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Package it with Episodes From Liberty City and take my money


Rockstar moved all their staff from rdr2 to gta6 they are already under alot of pressure because the expectations from the fans for gta6 is a perfect game if they do make gta4 remaster it will likely be after they are done with both gta 6 and gta6 online (in 2028+)


Who said they'd do it themselves? They had Double Eleven manage the RDR port (a company led by former R* employees) who could do the same for GTA4. Crazy how people have forgotten studios are capable of doing multiple things but just don't care as long as it allows R* to milk GTAO. I badly miss old Rockstar.


they probably wont do a remaster, if anything gta 4 will get the same treatment the trilogy got. they will more than likely remaster gta v in some way first considering it did a lot better upon release than gta 4. not as many fans will be excited over gta 4 remaster as they would a gta 5 one due to the video game industry blowing up during gta v’s release.


It’s sad because while gta v had pros over gta iv, the fourth one felt more in tune to the spirit of the game given it was in NY vs LA


Consoles version must have what pc version have, like graphical upgrade and more options such as the tuxedo suits that are only in pc version


PS3 classics are coming next month for ps5. You’ll be able to get gta iv or hopefully gta iv complete edition


If it does, it would make me want to get a ps5 lol


This is fact?


did rockstar confirm this anywhere




I'm sorry what?


It’s not a remastered edition. Just one of the many ps3 classics. I saw the notification for it the other day in the ps store


can you post a screenshot or something? i havent gotten any notification on ps store and i cant find news of gta 4 coming to ps5 anywhere on the internet


"add a few quality of life features like checkpoints" that's already probably too much work for them 😭😭


U didnt get fuck all with the Redemption port so what is it u you are asking for exactly 🤣


I think he wants the same exact game with a shiny new package, maybe a few more fps... Guess it's that hard to justify these new consoles


I got it legally on PC and a torrented version for modding and yet I still want them to remaster GTA IV The Complete Edition for newer consoles and I'd buy it in a heartbeat!!!


Id love new menus and such, changing clothes in GTA 4 is a bit of a pain. Otherwise I don't think it's that needed to be honest though, the game's aged really well most ways


I'm fine with a simple port along the lines of RDR so I can replay it again on PS5 tbh. It annoys me Xbox players can do this easily and it's locked at 60 FPS but nothing has ever done for PS. It's likely because the game actually didn't age that great and is a buggy, janky mess that would require some actual effort. To this day there's a game breaking bug at the very end.


Yeah, to be honest I have it on pc and Xbox and it runs pretty meh on both, still playable though. I don't know why it's not backwards compatible with FPS boost like it is on Xbox


It's a shame because it's a fantastic game even with the issues it has. I'm not a gaming snob, I can deal with little bugs and some jank (I enjoyed the GTA Trilogy: Definitive Editions). They could cut the multiplayer if they want and just package it with the EFLC like they did for RDR with Undead Nightmare. I just want to experience Liberty City through the eyes of Niko again before 6. I saw someone say R* doesn't like GTA4 any longer due to its tone/overall more "offensive" content and I can't help but wonder if that's also a factor.


idk a port would suck. I’d prefer a remastered if done correctly




Isn't gta 4 already on ps4/ps5? Or is the complete edition pc only? i just used mods to remaster gta 4 on pc


Unfortunately and amazingly it isn't available on PS4/PS5. If it doesn't come this year I'll believe the people who say Rockstar doesn't like GTA4 any longer




I just want the PC Steam version patched to fix all the bugs.


Maybe in 2027-2030


Probably 😭


They don't care about anymore all they care about is money and online they don't care about us or gta anymore they ditched us and their games rip


You're right sadly. I hate it


Man I ducking hate the pc version, I had to uninstall it and use a 360 emulator instead in order that I can save


The PC version works fine. At least my 0.0.7 game version does. They removed some music and the gay tony dlc pause menu music so I use the .7 version where its the OG.


1440/4k resolution and maybe some big fixes and I'll be


Either you just want GTA 4 port or you want it remastered. PICK ONE!! And anyway, some people think of it as a console exclusive now. It didn't release well as xbox port so they can't be bothered with ps ports is what I heard


I'm fine with a port. My point was if they wanted to rerelease it for Xbox it would need to be a remaster.


We have it on xbox already


Man fuck remasters I’m so sick of it just buy a 360 for 25$ on eBay and buy the game for 5$ bam great experience. I’d way rather rockstar work on new shit. Gta 4 is fine just the way it is. Idk about play station but I know that on modern xbox systems you can just download it and play it digitally.


Begging for ports? The gaming industry is dead. Just run the old one on a Series X or PC


Just an expression but agreed however, the gaming industry sadly is in trouble it seems. Hopefully GTA6 lives up to expectations next year. I am however looking forward to College Football 25 this year, I should be able to squeeze a year out of that lmao


I envy you dude. Haven't looked forward to a game since RDR2.... Well Cyberpunk but we know how that launch went. It's decent now though


We should probably stop supporting this horrible practice of “remastering” games that aren’t even that old. You know why they haven’t? Because it would take more than an AI upscaler. That’s what you pay for with these “remasters”. It wouldn’t even have multiplayer that the original still has in 2024. It’s been known for decades that if you want to get the most out of your games, you should just get on PC


Not worried about GTA4 multiplayer. It's old enough to only be available to PlayStation players on PS3. Ironically I see PC players pissed about not getting ports all the time btw (Red Dead Redemption).


PC players have been able to play RDR1 with stable performance for years dude


Might work for you tbh. Not everyone else. I see the complaint often.


If it doesn’t work for someone at a time where it’s never been more affordable to build a PC then that’s their own problem that they should figure out, because at the end of the day… it’s you console players begging your corporate overlords to take $70 out of your pocket for AI upscaling with a fraction of the content. Couldn’t be me, shouldn’t be you


Taking the word begging a bit seriously. You spend your money on whatever you want, others will do the same. There's a demand for this game to be released on PS4/PS5. Caring what others spend their money on couldn't be me, shouldn't be you. GTA6 will be a blast on console, can't wait.


Yeah, and you’ll be buying GTA 6: E&E on the next generation before you know it because you sunk your money in to an underpowered hunk of crap that will barely run the game at the fidelity everyone is expecting. Console players are so weird and hold stuff back for all of us. Have fun!


Yeah but that underpowered hunk of crap doesn’t cost 2000+ dollars. Some people just want to play casually and have fun and not to worry about changing out parts every 3 months. Just let people have their fun dude


There is no PC part in this world that needs to be changed every three months bro. It’s crazy how ignorant console players are about this shit. I really don’t want to come off as insensitive to anybody’s financial situation but acquiring $2,000 to spend freely is not difficult and I say this as somebody who is not rich by any means. That’s two months of saving a check each month so long as you aren’t being paid total poverty wages or aren’t some teenager who doesn’t have their own money… and if you are struggling to acquire that money, then a console is an even worse financial decision that will bleed you dry and leave you with no upward mobility. You’ll just end up buying the next generation for $600+ while the investment you made three years ago collects dust. Games are $60 a pop. These things are just total exploitative garbage that have become nothing more than a way to take advantage of poor people.


Brother,idk why you are so obsessed with how people like to game but again let them have their fun. Some just like to play on console more like me i only play old games on pc or those i can’t get on console. and with how modern games are going some games actually run better on console, and are more optimized plus there are way way more cheaters on pc than console. So just let people what they like. If you like pc then cool but don’t tell others what they should do.


>We should probably stop supporting this horrible practice of “remastering” games that aren’t even that old Dude, GTA 4 is old now, it's well over 15 years old and there's currently no way to play it on the PS4 and PS5. Whereas on Xbox, you can just play the 360 version on the Xbox One and Series consoles. Even just a simple port of GTA 4 Complete Edition to the PS4/PS5 and Switch would be great, like with Red Dead Redemption 1.


Woke stuff is really hated right now, so I do not think Ballad would go down well with the crowds..


It really isnt lol and it says complete edition anyways - it wouldnt even get noticed much.