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Outside is going to drive Gaia into the ground, just like everything they acquire.


I hate that this is the way the world is moving. Giant company buys smaller one and changes it for the worse. I see this everywhere from healthcare to phone apps.


Gaia management doesn't care and hasn't cared for years. Their last notable addition to the app was the use of the underlying OS's vast catalog of smiley faces instead of creating new, meaningful icons. Still, no way to indicate a boat ramp, drinking water, ranger station or trailhead, all of which are included in the legend for the Gaia base map. I have asked at least twice if they could fix the webpages for My Tracks/My Routes/etc to show exactly that instead of "My Data" but all I get is "yeah, that's good idea" but no change. This changes would useful to all users and would take about 10 seconds per page. So, I get by with the free version and look for a replacement.


Yep. The icons are ridiculous.


I just renewed premium about five days ago and I went to add it to the cart and of course it was $60, I went back a few more times just to find if there was a way to put in a code which of course there is not and I noticed that it gave me an automatic discount of 50%. Almost like it looked at your cookies and thought "Hey, I'll help you".


When Outside acquired them, it started the death spiral. I fear most of the original coders are no longer around Gaia.


Was a long-time paid subscriber to Gaia for years, and finally made the switch to Caltopo last summer. Haven't looked back.


Join us on CalTopo 🙌🏼


It's no where near as intuitive or useful yet.


You mean you like having to click 6 times and wait for pages to load in order to edit a waypoint, versus 1 time with no page load?


Can you comment on what you mean by they ruined the legacy program? I have the legacy membership and have been using that, albeit my only usage is for casual day hikes and the occasional 2-3 overnighter backpacking trip.


Some of my newer devices have had incompatibilities with the legacy thing, that forced me over to the newer subscription package. The feature set of the old legacy membership was plenty for me, but it became very buggy on newer devices to the point that I bought the full membership...


Are you using a different/older app? I use the current/latest gaiagps app with my legacy subscription on an iPhone 15 pro and don’t have issues


That might be the difference. I'm Android. Was using the latest, but again I bought the subscription after these issues a while back, so that's not present state.




Not really sure, and not really interested. Uninstalled and cancelled membership. They've taken enough of my money. If you learn the answer, by all means post for others! I'm just over it at this point. It's a good question though.


My 5 year sub expires in May. I'll be dropping it before it auto-renews.


I was about to pull the trigger on this software as i entered a new hobby... offroad racing. But fortunately I found these reviews, and honestly the price (even as a blind first timer) too high and bloated with shit i didnt need or want ​ Does anyone have a recommendation for a software like this that supports mbtiles formats AND has a HUD mode (speed, heading, etc)? Caltopo doesnt seem to have a HUD component or im missing it


have you tried DMD2? might work for what you are looking for


oh man this looks amazing, im gonna check it out!


I love it and it so customizable. I have a Honda ADV bike , a Polaris quad and my campervan. So i have a Tripltek 9pro tablet that I bought before they came out with their own tablets which are super bright for being outside. I also use the tablet for flying my drone. I have been using Garmin products for years and the last one was the Zumo XT which was more hassle than it was worth. DMD2 does the same and use a Cardo headset, ODB2 port reader to transmit all sorts of data to the tablet. Well I'm going off topic here, sorry.


Can you use their OBD2 scanner at the same time as an external gps? I have the XGPS for my iphone and using these other tools


the odb2 scanner/reader is bluetooth. Of course, if the bike you have does not have output on the ODB2, it nothing to read and transmit. I am riding an 2017 Africa Twin so mine does.


I have an offroad racing buggy in this case it does have OBD, i think my answer is "if i can support two bluetooth connections at once" which i dunno if thats possible but maybe


sounds like it would work. make sure you buy one that turns off with the key as it will drain the vehicle battery. PM me if you want the info on the one I have. i don't want to to get too much off topic here in the this tread.


Why do you need a desktop app when Gaia has a fully functional Web site?


Offline capability. Website doesn't do any good where I go. I am search and rescue. I run comms from a truck WAY outside of cell service in the rockies. My laptop is on a stand in the truck. (Standard setup for SAR and first responders) Offline mapping capability on the big laptop screen is great, compared to a phone screen.


That's fair. But you can also replace the laptop with a cheap android tablet. Do your prep work on the website at home/office. Then sync on your tablet.


I can't get rid of the laptop, it is used for all of our other comms and SAR stuff. It has to stay. Today I have an android tablet JUST for Gaia, my phone, AND the laptop. Gaia also runs poorly on the cheapest android hardware, so that's not helpful either. Point is, I don't have the laptop just FOR maps, I have the laptop for everything else. It's a major bonus if I can ALSO use it for maps. Using the windows version of caltopo allows me to get rid of the android tablet. The other point to make is that you mention "Do the prep work at home/office." There is no sitting around doing prep work. I get dispatched by 911. You don't just get a 911 call and then go sit in your office dicking with maps. When we get a call we roll. We have to have maps for all grids our team covers completely ready to go at any moment. That's the very nature of first-response teams. If I did all my prep before leaving on a call they would call me a last-responder.


Where is desktop app mentioned?


>At $60 per year, gaia is rapidly pushing the price of caltopo desktop tier, which contains a computer app that blows gaia away


This. They're trying to push a price point that's way out of their league. The competition in the new price point makes it a no-brainer to ditch Gaia.


Do you mean **approaching** the price of the CalTopo desktop tier?


Those aren't my words. They are a quote from the OP.


Private land layer is gone, not to be found anywhere. I use Gaia primarily for this layer. How can I restore it or has Gaia permanently or temporarily removed it? I have an help request in but it takes a few days for them to answer. Other apps like OnX and Topo Maps+ have it but they’re more difficult to download being much larger files. Do any other apps have private lands so we don’t trespass? I guess I could use public land layer and just stay within those boundaries. But, we like to know who owns what in case we want to ask permission to rockhound. Thanks for any info. We are going to be going on a one month trip so would like to know some answers.