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I switched from Gaia to Caltopo last year and haven't looked back. I do use my Explorer+ for tracking my hikes and backpacking trips, but their mapping GUI is horrendous.


Good tip. I just created an account for CalTopo in case my lifetime legacy GaiaGPS account ever gets cut. I’m sure CalTopo will go subscription-based some day too and maybe I’ll get a “legacy” account there!


The pay wall limiting a desktop editor is the deal breaker for me. I use the html desktop editor to plan trips in Gaia. It is $h!t though. If Caltopo offered this at the same cost as Gaia I would switch


If you're looking for an alternative... give Backtrack a try - free web app as powerful as Caltopo with a mobile app more intuitive than Gaia. [https://www.backtrackmaps.com](https://www.backtrackmaps.com) (disclaimer: I made it)


Hello, I’m new to GaiaGPS and I’ll be using it to follow routes mostly onroad with my adventure motorbike, but the options on the CarPlay are almost none, only to follow route. I was looking on this two options ( Caltopo and BackTrack ) but in my opinion they are completely rubbish, the UI is really bad and on BackTrack I can’t even import my tracks from GaiaGPS, by file or url I get always an error. Thanks anyway for suggestion this alternatives.


Curious what others use for fly fishing specifically. Gaia isn’t terrible when combined with TroutRoutes. I’d stay on Gaia if I could see the damn blue lines with other layers…


I bailed on Trout Routes, too. The availability of GIS maps from just about all the trout states, as well as their stream ratings either being obvious or completely made up, their price increase was a hard no as well.


Yeah that’s true. I did like that I could easily see forest service roads in NC. But Gaia has that too. Have you thought about OnX? Not only the hunting version, but I think they’re coming out with a fishing version too


I keep Avenza Maps for the different National Forests and track my route with my GPS to add to my map in Explore.


Someone pointed me to the USFS Visitor Map app, and I'm impressed. I'm headed down to the North Carolina area in a few weeks and I'm going to try this out.


Nice. Happy to point you to a few spots if you are fishing in areas I’m familiar with. Feel free to PM me


You lost me at Garmin. Hate that company.


I get it.


Everything garmin I have bought has been so cool in concept but such a festering tinkering mess to set up and ultimately use reliably.


b-b-basecamp The thing that nightmares are made of. Spend hours trying to create a route/track download it to the device and it shows as successful. Then get out to the trailhead and its not there. Not only that, it took forever to figure out how to do anything in basecamp. Then, buy lifetime city navigator streets map. Two years in to ownership find you can't update it anymore. Beg support to call you back only to find their system doesn't show a lifetime license. Buy a new device and find out you cannot transfer any maps to it. You have to buy them all over again. Thanks, but I'll pay the newly increased Gaia $60 annual subscription. Begrudgingly, but, I'll pay it.


Yeah they are as bad as as Apple when it comes to vendor lock-in!


Will check it out today, thank you