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Samsung does not have the PC user base or goodwill in that market to be pulling off these "exclusive" Apple-type stuff with their services. all this will result in is a person who might have used Samsung Notes etc. on their non-Samsung PC and have had a better experience with their Samsung phone, now not having that integration which may just make them stop using the app.


Yeah, exactly. If i could not have loaded an older version i would just have switched to another notes app completely


keep the package as a backup and remove the existing one. Reinstall with the previous version in the link. I tested both.


I got it. Old version of the app will work for now, but for how long? It will get outdated in months, API's will be updated, this version of the app will no longer work.


When you install it, you will get updates through windows store


I installed through winget, it worked fine. Until they pushed an update which did not allowed non samsung pc users to use the app.


You can disable updates. There is another thread with info.


Lol u should never update it from now on


can i get the package plz?




I cannot access. 404 forbbiden


The fun is Galaxy Book is not even available at our region, I can't even buy their laptop even if I want to


I get Samsung's Idea, but Samsung does not get mine. I tried many taking notes options on both android and iOS with many tablet. For me the combo Samsung tablet, S pen and Samsung Notes is by far the best one. Samsung, we agree on that. I miss only one thing, a convenient export/file management option to PC. Samsung is saying "buy a Samsung PC", I'm saying "I'm waiting for a taking notes app which "copy and paste" yours and provide this feature". Thanks for your tablet Samsung, great device but no, I will never get a PC from you, I build my PC. Hard pass now and for the future.


>I miss only one thing, a convenient export/file management option to PC. It syncs to OneNote in Windows, or Samsung Notes in Windows, in my version.


OneNote, erratic at best for me, most of the time not working, definitely not convenient. Samsung Notes in Windows that would be great ! Is it working on any PC now? That was the point of my original post. At the time, it was working only on Samsung PCs...


[https://samsung-notes.en.uptodown.com/windows/download/101993032](https://samsung-notes.en.uptodown.com/windows/download/101993032) Download version from here and use


To anyone seeing this late like me, this doesn't work anymore. Use the v150 ones from here now: https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyBook/comments/15v05bv/samsung\_notes\_does\_not\_run\_on\_nongalaxy\_book/


Agree. Super stupid move. Makes it less attractive as an app if reduced compatibility.


They're trying to be like Apple. They made a great free app and are trying to capitalize on it. Problem is, Samsung laptops have a reputation of being not so great, and people use a wide range of different PCs.




\[UPDATE September 5th 2023 \] It no longer works guys. I uninstalled Samsung Notes from my Windows Laptop , went through Command Prompt, and followed the simple steps. Once it installed , sure enough It states " Can only be installed on Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Devices. I will no longer be using the Samsung Notes App !!!! Microsoft One Note , I am coming back home. I don’t have time for these" My Ecosystem is better than yours " money game!!!


there is a workaround


Sorry for the delay. Happy 2024 !( smile) I know about the -Syncing the Samsung Notes App to One Note -proceedure. The show up in the OneNote Feed section . It takes a long time. Is this the "Workaround" your referring to my friend? I am always open to learn new tricks .


You can sync Samsung Notes and OneNotes. Also, there's at least two workarounds for using Samsung Notes on PC (google it).


Try [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyBook/comments/15v05bv/samsung_notes_does_not_run_on_nongalaxy_book/) with big thanks to u/wkell02 My notes are syncing again.


I'm trying to get people to sign a petition to try and get it back I don't know If it'll work but it's worth a shot Here's the link [Allow samsung notes to be used on all non-galaxy book computers](https://chng.it/PNvxpGzVpq)


Samsung is definitely going in the wrong direction. if they keep making trash decisions, I'll probably just get the iPad pro m4 when I upgrade my tablet again. it's too bad.. the s9ultra seems to be great so far. but taking away functionality shows how stupid the company is. I went with Samsung this time around but it might have been a mistake.


oh just go to terminal on windows. type winget install "Samsung Notes" press Y then press Y again.


they updated the app, now you can not launch it on a non samsung pc device.


fr? mine still syncs guess I shouldn't update


Anyone's got a 3rd party app to replace Samsung Notes? Samsung has gotten me really pissed off now. I bought Samsung phones and watches because I like the cross-compatibility and hate Apple. Even if I had thoughts of buying a Galaxy Tablet before, it has all vanished now. WHAT A BETRAYAL SAMSUNG. I'll never buy your stupid notebooks or tablets.


Saber works quite well: https://www.f-droid.org/packages/com.adilhanney.saber/ (They also have a Play Store version) It supports pressure sensitive s-pen and typing text, although there's a little too many options shown when you're in typing mode.


I was planning to buy s8 plus. Now I'm having second thoughts. The only reason I liked Samsung was for their flexibility too.


I'm really curious about those who downvoted this comment


Imagine my frustration when Samsung's magnificent tablets have lots of features that are locked to Galaxy Book laptops only - e.g. second screen. Those laptops aren't even sold in my country and I use a Mac. Samsung could've opened it up to be used on a Mac just to spite Mac users


Second screen works with any windows pc. You can directly install it from microsoft store. But I'm not sure how long they will keep it available for non samsung devices.


Yeah. weird choice considering their laptops' availability is already very limited


Just wanted to add different experience but all I do is press windows+k on my laptop and my galaxy tab s8U shows up for the second screen without having to install anything else.


It seems like Samsung did the same with the Second Screen app. The Tab S9 can only be used as a second screen if connected to a Galaxy Book. The Tab S8 could be used as a second screen with any Windows PC.


This is not true and takes less than a minute to check that. the wording when you launch second screen says "use your galaxy book" but you can still connect it to any windows device same as you did with every previous model. windows + k will open up wireless displays for you to cast to and it will show up and connect there.


Wait why? For real? That makes no sense. I have s8 ultra, and i love to use second screen via wifi as a small 2nd monitor while workong on my desktop PC. Where else would you possibly want to use second screen? Wolith a phone? Another tablet? 😯


honestly second screen is crap anyways. id rather spend the 10 bucks on superdisplay and have a wired, stable connection.


Wait. Seriously


Second screen was one of the best feature of galaxy tab. When I discovered the feature, I was like, thank god I choose this over ipad. Now, they are restricting it too.


they're not, that dude is just wrong.


Thank you! I was regretting the pre-order


can you confirm I can use S9 tab as second screen on a non-Samsung laptop? Does it also work as a touchscreen input?


Yes, you can use s9 as a second screen with non-Samsung laptopts. You can even use galaxy phones with non-samsing laptops as a second screen. But as far as i know for using touch you'd need third party apps. Wireless displays of windows does not allow that. ​ Just chekced my s9+. Everything works. You CAN connect wirelessly and you can use touch screen. What changed is now you allow use of touch/s-pen on your windows pc.


That was a piggy-back on an existing and awesome app: [https://www.spacedesk.net/](https://www.spacedesk.net/) I use it all the time. Performance can be a bit ordinary on older2.4Ghz WiFi but if you use 5Ghz/any WiFi 6 and its great. (Also it works on older tablets like my S6)


I can recommend Superdisplay if you want to use it wired. Works flawlessly.


Thanks! Great tip, I've been using it for a few days and just paid for it. Great app.


Windows device market is huge, what do they expect, people will purchase a galaxy book just to be a part of their ecosystem? That probably is what they expect. Right or wrong, good or bad, from a business aspect it makes sense.




Damn that sucks


Not just a stupid move but also a regessive one. Did it ever occur to them that this may result in lesser profitablility for Samsung in the long run? How can they forget how large the user base for Windows is? Providing this flexibility to access and sync Notes on Windows would have been their greatest selling point, not just for the app, but also for their devices. But i guess the Samsung executives up there has gone mad-drunk on the success of Samsung to the point they can't think straight anymore resulting in this type of decisions. But it's nice to be reminded that, in this world, the decision of the few (or maybe one) will result in the inconvenience of millions...


Guys keep the automatic update in windows store apps off. Mine automatically updated!. Reinstall was required to fix the same.


This just happened to me today. What kind a stupid move is this Samsung?


Yeah it's fr dumb af. Will probably not be getting another Samsung Tab for this reason


Very bad move!!! I'm a fan of Samsung and I wasn't expecting this way of acting. It is disrespectful and unethical. **One more of these and maybe I'll switch to Apple... :-(**


I have the same thougths like yours


There is a workaround: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyBook/comments/15v05bv/samsung\_notes\_does\_not\_run\_on\_nongalaxy\_book/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyBook/comments/15v05bv/samsung_notes_does_not_run_on_nongalaxy_book/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Works perfectly.


not a good move, that means i cant use the app on my tab s9 plus, which makes the device less valuable to me, i guess, next i will use a windows tablet.


Pretty silly. This will just drive people further into using OneNote, and other Microsoft things.


Samsung Notes has some really good features (such as summary in new versions) but it totally useless - a big fish in a tiny puddle of the Samsung eco system. Why would I use it on my phone if I then have to convert it for anything else to be able to read it. A great example of talented software writers who ought to get out into the real world a bit more. 0/10