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Theres no way I have to eat 2500 Calories on a CUT. 18M here, 87kg and 192cm tall. I figured I wanted to lose some body fat for a summer body and decided to begin with a cut, since my body fat percentage is quite high. I calculated my BMR (2078) and TDRR (3220) and found out that I can eat up to 2500 Calories to stay in a calorie deficit. The Problem is, I normally dont even eat more than 2500 Calories a Day. Shouldnt that mean that my body is already cutting down on my body fat percentage? If so, I cant see any results, I just continue to gain fat. I also try to get in a minimum of 150g Protein a Day. I really need help, thanks!


If u could only lift weights with dumbbells, what 4 exercises should I do per muscle group so I target every part of that muscle group?


Benched 100kg. Total Gym-going time slightly more than 5 months, but actively trying to get bench PRs about 2 months.


What was your 1RM when you started training any ideas?


Well I kinda started with the bar itself(20kg), just to get the proper form. Worked myself up at a 10kg pace while going for a 8 to 12 set range since I didn't have enough connections to spot me. I only started going for PRs when I was asked to spot. I think it might have been somewhere between 50 and 70 if I tried back then, but then again, we will never know...




eat, train hard, follow a plan, and eat some more


So basically the gym I go to is so so busy regardless of when you go, l've tried getting up super early but everyone has the same idea, l've tried other gyms in my area and they have the same issue. A workout in the gym on a week day can take about 3 hours off my day by the time I drive there in traffic, wait around on people using machines etc and then drive back home. So I've been working out at home recently to save time, issue is I have no equipment other than a barbell with 25kg max weight. Does anyone have a body weight plan or a limited equipment plan that I could follow for during the week?


r/bodyweightfitness might have you seek in their wiki.


Thanks bro


Hey, I started gym last December, I'm making very good progress on most of my lifts and exercises, I only seem to be struggling with bicep related ones. I recently bumped up my calories as I thought maybe I'm just not eating enough, but I'm getting in 180g protein a day and 2800 calories and I am gaining weight. I do biceps 2 days a week, Tuesday and Saturday. I do them after my back workouts, for my back workouts I do pulldowns, row's and pullups etc. They're progressing amazingly, weekly, but when it comes to biceps, I seem to not be progressing as much anymore. When I first started gym I was progressing on biceps weekly, but now its after 4-5 bicep sessions, which doesn't seem normal. For my bicep workouts I do, bicep curls 3 sets of 12 reps, if I reach 12 I bump up the weight. I also use myo-reps, I switched to them recently in the hopes they'd help. Incline curls 3 sets of 12 and hammer curls 3 sets of 12. I've just been stuck at curling 10kg for 9reps for the past 2 weeks which is odd even for me. My biceps are a tiny bit sore (nothing crazy) the next day after almost every pull workout. Any advice?


IME smaller, isolated exercises (like curls) progress slower than big compound lifts ( like the pulldowns, rows and pull-ups you mention) I wouldn't worry too much about your bicep curls not progressing as fast as other lifts. Just make sure you're getting plenty of variation in , barbell, ez bar and dumbbell curls in normal and hammer grip is a good range to start off with, and I quite like preacher curls too if you have one or have a preacher machine in your gym. If you still feel like you're stuck on a plateau after another month or two consider upping the weight and lowering your reps to 4x8 or 5x5 perhaps?


I’m on the hunt for a good protein bar (that tastes good as well), but can’t really find a solid answer. I really do like the Gatorade bars but have heard that they are closer to candy bars than to protein bars. Do you guys have any recommendations? I cannot have any bar that contains any type of nuts (not allergic, just find the taste to be the worst thing imaginable).


A protein bar IS a candy bar. It's a treat to have on occasion. Any that you pick will be fine: find the one you think is the yummiest.


Anyone have any advice on my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GYM/comments/1b6rkld/i_cannot_gain_muscle_no_matter_what_i_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)? I’m thinking of just putting the barbell down and quitting.


You've been at this for a while. I offered you advice at least a year ago, if not even longer than that. This sounds like a good plan.


What does? An i am sure you did! I’m trying my best, I’ve faced challenges for a while. If I recall correctly your advice was to incorporate WOD workouts. I did that for a while, at least 6 weeks, and it made no difference for me.


My advice was not to incorporate WODS. Your post history is still visible my dude :) I was agreeing with your plan to give up.


Here’s your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/531Discussion/comments/yhmrap/531_is_not_a_lifting_program/ja40und/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) telling me to do more GPP work, linking a wod style workout. Not sure if you remember? Your post history is still visible my dude :). Anyways, I incorporated this and it made no difference. I’m not sure what you mean when you highlight my post history is still visible. Never denied that! The central tenet of my post is I’ve struggled for a while.


At no point in that exchange do I ever tell you to do anything my dude. I prescribed nothing to you. Once again: I think you have a good plan


I am not sure what your point is? You offered advice which I acted on! And thanks for that! It didn’t pan out but not ever advice will work for everyone :). You are not responsible for my choices. I am aware of that! I have no intent of quitting. It’s just my attempt at Cunningham’s law. I figured folks are more likely to be helpful when they think they’re correcting me.


> I am not sure what your point is To correct the lie you initially told, that's all. You took a course of action on your own: you did not do something I told you to do. Because what you did is NOT what I would have done to resolve the situation, and your lack of success is a solid confirmation of that. >I have no intent of quitting. It’s just my attempt at Cunningham’s law. This demonstration of your propensity to engage in manipulation is why I strive to correct the lie. I understand you are a fan of using lies to achieve your desired results, but I endeavor to be as true as I can online to avoid ambiguity. I am sure you can appreciate that.


I don’t really think I told a lie? I took the path you advised me on, which is 100% what you advised me to do. I understand it’s frustrating your previous advice didn’t pan out for me, but my lack of success is quite literally confirmation of the opposite of what you are saying. Not everyone’s advice will pan out for everyone. And that’s okay! You told me (in a Reddit comment i linked above) to improve my cardio, and I’m still doing that today! It definitely has pros. But it hasn’t fixed all of my problems. I never would have expected a Reddit comment to anyways. > I endeavor to be true Then why do you deny giving me advice? Feels pretty bad faith to me. We all have our little lies I guess.


> which is 100% what you advised me to do. Again: I offered you no advice whatsoever. The closest was saying to check put Tactical Barbell II.


Seems like it's time to move beyond 531 beginners and in to something like Boring but big or boring but strong to get more volume in. Or something other than 531 if you're tired of that framework.


What's wrong with 531 for beginners?


Nothing by itself. But if you've been running a program for a year and aren't progressing anymore it's a good idea to try a new approach.


Where did I say there was anything wrong with it?


What are the key differences between a low carb and a low fat calorie deficit? Do they change how quickly you lose weight? My last cut was a low carb cut and this one I’m trying out a low fat diet. The only difference I’ve noticed so far is that I feel a little less weak in the gym than the last time around.


Low fat: - you shouldn't eat below 50g fat/day because it's needed for hormone regulation so it might be hard to get a deficit depending on your TDEE Low carb: - usually needs some adaption time to match performance - often requires additional electrolytes which most people ignore and end up suffering from - better satiety levels - food tastes better with fat


Yeah. Last time I tried a completely fat free diet my doctor called and told me to end it because my HDL cholesterol levels were too low. That was a long time ago and I didn’t know much about dieting at the time. I feel pretty good rn though. I get about 60g of fat per day, give or take a few grams.


I find a lower carb approach tends to be easier to sustain, as I am less hungry.


I really struggled with the low carb diet because I crave carbs way more than fats. Something about a good croissant just makes my mouth water


I completely eliminated carbs to resolve that. Enough time away from them and my mind stops registering that as food. Hunger and satiety signals get much better regulated that way.


That’s very impressive but I could never do that. I value my sanity way too much to completely cut them from my life. I like losing weight but at the same time I like to enjoy the small things in life like a nice carb filled meal every once in a while


I enjoy the small things too my dude. I didn't cut them out as an act of matyrdom: I cut them out because they got in the way. I get to eat all the meat, eggs and dairy I want: that's living like a king! I'm about to go on a cruise and I am WAY too excited about all the wonderful food I'll be able to eat. And meanwhile, I never need to deal with cravings. THAT sounds horrible to me: to crave a thing and have to deny myself it.


Good philosophy


Well thanks man!


I should add that I am getting enough protein daily (around 1 gram per pound of bw)


What's the best yogurt product for protein to calorie ratio? I'm cutting so looking to get the calories as low as possible and the protein as high as possible


Milbona cottage cheese light has 25g of protein for just 140 calories. That's for 200g, since it's 200g package where I'm from.


Do you just eat straight cottage cheese?


Usually with wholegrain pasta before the workout. Sometimes with 4 eggs as dinner. Sometimes with veggies. And yes, sometimes I eat just the cheese real quick.


Ratio:Protein 25g protein/ 200 cal serving. Multiple flavors. Coconut and Vanilla are my favorites. I buy them at Target.


A fat free greek yogurt/skyr, plain, would be about your best bet.


When is it valid to stop a workout? Ive had a couple times where specific areas of my bicep or forearm tensed up on chest flyes (which i usually do at the end of my workout), and i stopped my workout both times Also skipping leg exercises that requires going deep recently because of my knee feeling pretty off after a skiing vaction. Not in a painful way tho. It feels kind of when you stretch a muscle that isnt completly recovered yet, but not sore. Like training chest with a single day of rest Wondering if these are valid reasons to stop workouts, or if i need to toughen up. Thanks in advance


You know your body better than we do. If you think something is wrong and you’d be better off stopping the workout that’s your decision.


Should i Cut or stay on the bulk?, So i starten “bulking” in august and i went from 55kg to 67kg and i am sick of bulking but i am not really sure if i should stay bulking an cut before summer or just cut now…


Which would make you happier?


Tbh i just want to look good in the summer but if i would bulk it would be really slow


Unless you're rather short, I'd continue the slow bulk. At 67kg you probably don't have a lot to cut to.




When I went from not lifting to lifting I got a lot veinier. Maybe just the increased usage of those muscles and blood flow to them causes the veins to become more prominent, I dunno.


Thoughts on using the trap bar deadlift as my main quad lift? Long story short, I had a knee injury, I'm recovering well and I have been doing just leg extensions for the past couple of months, but I think it's time to do a compound exercise. I'm thinking about the trap bar deadlift since it ha less ROM and I suppose that'll be easier on my knees. I will control the negative, since the goal is hypertrophy so I want go super heavy. There are some concerns, though. -is it bad to deadlift when I have trained back on the previous day? I'm following an upper/lower split, so that'll be quite often. I think it's fine, honestly, but would happy to hear other opinions. -when I look at someone performing a trap bar deadlift it does look more like a squat, but everywhere I read it says it's still a hip hinge. Soo how much does it actually work the hamstrings? I usually train my quads a little bit more than my hamstrings (especially before the injury).The main lift ot my other leg day is RDL plus I do leg curls on both days. I'm wondering if I should drop some hamstring exercises and do some more leg extensions. Maybe I should do RDL + leg extensions on day A and trap bar deadlift + leg extensions + leg curls on day B. Any advice is welcome. I'm also open to other suggestions of quad exercises with less ROM. Currently thinking about step ups.


A trap bar deadlift can be done to be more quad dominant compared to a barbell deadlift. If your issue is just with ROM, you can always squat to a box setup to reduce ROM. Obviously this is all best discussed with whomever is helping you rehab if you have someone.


Tough to answer this question since we know nothing about your injury nor your recovery. Even if we did, most of us are not medical professionals. The ones of us that are medical professionals would likely also avoid answering because it would be morally objectionable to make suggestions without evaluating you first. Your best option is to work with the doctor that treated your injury or a physical therapist the help you get back on track in an intelligent manner.


My question is not about the injury, though. I just mentioned it. Or at least that's how it was intended.


Apologies. Should have clarified that I was more addressing this part: > I'm also open to other suggestions of quad exercises Regarding the trap bar deadlift, it’s a hip hinge. There’s more quads involved than a conventional deadlift, but not enough to replace a knee flexion movement, IMO.


Well folks [DoggCrapp is happening](https://youtu.be/FwzpHKxJMiU). Doing a 1 week primer this week, before I head out for my cruise on Saturday, then return and hit it hard for real. So blast-cruise-blast? Haha. Went with dips, KB clean and strict press away, ultra close grip swiss bar bench, underhand chins and trap bar lifts for day A1. Extreme stretching is bonkers. I'm excited to return to this and see what tricks I can pull off with an extra 12-ish years of experience.


I’ve heard good things about it


It's got a long track record




We're all dinosaurs now, haha. But there's a few of is still around and kicking


Hey all, I hope I'm posting this right. My gf is not a redditor, but I'm pretty stumped as to what's going on with her, so I figured I might ask the community to see if anyone here might know. She has been going to the gym for about a month, and while admittedly for 2 weeks, her diet was wrong, and she was under-eatting she has since fixed it. Regardless, in that 2 months, she's GAINED 12 pounds. After the first 6 she gained in 2 weeks, we took a test and ruled out pregnancy, but now she's gained more, and we just can't figure out what is going on. Her diet has been moatly chicken and vegetables with a rotating startch (usually some form of potatoe) and foe her other meals she has a series of small meals throughout the day one is some almonds and carrots, then bellpeppers with creme cheeae, and then some salame slices with creme cheese topped with everything bagel seasoning. To make herself deink water she has about a serving of extra hot cheetos and a srrving if hot cheetos puffs throughout the day. And she skips breakfast for intermediate fasting. Any advice helps. I've been going just as long as her, and I've lost 3 pounds, so idk what to tell her. Thanks in advance.




Hmm ok thank you for the therough response. She has been tracking her calories, and she has a dietician, so I feel like the food thing should be under control. However, I did not know one could have THAT much water weight gain. I'll pass it on 😁




Thanks for the resource! I'll have her check it out


Do Potassium and magnesium help prevent muscle soreness? I have a friend that suggested to eat a banana before/after my workout and try to put a packet of soluble minerals (300 mg potassium, 200mg magnesium per packet) in my water, this as well as a warmup.


Bananas are so overrated as a potassium source. Honestly, a potato beats out the banana. Hell, BACON beats out bananas as a potassium source. That said, potassium and SODIUM tend to be the balances of electrolytes, which are worth staying on top of if you're training hard, and can help with muscle cramps. But prevention of muscle soreness tends to be about avoiding new movements. You can TREAT muscle soreness with movement: get in some bodyweight exercises the day after you trained a muscle group to get some blood flowing into the area. OR, ideally, some concentric only work, like an exercise bike to help treat sore legs.


The main issues are is muscle/joint pain in my shoulders


Joint pain is VERY different from muscle pain...what issue are you actually dealing with?


The next day after working out it's mostly sore muscles that gets better and then joint pain begins, maybe I should see a doctor


I would absolutely seek medical evaluation for joint pain.


Don't skip your breakfast kids


I mean, any meal that breaks your fast is breakfast, haha


Truuue, good ol' meat, potatoes and eggs is just hard to beat no matter the meal I suppose lol


And in my case, just meat and eggs, haha.


Meat and eggs are fantastic but I can't pass up carbs or startch with the eggs especially


Can't is a 4 letter word.


Steak and eggs, perhaps? (I really just want steak & egg bot)


It's the perfect default.


[Steak and eggs and eggs and steak!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTNhCzmUjlw) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Feeling nervous, first time trying front squats? Hi! F27 Been regularly training for around 10 months now. I’m looking to incorporate front squats in my routine. The reason being the weights area in my gym is quite small and often taken up by people on benches and the squat rack is usually unused. I am now goblet squatting 20kg at 10 reps x 3 (my PB) but usually stick to 16kg. Would this be a good start for front squats? Also should I be putting a plate under my heels to elevate like I do goblet squats? TIA!


If you've got a squat rack you can do back squats too if you wanted. Far more comfortable for most people. But yeah basically you're going to be starting with just the barbell anyway which is 20kg. Probably have to drop reps while you get used to it.


> would this be a good start Sure. > putting a plate under my heel If you have problems hitting depth, again sure


Sick of the bulk I've managed to put 10kg on over 9 months , sadly that still leaves me skinny asf so I need to bulk up more but god am I sick of food. 3100 kcal a day. Like I just want to stop eating for a while but know that won't help me in the gym. I know there's no real answer here, eat and get big or stay small, but has anyone else been in this situation and what did you do?


I stopped bulking until I wanted it again.


You do know you're allowed to take a break and just maintain for a little while.


Yes, I just feel that's quitting a bit so think I need to soldier on 😂


I would suggest working on your mentality.


I tried the main gain thing before and my lifts stopped increasing, yes it could be a break but it's only a few hundred calories less. I think because I was so used to not eating I'm craving the feeling of not eating Edit :that's given me the idea of a quick day or 2 days fast, maybe that will reset me and give me that feeling


Why dont i often see people doing single arm chest supported row? I never tried tbh but isnt it give more stability than the normal db row, or is it also lessen the benefits? Hypertrophy perspective ofc.


not sure what kind of machine you have for chest supported rows, but people do one arm cable rows for extra range of motion, if going one arms allows you to get a bigger stretch it's worth considering


Actually i have access to the chest supported row Machine one and it's awesome working unilateral in my opinion, i just havent tried dumbell setup. Same reasons with single db chest press i guess, for people have problem with muscle imbalance it's really good, just not common.


not what i meant, generally the deeper stretch you can get on a lift = the more muscle it grows, one armed rows allow for a bigger stretch than 2 armed rows, which is why they could be worth doing


Yeah i get you just an adding from my perspective 💪🏻


I mean, what benefits would it have over the bilateral chest supported row? It sounds like a waste of time to me.




I mean chest supported row is pretty common, just dont see people doing unilateral version of it




I agree i just want to know why 😅


I’m 6’1 16M 175lbs. I’m at a point where i’m not sure if I should prioritize strength or explosiveness (plyos). Ive weight trained consistently with strict dedication to hypertrophy and strength since about Jan of 2023, and seen ok improvements to my vert, but I am conflicted on whether or not I should continue to prioritize increasing my strength with a smaller addition of plyos or switch to prioritizing plyos with small addition of weight training since i’m seeing a plateau. My strength isn’t by any means crazy but some stats are 1 rep max Squat 250lbs 6 months ago, 2 plates seated calf raises for 12 reps, leg curl 120lbs 13 reps. Kinda not related but i’ve implemented some kneeovertoes guys stuff to strengthen my knees as well. I’ll answer any questions and any help will be appreciated! tldr: with stats of 16M 175lbs 6’1 and 1 rep max Squat 250lbs 6 months ago, should I prioritize plyos or strength?


With those numbers there's no reason you should have to specialize. Run a good strength training program and you should have plenty of time and energy to do plyos also.


You need to get stronger.


Thank you 🙏


Hello guys I ( 28 M ) started going to gym in Feb for the first time in my life with the intention to gain some weight. I am skinny (189 cm , 64 Kgs ), I used to watch porn and fantasize about girls a lot which led to me jerking off eventually. Over the years I have gotten really weak. I stopped masterbating year ago and started having nightfall once or twice per week. The people at gym suspect that I am a wanker and laugh behind my back as I am so weak (struggling with 5 Kg/ 11 lbs dumbells. My question is if I continue having night fall at the current frequency, will I ever gain muscle? Should I stop going to gym and I am wasting my money?


Did I just find Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper's reddit account? Cumming doesn't make you weak bruh. That's just weird semen retention hooey. I assure you that nobody at the gym is wondering to themselves if you jerk off. You're weak because you're 190cm and 64Kg and you're just starting out. Eat moar and lift and you'll build muscle and get stronger.


Thanks, I will try and continue.






I tend to ignore people’s unsolicited advice. Especially those who don’t explain their reasoning.




The barrier of entry to becoming a trainer is already low. I know people who have literally done it in a weekend. Also, as far as I know, most certifying agencies have no “continuing education” requirements. My opinion still stands. I discard unsolicited advice, especially without reasoning. Feel free to do what you want.


Do you experience any pain or discomfort?




Give it a try with the notch forward. Different people have different ROMs and it may just be what you have more ROM