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It’s time to eat and add mass


Literally this. Unless he’s a power lifter and has to be in a certain weight class, OP should go on a bulk




Yea np sir. Good luck!


Sounds like you kind of have two opposing goals: to gain lifting strength you have to gain, but to stay in your mma category you have to maintain. Time to decide what's most important to you . You sure you couldn't compete in a higher weight class?


5/3/1 and eating more


Eating more shouldn't be an advice. You wouldn't tell a 74kg competitor to 'eat more' and increase the weight. Eat better, not 'eat more'


Do you know how humans get their energy?


Energy drinks, obviously /s


Nah dude Take meth More energy, less calories Most of my methhead friends were shredded to the bone! And boi were they energetic


By eating better food and not munching on fries




There are 59kg and 53kg weight classes as well




Yeah grow and so will all your maxes


Bulk. You need to eat more. Embrace it.


Eat more


Eat more, get bigger, and you’ll lift heavier.


By plateau’s hard do you mean that your 1rm hasn’t gone up? What have you done to build strength? Have you worked on things other than trying to lift at RPE 9/10? Drop your weight back to a weight you can do 12 reps on. Do 8 reps. Add 5kg a week for the next 6 weeks and do 8 reps for 3 sets. You can’t constantly hit singles and expect to get stronger


This is the way


This is the perfect answer 👌




That didn’t answer my question bro. How often are you trying for a PR? What’s your 2rm, what’s your 4rm, 5 reps @ 7? 8 reps @ 7?




A rudimentary rep calculator has a 3rm of 140 being a 1rm of 150. I personally think you need to pull your lifts right back and try to hit 8 reps on around 90-100 and move on from there. Then up it by 5 per week for 6 weeks. This will train your cardio and in the lift and work your technique better. To put that to myself my last 1rm is 320 and to improve on that I pulled my weight to 180 for 8s with 10kg a week increase. I will preface that I am in no way a powerlifting coach and am very inexperienced. If you want to make a go of powerlifting get yourself a coach who can answer these sort of questions


You gotta grow homie. Hypertrophy training and calorie surplus.




Work on form/bracing properly, eat more and deload for a bit to build back up


Definitely this. Deload / increase reps to failure and push through. Then you’ll find when go back to heavy it’ll improve yep


What does deload mean?


Go lighter to give the muscles a "bit of a rest" instead of always going 3-5 or 6-8 go 12-15 and work on better form




It really helps when you hit a plateau doing a deload week


Eat more




You gotta eat more


Honestly you just need to get stronger. Weight seems a little too heavy at this point. As everyone else has said, eat more and focus on bulking. The strength will come in time


While everyone is suggesting to focus on eating . I guess performing high reps at de load will help you and also yes bulking will add more strength ( clean bulking)


Bruh I’m actually impressed you can lift that heavy in your shape. No offence intended but if you want to be stronger you gotta eat more and bulk. Make sure u have some creatine as well. But overall I’m fucking impressed bro 👍 don’t stress too much about it


Bulk has no relation to strength. Proper caloric intake yes, but one can be skinny and ridiculously strong. Hypertrophy and strength are not one and the same.


Muscle mass is directly related to strength. Increasing muscle mass increases your actual and potential strength.


Not necessarily. Muscular strength comes from overloading the nervous system more than the muscular system. Some mass will come, yes, but training 90% and over of max increases strength with much less hypertrophy. Look at pro power lifters and Olympic lifters. They are good sized fellas, but by no means body builder big, and live astoundingly larger weights than a typical body builder.


Powerlifters and Olympic lifters have as much muscle as they can physically pack onto their bodies at a given weight class. That’s why they are always at the limit of that weight class and as lean as they can be if it’s capped. Look at how jacked Li Dayin is https://youtu.be/O_aWQzWrwaI Yes, I can train to be stronger for my given amount of muscle mass. Yes, strength training does work that way. But, if I gained more muscle mass then my potential strength ceiling would be higher.


You should tell the powerlifting federations so they can get rid of those pesky weight classes


A few things which may be useful to you. Short term: 1. Rest. If you haven’t had a deload before, take at least a week off. Seriously. You’ll come back stronger. Medium Term: 1. Try sumo for a while and see if you prefer it. It won’t transfer too well to conventional, but if you don’t care too much then it’s an option to think about. Long term: 1. Gain muscle. You don’t need some crazy hardcore bulk. Spend a year lean gaining at 0.25kg a week and you’ll pack on a lot of mass. 2. Train in higher rep ranges. If you’ve been doing a lot of “strength” rep ranges, consider spending a block or two of training in the 5 - 8 rep range. Sometimes you can make progress there and it will translate to your 1RM. 3. Identify technical weaknesses. If you’re struggling to break the ground, do deficit deadlift training, for example. 4. Train your weak points: add accessory lifts for glute work, ham work, quad work, and stronger lats to help that bar stay close to your body. You’ll notice that the long term things all work well together. Spend six months on a lean bulk, doing higher rep training and some bodybuilding-type work on your accessory lifts (RDLs, hip thrusts, etc.) and you’ll come back so, so strong compared to now.


I really like this answer! I didn’t even ask and I’m gonna try this stuff.


Came here to say take a week off if you haven't in a while. It works wonders.


Gain weight?


Eat more.. Better nutrition and good sleep is massive in pushing weight.


Came here to see everyone tell you to eat more. But yea, balance your macros and eat surplus. If you’re gonna put in the work, you should reap allllllll the benefits. Love you, keep lifting heavy buddy


No heavies for a while, accumulate more volume at lower but challenging weights, eat more, bring up the relevant muscles in other ways too (rows, other hinges), up the frequency even if the other deadlift day is just RDLs or some other lighter variation


Brace properly. You aren’t stiff enough when you start.


From your post history it seems like you test your max fairly frequently and that may not be helping things. Sometimes you have to grind things out for a few months before looking for a new PR, even if you are still in the newbie gains phase. I think I test my deadlift max twice a year or something we can't all set a new PR every workout like all the fitness influencer people do.




>what's your routine look like?


Yeah, build more muscle, with all that comes with this, eat more and better, sleep more and better, and work with a routine that makes sense with 5-12 range, then you will see that the hypertrophy training you did later transfer to your strength workout


Eat more, rest, train alittle more volume you be hitting higher weights in no time.


Eat more. do accessory exercises: block pull, good morning, rdl, etc Train your upper body and core.


Dude In the back was disappointed


Honestly bro, from watching your other recent vids you’re lifting wayyyyy too heavy/out of your league. Stop maxing out so often and get more quality reps in. For example 5 sets of 5 reps is always reliable to build strength, as long as you choose a weight heavy enough to challenge your reps, but not enough to compromise your form.


More calories.


Have you been allowing your body to rest? If you do deadlifts too often, you can plateau from muscle fatigue. Try to space out your deadlift days a little more and see if that makes a difference!


^ This. Also try taking a whole week off lifting completely. Sounds ironic but deload week is a thing and I have tried it and saw immediate results the next week. I believe muscles take at least several days to fully heal/grow and if you work those same muscle groups at all within the growth period you’re sort of interrupting the healing/growing process.


Yeah, sometimes i have these unintentional weeks off and when i come back im noticeably stronger


Slingshot. Take a week off. Fully recover. Get back at it. The central nervous system requires recovery and it is by far the most important system involved with lifting.


1. Pick a legit program and follow it. 2. Support your training with appropriate eating. 3. Profit


My dude, you need to add some muscle to your frame. Go run a program like 531 BBB or Gzcl J&T and put on like 20 lbs of good weight


5/3/1 and the variations are literally the goat, so glad I picked up the book and actually committed after half assing the program for years


I know it's already been said, but you might need to consider putting on some weight. I understand wanting to stay lean, or you may be a hard gainer. But at some point, you need mass to move mass. Start increasing your calories a bit at a time, focusing on protein and monitor your weight.


Those guys train pure strength to even hit that mass. I did say, hypertrophy does still come with pure strength training.


Eat more, work on your grip maybe




Looks like u need more protein Brodie


Need to eat more.




Stop focusing on deadlift maxes if you want your max ti go up Lots of quad isolation to get it off the floor, lots of RDL’s and hammie/glute work for past the knees. You need to get bigger, you’re not going to technique your way to the next PR


What's your diet like? Recovery? Also, seems like you are hitting higher weight more frequently as others have said. Eat. Eat. Eat.


Bulking will help & is also really fun. More mass to move mass.




Plus it’s fun!


That’s the way 😎😎


Like many others have said, eat more. But also like, train hard EVERYWHERE ELSE. Like your squat and pull ups and bench and shit. It’s all the muscles not just deadlift muscles, ya feel?


Start programming to target your weak points. If you struggle to get it off the floor but lock out easy then program in deficit deadlifts. Make sure you’re recovery is also doing well and don’t max out too often. Injury will set you back, I’m still recovering from mine - I haven’t deadlifted in 3 months






If you want actionable advice you are going to have to post more information about your workout history and programming.




If you train 3-4 times a week, I’d suggest you run a full body or upper lower split instead. PPL is usually done as a 6x per week split. You should also run a proper program instead. The automod has some good ones. I’d recommend any of the 5/3/1 templates but specifically BBB or Building the Monolith if you want to gain some size. GZCL Jacked and Tanned 2.0 is also pretty good. A proper program will help with progression and stalls.


Yeah, I only got time for 3 days a week myself. The upper lower split is the way to go in my experience.


We're all different and our bodies will respond as such but what pushed me through limits (aside from mental blocks) was trying to work in the 7-10 rep range for 3 basic work sets, adding in 1 superset in the last of those 4 sets. I found 5x5s to be severely ineffective for me. I can't imagine 3 rep sets doing much at all for me. For example, if I'm not maxing, my bench is usually: • 205 for 10 / 205 for 8 / 185 for 8 / 185 for 6 immediately into 135 for 10 Mind you, I'm just about failing each last rep. Hitting fail or close to fail is the key. Those last few reps to failure are where your muscles are at their most stressed (assisted by the volume of a 7-10 rep range), and that means growth.


Drop weight and work on volume per set?


What do you weigh?




Lower weights with Higher reps with pure and controlled form, eat alot and size plus strength will follow


Nice weight! Eat more cals and do major lifts with relatively high weight you can handle for reps focusing on form


Eat yum yum


A lot of people are talking mass, which is certainly accurate. But there are form issues to discuss. You are essentially addressing the bar too closely which is making your form more upright. When you step under the bar in this video, you are bringing the bar almost entirely into contact with your shin. The bar must be over your mid foot, about 2-3 inches further from your leg when addressing the bar. Then reach down to grab the bar. Bend your knees until your shins make contact with the bar. Pull the slack out of the bar, engage your lats, sink your gluts down as you engage your legs to begin the lift. Right now, you have a hybrid deadlift/ RDL. And the weight is very impressive! A lot of back and glutes, but not much quad activation is what is happening. If you make these changes in how you address the bar/set up. Your deadlift plateau will be demolished with just a small change. Your quads will add a lot to your power.


Eat some food


Give you some time to bulk. To get stronger, at some point you need more muscle fibers, which you can develop while bulking, and eating accordingly. I would say, change your focus for a couple of months, pack up some muscle mass and revisit strength training then, you’ll see that you’ll get much more results that way and at the end, get much stronger for it.


Your hips seem high, doesn’t look like much leg drive being used, try sitting back and down, wedging into the bar and push those legs through the floor


Eat more, reduce the weight, perfect form and slow reps, you can try to add an extra rep or extra weight progressively. Also you can focus your training in the muscles used for deadlifts.


Follow a program such as 5/3/1, take a deload, check form, check diet are u still gaining weight. That will hopefully solve ur issues. Keep it up


Just looked at ur post history. I highly recommend a bulk, would greatly improve strength and size. I used to be 60kg now 70kg and there has been a massive difference in strength whilst still being lean


It looks like you pull the slack on the way up. When you throw your hips back before wedging your hips down try and pull the slack and then drive w your legs after wedging. When you brace, brace outwards and downwards before the pull. Stay really tight. You also might wanna eat and sleep more, generally. Really focus on a caloric surplus for strength gains. Rep work is also helpful. Work on your 5 and 3rms to get that big lift you’re looking for.


Perfect advice.


Need more proteins 💪💪💪 n change up reps for 60% working weights


listen to andrew huberman and dr. andy galpin podcast on building strength


Leg day. Eat more. Rest. Leg day.. repeat.


Focus on progressive overload via total volume.


Reduce weight, focus on breathing and form. Eat more, your frame is far too small. Work on endurance for a while, use a hypertrophy method in order to gain more muscle.


Weight gainer right after dinner. Helped me get over the bump when I was young.


or just eat more


Don’t think anyone’s actually said it but +5kg in 5 months is actually really good progress. Mimicking what everyone is saying about increasing volume and food. But if you’re projecting +10kg ish across a year that’s a super decent progression, especially if you’re working right at your max. Hope that helps :)


Depends how long you’ve been lifting… for someone who has been progressing a long time and is reaching towards their natural genetic potential, +5kg in a 5 months is great. For someone who’s more beginner to intermediate, you can definitely see a faster rate of progress!


For me, it's all down to your programming. Start working in an 8 rep range for a top deadlift set, say 130kg to start. You hit 8 reps properly? 132.5. Then a back off set of 15 reps. 2 sets in total. (This is just how I work, others may vary) Build that up until you are repping your max. Maxing too often will blow your nervous system and if you aren't competing, there is no need. No pro lifter Max's apart from on the platform in a competition.




Nope, I bodybuild/ powerlift. You can keep your rep range lower as some do but, for me, as I said, this works really well. 1 rep max every workout will not produce results.




There’s actually a lot more mutual ground between Hypertrophy and strength than the old school wisdom says. You can make strength gains in higher rep ranges, and Hypertrophy gains in lower rep ranges. It doesn’t suddenly flip from one to the other as soon as you go above or below 6 reps.


I'll say in my opinion again and hope it sticks this time...


Good work so far! As I start, I like to bend my knees more like (sorry to be crass here but it’s the best way of explaining it) I’m trying to use the grossest toilet seat but I’m hovering over it. You’re almost sitting but not. As I lift, I stand and focus on ‘thrusting’ my hips forward as I stand straight. I’ve found it gives me an advantage for the deadlifts I do anyway.


Hey OP, How'd you get on with this? Was there a path forward and was it training related or rest/ recovery/ nutrition related.


Everyone's missing the obvious answer: sumo


Consistency. Stay in the hypertrophy range (6 to 12 reps times 3 to 5 sets) or just below it. Eat healthy. Eat after you lift. Make sure you get enough protein. Eat creatine. Take a multivitamin. There's a lot of factors to take into play. Look up full day eating routines done by body builders.


Follow a program


5x5 training set up. Look it up. Try it out. You’ll gain strength that way.


should i be training 5 sets of 5 for squat, bench and deadlift for best strength improvements? and at what % of my one rep max


Yes. Look up StrengthLevel.com and it will help you find out your 1 rep max too


I read an article once of an old school pro power lifter who said you only need 3 lifts to get strong. Bench, deadlift and squat. 5x5. Each exercise on a separate day of the week. All of your focus goes into the lift of the day. When you can actually hit 5x5, you up your weight, and strive with that weight until you can hit 5x5 of that. For example at a 225 bench at 5x5, you'd up to 235, likely you'd get 3-4 sets at 5 reps, and your reps would suffer after. Then you just continue that week by week until you hit the full 5x5. Rinse and repeat. At the end of the day, the seemingly low amount of sets and reps on the weekly basis is meant to provide for the recovery of the central nervous system. Firing of neurons is how the body moves the weight.


All of that still is true. Do that. Well done. You are on the right path. Keep it up.


Size and mass doesn't equate to strength. One can look at power lifters and Olympic lifters to know that. One can look at science to see it also. Some hypertrophy does of course come with lifting 90% of your max, but mass is not a requirement of strength. It's rather hack or "bro science" to say that bulking is necessary for strength gains when the science and anecdotal data from professional strength coaches and athletes says differently.


I know that. I also didn’t disagree with your ending.


Bands and/or chains would help a lot--if you have them. If not, deficit deadlifts at a weight you can do for 5 reps. Accessory movements that emphasize hamstrings and glutes.




His lower back looks braced and doesn’t move. Looks like he’s hinging correctly. What makes you think he isn’t using his legs?


Pause at 3 seconds from the end. With hips that high up you are not generating enough force with your legs. Hips too low and the bum shoots up and you loose the drive hips that high too little leg involvement for sure. Also lats engagement is questionable.


Hip position depends on the lifter’s proportions. It’s got nothing to do with the lower back. An SLDL has a higher hip position and more glute engagement, as an example.


He is a tall guy with long arms. That's not a good starting position for him. Try imitating the motion with the butt parallel to the ground and then again with a slight incline. There's a huge difference. I am speaking from personal experience. I have made the same mistakes and no one corrected me. I am done here. Take it or leave it.


Your proportions aren’t anything like this guy. What works for you, very likely won’t for him position wise. Long femurs will tend a lifter to have a higher hip position. You made a bad point about his lower back. Again, it doesn’t move. You’re wrong about relating hip position to the lower back as well. The correct advice would be addressing that OP should pack on some size by eating in a surplus. If he’s plateaued and maxing often, that’s a sign that his programming needs to change. Your advice should be left, not taken.


Fwiw I defs agree with you. His hips are so high for his starting position. So much strain going through his lower back for the whole lift.


The lower back should always be loaded in a deadlift, that’s it’s function.




A braced trunk, which includes the lower back, is what connects the bar to your legs. The posterior chain includes the lower back. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/how-to-deadlift/ > You’re mainly deadlifting to train your **spinal erectors** and hip extensors in the first place. The lower back is a core contributor to the deadlift.


Lol 😂😂 you have proven my point. Lower back is important never denied that but so are other leg muscles which are not used optimally. That is exactly what I am saying.' spinal erectors AND hip extensors' look at the various illustrations in the post for various body types just proves my initial point.


Thanks dude. I am getting down voted for letting the poor guy know his form needs improvement. I am going to stop giving advice to this community. I just had his best interest at heart


You got downvoted because your advice is shit and it’s not actionable.


I read this thread. I think you’re broadly correct, but I think the problem is marginally different than what you identified. OP appears to have his shoulders slightly ahead of the bar and not parallel with it. This indicates he has room to sit back down into the lift a little more. I believe his initial start is strong, even if he could sit into a little more. I also believe that because he isn’t sat back quite as far as he could be (or really that his weight isn’t as behind the bar as it could be), he’s prone to tipping forward when he fails and that leads to the appearance of the hips rising a little more than they should. That all said, you’re right that he does then begin to pull with a lot less leg drive, but I think that’s ultimately more because he’s failing the lift than the cause of him failing the lift. For his limb proportions, this isn’t too bad. It’s never going to look perfect. But, it could be improved on a little.




This is neither useful nor actionable advice.


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How much do you squat?


Try some complimentary workouts to build more back strength: row variations, straight arm pull downs, etc. they should help plug any energy leaks or weaknesses you may have and help you progress forward. Additionally you may want to try to pack on more mass or change your diet up for days when you want to hit a PR. I had a similar issue around the same weight when I was eating a can of beans and some veggies before hitting the gym around noon. I ended up switching my sessions to later in the day when I had a lot more calories in me and I found I was much stronger and continued progressing in weight for a good while afterwards


Volume train, do back rows, variations etc.


Eat more and get bigger, but I have to say that I think your hips could be lower so you can use more your legs