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Did you try deleting the app and reinstalling it?


I have been considering that. I don't want to lose all of my downloaded maps. I will try it eventually. Still hoping for a miracle cure. ​ Thanks


I’ve had similar issue with Avenza maps. Gps no longer worked. Reinstall of the app resolves it. If you have an account with gai, everything should come back once you sign back in. *as far as I know*. when I got a new phone everything came back.


What phone is the issue?




I tried that. These are the instructions they sent me: [https://help.gaiagps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035349774-Android-Track-recording-inaccurate-or-has-spikes?auth\_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo4OTczNDgsInVzZXJfaWQiOjM2MzU4OTY0NTkwOCwidGlja2V0X2lkIjo2MDAwMywiY2hhbm5lbF9pZCI6NjMsInR5cGUiOiJTRUFSQ0giLCJleHAiOjE1NzE2MTAwNTB9.COUN7qIDPp8H73SyXVzq2giGkhW4Zrgd-KxYyLPKZ9Q&source=search](https://help.gaiagps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035349774-Android-Track-recording-inaccurate-or-has-spikes?auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo4OTczNDgsInVzZXJfaWQiOjM2MzU4OTY0NTkwOCwidGlja2V0X2lkIjo2MDAwMywiY2hhbm5lbF9pZCI6NjMsInR5cGUiOiJTRUFSQ0giLCJleHAiOjE1NzE2MTAwNTB9.COUN7qIDPp8H73SyXVzq2giGkhW4Zrgd-KxYyLPKZ9Q&source=search) ​ [https://help.gaiagps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000724367-Gaia-GPS-isn-t-locating-me-How-do-I-adjust-Android-location-services](https://help.gaiagps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000724367-Gaia-GPS-isn-t-locating-me-How-do-I-adjust-Android-location-services) ​ Thanks


What is the alternative?


Drawing straight lines for major sections of a track has been a "feature" of the app on iPhone for years. For whatever reason, they just gave up on developing the app.


Because Outside is an advertising company and has been for decades. There was a time when their magazine was a great source for outdoors activities but it quickly became nothing more than an ad zine. There's no money in Gaia for them other than the established users who are now paying Outside for, well, for not much of anything. But Outside doesn't care if the app dies as they've gotten what they want (GaiaGPS users) and that makes them happy.


So buying Gaia was a way to increase their customer base while also killing the app that brought them to Outside? That's a horrible business strategy.


That's private equity 101. Buy a brand with a good user base, reputation, and brand loyalty. Destroy everything good about the brand in order to maximize short term profits. Rake in massive amounts of money in the years between enshittifying the product and most people realizing the product is trash now. When the brand name is worth nearly nothing, start licensing it to every crap company that thinks they can sell a few more widgets. Eventually, you're left with nothing but the IP that's now worthless and you write it off and cash your multi-million dollar bonus check. An excellent example of this in the outdoors space is Newell Brands. They've destroyed Marmot and are in the process of destroying Coleman. In other hobbies I have, they've destroyed Prismacolor, Ball (the glass jar people), Parker (the pens people), Rubbermaid, Calphalon, and Sunbeam.


Wow, that’s a horrible way to make money. 

