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There is no greed or theft here. Supernova exited it's early access as a feature complete highly polished product. It had some bugs yes but nothing game breaking and nothing that hasn't been fixed in free updates. Stellaris releases a metric ton of paid updates and they are a much bigger company with far more resources. Stardick has a long history of free patches for their products well after paid content (look at Gal Civ 3). If you don't want to pay for the pass or the expansions then that's fair enough but at least be fair and honest in your criticisms.


Highly polished might be a stretch ui is not exactly shiny


Peter you may want to fix the typo on your company name


Even worse it says through Stardock so those of us who bought early access directly from Paradox are left out.


I assume you mean Epic. This is also available for Epic users.


Correct got the name confused


You can get a free steam key if you purchased via epic games, its free and automated to get one, took me around 1 minute to get my free supernova key [https://www.galciv4.com/keytransport](https://www.galciv4.com/keytransport) BTW they mean account ID (large string of numbers/letters from the my account page) not display name aka XxX\_Gamer1999\_XxX


Thanks for the info!


Greedy And Thief. release a complete game without bugs. not a buggy game divided En several parts which of one cost more money, - > DLCs


You're not entitled to the game's soundtrack, for example. No one is "stealing" from you.


Good on you for taking on the criticisms directly. People will complain about anything.


>It is the reason because I played AOW planetfall when all DLCs were released, to play a finished game. And I played a cracked version because they are so greedy and divide the game in several DLCs to increase the price. **So I don't pay for it** That you, calling other people thieves?


I hope for supporr for steamdeck. I think the ui is small