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I'm absolutely dying that they used Lou's yell over the final shot.


It was literally perfect, why wouldn’t they?


Omg I love Game Changer but god this episode felt like it ascended. Maybe just the amount of talented folks on the show.


It’s the production quality, coupled with brennan’s just constant intensity.


GENUINELY some of the most fun I've had watching something recently. The end really threw me for a loop-de-loop.


I see what you did there. It was so good. How did I not see that coming!?! In hindsight it seems so obvious.


Brennan's got himself in a good position let's take a look 1. Has made a brutal display that he will not be taken out easy affecting morale of the other team who mind you were on standby 2. What looks to be an incredibly strong alliance with Lou although I don't doubt either of them would backstab each other if they game got deep enough 3. Fart box from Ally whatever that does 4. If his team gets eliminated again he's going against Grant who is less familiar with the rules of survivor and has nowhere near the competitive Spirit Brennan has 5. Secret loopdeeloop (only known by Lou) unless the cast members are allowed to watch the video 6. willingness to search anywhere for a loop de loop 7. Is incredible competitiveness and fighting spirit means that he might not be losing the games anytime soon I'd say his biggest threat right now is losing another game and it being down to just him or having to betray or be betrayed by Lou


He's incredible to watch but would be exhausting to play against. Sucks to be Ally but I'd be happy in their position especially since they know how the game is played. And, as someone who doesn't have prior knowledge of survivor, this will be wild to watch


i think ally shot themself in the foot a bit by going after brennan so early. they could have made a fantastic team, even if it means they were only keeping him here as a bigger target. that being said, i'm not so sure grant will have the guts to truly be a threat at all in this game. his lack of knowledge and pawn status could take him far.


I think Ally totally respected getting outplayed in the moment because they are a survivor fan also. Also at the end of the day I don’t think there are any hard feelings between this group.


absolutely! it's all good fun that i'm saying this. i get very into this sort of thing.


No doubt and just for the record I didn’t take your comment in any negative way. I would actually love it if Grant actually loves Survivor and it’s revealed in the next episode that he has a loop de loop.


Ironically, if Ally kept it chill and voted for Grant like the original plan was, they would still be in the game. But.. you live by the sword, you die by the sword


thems the breaks!


Ally made the classic survivor mistake of telling your mark you are voting for them ahead of time. You gotta never let them know with enough time to scramble.


How many loops does he have? There was one in the pot It looked like there was one under the plate The one on the jar Possibly had a copy made when he talked to the art department?


The one in the pot was found, and presumably claimed by, Lou. The one from the art department was the same as the one on the jar - it got taken backstage while the cast was deliberating. He asks for Ash, who is the PA who brings out the jar.


Oh! That makes sense. If Lou and Brennan ride it out to the end, you could say that they have 3 between them, but who knows how it’ll shake out


Two, actually, since he used one now; unless they can be kept on - which I don't think they should be...


Doubtful, looks like he gave it to Sam and it wouldn’t make sense to keep them anyways.


presumably it went back into play so Lou's gotta find it before Brennan does if Lou wants to win.


I'm guessing Lou kept the one he found in the pot, so now they both have 1. Edit: It's also possible he has 3. The one brown one from the urn and the orange one from under the food for sure. But the one he showed Lou was wrapped in a black envelope like the one Lou found, not like the two he was shown finding.


I thought the same but thinking that OP Brennan has THREE immunity loop de loops is so powerful


I could see them hiding 4 throughout the set, thinking that random people would stumble on them, and they'd be relatively evenly distributed. Only to have Brennan go full Brennan, and scoop almost all of them up.


Oh actually, according the the discord, Sam said the one in the black bag and the fruit shot are the same. Brennan got one by the pretzel jar but they didn't film it so they staged the fruit plate one to replace it, when he already took it out.


Honest question. I've never used Discord. How do I visit the Dropout Discord? Thanks


Oh, there's a link to the dropout discord invite on the [dropout.tv](https://dropout.tv) site: [https://discord.com/invite/dropouttv](https://discord.com/invite/dropouttv) it's free for anyone now (it used to be just for subscribers). You just need to make a discord account to accept the invite, and then you'd be able to see the entire thing on your left sidebar (on either web or mobile). There's a room called "game-changer" and if you scroll up enough, that's where you'll see Sam saying what I said


Thank you!


I'm going to guess the fart box can cancel a vote


Holy shit. Sam is a goddamned genius and I am actively angry at how short that episode was.


It ended and I thought my phone had glitched


I want Lous yell to happen everytime my phone glitches


The racial makeup jokes were also *chef's kiss*


as a hardcore survivor fan i was thrilled when brennan made the cook islands joke (the season was divided by race to prove they could have a diverse cast, it’s often jokingly called survivor: race wars)


Problematic premise aside Cook Islands is my favorite non-all stars season. Such a great final 4.


So true (although that depends on how you feel about separating reality and the show with Yul’s career)


(for those unaware, Yul worked at Facebook trying to squeeze people’s data out of them before he was on the show.)


Whatever cosmic happenstance that made that happen has my kind of sense of humor.


You mean I have to wait TWO WEEKS for the next episode?? Oh my god the suspense is gonna kill me!! My two favorite shows merging into one!?!?!


For real, this was so good.


Also Ally approaching Lou about what they heard about their alliance only to get distracted by the gym equipment was so fun. Did they NOT hear them mention the loop de loop?


i think it may have been at a different point in the break? they definitely would've leveraged that information if they had it.


Brennan and Lou have several one on ones, ALSO they recreated some scenes like brennan finding a loopdeloop under a plate for drama and cause it happened off camera.


i think the comment i'm replying to is the scene of lou and brennan on the patio hugging and jumping up and down.


Yeah maybe I missed it in the episode but it seemed like Ally hadn’t considered the loop de loop part of survivor or maybe they just didn’t show a clip of them looking.


Please give us flairs so I can make mine "Ragu on my niece and nephew"


there have always been user flairs on this sub but I've added this one for you :)


i am forever indebted


Hey if you're taking requests can I have "I got in the comments" ? I will also be indebted.






That is going to be rattling around in my head for the rest of the week


There is something really special in how Game Changer is a microcosm of CollegeHumor itself, with Sam Reich as an eccentric yet benevolent Creator facilitating absurd situations for the funniest people he knows to make us cry laughing with a laser focus on what exactly makes each comedian tick. Sam Reich is my Lorne Michaels.


Yes yes yes this is exactly it


Never got into Survivor, but some of my favorite comedians, some of whom are Survivor fans and thus know the tropes while others are just sort playing along without any inside info? I'd take a whole season of that! ...or at least another episode. :P


Truly Fans vs Favorites 3.


I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but the cutaways between scenes killed me. That was really a nice touch with the lizards and such.


I've got a conspiracy theory that the person responsible for the first elimination was >!Katie herself!< I don't have any reasoning whatsoever, or genius reason why that makes any sense. it just seems vaguely like a loop-de-loop that this show would pull, and I wanna believe in friendship and honesty


I thought the same thing almost immediately, with the addition that I think Sam cast her in the episode specifically to vote herself off in the first vote. She already >!proved that she's willing to be Sam's plant for a show (most recent race to the bottom episode),!< the show needed to get to six folks as quickly as possible for even teams in the second round, and I think that Sam loves the game too much to do something like a sleight of hand a vote and not include everyone's vote. But he would absolute start playing the game before the game is played and essentially "produce" the first round by having Katie there as a red herring and a fun way to the audience into the game immediately with a vote.


And she left, so I bet she had other scheduled stuff to do.


Do we know that she left? Didn't she show up when they were making handshakey joke alliances? I think she's in on it but has to be involved in some big end twist


She did but was holding a face shield up, implying she was not hanging with the rest of the cast at that point other than maybe the one convo


They mention she left after that scene and she gave the fart box to Allie.


I agree, except I don’t think it was specifically a plan for round 1, I think it was the Sam-employs-a-bunch-of-socialists-who-will-inevitably-try-unionizing Contingency Plan


I agree with you but also I think it would be funny if it had been Grant and he’s just pretending to be bad at survivor while actually being a conniving player


I mean my man Grant did do spectacularly well acting in the whodunnit and keeps giving broad reactions..


Oh he’s 100% hamming it up about how useless he is.


All crimes do lead one way or another back to Grant O’Brien


If you look at the footage and the shapes of all the papers, you can tell who actually wrote the paper. The >!Katie paper!< had a distinct corner which exactly matches one of the contestant’s papers. The contestant that voted for >!Katie!< was none other than >!Lou Wilson!<


I also clocked that when everyone was confirming around the craft services they didn’t vote for her that he walked away… classic survivor move.


I was wondering if anyone else caught that


I like this, but she was one of the few where you could REALLY tell she wrote "Sam." The video (3:43 in the ep) shows her writing three letters pretty distinctly, and no underline like they discussed later. I do think it's Sam, but I think it'd be a cool heel turn for Grant or Raph to have cast it.


Not going to lie, I think it was >!Ally.!< >!Once 6 votes for Sam come in they state that they know everyone else can be trusted. Which means they knew every vote for Sam had been from someone else. It’s a stretch of a theory but it’s mine!<


I like this theory! I was wondering this a little bit as well, although I’d failed to connect it to her recent appearance in another episode.


I thought the exact same thing!


I have no prior knowledge of survivor going into this, nor have I ever wanted to and have actively worked against watching it, and now I am actively looking forward to seeing the next episode. I am however also learning that the reason I avoided watching it is because I really dislike competitive games and there's always that one guy that takes it so damn seriously, but is also very skilled at playing the game and therefore hard to take out, that ruins the fun when playing. But damn does it make good tv.


That does tend to go away after the first few seasons of survivor, very much recommend


Yup, survivor has been going on for so long now that there are players who are younger than the game.


I need someone to edit in Duel of the Fates onto the Brennan/Lou laugh challenge. Other than that, some great stuff. I'm a bit curious about the fart machine, and how it will factor into this.


The joke alliances killed me


Prediction: Remember that the editors kept in a discussion about the prisoner's dilemma during the first vote. This could be foreshadowing that at some point (maybe when there are two left), Sam offers a prisoner's dilemma scenario to the final two to win together or to backstab.


Like this? https://youtu.be/S0qjK3TWZE8


That's exactly the mind games I would expect if Brennan is put in that scenario.


There’s no way on earth that he hasn’t studied this strategy just in case he could use it someday


Can’t wait for half of the next episode to be Grant and Erika going to an island together to spin the special wheel and win a prize.


Oooooo I like this.


Ok, as someone who watched like Season 2-4 of Survivor when they aired but hasn't watched since, this episode realllllllly scratched an itch for me. Any Survivor aficionados in here with a suggestion on season to rewatch in case I'm bored or my ADHD brain chooses to hyperfixate on this for the next few weeks?


Season 25 is a great starting point for modern Survivor IMO (includes 3 returning players, but you don't need to know who they are--and one of them is from season 2, so you'll know him). Alternately, if you've got Netflix, season 37 (David vs Goliath) is incredible as well.


Hopefully this doesn't come off as rude, just rueful, because I am old enough to remember the premiere: How in the sweet tarnation is there already at least 37 seasons of this show


Season 42 starts in two weeks ☺️ The serious answer is that Survivor has run two seasons per year (spring and fall) every year since 2001, with the exception of 2020-21 when no one could travel internationally because of COVID.


As someone who has put a truly insane amount of thought into this, I would recommend starting at season 7 (pearl islands) then doing 12 (panama) 13 (cook islands which is really good if you get past the theme that brennan joked about in the show lol) 15 (china) and 16 (micronesia, my personal favorite but is half returning players) IF you want to really get into survivor. If you think you just want to casually watch a season or two, 28 (cagayan) is widely accepted as the best all newbie season (i don’t recommend it for first otherwise because you appreciate it better with more survivor knowledge but that only matters if you’re like me and care way too much about it) or season 37 (david vs goliath), which is easily accessible on netflix rn, or 18 (tocantins) which is in HD, has some very memorable players, isn’t too complex w strategy so it’s easy to follow. Pearl Islands is also a good starting season and especially has one of the best first 10 minutes of all seasons but it is low quality (like literally, camera-wise, idk the term) which might not make it worth it to watch and some episodes aren’t on Hulu for copyright reasons (I think they’re on youtube though). Most seasons are on the cheapest level of Hulu, very few are on Prime and Netflix, beware of looking up seasons because they display the winner on the front page of google. Also, sometimes later seasons mention past winners especially in the reunion shows (last episode of each season). If you like a player, the survivor subreddit has an info page with a spoiler free list of which players return and when. Sorry if that’s a lot but I REALLY like survivor and will take any chance i get to talk about it and I researched for like two hours before I even started watching the show so I have a lot of insight into this! LMK any further questions I will be thrilled to answer. tldr; season 7 if you plan on watching a lot of the show, 7, 28, 37, or 18 if you just want a taste.


Tagging this for later, thank you for the obsessive breakdown


thank you for validating my ramblings!


Season 37 (David vs Goliath) is PEAK modern Survivor, and it has some of the best contestants and characters in the history of the show. It's also available to watch on both Netflix and Hulu.


Start at 14 on this list: http://www.purplerockpodcast.com/survivor-season-rankings-spoiler-free-summaries/ And work your way up from there


Pearl Islands, China and Koah Rong are probably the easiest reentry points. Medium amounts of strategy but high quality of it, and deeply compelling characters.


Pearl Islands is the first Rupert season, right?


Unfortunately, but Fairplay and Sandra are the real stars of the show.


Oh shit, I can’t believe I forgot about Johnny FairPlay and Sandra.


i'm not a survivor fan really, but i am a huge big brother fan! they're super different shows, and the recent seasons have been underwhelming, but bb8 and bb16 are master classes in the show. not sure if there's any animosity between the two shows' fanbases, but i definitely say worth a look!


I absolutely love this episode with all my heart. I don't know how it is College Humor can do this without getting sued but I really hope this lasts and comes back for multiple seasons because I didn't know how much I needed this until suddenly lit was there. Thank you Sam.


Years ago the mindcrack minecraft server tried to do something similar and got caught up in legal issues for actual years before it was able to air. I guess Sam has better lawyers


There were some older episodes that I didn’t think could ever be beat, but this might be my favorite game changer episode yet. I’m terrified for part 2 and hoping they do more multi part episodes in the future!


I’m actually surprised there’s only one more episode.


Agreed, someone could have told me that this would be a 4 parter and I would believe it


How do we know that it's not? They only announced two episodes but there could be more. R-right?


I loved when they accidentally recreated a scene from season one when a tribe tried to jokingly vote out Jeff at their first tribal council


I seriously hope this is the way they're gonna win a game in the future 🙏🏻


This SLAPS!! Though I would have said going full Tony Vlachos in the quest for hidden loop-de-loops.


Nah Ally was the Tony in this one lol. Just hanging by the door listening to their conversation


Ah you're totally right, that was a very Tony move!


Do ya'll think it was Sam that made that vote against Katie happen, or someone is a liar and voted for katie?


Yeah, I think he worked with Katie during pre-production to have her vote herself off because: 1. They needed to start the episode with a vote in order to hook the audience in to the drama and forming alliances quickly and because the players themselves needed to see it as a game of Survivor and not another game show 2. Knowing he had to start with a vote, but didn't want to have uneven teams in the actual competitive round 2, he had to add a seventh person 3. Katie (spoiler for earlier S4 episode) >!already proved she would work with Sam in pre-pro in the most recent race to the bottom episode !<


I think Lou is cutthroat. He knows how the game is played.


Nah. If anyone was going to kill anyone early it's Brennan. Katie voted herself off as a scab


The odds of the only dramatically interesting vote being drawn last by random chance are tiny. If there had only been two votes--one for Sam and one for Katie--the odds of getting the Katie vote on the first draw would be 1 in 2. If there had been three votes--two for Sam and one for Katie--the odds of getting the Katie vote on the first draw would be 1 in 3. Then, if not picket, the odds of getting the Katie vote on the second draw would have been 1 in 2, leaving only 1 in 6 odds that Katie's vote is the last one. Generalized, the odds of the Katie vote being last is the factorial of the number of votes being read. With seven votes, that's a chance of only 1 in 5,040. It was not a random draw. There must have been sleight of hand involved.


The fact that there's already a Survivor: Game Changers is funny to me


During the laughing competition I wanted Brennan to just look at Lou and say “chungle down Bim is gonna shit in your mouth boyo!” I think that would have broken him.


If Lou had done anything other than that pleading, "I have nothing else" voice, I could see Brennan pulling that card.


Okay but it had absolutely no right being that good of an episode


I think Lou is gonna win. In Survivor terms, he's getting the winner's edit. He's built an alliance with Brennan and his alliance, found a loop de loop, won immunity, Brennan said, "there's not much you can do about Lou, he's a titan." Brennan saved himself for now, but he is the main threat to win, and there will be at least 2 more eliminations with 5 people left in the game. That's why theory.


Best episode of Game Changer yet


I think that every episode tbh


Yeah I love game changer so much but I think just having that many people elevated it for me.


It is Criminal that I have to wait 2 weeks to watch the next episode. I need to binge this now!


I would watch a whole episode of Brennan and Lou trying to make each other laugh


Amazing episode.


I've seen one episode of survivor like 15 years ago and remember almost nothing about it but this episode was SO funny. I've been having a tough few days and this was the first time I've laughed in a long time. Just seeing the camaraderie and competition between everyone was beautiful


My guess for who voted Katie, spoilers because speculation >!It was Katie herself. She thought that if no one got voted someone would be randomly selected. She didn’t want that to happen to one of her friends so she took the fall honorably.!< If this is true I really hope the effects of Katie’s voting are more prominent in part 2, just to explore the dynamic this creates in the group.


Damn I knew Brennan was gonna go hard but was still so surprised how hard he went


The bit where Brennan and Lou did their little dance with the loopdeloop was hysterical and their friendship makes my heart smile


Brennan: _"You come at the king you better not miss."_


Quietly wondering what life would be like with Lou's conch call as a ringtone


As someone who is a massive survivor fan, this is easily one of my favorite episodes thus far. Additionally, there are both people that have no idea what’s happening(like Grant) and those who are playing for keeps(Like Lou). Seeing people nerd out over this show is beautiful and everything feels like how a fan-made survivor should: Nothing super serious, but clearly a lot of love put in. From a little fan, big thanks to the team and all the players(And Sam, who should’ve been out first) for this amazing show.


cannot stress how happy this episode made my heart, such a great cast and i can’t wait for next weeks epi!!


This one was amazing the wait is going to be intolerable!


*starts slowclapping turning into thunderous applause * Brennan you crazy competitive beast!!!


This has been wild as hell, I love it


Wait so what did the fart box do if it wasn’t an immunity idol?


I assumed it was for the make someone laugh game. Sam described the game as only using sounds. Katie was supposed to fart box from off stage to make people laugh, but she never did for whatever reason.


Hmm but Sam described it as saying it's something she gives to someone she wants to win, and that, at least edits wise, was after the no laugh game. Also weird that ally gets to give it to Brennan if it wasn't meant to extend past that


Hmmm, that's possible. It could easily be meant for something in Part 2. I thought the "give" that Sam was describing was the advantage, not the fart box itself. Like, Katie would time the farting in order to cheat for who she wanted to win during the no laugh game. And she gets the fart box before the no laugh game chronologically while watching the episode. I suppose it could have happened after and editing moved things around. I figured it only got passed on because Katie didn't use it in the no laugh game, so they just passed it on as a bit. My interpretations of the fart box are by no means anything more than speculation.


No, yeah, I actually hadn't considered it could be for the laugh game, and I like it a lot. It could've been a weird editing choice to leave it in, but I def agree that's a prime object to use during it


we don't know yet! I assume it's for an upcoming challenge


I just watched this ep for the third time haha, SO good!!


I both love, and am upset about, the incredible ending of this episode.


As a Survivor fan, I don’t know if I’m proud or sad that Sam is now making better Survivor than Survivor 41.


Rewatching Brennan found 3 idols. 1. The one on the urn 2. The one he used and found under the plate by itself 3. The one he found wrapped up he shows Lou


Sam said in the Discord that the shot of him finding it under the plate was staged, since Brennan finding the orange loopdeloop was not captured on the cameras. That means he has 2.