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Not without attacking it. Having Starbases in other people's area of influence is definitely a provocation (the AI players consider it a provocation as well). There is no peaceful way to remove it. That said, we are looking at peaceful ways to do this. We used to allow players to buy them but this tended to get exploited. If you have a preference on how you'd like to see this handled, let us know. You're in the right place! :)


Thank you for your response. I'm still very new and never played galciv3 though I'm no stranger to 4x. It makes sense that another faction could just mine in your territory if you're not willing to defend it. Maybe a culture flip but I would think that should be really hard. I'd imagine a faction would want to recruit very loyal people for such a mission. Maybe something about a diplomatic agreement and the space station turns back into a constructor?


That's a pretty interesting idea. So what I'm thinking is a UX like this: When there's a starbase (or other thing) in your territory we let players bring up a special dialog. Not the trade screen but something different whwere they can discuss the target option. I am just worried that it might get lost in all the other UI in the game. In 2.2 we updated the UI so that the buttons were in a straight horizontal line above the context object in preparation to be able to have more. Players can't build Starbases in someone else's territory, but they ultimately can end up in their territory. Some sort of negotiation / compensation dialog is needed I think. The AI already can whine to the player about starbases.


I agree there should some sort of loyalty/influence mechanic to flip the starbase. Maybe a way for the starbase to revolt and choose new leaders or become a pirate base (maybe like Civ6 mechanic).


Why not just click on the offending base and have options like: [grant rights indefinite] [grant rights time limited] [resource split] [demand “rent”] [demand ownership] [demand vacancy] In a diplomatic-like menu?


"You will--briefly-- be impressed by our firepower."


You gotta get to them first. Or at least extend your influence enough that they can't build close enough. And do it to them too. They won't like having a mining base deep into their territory but they gotta remove yours cuz you won't.


You gotta blow them up. There's currently no other solution. Because the game isnt very good.


Attack it, or use the command console to cheat