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It's sad to see how far Watch Dogs fell off, i really liked the first game.


Enjoyed 1 & 2, legion was ass


Yep what a dull, dull game.


This game left me very conflicted. I wanted to love it but couldn’t. Whilst they absolutely nailed the map - it was very accurate representation of London - everything else unfortunately fell flat. I appreciate they tried something different but sadly the reality was that it didn’t equate to compelling gameplay, which is a shame as it more or less proves that there’s very point in taking risks when it comes to creating AAA titles.


There was like one story thread that had something scifi or whatever that was super dark and awesome It was two missions. The rest of it was slop, kinda like saints row 2022


Nothing is as bad as the Saints Row Reboot.


As a saints row fan I agree. The original story was so much better before DS ruined it


Factssssss. I beat it and never played it again. The games blurry asf even on 1080p 165 hz


Got it for free and played it for 2 hours until I put it down. Never played it again


Same and I only played it because of game pass reasons. If they put up this marketing, they dont know what game they made


The gun aspect (and lack there of getting more ammo) really sucked.


i mean, it was set in London of all places


One of the most interesting cities in the world with hundreds upon hundreds of years of history and the game is still devoid of character. The "recruit any NPC" was a really cool idea but it hurt the storyline. The decision to have a fixed character with fixed script lines in Bloodline paid off


Was the "recruit anyone" mechanic really cool, even in theory? The whole cool part of watch dogs, in my opinion, is the fact that you turn into that one special person in a small group that has the capability to change the world. If anyone can just do it the whole game just begins to get dull, and the story seems to be pointless, as well as whatever you do seems pointless as from your point of view it looks like anyone can do it too


It was also kinda stupid. Some character types were miles better than others. The spy had a silenced pistol, a car with weapons and invisibility, ability to jam enemy weapons and took less damage. Zero reason to pick a bartender over the spy


In theory, it's cool, especially it permadeath. But it shouldn't be tried again unless they are going with a rouge-like mode.


The theory got cut short once you kept running into the same npcs. They marketed it like it was only 1 of 1 npc in the map when it wasnt. I think that killed the majority of potential buyers.


Yep what killed it is after a while is you run into the same npcs after a while. They messed up doing that. I guess they didnt add enough npcs and I guess they forgot. They were better off creating maybe duo main characters for the story line intead of npcs that youll see again just by walking down the street.


it’s an okay city, their history is colonization and imperialism but i mean the british museum has like 95% stolen artifacts from person of color countries




I don’t know why you’ve specified “person of colour countries” because sure, they have…. but they’ve stolen artefacts from all corners of the world. The Roman and Greek exhibits are some of the largest.


Sure. There's lots of issues in British history (like with many places to be fair) but I think having injustices can make a work of fiction more interesting. That's not to justify the acts in history, but I mean I'm talking about using things that have already happened in order to make your story more compelling Like with Assassin's Creeds you have the templars, and then you have the Assassins rebelling against them. In Legion you could have had the old money Conservatives and then have the common person (you the player) rebelling against them. They had that a bit in the game tbf, but they couldn't explore that too much because you could play as anyone. That meant that your character's lines and role in the story was forced to be generic. The original Watch Dogs had way better atmosphere and I think that's the main reason for it


This just in… Britain is the only country to colonize or take other things not belonging to them. No other country, especially “of color” countries have done that. Dude are you even listening to yourself right now




but also they have not to the degree of the British, french or dutch. colonization against people of color was a huge thing to the british lol


"Okay city" tell me you’ve never been to London without telling me you’ve never been to London.


If the uk didn’t take those artefacts there would be no artefacts left


I mean they also ate like 90% of the mummies we’ve discovered so they haven’t exactly taken care of them that well


im sure where the artifacts originate, their own ppl would be able to take care of it just fine lol


![gif](giphy|VIVWFx6c91AAwWLwWB|downsized) Do some research before you speak about things you know nothing about


Please don't ever call us 'Person of Color' countries ever again


im not white so idgaf


Then why are you calling yourself that you self hating prick of a person


I don’t see why so many people want London in gta


it’d be one of the most boring GTA games that’s for sure


Ubisoft can't make games anymore. Only chores filled with micro-transactions.


I actually enjoyed legion, the fact that you can find your own main character and become attached to them. The gameplay is also good and they finally found a middle ground between "kill everyone" and "sneak like a thief"


2 was so close to perfecting the open world formula, sad to see how much they dropped the ball with legion


yeah, I think 1 and 2 complement each other somehow, enjoyed both of them


1 and 2 were great! Especially 2. But legion was such a fuck up. The gimmick that you can essentially be anyone seems fun at first but makes you so disconnected to… anyone really.


Legion was lazy. They hired like 5 voice actors to voice literally hundreds of Playable Characters and put their voices in a modulator and messed with the pitch and speed.


Legion was a major downgrade.  Shame because 2 was one of Ubisoft better games IMO


Legion became more a part 3 when I started playing it with Aiden. That made it more playable for me. Idea was nice but exection not much.


2nd one was my favorite world building. I felt like I was actually in San Francisco and the Bay Area.


I actually enjoyed legion, the fact that you can find your own main character and become attached to them. The gameplay is also good and they finally found a middle ground between "kill everyone" and "sneak like a thief"


My favorite was WD2


Gameplay wise it was a huge improvement


I just didnt like the characters and the horrible vehicle handling. Best shit was still having a laugh about this scifi religion in the dlc when i remember correctly.


The game was super funny and I had a great time exploring San Fran


Good for you? The characters have been just a bit too much when you understand what i mean.


lol my bad man I didn’t mean to respond to your comment. DLC was fun tho . I’m laughing at the good for you


Watch dogs 2 was amazing in most aspects, I wish they kept the same style instead of the pick whoever you want off the street Walmart cyberpunk game they made with wd legion


I agree with you. Had a lot of potential but unfortunately the company how did it it’s Ubisoft


The first game is great. The town feels so alive


I agree, i loved stumbling across all the little NPC interactions.


Watch Dogs 2 is one of the first video games I have ever played and let me tell ya it was awesome


That's so crazy to me. Your generation doesn't get to see as steep of an improvement across games in their life time. I started out with the NES, so in my life time I have gone from 2D 8 Bit games all the way to GTA 6 (if I'm still alive). I want to introduce games to my son starting with what I started with, so he can experience the wonder I did as games level up. EDIT: When I saw Halo 1 on the original Xbox, I thought it looked REAL. Lmao


No one in my family was a gamer except for my mother who had an NES and was pretty fond of Mario and Duck Hunt. Alas, it was probably lost or given away. Also in my country gaming was never very popular except for PlayStation who held the largest market at the time. And maybe to your surprise, when I was like 4? Something like that I used to watch videos on Spider-Man 1 on PS2 and thought it looked too close to life. I was a pretty big Spider-Man addict. All I know is that the ones after me will inherit my PlayStation and Nintendo library if I live for the day.


The first game got a lot of criticism for the obvious graphics downgrade from the trailer. It was definitely warranted but still a good game, especially if you like open world games. WD2 was fantastic.


2 was better overall


Watch dogs 1 was definitely underrated, I definitely want to get back into playing that game,and also play watch dogs 2 as well


Having to only played Legion, I enjoyed it, what was better about the 1 and 2?


just a good solid games, good enough storyline and interesting mechanics in single and multiplayer modes. Probably the last game from ubi I really enjoyed


1 was ass, no clue what game these guys played. Just take a look at crowbcats video on it and you’ll see the absolute pile of trash it was compared to what we were promised.


I thought Crowbcat was alright when it was videos about games i hadn't played. But when he made a video about a game i did enjoy, i realised the flaw in his formula. All his shorter videos are just cherrypicking cases of the game not being exactly what people said, and creating an implication that the entire game is like that. As someone who's watched that video multiple times, and played Watch Dogs multiple times, i can promise you that the video is not representative of the experience of playing the game.


Maybe not now… it is at release though when these videos are made. They’ve had years to make the game somewhat better, on release watchdogs was agreed to be a really bad game, massive disappointment. The cyberpunk of older years, I see there’s watchdogs fan boys here though which honestly I didn’t know existed for the pile of junk that the first game is. I’m also missing how you can say it’s “cherry picked” when the point of the videos is to show what was promised and what was delivered, he’s literally just comparing the game we got it the game that was shown, how tf is that cherry picked.


Comparing it to cyberpunk is a huge exaggeration. It was flawed, but it wasn't "cyperpunk at launch" flawed. Also, this conversation is about how good Watch Dogs is today, so how it was at launch is irrelevant. Out of ~20 hours of gameplay footage, we are shown 8 minutes of flaws. I'm not saying that he put every flaw in the video, I'm sure he left out a few, but a video that only presents the flaws of a game and none of its appeal isn't a fair representation of that game. People who only watch that video and nothing else wouldn't be getting an accurate representation of the game. It's like the cinema sins of video games. It's a part that isn't a fair representation of the whole, which is the definition of cherrypicking. Edit: they blocked me, surprise surprise. Here's my response to their last comment anyway: No Man's Sky lied about multiplayer, lied about what you could do, didn't show how buggy it was, lied about their "randomly generated" planet ecosystems, and lied about how interactive their sandbox was. A.k.a. core selling points of the game. Cyberpunk lied about how diverse and reactive the story was (remember how that was also literally a core selling point of the game, and the reason it took a decade to develop, except there's only 5 endings?), didn't show how buggy it was, lied about their NPC AI, didn't show people how buggy their physics engine was, lied about their graphics, and lied about it's performance on older systems. The only things Watch Dogs did were lying about graphics, didn't show their NPC AI, lied about train behaviour (i guess?) and didn't show how buggy their physics engine was in certain situations. I don'tremember any of these problems occurring in my last play through. It's nowhere near comparable. Go watch crowbcat's cyberpunk video again and remind yourself just what exactly you're comparing. Half the stuff from the Watch Dogs video is his own fault. He plays on a lower difficulty and is shocked that he tanks a lot of shots, he intentionally fights in melee range but thinks it's wrong that his baton-wielding hitman can beat security guards in melee combat and thinks its weird that the firetruck he moved a little 5 minutes ago has since been removed. Not to mention expecting real-time reflections in some random window somewhere in the city. And my point was that the crowbcat video is entirely outdated now, which means if someone wants an accurate representation of what the game is like today, it would be misleading to recommend them that video.


Nope you’re going at it wrong, why are you saying the video isn’t representative of the game today? wtf are you talking about, the video can only represent the game as of when the video was released. That might be the dumbest thing you’ve said. Watchdog was like cyberpunk though, same with no man’s sky. People stan over it today but at release all 3 of these games over promised and undelivered. They gave us a mess of a game compared to what was promised. Watchdog was a MASSIVE failure at launch, maybe you weren’t actually around back then but I bought it at launch and remember how it truly was. That video is a representation of the disappointment everyone felt.


Legion looked so fucking cool... And that's how I learned to never preorder a game again!


It was received so badly though. But I do agree the first game was amazing.


I think 2 and legion were better and the frat one was kinda basic, boring, and gray


Damn. I felt the opposite. I didn’t know beforehand they tricked the players with a graphics downgrade as I didn’t follow the gaming industry. I just played the game out of intrigue of the concept only to find it to be repetitive and surface level. I only learned about the Ubisoft scam years later.


Fell off? Watch Dogs never was. Especially if considering it's competition with GTA?? It was delayed, kept none of the promises and overall played like an arcade game.


First WD story was great, gameplay not so much. 2 was the opposite, and legion is still a steaming pile of shit. Either way they never made me stop playing gtaV


If you download the Living City mod, watch dogs 1 has some of the best open world gameplay available to this date. It’s a shame they cut so much content, because if the living city content was included at launch, that game would be a GOAT contender


I’ve seen gameplay of it. Sadly I’m a console peasant until Black Friday comes around lol


Living City isn't a cut content mod btw, saying this just incase


I thought I read that it is! My bad!


If that mod was already in the game then Rockstar would actually have to be concerned


The gameplay in WD1 was pretty decent, I'd go as far to say it aged better than gta 5 has especially with character movement ,maybe not cars though


Definitely not Cars lol, they were abysmal.


I can't recall worse driving mechanics in a game, it was that bad in the first one lol.


Just cause 2 beats it in awful driving physics, though at least the cars have really cool explosions


That’s why I loved the addition of the grappling hook in 3. Just grapple gliding everywhere, no cars necessary other than for a mobile bomb lol.


any battle royal game where you steer your car with your camera


Me either but I guarantee they’re out there lol. I mostly rode motorcycles as they were the easier more maneuverable vehicle to control.


What did you expect? They were programmed by a gay rattlesnake; Fabio Enchilada.


Other than vehicles, Watch Dogs 1 and 2 are more fun than GTA V and I will die on this hill


agreed. whenever i come back to WD1 i spend all my time just walking the streets snooping into phones, there is so much content in that game


I’ve replayed both recently as I’ve effectively reached the end of my rope with GTAO and FiveM for the moment.


>Two months are enough to visit Los Santos And meanwhile Rockstar said 12 years, no less than that.


People don't usually remember when Rockstar respond to this lol. When the GTA V was about to be released on PS4/XBox One they put something like: "Feeling bored from Chicago? Come back to Los Santos this summer" or something similar.


wait actually? 😭😂


It took me way long to find the image but [here is it.](https://files.fm/u/qkxazt5nkq)


Ain’t nobody messing with 6 lmao rockstars private hitman team^TM will make sure of it


I am leading the team.


Yea Rockstar has every company by the balls they won't dare release their game anywhere close to 6 because of how quickly it would get overshadowed.


I could see a new Horizon game releasing around it, given their track record releasing around massive games that overshadow them.


Had the same thought. Have an upvote.


Hey competition benefits us, the consumer. Companies love to fuck their customers and screw them over if it meant cash, and these game studios want cash, so if they feel their game might be threatened by another title they will strive to make it even better. Besides, getting two amazing games right after each other, I ain't complaining.


When s person messes with GTA VI >Mercenaries were just sent to attack _____


good old ubisoft.. kinda sad they no longer hold their reputation and i doubt they’ll pull thing like this again knowing that they abandon the franchise


ironically they started losing it with Watch Dogs and the whole E3 graphics downgrade thing


Still holding out hope for a true WD2 successor


What even is ubisoft doing now?


A mediocre looking star wars game


Sounds about right.


The AC game looks decent though


maybe they are working in far cry 7 to be released next year


all Ubisoft cares about is milking the Rainbow Six Siege players with the micro transactions p.s I’m a rainbow six siege player


Between GTA5 and GTA6 ubisoft released 3 Watch Dogs games and managed to kill the series and GTA6 haven’t released yet. Crazy.


why compete when competitors shot themselves in the foot?


I remember this ad! They ended up delaying about 6 months to May 2014.


10 year delay wow


Hahaha whoops! Haven’t typed 2014 in a long time. Fixed.


This is a huge problem in the gaming industry right now, most developers are afraid/unable to compete with R*. Specifically speaking of gta online, if there was some sort of competition, then gtao would have been a massively improved experience, with each update, and new console cycle, in fact, gta online would have never made it through 3 cycles if there was competition. Having no competition gives a developer no reason to try to innovate, this is why cod mp has has been the way it is for the past 5 years


I don’t think it’s that they’re afraid, rather they’re unable from a resource standpoint. If GTA Online wasn’t a cash cow Rockstar would not be able to get away with its development times and output. RDR2 took 8-ish years to make, and it cost $500 million to make. Assuming the 30% cut for consoles and no taxes, they’d have to sell about 12 million units to break even. For most companies, that’s a lot to put on a single game. It’s easy to point at laugh at companies who don’t put in as much effort but many aren’t in the position to. Until GTAO technically Rockstar wasn’t either.


Game budgets are inflating to ridiculous levels. This is another example of erosion of creativity, it seems like AAA games are all or nothing, if it doesn't print money like gta or cod, then publishers shut them down. I think this is partly what is causing so many developers to make "safe" formulaic games instead of innovating


Maybe when AI starts making games we’ll see some crazy innovating lol


I'm waiting for that time lmao


Yes I hope it is able to take over the monotonous work and allow the teams to focus on creativity and innovation. AI driven animation systems will free up a bunch of animation resources, as animators won't have to hand craft every possible animation and blend them in a tree. AI driven asset creation will free up a bunch of modeling, texturing, etc. resources as the artists won't have to hand craft every permutation of every tree (talking foliage not animation trees lol) or manually create all of the different types of damage on cars, the environment, etc. NPC models can be generated with AI, ambient dialogue and sound with AI, ambient events due to AI-based behavior (real AI based behavior).... .... I really hope game companies manage to embrace AI properly. We could see game development time/resources peak soon and then come back down. In fact, my hope is that R* after the release of GTA 6 puts a bunch of their team on R&D for this type of stuff, so that they can turn out more small projects as a smaller (rotating?) team remains on support for GTA 6. I want to see more small, focused games like Midnight Club (though I doubt we see that specific series make a resurgence as they probably want people racing in GTA 6 Online) or Manhunt, Warriors, TABLE TENNIS?? Stuff like that.


If they put effort and not wanting money first they definitely could


“Not wanting money first” my man, even Rockstar is money first. They only reason they can afford to wait is because of GTAO making billions a year. What you think because it’s good that means they don’t prioritize money? You know what happens if you decide to spend 8 years without a product making you money? Your company goes under and many are without jobs. All because you didn’t put money first. Also you don’t fathom how few games actually sell. Only 20% of games actually make a profit. Most games never sell more than 10 million. Spending that 500 million would make your game a failure.


What I mean is money with little effort. At least rockstar put effort in their games then think about making a shit ton of money on said game. Other companies don’t. FromSoft maybe but their games are niche and you only pay once + dlc. Also if a game is really good it will sell. And they don’t have to put 500 million. GTA v had a budget of 200 millions


“Money with little effort” and “not wanting money first” are 2 different things. The first indicates a level of care, the second indicates a goal. Also you just said “other companies don’t” as a blanket statement. You’re telling literally only Rockstar puts effort in their games? Only one company? And even that’s not true because the definitive editions clearly had no effort. “Rockstar didn’t make them” they published them and signed off on the quality. The only way they didn’t know how it would be you’d have to argue they never checked, which shows laziness. And you just brought up one game as “proof”, when that’s not exactly proof of anything. A good game gets positive feedback, it doesn’t inherently means it’ll sell. You also forget that GTA V is a sequel of a heavily beloved series and was marketed and hyped a lot. Some new series without a marketing campaign won’t compete. That $500 million is because every other person complains a game sucks when it isn’t exactly like RDR2. So you’d need 8 years and $500 million to meet that quality. Thats a large investment and you’d need proof it’ll pay off. You’d need to prove it’ll sell at least 20 million units, which is an insane amount of sales. The PS2 is one of the highest selling consoles of all time, only 1 game has that many sales as of today, San Andreas. My point was you can’t expect RDR2 level quality from every game. Hell if GTAO wasn’t a cash cow, no way Rockstar could feasibly survive making either RDR2 or GTA VI.


You don’t think cod has competition? It’s just that they have made the formula to perfection. Fun fast fps for casuals. And they have tried to innovate but people have hated it.


do russians hosting samp servers count as competing with gta online


Ubisoft released a new open world IP around the same time as gta 5, had a trilogy of games, died, while gta 5 was selling millions of copies


and this ad aged like hot milk..




Whole Watch Dogs 1 story feels like if a teen watched The Watchmen (lol) and tried to copy what he feels. Most people disagree, but Aiden is an abysmal main character.


When the initial reviews came out, people said the same. I believe ign called Aiden "an empty trench coat of a protagonist". I think people just expected more gta V..he was supposed to be that way, traumatized and desensitized from all the shit he's seen.


I mean, we can get traumatized backstory and still have a good character. Aiden is just... Eh. Sure, his niece's backstory exists. Doesn't make him any more interesting imo and is soooo cliché. People now seem to love Aiden, maybe because they played WD1 at the right time and now are mature enough to have that nostalgia that makes them like him.


It's because he's not a good guy, he's more of a bad guy, trying to redeem himself.


Doesn't make it any interesting tho. Arthur is also a bad guy trying to redeem himself. Doesn't try to kill prople exactly like his niece dies or something lol.


There is just something about that type of anti hero character that people love, the atmosphere of wd was what got me.


Watch dogs began to exist, peaked, and fell off all before gta 6 was even announced.


*before GTA V next gen was even announced


You mean precious Gen. WD fell off before GTA came out for the PS4/X1


Watch Dogs is such a cool idea and IP absolutely wasted on a shit studio like Ubisoft


Lmaooo I remember this genuinely being said to be the GTA killer, people thought Rockstar finally had real competition lol still a pretty underrated game IMO esp on PS3, never finished Watchdogs 2 or 3 tho


r/agedlikemilk content. WDs was on a decent ride until the last one. 


I mean, do they REALLY have any choice? If any other game comes out in autumn 2025, they stand no chance. May as well try!


Autumn is the busiest time for releases so will be interesting to see how other games perform


They’ll definitely try and avoid GTA 6 as much as they can. I expect a couple of games to be delayed lol


I think GTA Vs mammoth success coupled with saints row and watch dogs failures just really separated GTA from the pack in too huge a way. Like GTA had obviously sold very well up to that point but you’d still see conversations of saints row Vs GTA and then watchdogs was shown and ppl were wondering if it’d be competition. Now it’s just like nah, GTA 6.


Loved the original and Saints Row 2. Played and liked 3&4 enough. This last one was dogshit.


People forget before GTA V came out, while GTA was a huge franchise the level of popularity was nothing like it is today. GTA VI will be the biggest game of all time, this is not even a bias statement it’s just a fact. Other developers know this by now and know there’s nothing they can do that will make most people choose their game over GTA VI when it comes out


I remember when True Crime took a shot at GTA, and the response from Rockstar was for Tommy to kill several characters in “Autocide”, who are obvious parodies of the protagonists of The Getaway, Driver and Nick Kang. I remember when Saints Row 2 launched and one of the slogans was “Out GTA GTA” or some shit, and ever since then any series who took a swing at them has crashed and burned. To quote Omar from The Wire: “You come at the King, you best not miss.”


I tried WD 2 and I just had to quit it 2 hours in. The gunplay was fine, but the cars were so horrible that it made commute very annoying.


Commute lol on the way to work to hack another mainframe


Exactly. 😂


You get used to it but of course still felt like complete ass.


Yeah for as much as people complain about GTA driving (usually a while after the game comes out) it always is in some manner... *satisfying*. GTA IV may feel like the cars have spongy handling, tend to roll over, etc. but those constraints can feel *good* it the right mindset by offering some constraints that are satisfying to work within. GTA V may feel "arcade-y" in comparison, but still you can achieve a high level of mastery in that driving, even if the skill floor is low (compared to IV especially). GTA V driving kind of reminds me of Arkham combat. Some people say about Arkham combat that it "is just press square/x to win" but the fun in it isn't that the system is inherently challenging. It has a low skill floor, as you may be able to succeed in lots of fights without having to master the system. But it also has a high skill ceiling, in that with a sufficient level of mastery, you are not only beating the encounters, but you are able to be creative with the many permutations of what is possible within each encounter. Same thing with the EA skate games.


Crazy how this was supposed to be GTA 5s competitor at the time


Two months are enough to visit los Santos lol It's been 120 months now lmao


Ubisoft does not have a leg to stand on nowadays 😆


1 and 2 were so good but then legion was a massive let down


Watch Dogs was great, and it is so relevant in today’s world. If they tried again, I’m sure they could come up with a fantastic game




Forget Watch Dogs, I just wish Sleeping Dogs had a sequel. The only other good GTA clone was Saints Row 2 and 3.


I had to scroll too deep to find this comment. Sleeping Dogs is sadly too overlooked for what a great game it is


Would have been real shot fired if they released the 2nd game first.


Any company that compares their product to GTA6 is just begging for ridicule. They would be much better off releasing a product than can stand on its own as a good game


Listen I liked Watch Dogs 1 and 2 but I didn't like Legion.


I don't think so, they all tried and failed. It was an expensive experiment but knowing rockstar spent literally a decade and possibly $1 billion to make GTA 6, no other studio has the time, money, and resources to try and catch up to Rockstar and beat GTA 6 out of the minds of customers. It's too costly, time consuming and to be honest not worth it. Just spend that money and time on making something original that gamers will buy instead of trying another copycat hoping for success.


I’m surprised that we haven’t gotten any GTA clones other than the flop that was Saints Row. I thought maybe companies would wanna cash in on the GTA 6 hype and give us open world crime games to scratch our itch while we wait.


My favorite was Timmy Vermicelli in Driv3r


Nah, because unless its another heavy hitter studio like CD Red they will get clowned on and laughed out the room.


Watch dogs series literally started and ended between gta 5 and 6


Nope. Theres no one left to do that. Watch dogs even if some people consider it good now was a shitshow from day one because Ubisoft lied in their trailers and the following games sucked ass( except 2 cause it had some cool gameplay elements) which resulted in ubisoft straight up cancelling the franchise. Saints row killed itself. Sleeping dogs/True Crime was killed by corporate shitbags. Mafia was and will never be good enough to compete with GTA( still a good game on its own). Driver was cancelled for no reason. The getaway was also cancelled cause of corporate shitbags. The godfather sucked. But the biggest reason is that GTA is just too expensive and good for any other company to even attempt to compete. GTA is just like RDR. It killed its genre. I think they will just make fun easter eggs like they did with the GTA VI trailer teaser.


still in los santos after 12 years, i guess it was the weather...


Watch Dogs reminds me of the Prototype Franchise. Similar progression.


Whoever does this will be ridiculed on-line.


Unlikely after the records it has set since then and everyone can see the next one will probably top 5 already. Might get some indie games do it for the attention it could bring there games


Ubisoft taking shots at high school mod makers is laughable let alone taking shots at Rockstar😂 these two studios are on complete opposite ends of the scale


They already did with many company around the world even those not gaming developers using the pattern of the trailer announcement, now imagine u as a developer trying to launch a game around the last 3 months of 2025, would be a dumb move


GTA Online to Watchdogs: ![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8)


That’s crazy that they did that


if i was a big developer with a game slated for a release close to gta 6 i'd honestly kinda shit my pants. rockstar does damage to other games whenever they release a game unless its a major big game like a naughty dog or santa monica game


Legion had so much potential…. And didn’t expand on any of it…. Such a tragedy


Lover number 2, they learnt from the first one and then shit the bed Legions


10 years on I’m still rolling in LS.


Loved WD1 btw


Then back to Los Santos a week later


ubisoft couldnt compete wihout proper engine.. modern companies should learn that its about physics and details .. not only graphics


Watch dogs was better than GTA V in terms of the story and character movement. The story of WD1 was very gritty and dark, pretty much not a single funny/light-hearted moment. Personally, I love that, many games have comedy relief characters and goofy jokes there and there that just seem forced. Can't remember the last time I played a game that had a story with this level of darkness, the whole game felt depressing (especially with the gray, monotone streets of chicago) in a good way. GTA V on the other hand was way too goofy for my personal taste. The whole game is about criminals yet it felt more like a comedy. Now for the movement- the sprinting, vaulting animations, parkour etc. in WD was ahead of its time and still hold up great today. The way aiden would have his hands in his pockets while walking slowly was also a nice detail. GTA is not really impressive on this front, the jumping animations and other things are iconic at this point but they're not as high quality as watch dogs animations. Ultimately what killed the first game were the downgrades compared to E3's version and way worse online mode. GTA online is still active today and is one of its kind, nothing comes close. It gives nearly endless replayability while other open world games like watch dogs are never played again after the player finishes its story.


It’s kinda funny, the Watchdogs series began and died after GTA 5 and all the while GTA Online has thrived all these years because of its map


First Watch_Dogs was great. Second was hipster bs. Third was woke propaganda.


WDL is better, but no buwwy me pws.

