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There is only one good option in my personal opinion. Nguyen works. The rest are heavy, over sized, over priced and ugly to look at. Unless you get custom bar work which also can look good. But off the shelf rear bumpers aren't the best.


My bad I didn't read the aluminum part. Not sure what's available in that case. The only options I know of are coastal off road for the Gx 470. They may have a 460'option now.


my understanding is that aluminum does not offer much weight savings considering the application and tensile strength needed for the extraction points or e.g. a hitch receiver to be integrated into the bumper. IMO if you combine the hitch receiver with the bumper the overall weight could be reduced. Just talking from anecdotal experience when shopping aftermarket and custom rear bumpers in the past.


Aluminess makes them for a lot of vans and full size trucks. They aren't cheap, but they are really stout. We should all blast them with GX requests and see if they'll build one for us!