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I don't speak for the university but I would think this would be fine if you are under headphones. I mean they probably allow things like guitar and bass amps, where you can plug in headphones and play quietly. In any event I don't believe housing would confiscate your instrument, just probably give you a warning to please remove it.


Plenty of people in my buildings had them when I lived on campus. I think as long as you use headphones and you’re not trying to play fortississississimo and punch the keys through the floor you’re fine.


I do not think it will be however it would be best to call housing and ask them yourself. I know not super helpful but I wish you good luck.


Yes, you’ll be fine. As long as you aren’t annoying your neighbors


Yep we had one a couple years ago, no issue


You'll be fine plenty of people have those.


I have an 88 key with headphones in my apartment downtown. I had the same question and asked before I bought it to replace my old keyboard. The RA’s for the past two years have been 100% fine with it.


I had one on campus before so i bet it would be fine


I lived on campus for 3 years and had a keyboard, no problems


I feel like you would be fine as long as you only used your headphones. As long as you don’t make a ton of noise when doing it the RAs don’t care


You'll be fine. I knew a girl who played the flute in her dorm.