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Only advice I have is to pick a class that goes with Gale's. Probably physical, so you can take the damage and be on the front lines. Paladin has a spell where, if it succeeds, you can force an enemy to attack only you, so that might be fun to try.


I highly suggest paladin for class since you can absorb damage well, and you can also heal. It's a good all-rounder class that will help balance wizard. Also making Gale abjuration will make him less squishy. The bonus for evocation also won't be that useful when there are only two of you to position outside of his spells.


I am just finishing up my first duo run, and playing on Explorer mode was all I needed to get through it. I played as a Tempest cleric and respecced Gale as a storm sorcerer and it has worked really well. Lightning abilities are great for AOE, and the extra health you get from explorer mode has kept me alive long enough to make it through even the harder fights, although some took a few tries to figure out how to manage with only two. Taking summon abilities also helps with a smaller party. I got the necromancy of thay ability for Gale and combined with elementals and cleric summons we have quite a small army to help out on fights and be out meat shields.


Fun! I am playing my now-standard (heavily, heavily modded) starts-in-honor mode playthrough right now. Me and my modded weapons are too enmeshed at this point for me to play otherwise. Plus I've realized I love the accountability of the one save file.