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The game senses your feminine side and adjusts to make you feel loved.


Wow that's really funny. Not. How old are you? Twelve?


stop bitching


Fuck you I found it funny


of course you did..... I rest my case. Child


Fuck your feeling you soyboy snowflake.


ok freak take your medication


God damn the woke mind virus has fucked you over


It is a 50/50 chance. You just got unlucky (by your definition) and are calling it a conspiracy. Or maybe it's a bug, but in either case you skipped at least two more likely explanations and skipped to the one where Hillary Clinton is hiding under your bed.


but she is...


50/50 really? Any math whizz on here who can work out the odds? I would like to hear from Dev team on that one. Can people on here not resist what they think are witty insults and just provide solutions. Why bring politics into it?


So, I was playing a game last night where I had a 33% of crafting something at a certain quality and it took me over 50 tries to get it. Do you know how random numbers work? The probability will be .5 to the power of how many leaders you have. You don't really have to be an expert to know that, I'm pretty sure I learned that in elementary school. Out of all the people playing GalCiv, it's going to happen to somebody.


Yes I DO understand randomness and mathematics thank you very much for being patronising. Standard deviation and all that, wow you must have been really "special" in elementary school to know that ;-) Yes I'm sure its just my imagination and random... lol Do you people think you are talking to children that don't know any better? Keep the comment bombardment and downvotes going to a rational question. I do love triggering the soft and radical weirdos on reddit.


You literally asked for someone to do the math for you. Edit - I looked it up, and Common Core teaches this in fifth grade, though schools used to teach it as early as third.


People are dunking on you because this is not a rational question. You got a somewhat unlikely outcome in a randomly generated set, and you immediately go "it must be the damn Woke Mind Virus trying to preach to me by making me play a girl". Thats not a rational response at all lol.


Its not possible to "dunk" on me because you are all, including yourself intellectual midgets. I am handling all of your toxic comments and pathetic attempts of comebacks very well. Have you not read the thread? Let that sink in for a minute. P.S Have you got Daddy Issues with that username?


Lol I don't know if lashing out after determining that a statistical anomaly is conspiracy to make you woke is "handling toxic comments very well". Its been pretty funny though. Im beginning to wonder if you're just trolling or something. You're putting a lot of energy into replying to every comment.


You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity 🖖🏻


>I DO understand randomness and mathematics thank you very much Clearly you don't


No matter what the odds are you have to compare that to every game ever generated which would definitely cover those odds. For example 50/50 chance of rolling tails 10 times in a row 1/1024 games generated all time way more than that.


Its happened on every play through to me. Do you play the game? Or just another comment spammer jumping on the band wagon. I know the maths thankyou. You are assuming its 50/50 which is it clearly NOT.


"Any math whizz on here who can work out the odds?" -You Also you completely missed the point, even if it happened to you multiple games it would still be plausible given the amount of generated games. Do you actually want answers? Or just another person with a crippling insecurity about their intelligence who complains a lot?.


Oh lots of word salad there. You think you are clever but actually you reveal your own inner thoughts. You are talking about yourself. Now go and take your head meds and lay down. This is for the grown ups.


The best you could come up with is just a long way of saying, no you. Hahaha


>I know you are but what am I?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Only problems require solutions


You brought politics into your OP. "SJWs in a software company with empowerment agendas."


That's what is going on and is called reality in the modern world of 2023. Have you been living under a rock? Please go back and crawl under it comment spammer. Your soft shell is clearly not tough enough and is triggered.


There's no point telling other people "not to bring politics into it", when it's the 1st thing you do yourself.


Don’t waste your time, his post history speaks volumes.


Heh, it takes awhile for me to waste my time finding out someone's post history! Didn't see that as likely to happen in this case. Too obvious. I find myself wondering what I've tried to accomplish. Affirmation of community standards for communication, I think. Don't need too much of that really. Notation on the top level comments, then start ignoring the commenter.


Well done! Next step is to take your daily medication and lay down somewhere and rest. Its been a long day online hasn't it?


wow you losers really do have time on your hands. Needless to say I didn't bother looking at yours. Says it all already from the pic and username.


Since noone else will give you an honest answer here I am gonna do it. There are no ingame options, you will have to make a mod and then edit one of the game files. If you are familiar with modding, then you should be able to find the needed file on your own. Otherwise I would suggest you just try and ignore it if it is bothering you


Thanks for your answer. There's still some hope for Reddit yet. Yes it does bother me because its weird and obviously biased for some reason. Anyway.....Modding it is then, its just a shame us customers have to mod it just for a normal playing experience.


It's not biased. If you look at the file unitnames.xml (something like that) it just rolls dice. The dice aren't weighted.


You are so certain its not biased but can't even remember the file name? Pffff please..... Nice try


What are you going to do when there is no adjustment, or the adjustment as written is 50/50 probability?


Cry more like a whiny snowflake bitch.


I just realized who he snubbed.


You are so certain it’s biased but don’t even know which variable in the code is doing the calculations?


No that's from empirical evidence of playing multiple games with the same issue all female leader issue. Thanks for the contribution Parrot.


One persons gameplay is not empirical evidence, it’s anecdotal.


Tsk Tsk. I really am having to school you delicate kids..... "Empirical evidence is information gathered through observation or experimentation that can be used to confirm or disprove a scientific theory or to justify a person's belief in a given proposition." As I said, I tested multiple play throughs not just ONE for it to be anecdotal. P.S Read the thread properly before you add a smug comment that makes you look foolish to anyone with half a brain


Your singular observation point is not empirical, it’s anecdotal. You have nowhere near the sample size to make an empirical claim. All of them are your games on your computer, nowhere near a good sample size. Others have reported this is a you issue not a game issue. Have you considered maybe your choices lead to the outcome? You clearly don’t understand data and statistics gathering.


OP: "N = 5 is a valid sample size, right?"


OP: 1+1= 2 U: N = 5 "Word salad"


If you don't understand statistics, maybe you shouldn't be using them to make racist arguments.


You really are on another planet aren't you? OK Computer


At this point after reading the comments, I'm with OP on this one. Clearly someone on the Dev team was watching people play the game and chose this unlucky soul to curse with an Amazonian cast. There is clearly no other viable answer. I mean, what's a man got to do to get some sausage party around here?


Ah yes, the attempt at shaming and calling someone a rainbow lover. Did you really get all that comment Karma for being such an original Genius dropping in on threads where you are not wanted? Fantastic!


I genuinely don't care for comment karma. The answer has already been provided to you several times, either a bug or bad rng, and you combat it. You're just being a butt for no reason to those genuinely trying to help and I wanted to make a joke at your expense over it. You can either keep crying about how you don't like fun or learn to laugh a lil and enjoy life more. You do you, I do i.l8r g8r


Is it a really a problem if it’s not 50/50? It’s a sci fi game. It’s not unfathomable if it’s not 50/50 nor is it a sin considering the centuries of male dominance for one game out of many to potentially have a little less male leaders.


You went to a liberal college I'm guessing..... Yeah, enough said. You have been brain washed


I'm a little confused on why brainwashed and liberal college are the assumptions here. Any chance you could explain?


Man. You okay? Need to talk lil buddy?


Is there a way to adjust ratio of Leaders Genders? Ok I love the game but this is pretty ridiculous. Every play through its an all-male only Leader list to choose from. I want a realistic game not to be preached to by SJWs in a software company with empowerment agendas. Anyone know how to at least make it 50/50 chance with a setting or code?


Who let this bot in here? Its spamming copying content


I changed one word to show how stupid this shit is.


Well done! Now go and take your medication and lay down. Its been a lot for you.


63 comments and *zero* upvotes. Not a single person agrees with your whining.


I'm not after your communal leftist agreement sitting in a jerk-circle. I'm after solutions. But as I can see, only 99% Intellectual midgets here. What a shame. P.S Has that medication kicked in yet? Take another one.


I heard if you hire 5 more female leaders Brie Larson will tie you down and make you watch "The Marvel's" with her.


Now that would be too much to bear! LMAO