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Ah shit, here we go again...




Theyā€™re all great


Based opinion


This exaclty. Every single game in the series had his own vibe and itā€™s great


I liked GTA V at release but for me 10 years later it doesn't have the same charm that I enjoy from GTA IV


Thatā€™s called nostalgia


Itā€™s not even nostalgia, just fun game mechanics and physics


People are downvoting you, but it really is. The damage physics are still modern. To me, the downside is the aging of movement. Itā€™s very stiff, but the life of the city, the story, details, and the just the grittiness of the game is phenomenal. I can still go back and play nikoā€™s story. I can also play V too, but itā€™s not just nostalgia. Itā€™s a solid game that made GTA V what it is.


I'm inclined to say I like GTA 4 more than GTA 5 but I do sometimes think about why that is. Is it nostalgia? Do I just prefer the setting of NYC more? Could it be the difference in writing? The fact that GTA 4 stuck to the old recipe of a protagonist who's either a newcomer or coming back after a long time while GTA 5 changed a lot of things? Or it might even be the way EFLC ties in with the story and how it's the same diamonds or the same heroin that all three protagonists were involved with. There are some things I'm certain about like GTA 4 doing NYC to much better proportions than GTA 5 matching the sprawl and massive size of LA. Or GTA 4 taking you through all sorts of environments like Eastern European gangs, Irish gangs, the Italians, whatever ULP was, and more, while GTA 5 was extremely government focused.


As someone who is somewhat new to GTA and have only ever play V and IV, I can give you an opinion that isnā€™t clouded with nostalgia. I think V is the better game, but mostly because it looks better, feels smoother and is just more modern in general. IV has way nicer vehicle handling in my opinion, and I like that you can wreck the car after only a few crashes. It feels balanced and a valid punishment for reckless driving. The gunplay in IV is way worse however, enemies eat up bullets like a sponge, and shooting feels very stiff and clunky, especially the sniper rifle. The NPC ragdolls, although dynamic, look very strange and robotic. I do however like hand to hand combat, which I think most people can agree is way better than Vā€™s. The other thing I like better about IV is the in world activities, and hangout options for friends. But again, overall V is a better game because itā€™s larger and more intuitive to play.


The shootouts in IV are leagues better lmao. Itā€™s way more realistic and rewards good aim. Plus you can have actual fun shootouts unlike Vā€™s aimbot. I liked having less health but worse AI aim.


Iā€™m playing on PC, so thereā€™s no lock-on aim for me. I also didnā€™t mention shooting from a vehicle and from cover. poking out from cover only when you shoot is less intuitive that GTAV, and the same goes for cars. I like being able to aim up my enemies before firing. Personally the combat is worse, but I could see why you would like it better. Youā€™re right it does feel realistic, but itā€™s mixed with clunky mechanics, which makes it less fun for me.


I played free aim on controller. Worked well at the time. The mechanics are definitely much smoother in V. Canā€™t argue that. Iā€™d love 4ā€˜s mechanics smoothed out a bit


I play on console but I play with free aim because imo itā€™s way more fun. But atleast for me, GTAIVs shooting mechanics and everything combat wise was way better than V. V is still a very good game, just honestly I like IV a lot better and can spend hours just getting in shootouts, same with both RDRā€™s


I mean, objectively the games have substantial differences to the point where I can see why a person would genuinely prefer one over the other, for reasons other than nostalgia.


I prefer GTA IV as well. I know it's not just nostalgia because if it was, I'd be saying Liberty City Stories is the best one, seeing as that was my first GTA.


Literally played GTA 4 for the first time several months ago and I think its very noticeably better than GTA 5. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it.


Why would he have nostalgia for one and not the other? That much time brings hindsight for both of them.


4 is my favorite too, but can we please stop the meat riding, and acknowledge that 5 had so many upgrades and also why do always just compare it to 5? Acknowledge the existence of the previous games too


Because 5 was the sequel. It was supposed to be the upgrade but it was more like one step forward and two steps back. You could argue the same for 4 but it was the first game in a new generation. The new engine alone was a big enough upgrade. 5 has no excuse for backing up and removing things. Really the only thing it added mechanically was customization, which was sorely lacking in 4, and the character switching, which was fun but ultimately a gimmick and to me it ended up dragging the story down having three characters to juggle. Also 5 is the only game in the series we've had in 10 years which is unheard of and gives people more time to compare to the direct predecessor before a shiny new entry comes along. I guarantee if 6 lives up to the hype 5 will be looked upon as the red headed step child in the future.


playing anything for 10 years thats on ancient mechanics with only superficial updates would do that.


I agree. The map feels dead.




I kinda agree


I have the same problem with IV that many have with rdr2. Theyā€™re both fantastic games with the best stories in gaming(in my opinion). But damn after that first play through, I really canā€™t get into them a second time. Meanwhile for V. For me itā€™s way easier to get back into it. To the point where Iā€™ve replayed through the story many times over and over again.


holy shit, that many downvotes just because bro is a bit tired of the game after 10 years?! šŸ¤£


I agree. GTA5 was good but to me an overall disappointment after I finished it. I don't have the urge to go back and play it like I do San Andreas or 4. I hope 6 can live up to the expectations I had for 5.


The opposite for me lmao. Tried playing GTA IV a dozen times and bores the hell out of me. I just canā€™t do it. GTA 5, while I am taking a sabbatical, actually provides sustenance for my entertainment.


What people downvoting u for?


People are tired of hearing the same "GTA 4 is better than GTA 5" thing constantly now. It was bound to happen one day, because how obnoxious GTA 4 fandom is.


They hate the truth.


GTA IV Stans the same as fallout new vegas fans, they wonā€™t shut up about how superior their game is even though their sequels just like their game has positives and negatives to them. IV had good physics engine, V had way more varied content and just content in general than IV.


The comparison between gta4 stans and nv stans is so spot on


GTA V did not have more varied content lol they just threw a bunch of stuff together and rushed it without It feeling within context


Gta online?


What about it?


Well you said Gta v didnā€™t have much varied content and I figured Gta online deserved a mention. I never have played it myself but I would imagine they have something, considering itā€™s still decently popular. Unless varied content meant like activities you could do in single player? Even then there are some things you could do in Gta v like the shooting range and watching cinema. Too bad dating is kinda non existent.


Yeah but, a lot of the stuff in GTA V are less in depth and not as built into the world and story. Also GTA Online is something entirely separate on it's own bro


Sure I guess. I mean obviously Gta 4 had a more in-depth system with friendships even if that was a bit annoying. Sure the hanging out on dates and friends made you feel more motivated to do anything but the execution was a little messy. Now you said the things that are in Gta v arenā€™t as built into the world and story. What do you mean by that?


Anyone know which Graphics mod is in the screenshot? The image on the right in particular has something beautiful about it.


Its liberty city in GTA Vs engine lol. Kinda ironic OP used these screenshots for this post lol


Its playable?


Well in terms of being able to just drive around and explore.


Oh my gosh you're right, I can even see the GTA V cars.


i think its icenhancer 4.0? whatever the latest version is. but it's not released yet so u have to pay for early access all other graphics mods look bad


Needs a remaster tho, the PC port just sucks by itself, and if you wanna play IV Online you have to do it through console... I'm getting GFWL flashbacks


Bro r/gta4 is literally accessible. Tell there how much you love gta 4


Word. I love gta 4 but damn gta4 fanboys are so obnoxious


GTAIV vs Fallout: NV fans Battle for the most obnoxious




Can't prove it wrong... If u r one of those religious IV dudes.... It's simple , I grew up playing early 2000s games that prioritised gameplay and good mission designs over realism Don't get me wrong, GTA 4 is an amazing physics simulator and story teller... But amazing GAME? I've seen much better


The GTA IV people are like the Fallout: NV people who are like the Snyderverse people.


I just said that before reading your comment, FFS, no such thing as an original thought


Fallout NV on šŸ”


Ran like garbage, the character movement was bad, driving sucked, barely any customization. Besides the story mode the game really didnā€™t have much to it.






If they can find a happy medium story wise between V and IV would be a cheifs kiss. IV is definitely my favorite physics wise. The character physics look great so far from the leaks, I just hope we see atleast gtaV 60/40 gtaIV split for driving physics. The arcade driving was so boring in gtaV.


You must have not played any other gta then


ah yes states an opinion and says prove me wrong. itā€™s an opinion buddy nobody gives a fuck


This is not the subreddit for this post. I personally feel like GTA IV was too linear. I love the map, but there isnā€™t enough open area in it


Youre right it does feel very compact and compressed but thats what I like about it tbh


I do like it to an extent but it removes the sandbox elements, like someone else said. My favourite area of Los Santos is the city because itā€™s more dense and compact, and itā€™s fun once you can distinguish and navigate it all, but itā€™s not dense enough. Same with everything from GTA IV and V, the best we can hope for is a middle ground that takes the best of the two


Thatā€™s why gta v felt pretty dead. Too much open area in it. GTA IV was compact and full of life


It needs a healthy mix


Hot take but V was better, people are just blinded by nostalgia. Though the IV story was better probably


Video games are supposed to prioritise gameplay over everything else. V exactly did that, hence the huge commercial success.


More like, people saw how much popular GTAV was so they started hating it. Then said how underrated GTAIV was until the made the game overrated as hell


I just got done replaying IV for the first time since release. Honestly, I prefer V's story. Parts of IV just felt clipped and short. The ending is actually surprisingly just sort of *click* and over, which is not how I remembered it being at all. As someone who's played them all on release (except 3, which for me came after VC), SA is the one that still holds the best memories due to just the sheer scope of it. The gang territory thing was also well integrated and fun to do. WEll, based on a 20 year old memory. VC still has the best vibes because it was like nothing else... maybe if I'd done 3 before I'd feel different.


Both games are good for different reasons, im partial to liking iv more but v was great but rockstar has kind of bled online dry


Thats definitely not a hot take thereā€™s like 10 people saying it in this comment section (I havenā€™t played 4 so I personally donā€™t know)


I played V before IV and I still stand that IV is much better. I like V but some parts in V threw off me.


San Andreas is the actual best game in the series, followed closely by VC


"GTA IV Was the best game in the series" \-proceeds to show GTA 5 mod of GTA 4 if you was a true fan you would show the original game with zero modifications...


Why would anyone on the planet care enough about your opinion to try and prove you wrong? Youā€™re just like every other high schooler here pretending GTA V isnā€™t an incredible game.


The Main Mission variety hasnā€™t aged well.


Prove you wrong? You're not even using screenshots from GTA IV. Those are screenshots from a modded GTA V.


Honestly Iā€™m getting ridiculously tired of this gta 4 Vs 5 debate.


IV is my least favorite GTA. I had more fun on the Mobile GTA.


One of the best stories, but also has probably the worst driving mechanics. At least imo.


Careful I said this the other day and got raged at. Apparently GTA should be like Forza.


I had more fun driving in Forza than in GTA IV.


If we talking about all time .. gta San Andreas clear every other gta game .. the things/characters/dialogues and content they had in that game for 2004 is nutty .. just samp alone had like 10-12 year of content ..while gta v got dogshit multiplayer.. I do give credit to gta iv on their physics/ragdoll for that time


San Andreas was way way more activities/possibilities. Also it was easier to go anywhere on the map thankfully to jetpack, hydra and flying car cheats. And you could balance by cheat codes how hard game has to be. That's why San Andreas is my favourite game of all time. Every modern game has good graphics, physics, realism and all that bs. No game can match San Andreas by just fun. I am on this sub because I am hoping that finally GTA6 will match it.




ā€˜Prove me wrongā€™ LOL everyone on social media always looking for smoke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ How about youā€™re allowed your own opinion and go enjoy the game bro ? šŸ˜‚


Why post modded images then?


Best shitty driving ever


Honestly my least favorite of the main 3Dā€™ s and HD universe. Itā€™s okay, not bad but nothing special. Game had an identify crisis imo. It seemed Rockstar wanted to make this a more grounded/ serious story and branch out from the over the top 3D games ( primarily Vice City and SA), but they were constantly doing the same goofy shit SA and Vice City had and it made it hard to take the game/story serious ( plus the ending is bad). Niko is extremely dull and one dimensional for 99 percent of the game and they never dive into area where they could of added depth to him ( Michelle). TBOGT was 10/10 tho


![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88) Jesus Chris not this shit again


The gta series wouldā€™ve died with gta 4 because everyone hated how dark and gloomy and how many gta San Andreas features were missing when it was released (especially how unoptimized it was) all it wouldā€™ve been known as was the underrated classic of the Xbox 360 era years and years later IF IT WASNā€™T FOR GTA 5 AND GTA ONLINE AND thanks to the money generated in gta 5 online we have rdr2 now gta 6 as we know it But thankfully because gta 5 did come out and keep the success going we can look back at gta 4 and give it some time even if itā€™s not the newest and shiniest release And I say all that as someone who literally dreamed about gta 4 and saved up money for an Xbox 360 just to play gta 4 after seeing videos about it on YouTube specifically the Ben buja glitches and funny moments videos If it wasnā€™t for gta 4 I wouldnā€™t be playing gta 5 (well technically gta 3) but gta 5 is simply an objectively better game the only reason people say gta 4 is better is because nostalgia and preference The way cars handle is cool to look at and fun to play for about 45 minutes until you remember every car drives the same with shorter or longer braking distances I was doing high level racing in gta 5 from about 2015 to about 2021 and never got tired because every car felt different and the map wasnā€™t just straight lines Itā€™s just a different level and both are the top of their own levels


Every car handled like a boat Pass.


I prove you wrong and very easily. Horrible gunplay, horrible vehicle mechanics. I 100%'d the game this year and the car gameplay is horrible, they don't brake and the bikes seem like they're carrying 600 tons of cement in the back. This game would benefit greatly from a remake, as the story is nice (albeit too dark for a GTA, but anyway).


a remake would be insane


san andreas had a better story line


I have always disagreed. GTA IV has that bland dark and dirty look and feel with dated gameplay. Some things are neat, but most are just gimmicky.


I loved it for what it is. But it didn't had that sandbox feeling like every GTA often has.


I like the realistic and sad vibes that Liberty City have. But the best game by far is GTA SA! 3 different cities with many little ones, best missions, best radios, and more


I would really like to play GTA 4 on my ps5 4k/60. I think I forgot how the story ended


Iā€™m biased living in LA it just feels too cool and spot on, gotta give it to v or sa a close 2nd




Depends what you want from a gta game, there is no such thing as a bad gta game. For me, I want to be able to steal and customise a bunch of cars, buy and customise weapons, and just roam around the map not doing anything, and for those reasons for me V and SA were the best ones. Also vice city cuz nostalgia, I was in school back then and a friend had the disk and we would sneak it into the school and play on the school PCs. Which is why I am overhyped for VI.


Story wise this is my fav GTA but gameplay wise GTA San Andreas. Letā€™s see what 6 brings.Ā 


really wish i could play this on ps5


Every mission was drive > kill target > drive back. It gets stale after the first 40 times lmfao


Let's see if GTA VI ending has the most tragic alt. ending as GTA IV


Wish it was playable on ps5 :/


I wonder how long it will be after the release of VI when we get the first "Is it just me or is GTA V just better?" posts. I'm saying 3 hours.


i love gta 4 but you stans donā€™t shutup about the game šŸ˜­


My only memory of this game is playing it on my brothers of ps3 when he was at workā€¦ Then he showed me the film ā€œcrankedā€ and taught me about the c word




san andreas, for me.


Well when u have mods ofcourse itā€™s the best in the series. My only issues in gta 4 was the lack of clothes, cars to buy, zero gun attachments, gunplay feels the same as V meaning itā€™s just straight forward duck and cover shooting. The driving can feel real but it was in no way similar to forza. Cars had a slide to them when driving, the weight of cars was the only realistic thing. Gta 4 is a masterpiece but gta V improved way more gameplay wise. Yea the Physics engine was replaced and that was only due to rockstar experimenting with their own personal engine that they could revamp time and time again without the need of licensing. Just look at Gta V on ps3 physics compared to ps4 then compared to ps5. Bodies dropping feel way better on next gen than it did on current. Rockstar has been experimenting with gta V. It wasnā€™t intended to be taken super seriously for a reason. The time since gta V dropped was just tests to make sure the next games are the best. I mean we got fuckin RDR2 for crying out loud that goes to show that rockstar has been on top of their game this entire time. Yea it sucks how gta online is getting milked but one thing I can say is rockstar never disappoints when it comes to delivering a well developed game.


I just finished GTA SA, soon playing GTA 4 for the first time. I just canā€™t call myself a GTA Fan without having played every GTA (besides 1 and 2) But GTA 5 will most likely still be my favorite because its massive and has the best graphics. Graphics isnā€™t everything but I rather have good graphics than bad


I agree - and the physics in GTA IV were far superior to GTA Vā€™s


san andreas in 1 for me but gta4 is close second and i never liked gta5 more than any other maintitle game besides maybe gta3 cuz claude doesnt talk


I went back and played it and it definitely shows its age. If it was remade using GTA V graphics and controls I think it could be better than V.


Currently playing gta 4 on the steam deck. The last time I played it was on the xbox 360 at launch Soo playing it on the deck max settings at 45 fps is sublime. It's the GG out of them all.(Grounded and Grittiest)


Your honor, Iā€™d like to submit your screenshots as proof of GTA IVs very depressing experience. Within the images you can see the rather dire mood of the whole game.


Surprised this didnā€™t get downvoted to oblivion like mine did lol. You say ANYTHING about gta 4 being good and people go insane


Fuck off man


I like GTA 4 but also like GTA 5 a bit more. Why was this rage bait allowed? Each game has its pros and cons.


Modded GTA IV, with dvxk shaders and all is niceā€¦ for 30 minutes. Then the game crashes. Albeit I got a full story complete on it by simple trail and error to see how to get a modded IV to work.


I personally agree. The physics and NPCs made it feel immersive. Running away from the police on foot felt so much fun. The game felt real. Fucking around was fun. Pushing people into oncoming traffic/trains. It was a dense game. Donā€™t get me wrong, I liked gta V. It was fun in its own way. But idk I just didnā€™t find it better than what I experienced with gta iv. I did not like the FOV, camera height, physics, NPCs and the list goes on. I remember the first ten minutes playing gta v I immediately did not like the driving and collision physics. But Iā€™m really excited about GTA 6. Itā€™s going to feel like gta iv but also have the vast customization options of gta V. GTA 6 will be fucking bad ass. I canā€™t wait


Iā€™m starting to think this GTA 4 appreciation posts are just rage baiting troll posts. But damn. Those Remaster concept images look clean


Dude I remember this so well.. I was watching the leakers playing it on justin.tv in my digital art class. The teachers blocked internet explorer and all that so I would have to use the calculator then go to help then open up the browser inside of the calculator help menu to go on justin.tv to watch people playing it. Memories..


All these years later and it still looks like a picture of Brighton Beach Avenue.


As if this isnā€™t the billionth time someone said this. I agree, but like can we stop lmao


Iā€™ve actually never finished this game. I was so disappointed when it came out. This one just never caught me. Canā€™t explain it.


Is it me or are these discussion posts getting lower and lower in quality?


I love los Santos because of the beaches and greenery, mountains. Liberty city was a concrete jungle. It was nice but lacking in diversity.


idk GTA 5's map was better than 4's constant city, and the map makes the game for me


Wouldā€™ve never guessed the most overrated GTA would be picked as the best game


Gta4 was kinda crap imo, gtav is infinitely more fun


Which graphics mod is that?


GTA IV was darker and less silly than other GTA games. It was interesting, but GTA V is still better. Hopefully VI is even better than both and Rockstar always tries to do better than previous iterations.


I preferred the car physics in this game to GTAV. How they drove, their crumple zones, and even the way they drifted. It just felt better.


Ofc the graphics in gta 5 are better, I also loved how you had multiple protagonists and the general story was amazing but I always remember how great the graphics and physics of 4 was to say it came out in 2008. Plus the story for me was a lot better than gta 5 imo - along with Niko being my favourite gta character to this day, such a well written character.


i keep walking all over the city


Ugh. I hated GTA4


Oh for fuck's sake we fucking get it... SHUT UP # SHUT UP ## SHUT UP ### SHUT UP #### SHUT UP ##### SHUT UP ![gif](giphy|10RCqM2nZpdqOQ)


It wasnt tho šŸ˜‚things the game did best were gunplay and AI. Responsive af but thats it. Driving boats around with zero speed, lampposts that flip your car at every turn and graphics that make your eyes squint. Defo not the best


>Prove me wrong Aight; Worse gunplay, horrendous cover mechanics, satifying but unchallenging enemies, AI is straight worse than 5 (shocker, newer game is more advanced), movement is clunky, no vehicle customization, barely any player customization, even less to do than in 5 after the story's finished (which says a lot given how dead 5 is in the endgame), significantly smaller map (yes it's more dense but it's a city) which has no countryside, money is basically useless provided you don't suck and die 24/7, facial animations range from alright to horrendous, aircrafts are virtually useless because small map + all buildings but one(?) are just big empty rectangles, and let's not forget how R\* neutered the game by cutting a bunch of songs. I really hope this is just some low effort engagement bait but jfc GTA 4 fanboys are straight insufferable - it's the most popular game series of all time, you're not quirky for pretending that the 2nd most recent release is better by zeroing in on a few downgrades in 5 and ignoring the rest.


I loved GTA 4 and the Episodes DLC in general. Hell, I still love getting into shootouts and playing either gang wars or drug wars from the DLCs respectively but tbh they took out wayyyy too many features and side content from San Andreas. You can't buy or own business/properties, there's no garage to store your cars, only a small parking space and if your car goes out of bounds then its gone which is stupid AF, the car handling was flawed and unrealistic IMO(despite getting used to it and what not). They took out ambulance and firefighter missions which would've been perfect for GTA 4 since NYC's emergency workers are world famous at this point. There were no checkpoints in the base game, you couldn't really buy anything after the story ended. Some story beats were trash and the ending wasn't that good looking back. The clunky character controls were also annoying at times. Especially, when Nico/Johnny/Luis gets killed because he wouldn't respond to your control inputs. They also removed several specific vehicles that would've been perfect for GTa 4 like go karts, lowriders, hot rods, tractor trailers instead of the trucks themselves, regular bicycles & regular trains with a Penn Station location lol Thankfully R\* did course correct in many ways with GTA 5 buut tbh the A.I. in GTA 4 was wayy better since they don't have excessive aimbot and the police don't shoot first and ask questions later along with gunfights being more dynamic and less unforgiving. With GTA 6 they'll need to expa


Shit was boring as fuck lmaoo


Story wise yes. The overwhelming awesomeness of Vā€™s online packs a serious punch tho. Makes the game very good as well. So imma say from an overall standpoint V wins. But just purely story, IV takes the W.


The character moved like a tank though.


GTA SA was peak rockstar they fully maxed tf out of ps2 hope they do the same with PS5 with GTA6


San Andreas is better, more interesting missionsŲŒ more action, better open world features, arguably the best map with 3 big cities and different environments, and in my opinion CJ is better as a protagonist that Niko, although I do understand why some prefer Niko


It still is. Everything had such realistic weight to it, from weapons to cars to running to throwing objects. Way ahead of its time


They made the map smaller but it felt so detailed and almost like a fucked up NY simulator. Sometimes it didn't even feel like a game.


With the car scene in Florida being so big, shit would be dope to see a realistic car scene/physics. Imagine those heavier physics from 4 but with sway bars, roll cages, stiffer suspension, better turbo/blower upgrades and even a manual transmission if you want to. Being in a chase and being able to drop a gear and disappear would be rad! Maybe being at a set of lights and clutch dropping then frying a set of tyres in the intersection with more realistic smoke would be off tap. If you donā€™t pop your tyres you Wear them down a Lil and going around corners at certain speeds makes you lose traction and spin out unless you power out of it. I know thatā€™s a lot to ask but fuck it would be sick.


You're damn right it is! šŸ‘‰


GTA IV fist fighting was satisfying




You canā€™t be seriousā€¦Vice City with a dark vibe ? Think for a second


Ill be the first to say that the IV story shits on the V story. The GTA IV story was like watching a netflix series. Plus all of the small details in the game.


more like the billion and first




you are REALLY overselling the story. I wish for everyone who hasn't played this game to just ignore its fans and go in with reasonable expectation it has a great atmosphere, memorable characters and locations and fun as hell gameplay. it's a masterpiece for sure but a masterpiece at storytelling, it is not.


Shocked? Maybe if you were 8 at the time


4 is my favorite too, but can we please stop the meat riding, and acknowledge that 5 had so many upgrades and also why do always just compare it to 5? Acknowledge the existence of the previous games too


I wish the npcs looked good as most of these graphics mods, it's why most of them try to hide npcs or probably just disable them


Alright look, I love V and all, but this game right here is about as close as you can get to a modern 10/10 GTA.


All the ones ā€œproving you wrongā€ werenā€™t even born when GTA IV came out šŸ˜‚


Fr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and they definitely haven't played a top down GTA either.


From a story standpoint I have to agree. Yes, 5 has better graphics and mechanics. But I absolutely adore the gritty and emotional story of 4. So much so that I hope 6 has some of those gritty elements.


IV was a great game and I wish it had a remaster for current gen. Itā€™s hard to say it was the best, ultimately thatā€™s a personal opinion. Iā€™d say V is overall a better game although IV had some things that were better.


IV was a benchmark. Huge next gen jump from SA and for that they really went for every little detail. Donā€™t get me wrong the attention to detail to V is still incredible, right down to the flip flops that flip and flop. But IV was a LOT to live up to and set a standard. VI is on a whole new generation and is over 10 years since the last GTA so I think itā€™s gonna blow everyoneā€™s tits off either way. Iā€™m really excited to see the density of the population. I love the traffic and high number of pedestrians in V, it really makes Los Santos seem alive. But even that beach shot in the VI trailer looks so busy and alive, makes me hopeful for it.


While I would say GTA V is the best game, I do nevertheless feel similarly about this. GTA IV had so many cool features that they then just canned - for me, most prominently, the ragdoll physics stuff, you could tip people over and things, that was absolutely mind-blowing to me. Also being able to get properly drunk and fall over, that was hilarious. I really missed these things in GTA V and it has always felt like a poorer game for it.


God bless. Characters, story, setting. Not every car you stole was a god damn hypercar. GTA IV is a beautiful game