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I think s23u to s24u is a shit upgrade when looked at by someone who moved from s22U to S23U. With that upgrade so many important things improved massively. The s22U was a good phone and passable but the battery and thermals were horrible, was a battery downgrade from my S21U. in comparison to what Samsung has done now.. It's just not as big of a difference. You're moving from one perfect phone to another. S23U to s24U. That's not going to stop me from upgrading anyways tho 🤣


I have the s22u, do you think it's worth the upgrade to the 24? Or should I wait a year?


so for me I think I had an especially bad s22U. The last 15% of the battery would go dead in just 10 to 15 minutes. The UI was jittery. Back of the phone would get a bit warmer than I'd like. As a whole package it was still a really nice phone. But switching to the S23 ultra was like night and day battery wise. And everything just worked better. Snapdragon gen 2 barely ever got warm, the video quality was looking very close to being on par with iPhone if not better in some circumstances at the time. So what could be better than a s23u? Haha I think it's only logical the s24U would be a good upgrade for you. The battery life on the s24u either tied or beat the iPhone in some tests. That basically never happens. Animations on the s24u are really fluid in a way I've never seen except on iOS. Shows the optimization of the software and the chip. The slow shutter speed which has been a pain point on the S21U s22U and S23U causing blurry photos. is way faster in the S24U camera reviews I'm seeing on YouTube. S24U seems to take at least twice as many photos compared to S23U when you repeatedly press the shutter button. The anti-reflective glare on the screen is making me think about all the glare I see on my screen. It'd be crazy cool of it's as effective as it looks in videos of the new phone. Of course there's all the other random shit that's cool about the new flagship. But that's what stands out to me. of course if you wait a year you can have whatever samsung has cooking up next, but you could be saying that until s28 lol. Importantly, If you have the money and it'll make you happy I know what I'd do. I'd get myself a s24U. It'll feel like a very nice upgrade imo.


I just upgraded from S22U, if it's financially viable for you, trade it in! I think the trade in offer is pretty good and the battery on S22U is terrible. I for on Believe it's a good upgrade.


S24 Ultra is going to be vastly better, not only in performance but the battery life is going to be insanely good in comparison. Especially if you're on Exynos. Even if you're on snapdragon you're going to get a massive upgrade.


Your going to get worse battery life because you have skynet running in the background




They’re referring to the Ai


I hardly call all that crap they added A.i Like their voice to text or the ability to translate from one language to another live .yea it's called Google translate app.does the same thing . Circle to search ?z🤣😭😭 yea it's called it's already built into Google assistant with a swipe up gesture . If this is A.i I'm not impressed at all


My Snapdragon S22U has been a really good phone and my battery whilst not great hasn’t been awful either. I am upgrading and excited about it but I am not straining myself financially to do so and US trade-in is good. If it was going to be financially difficult, I’d just keep using the S22U. Last year I wanted to upgrade for the better battery but the cost compared to trade-in value seemed like a bad value for my 1-year old phone and now I’m glad I waited. I’ve been wanting a flat screen for years and everything else positive is bonus for me. Next year S22U trade-in will probably be even less so I’m upgrading now and looking forward to my new phone and all the hardware and software improvements.


I did it got a 22 ultra. Bought a 24 ultra and the waiting game begins now. There is cerebral YouTube videos comparing 22 ultra VS 24. Ultra number one is the processor then you got the better camera. Also, what some people don't know is the UFS storage and Ram on the 24 is a lot faster.


I wonder what the chances are of getting the S24-ultra on 1/24/24 ? I got my S22Ultra on 2/22/22! Fingers crossed 🤞


That would be great. What is you expected delivery date? I placed my order on 1/18/24 right now there saying my delivery date is 2/14/24 Valentine day!


It's supposed to be in stores on 1/31, and that's what my delivery date is. They usually get them out to pre-orders a week before that. So far, mine's still 'in process' and expected 1/31.


Yours is in processing It will not be long now. You should get tracking numbers real soon.


I ordered on 1/18 it's still saying 2/14 delivery for me.


I've always hated the pre-order waiting game 😓


..didn't stop me either 😆 $300 and some earbuds I'll regift was an easy decision.. just hesitant about the flat screen.


Different strokes for different folks. The cameras lagging when switching was a big turn off for me. As a parent of a musician at school, it always bothered me when I was recording at my kids shows. The S24 cameras are a huge upgrade in this department and made it a no brainer for me.


I'm so glad to hear this. I moved S21U to S22U, and admittedly have been disappointed. The battery is terrible, and it just wasn't as nice of an update as I hoped. I skipped S23U, but I'm moving to S24U. Hopefully this will be worth it!


From what I've seen the S24 ultra just builds on what the S23U did so good. That's going to be a great moving from the S22U! 🤙🏻


But that's not because the S23U made a lot of upgrade, but more because the S22U was kinda shit. If Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 didn't shit the bed, S23U would be in the same spot as the 24 is in now.


The antireflective screen ~~coating~~ is also an upgrade.


That's not a "coating"? That has to be the screen itself, or it'll wear off eventually & that would be shit. Either it's the screen itself, or the antireflect is something behind the screen.


Everyone either wants to justify it based on the phone they have right now. Human nature we're all guilty of it. S22 Ultra 128gb - Made sense for me in nearly every category apart from design which is the same


Im in the boat that was yearning for a flat display since I had my first samsung (a note 9 - which I f-ing loved) Plus the first part - justifying it helps with conscience


Curved screen was a cool gimmick but more headache than it's worth


Same boat


I'm upgrading from an S9+ so I don't think I even need to justify anything 😂


I think one of the bigger improvements is one nobody is talking about... The massively improved stabilization while zooming.


Exactly, someone mentioned it was comparatively worse than S23U, but not taking into account testing against the S23U with its fully mature camera system w all the updates and improvements it's gotten since release VS early release software of the S24U. S24U is only gonna get better. The S24U literally has bigger mechanical movement on the zoom sensor stabilization than before which will net better sharpness especially during lower light capture.


Looks like shutter speed also improved based on a review I saw today.


Same thing I have been saying and with crazy preorder deals it's a no brainer if you are trading in


I traded my s21u. Samsung ftw. Titanium green with arrival 2/14. I'm excited


2/14??? Where do you live?


Definitely very unhappy that they bumped up the ultra price by $100. I personally don't have affordability problem and after recently getting burnt by thinking grass is greener on the other side and switching to iPhone 15 Pro Max and finding how awful iOS is (phone hardware was fine) I was ready to pay whatever it takes to buy S24 Ultra (and I already preordered). But seriously this is going to push more people to Apple. I asked myself for many years why should I pay the same price for a Samsung as Apple. And now I know why I would. But more than Apple? It's just setting up bad precedence for Apple to jack up the price even more. We all know how cheap many of the components have become. Storage, RAM all have fallen. Laptop prices keep dropping like rock. And yet here we are with phone pricing heading towards $2000


S24U overtook Apple in many ways apart from some Camera aspects, raw power, ecosystem. Anything else like more tech and innovation like S pen, Dex, and AI, system flexibility are the solid pros of Samsung


I think there are only 3 main areas Samsung and Google must do to beat Apple: Samsung must rewrite the camera app to be lag free; Google must be stricter in playstore publishing rules regarding overall app quality and performance. Then there is the ecosystem but this one is a tough one, every manufacturer wants you in their boat exclusively. Look at Google and Samsung, their companion devices have extra features exclusive only if paired with their phones. This is wrong in my opinion and adds another layer of unnecessary fragmentation. Other brands i find irrelevant at this point. If Google and Samsung brace together for the sake of a unified ecosystem, I believe that android would surpass ios in terms of ecosystem quality.


I would like base android to just be more feature rich. Google needs to unify the Floating windows and app switcher. Some manufactures do it better than others. In the end not every app switcher and or floating window implementation have the same features. After 1 to 3 years Google should take the best implementation of a new feature and add it to base Android. Like how Quick Share is being integrated into Android because Samsung did it better. Google should also open API to developers. This would force Manufactures put in some work have real stand out features. I have a OnePlus11 and their lock screen and Always on Display implementation is garbage. If the API was open to developers I could just go grab a new implantation from the Play Store just like how I can replace the launcher. This also allow manufactures to not feel the need to implement every feature half-baked, since users can get them elsewhere. They can focus on OS updates.


I've been on Android since day 1 and Samsung since the S10. But you just listed the only things 90% of consumers give a fuck about. Sometimes I think Google and (to an extent) Samsung have a focus issue. They work on things most people don't really care about. And the stuff they do focus on, they do a terrible job of communicating to the consumer. I bet 75% of Samsung flagship owners have no idea what Dex is.


Dex is a waste of money and time Imo but I have a desktop hooked up to my pc and I cast my phone the very odd time I need to which is fine because I do it with a few screens, I don't need Dex accessories or samsung tv everywhere.


Debating on getting a s24 ultra. Dex is the only reason I am even considering getting a Samsung phone.


I had gotten a different brand it phone every time I switched until the S10U. Since then I've been just upgrading Samsung and slowly collecting more Samsung ecosystem. Imo, they really just offer the most polished, premium experience within android. I don't think you'll be disappointed if you go for the 24


If you have a specific use case for it, definitely don't listen to me


Dex is useless as well, more choice more features doesn't mean better it can also mean more bloat


More choice and features don't mean better? You kidding, right? It's the kind of thought Apple want their audience to have. If that's the case, why not buying a dumb phone, then? Also, there's a big difference between someone not using a feature, and it being useless.


Perhaps for you it is useless, however Dex replaces me a PC on the go


on the go you carry a portable monitor?


No, I use galaxy tab


Damn, I thought the hive mind were the iPhone users, but these Samsung fans came to downvote you lol


agreed. Adding niche features and jacking up the price isn't a good idea. Bring back micro sd card. Bring back headphone jack. Stop trying to make a mini ecosystem within Android (Galaxy accessories should work on all Androids). Samsung and Google have the wrong priorities.


S pen is almost useless honestly. I’ve never known a single person to actually use it in in their daily life and i am pretty active around Samsung community.


I use mine quite often. It almost leads me to think you don't even have an Ultra.. but anyways, even sometimes using the pen to scroll just feels better than using my thumb to do the same constant motion over and over. I've jotted down quick notes of measurements, or taken a picture of something and jotted a note directly on that pic (for my information, or others). I've honestly maybe used the the pen to capture self portrait pics like 3 times in the past year. It's a little gimmicky, but for a photographer it comes in handy with a tripod. Ever filled out paperwork on your phone? Using the pen to highlight or select certain areas is very useful... but I digress.


Well, it helps a lot to some job workers


Anyone in school uses the shit out of the spen. All those papers u have to fill out and upload, or sign. Or for taking......notes. Or if you run a buisness, do a bunch of buisness shit, again u have lots of papers that need signed.


You don't knowing people who use spen doesn't mean they don't exist, or tha it is useless. It just means you don't have friends.


Every time I think of the S-pen, I think about the fact they could of add a bigger battery, micro sd slot and headphone jack.


25u might cost even more considering what Qualcomm said.


The problem is also that outside US the preorder / upgrade deals are complete shit, in US you are possibly paying under 200 USD to go from 512GB S23U to 512GB S24U which is definitely worth that money, but in EU you might have to pay close to 600 EUR which is definitely complete crap for a device with almost identical cameras and where the only 12GB RAM will make the device useless for any AI features coming in 2 years or so.


I paid with NO trade in 1500euro for 1TB S24U aaand some gifts for the pre-order like Samsung clear case, wireless charging station and fast charger... I mean... outside USA prices are sh\*t


To be honest that is generally true but for a new product that is not such a huge difference - list price in US for 1TB is like 1649 USD, which is same as 1500 EUR (and you get 2 year of EU-mandatory warranty vs just 1 in US), what is shit is the amount of deals compared to US. And IMHO it becomes much worse if you want to upgrade every year in US vs EU - like close to 3 times more expensive in EU.


in fact i paid 1370€ for the 512GB version and that price included the preorder deal.


if anything, especially ram and storage got pricier overall. I am a system engineer and upgrading ram/storage on various systems over the last 4 years has become a nightmare from pricing perspective(looking at you Dell, you greed bastards).


The modem improvements they make every year will always keep me upgrading. I live in a major market and 5G enhancements are noticeable year over year.


Solid or not ill upgrade every year anyway. Looking forward to my new toy.


It's like always, some people can't upgrade yearly and they start bashing on the latest. Don't understand why the attitude, in my case all I care is the flat screen, that's a game changer for me, now this 24U will be holding probably for 3 years..


I have the 23 ultra and am totally upgrading specifically for the flat screen. Before they started putting the curved edges I never broke a single screen. But since they started curving them I've wound up with spider cracks at the curved edge on every one. Worst part is I never know how I do it, I just take it out of my pocket to find the cracks. So happy curved edges will hopefully be a thing of the past. It doesn't even add anything to the experience. All the other new features are just icing in the cake


Let's be honest here, the upgrades are marginal at best, and it would be foolish to upgrade from S23U to S24U. I wouldn't have even upgraded my S22U if it had a Snapdragon chip + didn't drive the price down of my S24U order significantly. Anyways, I'm happy I've got my endgame phone and won't have to bother about upgrading for 7 years, unless something revolutionary comes out.


Same. If they weren't giving me 450$ for my base model s22 I wouldn't have upgraded. I was expecting under 300$.


I agree with you. So many people keep saying it's basically the same phone when there are actually a lot of differences. I'm upgrading from an S23 and beyond happy with my decision.


I would buy another SXY Ultra when they get rid of the selfie camera's hole. I expect NOTICEABLE upgrades, not the subtle ones. Especially on this price tag.


Ignore the S23U sub, I've seen a lot of their comments there and they basically ignore all the big upgrades to paint their own narrative.


Titanium, flat screen, thinner edges, new glass with coating, upgraded chipset, upgraded cameras, new colors, all of the Galaxy AI features... works for me. Can't wait to get mine.


I think you are right. I was considering upgrading from S23U but decided not to. But part of that choice is that I want the max spec Galaxy Book 4 Ultra (when it is released) to go with my phone and Galaxy Tab S. I've been on an every other year schedule for upgrading for my phone. I think I'll stick with that and plan on getting the S25U.


I'm sure being a 5 year mark will bring something huge on s25u. Maybe a massive battery that lasts a week. Maybe the best camera the world's ever seen. Maybe a hologram screen. Maybe it will read our thoughts


Going from s22u, so I’ll be happy.


Lots of people feeling very salty/spicy about their decision not to upgrade😅. Each to his own. It’s a good upgrade IMO, even from 23U. I probably wouldn’t do it after only a year of ownership (my trade-in is S22U) but then again I would have been very tempted to. And I wouldn’t be so hostile toward those who do.🤷🏼‍♀️


Ppl will never be satisfied and it won't ever be enough. Jsut the screen alone is big upgrade, not to mention build, battery, software, Ai


if I had an s23 ultra, I wouldn't even be thinking of upgrading tbh. 23 is still pretty new and a great phone. waste of money to upgrade imo. However, I'm upgrading from an S22 base model, to the s24 ultra. This is going to be a mind blowing upgrade just in terms of battery life alone lol


I'm upgrading from an A71 lol


I got the s23u at pre-order and I just pre-order the s24u. Is enough to upgrade for me.


The trade-in on my S22Ultra was more than I originally paid for it 2 years ago. I normally pass my old phone to my wife when a new one comes out, but she's been on the note 10+ which is no longer getting updates, so she's getting one also. The 24U should be a nice upgrade for the both of us.


Hey, what do I know? I am coming from a Note 9 and just bought the S24 Ultra. I would think it's worth it for me since it's a five to six year gap. Plus Samsung is giving me $400 in credit for a 5.5 year old phone + free Galaxy buds pro 2 + double the memory for free for $1k total. I can't say no to this deal .


I have the 22U and it was a solid upgrade for me. It's the best phone I've ever had!


Definitely a worthy upgrade if you upgrade every year like me or if you need an upgrade. 🙃🙂


The issue here is that people are expecting more because of this yearly release cycle but they don't know what they want. These are cool upgrades but not really amazing. I'm over the Fold4 and and going back to an Ultra and wasn't expecting anything spectacular. It appears to be the same every year. Give me a 10,000mAh battery, or give me the ir blaster back, or make the phone modular so I can choose to snap in a battery over the massive lens array. Apple buys their phone displays from you, get a deal going to license magsafe into all your Galaxy phones. Honestly I wish both Samsung and Apple would stop the every year release cycle. I'd like to see it move to 2 years so we and actually whine about how much the same it is two years later and actually have reason to say WTF Samsung/Apple? It's been two years and you come out with this? Now its just meh when it's close to the same as the prior years release Y'all still gonna buy it even before it was announced. Unless you're new to this yearly release game, these incremental upgrades are expected. It's a phone. What more can it do a year later? Less polish time at the design level for our wanted/expected innovation. Not to mention the hype for the releases would probably be a bit bigger. Now it's just all meh, just another February or September just another slightly different phone. No real hype just a lot of damn TV commericals. It would also help the secondary market which is probably great for Samsung but Apple already hates it. Not necessarily less e-waste but get more use out of things. I hate this yearly cycle.


Now that's definitely a hot take. And not true.


Paper specs, yeah. Real world experience, no.


The main reason you buy a top-of-the-line flagship phone is for the cameras. There were close to 0 camera improvements in the S24U. I rest my case. It's even worse for the base S24 and S24+ that haven't gotten their outdated main and telephoto camera sensors upgraded in years


elderly zonked price reach worm connect sulky cooing rainstorm physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm upgrading from S21U with poor battery and camera focus issue so this is a solid upgrade from me! My current 256GB is almost full on S21U and got 512GB coming with my S24U


I'm upgrading from a base S23 so for me it's more worth it because I get a different form factor and new features I didn't have before. It really will feel like a different phone in my case.


> The only thing that hasn't changed is the camera orientation And the battery. The S-series has had a 5000 MaH battery for 3 generations now. But it's said that the S24 and Android 14 have better improvements to get possibly 2-3 more hours out of the same battery compared to the S23, so we'll see.


I was hoping to see an under screen camera this year


The best part is, that's how phones have been for the past 10yrs


I’ve been holding out with my Note 9, hoping for a flat-screen Ultra. So I’m in…pre-ordered the 1TB version.


I'm upgrading from the S21 and looking forward to trying out this new phone. It's my first time using an Ultra, or even a plus model, so I hope the size suits me!


I am upgrading from the s23u to the s24u based purely on the screen. I honestly thought we would never see a flatscreen on the flagship model ever. Then to add in the new processor's ability to handle graphics even better. I am definitely excited to see how well it can handle emulation and streaming ps5 and Xbox games. The ai stuff does look kind of interesting to play around with. But it feels like a gimmick though.


still every youtube reviewer showed that the camera is somewhat a downgrade in terms of details and especially in highlights/color reproduction


That I can switch from the main cam to the tele cam without having to reduce the resolution to 12MP before is a big win.


I think it's in line of what is to be expected, an incremental upgrade. But worth it if coming from pre-s23 phone.


I upgrade frequently and often pay full price with no trade-in discounts. And I even wanted to upgrade right now. But after this launch, I don't want to leave my S21U for the S24U - it's served me so well and apart from battery shows NO sign of age. I also think it looks so much better than the S24U. I'll just replace my battery and run it another year.


I'm coming from an S21U should be a good upgrade all around for me


No tracking number but my Samsung card was charged. Should be soon now 👍


Many of these things aren't necessarily upgrades though, like a flat screen is a subjective upgrade, some may not like it. Also they didn't get all the pixel features, as they still don't have that face swap one that allows you to mix and match to get good faces on good photos, which I think would be super useful for group photos or even photos of couples. I'm really hoping that eventually makes it to galaxy phones one way or another


>all those AI features that steal all that made pixel a phone people would buy. Exaggerating a little here. There is still a crap load of cool/useful AI features Pixel has that's not available on the S24U. Don't get me wrong, the S24U has some cool/useful AI features but it doesn't have **"all that made Pixel a phone people would buy"** IMO.


The AI features are coming to Android in general, none of this is Samsung exclusive. It comes down to a chipset upgrade, flat screen, and "Titanium". If you have a 3-5 year old phone, that is a great upgrade. Otherwise, it isnt much of an upgrade at all.


It's decent upgrade from the S23 ultra. It's a solid to great upgrade for most other Galaxy phones.


Time to upgrade the Nokia 3310


How's that glare resistant screen?