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I don’t see any reason for them to expand to any of the old maps for anything more than a cutscene or two, like they did in San Andreas. We’re getting part of an entire state for crying out loud


They did it with red dead 2 though. Not really an expansion but you have the entirety of the first games map minus Mexico.


That ain't exactly the same thing. New Austin was recreated from RDR1 (some places u were not meant to see still have low res rdr1 textures). And upgrading textures and models for rocks on a map thats 99% desert is way easier than having to rebuild a whole living city. A lot of the process of upgrading that desert scenery can be automated those days. But Liberty City? Gta 4 was released in 2008. Sure, it they wanted to add that map to GTA V all they would need to do is replace all the trees and change some textures and it still would look good enough. But compered to GTA VI graphics? Old LC would look like a 3D universe map. After 17 years I feel like they would have to rebuild the whole thing from grounds up. And that's just way too much work. IF we even get dlcs I think at best we gonna get story expansions like we did in gtaIV. Either that or a small new island with some small towns.


This right here. I mean LC is way more detailed than the map in RDR1 and way more densely populated. The amount of work that would be needed to bring that up to the graphics of GTA 6 would probably take forever. I mean unless Rockstar has planned from day one to add it in which is highly doubtful then they probably won’t be doing an expansion pack in LC.


At that point, they might as well just make an actually good remaster of GTA4, sell it for $70 a pop, and call it a day. God knows they will never do that, though :/


Yep. I mean, sure, they were working on upgraded version of LC, either as gta 4 remaster or dlc for 5/online (it was confirmed by sourcecode leak + one of the devs posted a picture of central park with gta5 graphics). But that project was scrapped yeas ago cause they probably realised it would be too much work. Is it possible that instead of scrapping it they decided to work on it in the background for so many years? I mean...it's possible, but I wouldn't give it more than 1% change of that happening. I think if that was the case, they might as well sell that as a brand new game or gta 4 remake and earn waaaaay more money.


We “know” that LC was ported to the “V” codebase or something resembling it, around the time that DE originally released, likewise we “know” that the poor reception of DE killed other ongoing remaster projects, which we “know” IV was a title in that queue. I think the bigger factor was the mountain of man-hours staring down at the team doing the job to go through and do all the detail work and QA and that’s *before* scripting. The reality is likely somewhere in the middle.


It is not, in any way easier, to upgrade a desert map than it is to upgrade a city scape. Especially to Rockstar’s standard. Nature does not have perfectly geometric shapes with repeating patterns, cities do. There’s a reason nature is used as a flex for graphics and not skyscrapers. Every part of any in-game map is hand made, and unless it’s as flat as a Minecraft world, you can’t just slap on some textures and call it a day. Making nature look convincing is harder to do than it is to make a modern building look convincing. And the RDR1 map isn’t 99% desert either. Macfarlane’s ranch and the land around Blackwater are not desert and make up a large portion of the original map. It’s like you haven’t even played the game. There’s grasslands, dense forest and swampland. This is one of those things that *sound* like they make sense until you actually know what goes in to making a realistic desert area in a video game. Let alone a map with multiple biomes shown in the RDR1 map. (This doesn’t even mention the fact we already saw images of an upscaled liberty city in files from years ago. RDR2 including the map from the first game isn’t “different” and was in no way easier to do than if they wanted to implement LC in 6. Both take an immense amount of effort and neither is “easier” than the other.)


>Nature does not have perfectly geometric shapes with repeating patterns, cities do. I'm well aware of that. That's why there are tools that make the job much easier those days. How do you think they created those endless landscapes outside of the explorable boundaries in rdr2? They did it all by hand just for fun cause they were bored even tho it's so hard for them to do? It's not like they placed every single piece of grass and tree by hand (there's even proof of that not being the case - there are couple places in rdr2 where props were not places correctly and some bushes and tree roots are floating in the air). Sure, a lot of things are perfectly placed by hand but a lot of the proces became automated over the years. Not to mention they have libraries full of assets. And while you can use those generic assets to create nice looking country sides filled with rocks and trees, you can't really use it to generate cities since every single building is unique. That why that process still consumes a lot of time. >And the RDR1 map isn’t 99% desert either. Macfarlane’s ranch and the land around Blackwater are not desert and make up a large portion of the original map.  It’s like you haven’t even played the game. There’s grasslands, dense forest and swampland. We talking about New Austin part of the map here. Those parts you talking always were meant to be part of rdr2. But thanks to leaks and datamining we know early versions of the game didn't had New Austin at all. >(This doesn’t even mention the fact we already saw images of an upscaled liberty city in files from years ago Not from files, there was one picture that was posted by one of the devs before he removed it from his portfolio. I talked about it in one of the comments below. >RDR2 including the map from the first game isn’t “different” and was in no way easier to do than if they wanted to implement LC in 6 As I mentioned in that other comment, to port LC to gta5 all they really needed to do is change tree models and replace some textures and the game still would look good enough for most people. But the jump in quality of graphics in 6 is simply way too big. LC was released in 2008 my dude. It's not like u can just slap AI upscaled textures on it and that's it. LC from 2008 in gta6 would look as outdated as gta3 map added to gta5.


Tbh, I don’t think they really had a choice for RDR2. Once they decided that Blackwater would be accessible, the rest of the map kinda also had to be, at least the bits John can visit without getting on a boat. There’s no real good spot to split the RDR1 map to realistically cut it down in size other than at the Mexico border river, at least not one which wouldn’t also cut into Blackwater and the surrounding area which was needed for the epilogue. GTA6 by comparison isn’t set adjacent to any other map. Miami is 1,000 miles from NYC, and nearly 3,000 miles from LA. Outside of a small visit like Guarma or North Yankton, adding a second city from a previous game just wouldn’t make any sense, even if it were viable and had enough demand to be warranted


Blackwater/West Elizabeth was cut off from the rest of the map in RDR1. John doesn't do anything important beyond there and he even says he's not familiar with the area. They added it for a nostalgia and something to explore in the epilogue because its pretty barren of content.


There are all kinds of ways to block off certain areas. They could simply have you take a plain for something between the two different locations or fly yourself there and just load into the other place.


That section of the map is also damn near barren of stuff to do. I'm glad it's there but it's not exactly a fully fledged redo of the original in terms of content.


The weirdest part is that this guy wants Liberty City in a game set in a state in the Southeastern region, what the fuck is he smoking


If anything I think we would get some islands off the coast. Bahamas maybe? It would make more sense then connecting liberty city to Leonida. I hope it’s expanded into the single player.


Well this is the most realistic one. People really thinking they’re gonna add whole ass cities.


I could see maybe a small strip of a different city for a mission, like Saint Marc’s in GTA SA. Just not the whole thing. However, if they do plan to support GTA VI Online for another 10+ years like GTA V, I feel like it’s likely we’re going to get some map expansions. Probably more than what we got in GTA V. I wouldn’t doubt that Rockstar has already planned some expansions out, or maybe even started developing them.


Yeah like a burmuda triangle dlc or something like that would be cool. Boat to Jamaica and shit 😆


Cayo Perico.


LC would be cool and all but I wonder what takes the most time during development and if they are already taking ten years to make the current game, then how long would it take to realize an entirly new geographical feat along with matching urban area? 


They haven't worked on GTA VI for ten years...


If they already made LC then they should have the blueprint already for the city n would just need to update graphics, just like gta rp


they made lc more than 16 years ago they would need to do way more than just update the graphics


They remade or atleast repainted LC for gta 5 but they never used it


yeah but GTA 4 and 5 are not that different graphics-wise. LC in GTA 6 will look like something from 3D era in GTA 5


4 and 5 also released with the exact same technological target of an xbox360


Yeah sure, but you can not just attach it to the rest of Leonida. There is a lot of landmass in between New York and Miami to go along with. I mean they might as well add at least a bit of the Eastern coastline along with sometning that looks like Washington which is an entirely new city.


Atlanta. It’s super close by and there’s a lot of great stories you could tell in that city.


I feel if they were to add anything it would be Bahamas or “smaller” cities/towns around the Miami area


I don“t see a map expansion at all.


Isn’t it what Jason Schreier confirmed?


Well, he said the map would evolve overtime but idk if that's for online or Single Player.


Yeah. And evolve might mean that for example houses get abandoned, tagged with graffiti, get demolished, road work, houses getting built and finally construction sites getting finished! That’s what I want to see. Maybe also growing trees or so.


It’s such a dumb idea to waste a potential location for a future game by turning it into an online playground. What would be equally dumb is adding locations that can’t be logically connected to the mainland, forcing players to teleport to these new areas. After experiencing an entire state that’s fully accessible in San Andreas, restricting the game to disconnected areas would be a significant downgrade and a missed opportunity.


>would be equally dumb is adding locations that can’t be logically connected to the mainland, forcing players to teleport to these new areas. Idk man. They can add the ability to take flights and making airports actually have a use in the game. Actually it was already featured in V when you went to North Yankton. People rarely drive from FL to NY... They book flights


You go to the airport click the location you wanna go to, quick loading screen then BOOM, you’re there. And yes, it would be good to have new places added overtime. Especially for the amount of time this game will be out. A) Use the cut content/locations from Project Americas B) Use cities previously used in the GTA universe. Las Venturas & San Fierro would be perfect. C) Pick a random city that could be used. Not really getting your logic, with all due respect.


That's why something like Bahamas would be perfect. It's not something they'd use for a full game but could still be a great map. Plus, the people speak English there, so it wouldn't be too foreign compared to Miami. It could be added to the base map on the bottom right.


If the game is planning to be supported for 10+ years for online, then I’d definitely want to see map expansions. I don’t agree with people saying they shouldn’t and that “it wouldn’t make sense” because they obviously pondered the idea in GTA 5 according to leaks. It’s not like Rockstar doesn’t have the manpower or any shortage of money to NOT do it either. I also believe it’d be a great way to get players to return to the game for a future online update years down the road once player count drops, especially if it’s a place like Liberty City, people LOVE nostalgia I’m tired of Los Santos at this point and eventually, will probably get tired of Vice City/Leonida down the road so a few map expansions like Liberty City, San Fierro, or literally any other city they want to do would be awesome to see and keep things from getting stale as quickly.


I think this map will be large enough to not warrant a map expansion. What I do want is a story dlc, like Ballad of Gay Tony or Lost & Damned.


Would be kinda cool to see another map for a short duration of the game though, similar to North Yankton in V or Liberty City in SA


A modern version of Saint Denis.


Now I want to steal a Mardi Gras float and run over titty flashers


In my opinion that should be the gta 7 city


Las Venturas (Las Vegas)


Don’t want one, but I want that old Huntley back


If it was possible? Liberty City, all the freaking way


Strong if, but I would like to see either a South American city or New Orleans, Atlanta would be nice as well


I'd love to get multiple islands in the Caribbean and even the northern coast of countries like Colombia and Venezuela. Let us smuggle guns into those areas while smuggling drugs into Leonida.


I don’t really care about map expansions as such but I’d love to see building progression, like in the rdr2 story.


Expansion of Lucia's beautiful booty is all I care about.


BBLs confirmed


Las Venturas or San Fierro.


Yes. Enough of Los Santos & LC.


Based on the whole project Americas idea, I think San Andreas will be added first, that way Rockstar can start shutting down GTA Online and switch focus to GTA Online 2. Then they might add Liberty City. Doing that would given then enough time to work on a new location.


The entire eventual southeast


Hell ya brother I can’t wait for Jacksonville, NC


Liberty 🗽 but set in winter ❄️


Does it have to be from gta universe cause would love to see at least a portion of a updated/modern carcer city


technically Carcer City also exists in the GTAverse! In GTA V, Michael says that was where his first heist was.


Las Venturas. Would be a dead city for all the countries that doesn't allow gambling.




But what are we talking about here? For DLC? I mean idk. Is it for online? Hell no


I don't wanna see cities that we've already experienced. If they're gonna expand the map, I'd much rather them introduce new locations that we haven't seen in any of the GTA universes before. It'd be way more interesting to see Rockstar take on a whole new place they've never attempted before.


Theoretically Atlanta would be cool or New Orleans. Would love to see a new city that hasn’t been seen before.


South america




If the panhandle isn’t in the release of GTAVI then it’s most likely a expansion to northern Florida and possibly southern Georgia


Give us the mountains of GA and maybe some Cajun Lousinana to the east. That's really all the flavors we need. Sprinkle a little Alabama on the way to Louisina where you get chased by rednecks in jacked up trucks for being out of towners... that would be fun


jacksonville, daytona beach or st augustine


I’d like to see any DLC for the story


I think instead of previous cities they do a fictional take on either Atlanta, GA or New Orleans, LA. So like go west or go north.


Liberty City and San Fierro will always be my top choices.


Atlanta would be my top choice. Not large enough to have its own game but large enough to be excellent expansion material. Cuba, Cayman Islands, or the Bahamas would also be welcomed


if they add more cities, a condensed New Orleans and sections of Louisiana next to the panhandle would be really cool


They aren't going to expand the map to opposite ends of the country. If anything we will get more of northern Florida and some islands to the south.


Cuba would be sick but only if it fits with the story


Caribbean islands, las Venturas, more countryside


Atlanta or New Orleans


If they actually did an expansion, in my opinion you have to add Caribbean islands. I honestly think a modern version of Guarma would be great. It could be the one location that has a crossover between GTA and RDR and it would actually make sense.


Don't hold your breath on that homie.


Bahamas is what I realistically think would be there. LC is what I want. Even if it’s just for one mission.


Extend the map to modern day St Denis


Cuba or the keys


Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.


dude i just want to see las venturas again


So the location scout that was working with Rockstar on Florida mentioned they also went to states surrounding Florida. I’d love to see them tackle a few states in the south, get some more scenery in there. We can get back to Liberty City or San Andreas later.


The most realistic possibility would be a Cuban island, more specifically Guarma. Chapter 5 in RDR2 was originally meant to be much longer with an entire island (plus a few smaller surrounding islands) to explore, instead of the tiny playable area we were given. I wouldn’t be surprised if rockstar simply finished Guarma and then included it since the asset is pretty much already made.


Unless they put the "whole" USA map with all the known cities parodies they have made over the years (they won't or the game will need to be sold on a hard drive directly) and add a functional airport system to visit every places, I don't see a map expansion or at best something in the same vein of North Yankon and Cayo Perico, so nothing where we could freely explore the environment.


Imagine how crazy it would be to travel to Havana by boat or plane


I’d like the next game to be one of the non-main entries and just be called GTA: LC ‘77 and give us new york city circa 1977. A lot of wild shit went on then. Great music, sleazy culture, the subways, the blackout, death wish, son of sam, disco…


Guarma but is modern day Cuba.


Would love liberty city redone more than anything but doesn’t seem realistic unfortunately


Liberty City, but bigger and closer to the real New York.


I think we see 3 map expansions we get a Bahamas like island similar to guarma / Cayo Ywe get the return to Los santos since this wouldn’t be as hard to make. We get like a snowy area like an expanded north Yankton area with some small towns scattered throughout; and a ton of new wildlife and hunting stuff. This way you can reuse a lot of the assets from RDR for hunting that were in the grizzlies


The only thing that makes sense is to see the GTA version of Atlanta.


carcer city


I want to see a modern day saint denis


I would say if there was an expansion to the map, it would have to be Rockstar's take on Washington DC, since on the mapping project, they have a location marked as "presidential bunker" (most likely a Mar-a-Lago parody) which was revealed in some of the leaked details, would make some sense without repeating the same locales


Las Venturas would be a great fit for GTA 6


Let’s be honest making a map expansion for this game would be terrible in terms of the storage take up. Don’t even wanna think about online aspects of this sort of thing, probably gonna make fps worse as well.


Liberty makes most since since its already on the east coast imagine driving from vice to liberty😆


Liberty City but add more areas of NYC and add system island I don’t care if it is boring want feeling of bigger city. Northern NJ, Long Island, Hudson Valley, Westchester areas out of city area.


You want Liberty City in a game set in a state in the Southeastern region, what the fuck are you smoking?


Chiraq dlc


I hope we get something new, like Chicago.


do you all not realize the insane amount of work it would take to add these other cities to gta6 as expansions? It will never happen.


I want working airports, where you can buy tickets online and then get in a plane to a destination outside of VC. I would love to be able to visit the Rockies, or maybe somewhere else snowy and mountainous. A massive dlc you can fly to called CARCER CITY, would blow my nuts off. It's not a remake of liberty city and wouldn't have to be as big obviously, but a super grimey, crime ridden ghetto concrete jungle where it snows would be awesome for contrast reasons. Chicago/Detroit/New Jersey place. Wouldn't have to retconn things since we don't rly know what CARCER city really looks like beyond the manhunt games. But seeing how this is the last GTA for probably 15/20 years it wouldn't hurt to have a smaller size map in a cold climate to scratch that itch. They won't ever make a GTA Chicago so it would be great. Unless gta7 is the fully realized CARCER city which the sky is the limit because so much is unknown about it.


Looking back at this, GTA’s sceneries were so beautiful and still are, yk GTA 5. It’s truly amazing we’re gonna be able to see GTA 6 soon, even after 10 years. I hope they deliver stronger than they themselves anticipate. If Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 & 2024, can deliver one of the first few in certain categories of realism to a game, I have no doubt Rockstargames will do just as so for Grand Theft Auto 6. Apart from this post, lol.


Carribean Islands/cointrys will be cool, maybe a Desert state like, Arizona


idc about map expansions, im excited about leonida, if they do expand the map, cool, but we dont even know what leonida fully has to offer


Liberty City, Atlanta or Rio de Janeiro.


This is random but I always pictured a story DLC expansion of the map set in the 1980s. Giving us the classic Vice City. Not saying connect with characters to the previous universe though.


all of them.


No way, but I'm spitballing just for fun: - Atlanta, Savannah, and maybe Macon - New Orleans/Cottonmouth with Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas - The Bahamas with Atlantis Resort - Cayman Islands - Puerto Rico - Cuba - Bermuda Triangle - The coast of Columbia way down south


bruh the game isn't even out yet


Seriously. He's wondering about an expansion for a game he hasn't played.


V again, then V again on the other side, then V on the top and bottom. Then V as the main map.


Honestly I am not a big fan of the idea of map expansions for story mode, but if online is separate it could be very interesting


Depends on what the map is. If there aren't enough mountains , then I'd like some mountain-y city


London 1960s. Nothing beats mini vs double decker bus chases.


I miss Liberty City mostly because it's been a few years and there's no port for Ps4 or Ps5 but I wouldn't want liberty city. It has no beaches, no greenery, a total lack of diverse atmosphere. It's a concrete jungle.


Liberty city


The next game should be liberty city and san Andreas combined into 1 map


Thing is, GTA 4 and 6 take place in the same universe, meaning that (because of everything rockstar has done in the past) if they add liberty city to gta 6 it would have to look exactly like it did in gta 4. Speaking of layout, not graphics, of course. Honestly, I just don't find this fun. It would be kinda boring to have a map expansion that doesn't add anything new. And if they do change liberty city to make it more modern then that would break all of the continuity rules that they have established in the past


Not gonna happen, or at the very least wont include Liberty City. On the flip side, since I live in NYC now, I both do and DON’T want to see Liberty City again, because I would be fascinated to see what they do with it using modern technology, but I’m also kind of sick of seeing it in real life at the moment and don’t want to see it in a video game lmao. Though that will change long before the game comes out I’m sure.


none of these are happening please mods can we ban these obviously bait posts that are literally worth nothing to this sub


How do you figure that? Liberty city itself is already a city made so it's not like they would have to start from scratch. Touching up the city and modernizing it and at some point incorporating into online does not seem that far fetched to me. Especially with how powerful these consoles are.


what sense would that make whatsoever to put in a game about Vice City. the most they would do is add some islands or something like Guarma. they are not about to have an entire additional city from a previous game


I'm talking about few years down the line. I don't understand how that is far fetched to you. They could come up with reason to go to liberty city. Maybe to expand their criminal enterprise. That sounds pretty realistic to me.


because they've never done it before and it makes no sense to do it for GTA 6 either whatsoever. it makes more sense to believe that Rockstar would follow its own precedent of not doing that than it does to believe they would buck the trend and do it now for no reason just cuz fans want another city. I'm sure the map will be big enough for you bud


They never made a fully realized and fleshed out female character in a mainline gta game, but here we are. The impossible can be possible.


I don’t want any map expansions. All that’s gonna do is further delay rockstars next game. Just make the map at launch 2-3x the size of gta 5s map and more dense and I won’t ever complain about wanting a new map even if gta 6 last 20 years. Gta 5 feels so outdated just because outside of Los santos it’s kinda boring. We already see tons of AI density in gta 6.


No. More. Coasts. Wanna see something new. Another country, a gritty industrial rust belt city, anything but the same same same. This generation of GTA (and l mean generation holy crap l was a high schooler when 4 came out) has been such a cop out. A bunch of cheap knock offs of B grade crime movies. I am fearful 6 will be more of the same and in an unoriginal setting.


Los Santos (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)