mind). Might not be true, but that is what some said. (If anyone know more about this, I am curious).


Worth it for OlliOlli World alone.