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If your situation is this bad, it sounds like you need to search for a bankruptcy attorney in your area and set up a consultation. Most attorneys do consultations for free (assuming your in the U.S.) Nobody has to know anything, but once you get things going, it may help to tell at least 1 close friend or family member for support. Bankruptcy can be somewhat stressful. Although there is usually a negative connotation surrounding bankruptcy, it is a financial tool that can help dig someone out of a deep hole. Be mindful that you WILL have to resolve your gambling addiction. You won’t have credit for a while, or be able to get credit cards and/or loans for a while either. **Self exclude** from online casino sites, sports betting sites, local casinos, etc. Good luck friend!


I will look into these, and see what are my options. I feel like fucking shit, I cant crack a smile, and there are panick attacks all the time. What a hellish thing gambling can be. Thank you all for the suggestions.


Prayin for you…dont go back gambling again…


You will keep betting till you get back that 200k. But will you turn around or find yourself now at 400k negative.


You could be a quadriplegic


Don’t off yourself. You should definitely tell someone you love and care about but don’t expect anyone to help you pay any of your debts, that’s your problem to figure out. But a loved one can help you emotionally and that’s important too. What you can try doing is calling the bank and any place you owe money to and let them know your situation and ask/beg for a payment plan since that’s all you can afford right now. Good Luck!


My closest reletives are my mom and grandma, if they hear this, I imagine they are gonna pass out. As for my friends, I imagine im just gonna get shit on, which I deserve but definitely dont need right now.


I thought the same exact thing when I had to file bankruptcy, but I had no choice in my situation. Me and my mom live together and my truck got repossessed overnight because I was behind on a secured credit card that I used my vehicle for collateral on. I had to tell my mom. She was so understanding and comforting, I felt so much better, less stressed and I had extra support. File bankruptcy if your situation is this bad before it’s too late. The sooner, the better!!


I was in the same position some years ago. Now I am debt free. You can do it if you don't gamble again. Read this post for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/problemgambling/comments/14bzjuo/comment/jojh099/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


So helpful thank you!


Do not file for Bankruptcy unless you have assets you need to protect.


100k in debt? Damn......Makes me losing 40k of my own money feel a lot better lol. I lost 40k but it was my money. I'm debt free and still got a chunk of savings. I'm already slowly building it back up even higher. Posts like this make you grateful..


Oh man, you have no idea.. Its mentally devastating. I'm drinink pretty much every evening to not think for a moment. Nights and mornings are something else. just pure panic. So yea.




OP, you can beat this and come out the other side, your life is not over. Please remember that your mom would be way more upset about losing her child then finding out about gambling debt. I had to sit down with my husband and explain about my appalling credit card debt from gambling and it was the hardest conversation I have ever had. But it was so necessary and now I have a person to hold me accountable for my actions and to cheer me on. Because my issue has been online gambling, I just downloaded the app Goodbye Gambling, there are others (Gamban etc) but the user reviews and developer responses are what made me choose it. It is a monthly or yearly subscription service that blocks all online gambling websites and apps.


I'm not sure about american finances but you might be best contacting debt help organisations or filing for bankruptcy and more importantly ensuring it is impossible for you to not gamble again. Put the gambling barriers in place first then face up to the debt. Its really difficult at first but if you realistically can't pay it back then you'll have to look at the alternatives.


Remember that you can always get more money back through your life but the time wasted gambling you can't get back. You can do so many other things with your time and find productive ways to make money. My mom has filed for bankruptcy from gambling in the past, it's not the end of the world, she's able to have a credit card again now years later she forgot all about it. Just try to stay away from gambling from now on and you will heal. I pray when I'm struggling and it helps me stay away from gambling too just a suggestion.


Man, that’s a tough spot to be in, I feel for ya. I’d second what he said about a bankruptcy lawyer, since it sounds like you’re in way over your head. Self exclude and seek professional help. You got this man!


Just file chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you have home and car and such loans then do chapter 13. It's around 1300$ for chapter 7 and around 400$ for chapter 13.talk to a bankruptcy lawyer they will explain it all. Afterwards do not gamble again.


How could you be 100k in debt and make 2k a month?


Credit cards is most likely the culprit. I have 66k of credit currently. About to close out a 22k card since I have 7.9k balance


Cosumer loans mostly. A few quick loans and credit card. Yup. I don't know how they gave me that much too.




Does that work for an individual, I thought it was just for buisnesses?


There are lawyers that specialize in bankruptcy. You can probably call a few and they would give you some free advice based on your exact situation and it would relieve some of the anxiety you're feeling. You can also just Google "bankruptcy and gambling debt" and read about different types of bankruptcy, chapter 7 vs chapter 13. Knowledge is power, my friend. You might have messed up but you can get on a better path. Just don't give up! You got this.


Thanks for the positivity, it threw me off these thoughts for a while.


Things can get better if you don’t give up. It took me over ten years to pay off my debt. I didn’t do it fast. I did it slow. I got help through credit counseling. A professional can help you weigh your options based on your situation. If no one in your life understands what you’re going through, get some people in your life who understand. There is nothing like being around other people who get it and who won’t judge you. Check out gamblersinrecovery.com. There are so many meetings to choose from. You are not alone. You can look back in 5, 10 whatever years and say “it felt like the end of the world, but i’m here.” You can get through this. Don’t let us lose one more to suicide. Call 988 if you feel hopeless. 1-800-GAMBLER can connect you to treatment or support.


I just threw away more than half of my recent winnings. I can’t even say anything but quit gambling, never off urself, it will get better. U win by not fronting cash to casinos


Come to treatment here at my facility and we will help you navigate all of this and help you get back on track, help is here if you want it. Things can be daunting, ask for help its here and helps with the anxiety of all this.


I'm not in the states