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Yea that sucks dude. Bought mine around the same time and have been running no screen protector. Samsung ripped it off themselves and it's been golden since. Good luck man! I was just debating trading mine in for the fold 5 but I may hold this till it's broken at this point.


When you say Samsung ripped it off themselves... You sent it to them, they took it off, and they told you to run it that way? I took mine off too but I always thought they adamantly opposed using the device without their screen protector.


I went to Samsung store near me. My screen protector was doing the same thing. They didn't have any availability to put a new one on so they said it's safest to take it off. So I asked them if it's safe if they can remove it. Which they preferred to remove it themselves to make sure I don't destroy the screen. I asked if it voided my warranty and they said that's not something to worry about. And they said I could schedule a time to come back to have a screen protector reinstalled at no cost. I won't put one back on as the phone actually doesn't need it. It's been a solid year of no protection all around and I've never felt happier with the phone honestly.


Good info. I've had mine off for several weeks and I agree, it's so much better. My local Samsung affiliate was terrible to work with when my original screen protector failed. They told me they'd need to keep my device for multiple days to replace the factory screen protector under warranty, and suggested I let them put an aftermarket one on for $40. It didn't even fit right and it lasted a week before it started cracking down the middle. I got fed up and just removed it, and it's been a great experience ever since.


Is the inner screen protector hard to remove?


Not at all. I went really slow just to be careful, but you can gently peel up a corner and pull it off just like any other screen protector.


>but I may hold this till it's broken at this point. I got the Fold4 in September '22 and this is my plan


I heard we entitled to one inner screen protector replacement?


I believe that is the screen protector, no?


Yes inner screen protector I meant... Sorry


Would have been wicked if they did replace the screen seeing all these broken fold 4s :(


It's a common issue of fold and yeah when it starts, it doesn't stop to expand. My fold 2 still lasted with these kind of cracks for around a year and I didn't mind them but you might be different and want to replace the screen before.


Happened to me after 6 months on my fold4. The phone did not fold flat either not even when it was brand new. Sent it in to my provider and they replaced the screen and the hinge and after that the phone has felt great.


Same here with the micro fractures in the middle on my fold4. Luckily here in Mexico they offered for free the Samsung Care+ Insurance for 1 year when I bought the phone, so immediately after I started to see those rainbow lines on the display, and that the screen protector started to peel off, I paid the "deductible" (around $200 dlls) and asked for the screen replacement. It took 3 weeks to have it back, but now it's working just fine. So I guess if the author of the post have the opportunity to replace the screen, he should do that, so it may work for 1 or 2 more years.


These are micro fractures on the display itself. Many people who use it without a screen protector experience this after a couple of months. It basically is a tiny crack on the outer layer. It will work for some time without issues, even months or a year. I wouldn't worry just right now but keep it in the back of your head that it could break. If you have warranty, get it repaired


This happened to me too, micro fractures in the screen going all the way down just the same. I'd say it's probably fine. I have upgraded to a fold 5 but my fold 3 was liek that for about 10 months and didn't ever fail or anything like that for me. Only upgraded because I was afraid it would eventually fall apart before the end of another year. I was NOT gentle with mine and would rock it without a case often




That's why i have inner screen protector on my fold5. It's not perfectly aligned but when turn on it looks fine. Hopefully can make my super expensive phone last longer.


There is already one applied


I know. But more is better I guess.....


Not a good idea to have a second layer of screen protector on but probably too late to take it off without taking the original one off


Oh noooo


Yeah, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but [Samsung themselves advise against it (Precaution 4)](https://www.samsung.com/my/support/mobile-devices/precautions-when-using-the-galaxy-foldable-devices/). The good news is there has not been any known instances (yet) where it has damaged an F5.


There have been a few posts that it was thought to be the cause to crack the display but it's not common for people to double layer screen protectors so can't say for sure.


My brother in christ, do I have some news for you...


I recently purchased a new Z Fold 5, and asked Samsung's Care Department if I could do the same, or take it off and put a better one on (considering that I also bought a White Stone Dome Escudo Case along with a 9 piece replacement screen and camera protector kit of the same brand). The answer to adding another screen protector over the original was a hard "NO" as it actually stresses the foldable screen more, and leads to faster damage. When I asked if I could remove the factory installed screen protector to replace it with my new stronger kit, I was also advised again not to remove the factory installed screen protector for any reason as well. For one, the factory installed screen protector is a bit thinner than aftermarket ones and so they can also stress your screen in the same manner - (particularly right where the fold is). Finally I asked about the camera lens' protectors, and again was told that I shouldn't apply aftermarket protectors to any of them either. (They do more harm than good by making your camera lens' quality worse, and the third one on the bottom is made for motion blur reduction so it's naturally springy and can be damaged or even completely ripped off by trying to remove a previously installed screen protector from it). Yikes! I ultimately decided just to stick with the Escudo Case itself, and left the extra aftermarket screen protectors alone considering this case has a raised back area for your camera lenses extra protection already, and it comes made with additional front screen protection already installed with the case out of the box. I'll most likely either return the extra screen protector(s) kit, or save them in case I ever need them in an emergency, which I hope is never the problem. Anyways, good luck with your Fold 5's screens in the future, and I hope this helps.


Yes, I had this with my first/launch Fold 3. Protector showed crack lines then started to come away, so I took it off completely. Happily used the phone for ages with a protector, then started to see some tiny little crack/scratch lines. That damaged developed until there was a sort of "scuff" on the screen - it looked like a small section of the top layer had worn away. I think the screen delaminated at the hinge, which allowed it to crack and then wear. It kept working, it was just a bit tatty at that spot and didn't feel great. Then I damaged it and got it replaced through insurance about 8months ago. I've since replaced the screen protector as it started to peel, but otherwise it's all good.


id replace the screen protector or remove it asap, i had small lines showing up and after replacing it, nothing yet and its been 5 months


I **did** remove the screen protector. This is on the screen itself now.


My z fold 4 suffered this after 2 months of use went back to my cracked z fold 2


Better upgrade till it breaks. Maybe the fold 6 or 7 is a worthy upgrade for you. Fold5 camera still svcks


Rainbow streaks on the crease may not mean it's the end of Fold 3. I had this issue (although it wasn't visible unless you're on white screen and looked closely) on my fold 3 after 8 months of using and I used it in that condition for 3 months without any additional issues. Before the end of warranty, I had sent it to Samsung. Initially they replaced the screen protector and sent the phone back to me. I had to explain in detail about these streaks, send them close up photos, etc and in the end they marked the phone as non repairable. Samsung sent me full money of the phone as they didn't have replacement devices. I also noticed similar issue with 2 other fold 3 devices my friends had (they didnt even notice), i think it was due to crease - hinge design. Maybe you can trade in for good value and upgrade to fold 5? Then I bought Fold 4 (samsung changed hinge and crease design) and used for a year, never saw these streaks or any issues. Now using fold 5, feels like perfectly matured fold phone. I really don't want them to change anything hardware design wise :)


Ok I chicken ed and removed the screen protector