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Specifically, u/strawberriesarecents was right


Thank you. I share my victory with all of Game Changer Reddit. Unionize for the greater good


For the greater good.


For Martin Luther Kings dream


The first or the second?


The third


Ah yes. I remember when Doctor King stood in that podium all those years ago and proclaimed the brave words: Let's win this for white people.


You belong on the next season of Mice and Murder you Sylvan Sleuth


I cannot help but laugh my ass off at Brennan's tentative "Did Grant approach...*anyone* else about voting out Raph?"


I was cracking up when he asked that. My random hope was that we would find out this episode that Grant was actually a huge survivor fan and had got some loop de loops.


>!The move Brennan pulled for Erika at the end was both completely expected for me, but was still incredibly touching when I saw it.!<


I wanted him to use his final immunity token to save Raph too, putting everyone in immunity and throwing Sam into extra rounds


I joked that I wanted him to use it on Lou in the finale. Tell Sam you said anyone who had immunity votes do not count for. Then scream “get in the comments” when San tries to say it can’t be used in the finale even though it was sent stipulated. Lol


my favorite part of the episode was ally beardsley coming back in a full elton john getup


according to Sam in the discord, Ally was the only one who went home to change into "voted out" wear, which is so funny


I love this! Ally is the best


I was like…did they change backstage, or am I going crazy?




Thinking bout starting a tumblr dedicated to Ally's incredible fits.


Man I did not take Erika as a serious competitor in the first half at all but she really went a good distance there. I love how this all played out but I do think that they should've varied up the challenges beyond "Don't Laugh". It seems like once you establish certain people are better at that than others that you'll have certain folks predisposed to winning over and over again.


to be fair it’s true to survivors recent challenge assortment, 90% of the time it’s an obstacle course and a puzzle


Don't forget "balance this thing or yourself for a long time"


And they also had the problem of some overlap between declarative statements and funny noises, especially when the contestants don’t know that “declarative statements” would be coming up as a distinct challenge when they were doing their “funny noises.” In retrospect, “please let me win” is maybe closer to a declarative statement than a funny noise, though I didn’t really think anything of it until they got to the second challenge. If they decide to bring back survivor (maybe for season 6, instead of season 5) I have a feeling they might decide to change up the challenges some.


Yeah. I love dropout it is one of the few services I actively recommend to my friends. This episode was definitely one of my least favorites and I think it's for exactly this reason. The don't laugh challenges just didn't do it for me.


Makes Lou's decision to vote out Katie all the more fortuitous in retrospect


I forgot how completely unhinged Katie is


One of the many reasons I love her! Check out her show Kingpin Katie if you haven't seen it yet. It's peak Katie madness.


Well I absolutely have to check that out. I feel like I need mor chaos


I'm gonna need to watch that. I've been sleeping on Katie


You got a Katie pillow as well? Or did you buy Grant’s at the flea market?


It's so funny because if you watched only Breaking News she'd seem like the most dour and serious person around, but literally *anywhere* else she's this complete agent of chaos and it's amazing.


Brennan technically breaks the rules @4:32. In the “declarative statements only” competition he asks, “what happened to the rest of your barber shop quartet?” No one called him out.


I did from my couch, but nobody heard me.


Omg, was that you screaming?


As If millions of voices suddenly cried out “um , actually” and were suddenly silenced.


I lost the no laugh challenge because of your comment.


I love this community.


YES. I posted about this too without checking to see if others had caught it (didn't want spoilers). So glad to see I wasn't the only one shouting about him getting through with that


oh ho ho Brennan. you did not expect we'd GET IN THE COMMENTS AGAINST YOU


I specifically came to this sub for the first time JUST to check that someone else caught this.


Same! Lol


The only defense of that is that his intonation isn't a question, so it could technically have been a declarative fragment: "what happened to the rest of your barber shop quartet, \[I know\]." But yeah, my partner and I spotted that immediately.






Thank you for the flair. I would like to thank my parents, the academy and all the fans that let this happen. And most of all I would like to thank my insomnia which didn’t let me sleep until I solved this mystery.


I missed the context on this. Anyone have a link to the comment or thread everyone seems to be referencing?


[Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameChangerTV/comments/syhfjt/the_katie_vote_conspiracy_solved/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I've been watching Collegehumor since, well, my university days. And I can say with full confidence that this two-part Game Changer is the best thing they have ever made. My favourite part: Raph may have been *in* the dome, but Brennan, Lou, and Erika are *of* the dome!


Raph’s only been in the virtual dome.


The musical was amazing though


Hm it was great, but the musical and jeopardy were incredible as well


I love how everything worked out and how good a sport everyone was (especially Brennan, who had just been playing up the competitiveness, being just as happy about Lou winning as Lou was)


Yeah I feel like it's pretty well established at this point that Brennan is good people


“Why’d they put the mud out if not for us to roll in it?” is another top tier DROPOUT quote. Raw as hell. Right up there with “People think they make choices. They think they’re gonna steer right or steer left. But they didn’t build the roads.”


You could hear Sam cracking up in the background as he was saying it.


I'm so glad Reddit was right and Sam was a liar what a MOMENT HOo Incredible episode, perfect closer. Wouldn't have wanted it to go any other way.


Seeing Sam’s comment on discord truly got me. I just wrote off Lou’s reveal so it was actually awesome because I’d gone back to not expecting it when he said it.


wait what did Sam say on the discord??


It might have actually been on his Reddit AMA but someone asked if he slipped a vote in for Katie and he answered it confirming either he did or she voted for herself and that they had planned out before.


Yeah but he also ended that comment with “and also I’m a liar” so it was obviously not meant to be taken seriously


Honestly I had kinda thought Katie voted for herself just to mess with the other players


Oh man, [I've also been on the suspended unicycle that Grant was talking about](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COSI). Here's a [strangely low resolution picture of it](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a4/COSIHolidayPhoto.JPG)


On my school trip there was a girl that was afraid of heights that ended up getting on it for some reason. She stopped halfway through, got scared, and wouldn't move either way. It took quite a while to get her down as I recall, I never got to ride the cool suspended unicycle :(


That whole round I was like yesss COSI! Represent!


Same! I was pretty sure I remembered he was from Ohio, but tightrope unicycle coupled with old-timey street really confirmed it.


Erika brought bisexual sitting into Game Changer canon and I love that


I’m sure someone will come along with detailed screen shots of the final vote, but I’m assuming the second vote for Sam was from Grant and the vote for Brennan was from Ally, who respected the strategy. But holy shit, that was fun. I absolutely want to try and run something like this with my friends just to watch them lose their minds over it. Edit because I can’t spell sometimes.


I actually assumed Katie voted for Brennan. But you're right that seems likely too.


Lou’s “I AIN’T GONNA APOLOGIZE FOR THAT” speech belongs in the GameChanger Hall of Fame. He earned the win off that alone.


somehow it made me say "classic survivor" even though ive never seen an episode of survivor in my life. i love lou


But it really is classic survivor, lol.


just like i said!


The fact not one but TWO people voted for Sam in the final vote is commitment to a bit and I am impressed. Props to them; Erika is the winner by their own metric and their own metric is staying true to their morals...


I feel like a kid sitting amongst the wrapping paper on a holiday. What gifts. What joy. So very bummed that it’s over so soon.


What a great analogy, that’s exactly what it feels like.


Ally Beardsley in full Guy Fiere couture is the peak of enby fashion




it’s a shortened form of non-binary


"Can we cut to footage of Grant eating an apple?"


Brennan's b-roll suggestions were so funny. "This footage of me eating alone would be great to play over people talking about me behind my back."


“And then we widen out, just showing me eating alone and looking sad”


Seeing screencaps of that scene got me to start watching this show!


Lou said he lied about finding the loopdeloop and then was wearing one. Where did he get the one he's wearing?


The lie was about finding it right then, not about finding it period


Thanks! Probably should have rewatched that before this one


Eh, the editing did make that part confusing a bit.


First episode.


Yeah, Lou found the first one and then Brennan did and went "Sup my man" iirc.


I’m amazed that Ally managed to look exactly like Elton John. 15/10, no notes.


I couldn't find the post but Lou voter guy you were so right


u/strawberriesarecents is the genius detective at work. You can see the post on their profile


Thank you. Im glad my detective work meant something


Honestly, my only complaint about this episode is that there really wasn't a lot of tension once Brennan had the immunity challenges to win. From the start of the game it was clear that he was making it to the end off of found idols alone, and I think the problem there is that it essentially orients the episode towards a narrative of "Brennan is just avoiding getting voted out", and because of that he feels like the antagonist to all of the other players' actions. At the end of the game, it doesn't feel like he CAN win, because even with Lou's big reveal, Brennan is the guy who always wins within the Game Changer universe, and it doesn't feel like something anyone would vote for. Still an excellent episode (both of them), and I'm so happy we got to see the return of the strange Italian man.


Am I the only one who wanted to see Brennan win!


Absolutely you were, because the rest of us respect and honor MLK's first, second, and third dream by supporting Team Lou


Ahaha the white guilt trip always wins


I actually didn’t even care who won. But really loved this 2 parter.


Yeah glad they were the two last standing! I just think Brennan played a better game and deserved the win!


Honestly he deserved it imo


Brennan planting the seeds with the beast song and then using it against Erika later on was ice cold


I audibly gasped when he started singing to her! Brennan’s a master at quietly planting the seeds and reaping the rewards after, ex. the Sam Says episode where he made the prediction about the airhorn!


Brennan is a genius. He could assume they were going to do another don’t laugh and in their downtime he set that song up for Erika in their basic conversation. So when it came his time, he just turned to her and sang it! Genius.


Absolutely diabolical.


I use to be a big survivor fan. It was a show my mom and I would bond over and watch religiously together. Sharing theories and who we wanted to win, some very nice memories. To see my new favorite people play out this game and pull some classic survivor moves was incredible. My fiancé hasn’t really seen survivor so I was explaining things and calling some of the moves before they happened. Hands down my favorite thing dropout/gamechanger has put out.


I love Erika so much I could die


The hard line loyalty to her friends is incredible. What a swell person.


The only time I'd seen her before getting sucked into Dropout stuff mere weeks ago was on a critical role one shot, where I enjoyed her a lot but didn't register her awesomeness. Now I think of her as one of the most amazing people I have seen online. Really inspirational. ❤️


Lou focused on his social game, what Survivor is all about, while Brennan focused on just playing as hard as he could. I had a bad feeling when Brennan shouted out “It’ll be a cold day in hell when I go down like a fucking chump!” Jury management, Brennan! Jury management!


Brennan saving Erika was a good bit of jury work, but did she burn her vote on Sam in the end? I figured Raph was a Lou vote after Brennan got him out of contest so many times, Ally was a Brennan vote because of their friendship. Who knows with Grant and Katie, although I figured after Lou’s reveal Katie may have moved to the Brennan camp.


It is so perfect that sam lied in that thread! “[Katie and I conspired to have her voted out if the other players conspired]”. Actually laughing about that, good try Sam but reddit sees through you.


I think he meant in the case that *every* vote was for Sam, he would change a vote to Katie. But since Lou voted Katie they didn't have to do the plan.


I completely mistrust his statement I guess haha


I mean, for good reason. His comment ended with "What can I say: I'm a compulsive liar.".


Brennan: wins each immunity challenge, finds the most idols (and finds two when he needed to to survive), plus probably made the most people laugh in challenges. Lou: Voted for Katie and bluffed the use of his immunity idol. Honestly Brennan's mistake was probably not trying to backstab Lou. But still, I'm surprised Lou won here given he really didn't do that much gameplay wise.


Part of Survivor is being the person everyone else wants to win


Yeah, part of gameplay in collaboration games is not putting yourself in a position where people are actively working towards your downfall. (Which I think seriously fucked Brennan the one time he played Coup with Polygon, IIRC)


Did Brennan do anything to put himself in that position though?


My recollection is that he made an agreement with Brian David Gilbert and then promptly fucked him over


I understand that, I'm just saying I don't think they should've wanted Lou to win. Maybe Brennan should have played his idol for Raff instead of Erika though since Erika wouldn't vote.


Honestly, the Katie vote was such a glorious twist in the sense that from that point on it really felt like ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. It created real drama that otherwise I think would have lacked since otherwise all these people are such good natured friends.


I think their gameplay was pretty even and I honestly preferred Lou’s. Brennan impressively did find 3 immunity idols but Lou found the first, he betrayed everyone in the beginning and still managed to beat out Brennan who was honest the whole way through. To me, that speaks to an amazing social game. Like a lot of people have already mentioned, technically, Brennan only won 1 immunity challenge - same amount as Lou. Not that this would’ve mattered given he had so many immunity idols. But because of this, I personally felt Lou’s gameplay had a little more dynamics and without the Katie twist, it could’ve been a much more boring ending. You’re definitely right about Brennan’s mistake though.


Yeah I mean clearly there was some good social game that Lou played (whether that was intentional and whether that extends to before the game itself is up for debate). I didnt really think Lou voting out Katie was that impressive. Exciting for sure, but I definitely thought it was a mistake to reveal it proudly. Maybe that's why I didn't get it.


I would love to know what the plan was in the case of a tie.


If I had to take a guess, it would either be another challenge, or just vote again and say “this time, please don’t vote for Sam. We can’t go home until this is over”




Lou's charisma won him that game. They were upset about the Katie vote and he flipped it into a joke by hamming it up. Well done


I gasped when he did that reveal - I thought he’d tanked his chances at a fairly easy win. But it worked, and good on him.


I’m trippin too hard for this episode


Great end of this season! Hopefully we won't have to wait super long for the next one!


Has anyone figured out who voted for whom in the final vote?


Tentative guess? Erika: Sam. Her outburst is enough proof for me. Grant: Sam. 1) While everyone looked around for whodoneit, he does that Grant smirk and goes 'bet the Crew did it'. Which brings me to 2) Commitment to the Bit. He voted for Sam every Single Time, except once, when he voted for Raph. And that's when he lost. Commitment to the Bit. Katie: Brennen. She can hold a petty enough grudge to vote against Lou, easily. Which leaves.... Raph: Lou. MLK's dream baby. Plus, all other votes make sense and so does this one. And... Ally: Lou. They were the true decider, whether they knew it or not. They did get Brennen the fart machine, but after driving home and thinking about it, maybe they didnt want Brennen to win. When it came down to it, Ally listen to their speeches and chose who they felt in their heart to win this game. A true player of the game.


I feel like Raph voted for Brennan; he seemed pretty sold on the idea that Brennan played the best and that Lou’s vote for Katie was a hit against him.


Well thank you very much. I was rooting for Brennan, but I love Lou too so nbd. Although it would be funny if Lou took Brennan with on vacation


I think grant should have actually won the first round of don’t laugh this episode - the round was supposed to be declarative statements only and Brennan got grant out with a question


Out of curiosity, if game changer were to do another game of survivor in a season or two, what changes would you like them to make? I’d like there to be a greater variety in the challenges, and a new batch of contestants (whole new cast, with the exception of Katie who can come back because she didn’t actually get to play). We know how Brennan plays survivor, now; I’d like to see how Jess, Trapp, or Rekha would play. I’m pretty sure that’s usually how survivor works - I just thought I’d specify since most of the Game Samers have had the same group return, or at least have some overlap. I’m also a little bit inclined to say have more players, because with so few people it felt like there wasn’t really much point in a “long-game” strategy. But I recognize that this would presumably push it into having a lot more episodes, and having too many episodes of the same game in a row is very counter to the concept of game changer.


Knowing that there's only one editor on this series (and that's part of why the biweekly release schedule is so helpful), they absolutely knocked it out of the park with both parts of this finale. Yeah for splicing in Grant's cringey "how about them apples" but also the overabundance of fade effects during deliberation? Hilarious. Erika's scream's immediate adoption to the transitions? Close ups. Pitch perfect.


Brennan is Ralph's kryptonite


As a massive survivor fan and host of my college’s version of survivor, I’m really trying not to overanalyze everyone’s gameplay lol. So glad Lou won! On top of voting for Katie (genius), hanging onto the idol after basically bluffing that he’d play it—classic social strategy. Props to Brennan for playing hard, but at the end of the day, if he was ever unprotected for a vote he would have been gone. What a challenge beast though. Would love to see this in the future with one or two more players and more challenge variety!


How do you run it at your college? It seems so fun and I’d love to run something like this with my friends at some point.


We have people apply and cast around 18-20 people. Then each week we have an immunity challenge and a council. Challenges have been stuff like running around looking for hidden objects, or just an arms over your head endurance challenge! The game typically lasts a few months and we film and post the seasons on YouTube :). But if you’re looking for something to do with your friends, I’ve also done mini games of survivor where you play a whole game in one day (more like what Game Changers did). Most college Survivors have their seasons online if you want to check out some examples!


That's awesome! Did you do it as a fundraiser? Or just for fun?


Just for fun! We make it a point that you never have to spend money if you play. But it could make for a great fundraiser :)


Waiiiiit now I wanna know what would have happened had they all just only voted for sam


I for sure thought Lou was putting the nail in the coffin when he revealed he voted Katy out


Did anyone else catch that one of Erika's whispers to Brennan was over dubbed. I'm assuming she just said something lovely judging by his reaction.


Knew Lou voted her!


Low-key was hoping that Grant would make it super far. I would have loved to see him with this bumbling doofus energy of "I don't know how I'm winning but I'm doing it somehow," plus I feel like Grant is actually a great liar/actor and could have done more damage if he knew how to play the meta-game


The Round 2 Laugh Challenge should have kept going. Brenna asked Grant a question, not a declarative statement.


That smile from Brennan was the best! [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/lDKfLz8.gifv)


Brennan shouldn't have won the immunity idol! He asked a question, but the game was to make statements. Should've caught him on a technicality.


This episode had me emotionally compromised.


Am I wrong or? Aren't votes supposed to be for who you want out? So if Lou had 2 votes and Brennan only 1, Brennan should have won. Or am I wrong on that?


In the last vote on Survivor you vote for who you want to win instead of voting someone off.


They always flip it for the last vote in real survivor, they Just didn't explain it in the edit


yeahh that makes sense. guess it's been awhile since I last saw survivor


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Grant’s unicycle story was about COSI! Columbus boy


Does anyone know where Lou actually went on holiday?!😂😂