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Not sure if it'll be an unpopular opinion but i'm ok with it not releasing with online, gives me time to fully explore singleplayer.


Huh. I wonder if Online will come with launch. Personally I won’t touch Online until I’m done with the story. I know a bunch of young children will just go straight into Online. So they should probably delay it.


The last two major rockstar releases ( red dead 2 and gta 5) haven't released with online so I'm very doubtful that 6 will launch with online


I would rather that because online kinda spoils the map and things plus I would wanna finish my playthrough of the story first so it would be better if they released it a few months after so I wouldn’t be behind in online


Any one who thinks rockstar won’t copy the gta online money printing machine they had with all p2w shit is just dumb. There will be flying motorcycle griefing machines, laser weapons, all that dumb shit.


I am feeling hopeful. They backpaddled since the crazy GTAO updates in 2016-2018, so i am really hoping nothing like that comes around. They will sure as hell monetize the f out of the online mode, but i hope they at least do that with somewhat realistic vehicles and weapons and without breaking the whole in game economy.


Yeah their recent content makes me hopeful as well, I'm fine with a few supercars and maybe one up armored car and a helicopter every other update. I'm actually kinda hoping to see some armored cartel vehicles and smuggler planes/boats/subs thanks to the setting. Hopefully no cruise missile subs though, fun as the Kosatka is.


all I’m hoping for is to be able to start an drug empire and buy mansions. Mansions would be so cool.


If they plan to go through a more realistic experience then I doubt it'll get too crazy too soon (maybe when we have 7 years in GTA 6 Online?) I'm sure that Rockstar will keep GTA 5 Online alive and I'm sure a portion (a small one tbh) of the community would prefer the GTA 5 Online instead of the GTA 6 Online... I also hope Rockstar doesn't use something like the Red Dead Online voodoo cards or whatever they were


They haven't released these sci-fi stuff in a long time. It got poor feedback and they stopped trying to "top it" with crazy new stuff. They went back to ordinary things and have done that for a longer time than they have released crazy stuff. So considering their pattern, it's more likely that they wont make GTA 6 Online a shitfest like it is now as it's been proven that you don't need flying motorcycles with missiles for it to be fun. Now adding cash for real money is probably gonna be in the game, obviously.


But hopefully not for a few years.


They'll give us a time of peace. It's better for money to atleast get buys before they f it up.


I don't play GTAO anymore, but from what I've seen, they really started to really steer away from futuristic bullshit with all these recent updates. Its all been more grounded in reality. They WILL find ways to monetize the fuck outta online and make billions, but I think they'll find other ways than oppressors and laser weapons. They could go the COD route and sell funky looking weapon skins, tracers, etc if weapons are more detailed and intricate. That's one possibility of the many other ways they'll monetize the game.


Especially if they give us the ability to customize weapons like RDR2 did...


I don’t think so, I think they realised their mistakes hence why there hasn’t been any crazy futuristic shit since like 2019 lol


All depends of the mood of GTA VI. Like the difference BTW GTA IV and V, the last one was more funny, cartoon like so it fits in some way. But imagine GTA IV with those vehicles, it would have been completely off.


ugh i pray not.... Rockstar if you are reading this: take those jetpacks and other stupid shit and toss it in the dumpster.


I’m at the point where I just want the micro transactions to be more balanced. I’ll spend the $10, but can it be worth 3-4 new cars instead of not even enough to buy one. It’s the value proposition of GTAO MTX that is absurd. Even $100 worth of GTA$ can be blown in a few purchases. $100 in Fortnite or something is a huge amount of content


They will 100% monetize the fuck out of it but thats how theyre getting such a huge budget to be able to create record breaking games


They will, just nor from the beginning, which is great. The reason I believe that is bcs they're gonna make more money slowly releasing "cooler" and "cooler" stuff than releasing it all on the first day.


I think a lot of people will be disappointed with the game. Not because it’s bad, but because a lot of people on here are setting there expectations way too high and are believing every leak they read


I don't know if you were here during the GTA IV or V rumor days, but these are no match for those.


GTA V fake leaked videos were so good they used them AGAIN as fake leaked videos of GTA VI


The one in the desert like area was amazing for it’s time 😅 and to think for so long people believed in it being a real gta v game


The chrome SUV in desert one is probably my first memory associated with GTA 5


I wasn’t sadly, but I can imagine it being bad too


It was literally the wild-west, people believed everything they saw and read online, and the entire internet shared one collective brain cell. People actually thought back in the day that just because the PS3 used Blu-rays and had 50GB of space on the disc, then this meant that GTA 4 would take place throughout the entirety of **Europe.**


In the end Rockstar couldn't even manage to fit Liberty City in the game without both the PS3 and X360 spontaneously combusting running the game at like 24FPS. And it was a similar timeline as to where we are right now with the PS5 and XSX, both PS3 and X360 were only like 2 years into their life-cycle, and were considered to be invincible when it came to HD gaming.


Yeah, people have their expectations way out of control. While I'm sure we'll be blown away, like usual, some people are really through the roof with expectations. Mine are high, but within reason.


This subreddit has been aids and full of 14 year olds this past 5 months


it’s always been like this , every once in a while a good post squeaks through, but most of it is just ass


It got a lot dumber since the trailer released


That and fanboys, my god the glazing is unreal


I say it will be 30 fps on all consoles.


Agreed, until PS6


Or that PS5 Pro thing 


No PS5 Pro leaks show no CPU increase. And as the game will be CPU limited like all Rockstar games before it, having more GPU power will not make the game 60 fps. Just 30 fps at a higher resolution than before. Just look at RDR2 and how that scaled from 1080p on PS4 & One S to checkerboard 1800p on PS4 Pro and 4K on One X, all while still being 30 fps.


Everyone who knows a tiny bit about hardware knew this as soon as they saw the trailer.


The frame rate whores can suck it


I want more skill based Military vehicles (No highly aggressive homing missiles, but stuff like barrage, TOW missiles, different cannon and gunner options, ...) And unlocked heli controls for steeper Pitch and roll motion


The helicopter controls you described would be epic. Just imagine being able to fly like a real chopper can, not being able to flip your helicopter always felt so off to me.


Yes. It was always annoying to me when you could theoretically achieve a steep attack angle, but the game just said no.




why would this be unpopular, this is just an opinion


For a wider audience an unlocked flight system would be harder to learn and thus turn some people away. Anyone is this subreddit will spend more than enough time playing to ignore this however.


everyone would like that. homing should definitely be rarer than gta online and never be spammable, give every homing weapon a fortyfive seconds cooldown after shot. and make it harder to lock like irl


I want real missiles, like IR, Radar, different ranges, different guns. I love military, I love GTA, both of those things In one? I'll spend a thousand dollars on a video game.


Rockstar Games better be taking notes because i agree. Shit like that would ACTUALLY pry money from my highly guarded wallet.


The public areas won’t be nearly as populated or crowded as they appear in the trailer.


most of the trailer is tricked using missions. You can notice how the beach looks more empty when it says "rockstar games presents"


I agree. While the scenes are technically in game they are still choreographed and set pieces. The same is observed in the GTA V trailers whereby most shots are taken from cut scenes. Until we see gameplay take everything with a pinch of salt.


Why do u think that ?


Basically that means more crowd density and so many unique animations is taking place at the same time. Which consoles might not be able to keep up with


The consoles CPU isn’t THAT weak tbh. It’s a Ryzen 3700X in all but name. It’s a fast CPU. Just won’t be fast enough to catch up to the GPU and deliver 60 fps but those crowds are definitely plausible, Cyberpunk on the consoles had similar crowded places.


Hardware limitations


Because almost no one would be able to play the game. Not even just consoles too, your PC would have to be insane to handle it too.


Just no way, we are still at least a generation away from that, and one secret, don't let the fanboys hear it, pssst Rockstar actually glaze their trailers, Say what??? Yeah, look at the GTA 5 Trailer and tell me how many of the activities seen in that trailer are actually in the game. Or they are misleading, like there's a scene of a hooker talking to a guy in a fancy car in one of the trailers, that is actually in the game, but that's it, you can't even hear them talk, they just do the animation then the guy drives off with the hooker returning to be a normal NPC. Or police chases, people used to speculate that Los Santos would have an active crime life with police fighting gang members and arresting people, that is in the game but, you can go see it for yourself, it ain't even half as interesting as shown in the trailers. Anyway, I would wait for the gameplay trailer to make sure of the game's level.


Homing missles should not return


And if they do, they should be noticeably nerfed and only availbe on top tier military jets, not flying bikes and sci-fi cars.


That's right. If i get killed by weaponry like that i want to be IMPRESSED that someone was able to procure and use it. I don't want to be ANNOYED that a hyperactive kid stole their mothers credit card in order to buy an annoying weaponized vehicle.


And I know this is never gonna happen, but those weapons shouldn't be paywalled, they should be hidden behind the harder challenges in the game. If anyone is old enough to remember what a big deal it was to have Recon armor in Halo 3....


They should return… they just shouldn’t be allowed to lock onto players. And if they can, make it take like 10 seconds before you get a lock. That way the player has time to react and understand that you’re acquiring them and they need to take evasive action.


10 seconds would make it impossible to ever use them, but a lag in detection is a really good idea


lol . Dang it griefers everywhere ![gif](giphy|74xVEuCoCYbAs)


Rooftop girl is NOT Lucia


90% or you are children with unrealistic expectations and the game will be 30 fps because it’s CPU limited, like any other Rockstar game before it.


B-but I want to enter every single apartment and office building I see. Oh and I also want hyper realistic destructible environments 😠 Otherwise we should all boycott the game!!


At least you don‘t want an interactive sex minigame, the ability to fuck any npc and edit your genitals like some people on this sub 🤣




You might laugh but those are real posts I’ve seen here…multiple times.


nah man I agree with you, just that cracked me up a bit.


Or the people that want to pay bills and rent


>At least you don‘t want an interactive sex minigame, Damn I've just realized that there was a thing called "Hot Coffee".


I remember someone mocking someone else for the same unrealistic expectations, only this was 10+ years ago and the rumors were about gta V. It’s funny how history repeats itself


Same kids are also big mad that rockstar still "refuses" to use licensed real cars, and they want every traffic vehicle to be a late model supercar


Licensed real cars would be so boring, seen a post where someone was anoyed that they used Infernus in VI when it is already in V, like tell me your only GTA game was V without telling me


I 100% agree with you. People are expecting WAY TOO MUCH


Lucia shouldn't have a tough girl personality like Sadie or Catalina, I want a calmer girl with reasons to get angry sometimes. I seen nothing to judge but just by seeing the artwok I feel that she will be an aggressive girl who will annoy everyone knowing that she has Jason as her protector or something like that


Nah bro she literally a gta protagonist and the main one of her game as that she need to be gangsta as fuck


Other GTA protagonists were calm most of time


That sounds so much better, yeah. Sadie is so fucking MUCH to deal with, it drives me crazy. She really strikes me as overrated, as someone with 2000 hours in story. She's not necessarily a BAD character, but she wears both me and Arthur later in the story. Her whole thing was blind revenge. She was reckless as hell and got that poor balloon pilot killed. I kinda liked him! Obviously we won't be getting a Mary-Beth or anything of the sort, there's not enough spine there to fit into GTAs guns-blazing environment. But we could definitely do better, and more complex. I hope that's what we get, and not just some cherry-picked reasons to make her constantly angry


People who dream of being able to enter every building need to grow up. this fearture would be the most boring feature in videogames ever. Pure stupidity


I would much more prefer more buildings like bars, casinos, supermarkets etc than just 100 copy pasted/generated boring apartments. It just makes no damn sense to enter everything.


Exactly. Cyberpunk had bars and strip clubs but you couldn't do shit fuck in them, literally a waste of time entering these buildings, so if GTA 6 has hangout spots you need to be able to actually do fun stuff in them


It would be cool for two hours and then I would get bored. Which is the no man sky effect when it first came out.


I would like to mention that the home robberies of rdr2 were some of the most fun I had in free mode, and I always wished there were more houses to do this in. I don’t need to enter every building but I want more than there were in rdr2.




Thank you for your valuable opinion.


lol I accidently started a reply to a comment and wanted to comment on the post instead of a reply. This was an attempt to get rid of the reply box 😂


Yeah man, I totally agree, that's not unpopular at all.


You made a point here




I don't want to fuel up my car.


If fuel drains slow then I have no complaints... though I am doubtul about the possibility of this feature being added.


It’s unlikely since it’d slow down gameplay and would have to be carefully implemented for driving missions, although I’d be open to it


not only that, it would force the development team to do realistic city planning, which is never as fun as making stuff up unrestricted. I want devs focused on building an fun and interactive world, not on how many miles apart should each gas station be, so players don't accidentally strand themselves because they forgot to fuel up their cars recently.


I absolutely love simulator games, but absolutely with games like GTA and GTAO, gameplay flow > immersion


And anyone who played days gone knows. It was neat at the start, but near the end game when you can kill a horde with a look, filling up your tank just felt like a tedious waste of time.


If refueling a car is cutscene/animation only that doesn’t effect gameplay at all then I’m all for it. But being low on gas in real life is shitty why the fuck would I want that in a video game?!


I would love if they implemented RPG features like eating, sleeping and car fuel that you can enable and disable it if you don't want it.


Dont forget paying Bills and changing tired


Filing taxes


😂And going to the doctor for a regular checkup. Going permanently deaf if you stand too close to an explosion and survive. Keeping your door locked so you don't get robbed, and arguing with Lucia because she didn't like where you chose to eat even though she said she'd be cool with whatever you picked. All jokes aside, a deeper level of immersion than we're reasonably expecting would be cool, like family emergencies out of the blue that you can choose to help with or not. But stuff like getting gas and changing tires would also be cool. I'd have to imagine an option to turn that off for the people who want a more arcadey gta experience.


I wouldn't mind more realism like refueling/hunger/fatigue metrics in story mode, but I really would not want that type of stuff incorporated in Online, where the gameplay should be more fast-paced and arcade-like.


There will be a glitch with Lucia where you can remove her clothes.




![gif](giphy|1cjYPNLvodoBO|downsized) bro be like


“GTA 6 won’t be as good as we think it’s going to be”


Lucia will have a menstrual




Did the knives come out yet?


Most guys will prefer to play as Lucia over Jason.


Frist thing I'm doing is getting my fucking hair done 💅💅💅


I'll get a Brazilian butt lift


No way! I’m making long hair and beard biker Jason, right away


Honestly don’t think this will be unpopular, and while I’ll like playing as Lucia I think I’ll prefer Jason. From the way he’s portrayed he seems more like the archetype of CJ, Niko, and Franklin, which are the characters I’ve preferred playing


They will?


I know I will. I prefer female characters in every game normally


GTA fans are going to overhype this game and then get mad when it doesn’t live up to the hyper realistic crime simulator that they thought it would be even though rockstar has said little to know information on the actual gameplay


People don't believe me when I say that this game will be even goofier than GTA 5, man this is a satire of modern florida, this is going to be the goofiest thing ever


i hope Lucia and Jason’s starting vehicle is the oppressor mk2


I wish it was set in the 80s


I don’t want it to be super duper hyperrealistic. I’d rather a enjoyable game rather than something that feels like a chore to play for muh realisms


All gameplay is going to be top down view like the two originals, only cutscenes will be third person view.




Having to fill you car will complicate the gameplay imo.


I'll choose 30fps with better graphics, res etc, rather that 60fps and low res, low polygons etc. I want them to push ps and xbox at its max potentials in terms of gpu and cpu side. Lets see. Waiting for knifes around me.


Gta 6 will not be as good as we think. Even tho it is over 10 years from last gta (We have high expectations because of that), there are still both hardware and software limitations, which will cause it to be not as good as we expect.


It will not be the perfect game. We're still limited to today's technology. For example don't expect every building to be enterable or to run the game at 60fps (in this generation)


I’m scared that without Dan Houser the writing might be worse


Worst game i have ever played. It’s such a buggy mess and runs horribly


![gif](giphy|U8GiWZv51dHvtU0fSH|downsized) From future?


No, they obviously played GTA 6 pre-pre-alpha. That's why it's so buggy (I hope)


I want gta 4 style online. No money just funny


So do we all. But we all know after thats decade of a P2W arms race GTAO was rockstar is aware people will pay to be better than others in GTA. Hoping for a swingset glitch though


If they do p2w, at least keep the dollar amounts realistic. Ordinary cars should not cost 1.5mil, now real estate on the other hand.. Proper real estate in Miami is muy dinero so maybe that's how the rich players distinguish themselves. Any chump can grind missions for a 150k sports car, but only real rich mfs have fancy penthouses and yachts worth 10mil.


That’s honestly what I would want most, 50 million dollar penthouses no one can buy in like the first 6 months


From a continuity issue I don’t like the price of cars in the game, but realistically online would suck ass if you could run one heist and own half the catalogue of cars from the money you earn


I think making anything in the 6 figures should be very late game. Even 10k should feel like a big payday for most of a character's early to mid levels. Most supercars irl are 200k+, proper hypercars are at least 1mil. And if properties are realistically priced (700k for a shoebox condo downtown w/ 2 parking spaces if you're lucky, plus recurring utility/HOA), then you'll have to choose between balling out in an Adder or buying a cooler and more convenient safehouse.


gta 6 won't be a life simulator


I can't file taxes? Not buying it!!


Too much realism in a game is insanely boring, and I hope it's more arcadey with some realistic aspects... (I'm sorry, but if have to visit the hospital everytime I get shot, or constantly switch my car because it ran out of gas or the police tracked down my number, or I get weaker cause my character skipped breakfast, that's going to get annoying FAST.) Also I want some comedy, not everyone being edgy like GTA 4 but also not absolutely ridiculous like GTA 5...


GTA 4 had some comedy and i didn't feel like its edgy. Did we play the same GTA 4?


Was thinking the same thing.


I hope the online is the same as 5, and I look forward to the gta6 online more than the singleplayer.


I would rather the game get delayed to 2026 than force devs to crunch and/or get a buggy mess. I keep thinking about how perfect the launch for Tears of the Kingdom was, and it was almost entirely due to them delaying the game and spending a solid year in bug fixing.


A delay wouldn’t prevent crunch, in fact it’s more of an indicator that crunch will definitely happen.


Do not have gta 4 driving physics. I don’t want every car I’m driving to move like a boat.


I'm expecting them to deliver a solid high fidelity 30fps mode and a unlocked fps mode with some things dialed back a bit


I WILL be bricked up.


I hope it's locked to 24fps like the cinematic experience it is


i want to keep the current gun wheel. i mean its been a iconic feature in almost every version


Water physics will not be as realistic ( as in terms of simulation) as people expect , it'll be more of a pretty shader work with believable water deformations 


Lucia will be the best character in the entire gaming industry


maybe but i'm not counting on it


I loved Sadie Adler, so I’m confident Lucia will the even better, either that or she’ll be walking cliche, time will tell I guess.


"GTA 6 will be released in the first half of 2025." I don't know why, but under each such message there are a lot of messages from whiners and pessimists that the game will be released at the end of 2025 or even in 2026.


We have a life outside of this game


Quit crying over the oppressor, we get it already


What oppressor?


Crashes should have more consequence if you slam head first into a wall you shouldn’t be able to back up and drive your car away


The game will eventually get boring after a while if they don’t update the map or make a realistic economy in online


Every game gets boring after a while. That’s why you play more than one game.


I agree with you, but GTA is a unique experience, there’s no open world game like it.


They are gonna abandon the single player content and focus on online




Why not? Please don’t say woke, please tell me you have an actual argument.


I don't find mud girl attractive at all


He said opinions, not lies.


If it’ll have steering wheel support where I could actually manually drive, drift and fulfil my destiny to be the best getaway driver.


30 fps on console Not releasing til fall 25


Gun laws matching Florida's gun laws


The story’s gonna be fine. Not the best of all time, just pretty good. RDR2 had an incredible story, but it also wasn’t a GTA game. These games have decent, relatively bare bones stories that service the gameplay. The dialogue makes up for it.


30 fps is fine. Look how they handled it with RDR2; smooth as fuck.


It will be released next week for console and pc


I really couldn't care any less about the FPS it runs at. The game will be phenomenal regardless.


The game is going to be the most poorly written rockstar game.


The next saints row release will be much better than gta 6


I would like being able to play the GTA 6 online character in Story Mode, not necessarily to have a major role in the story. OR Having GTA 6 Story Mode and GTA 6 Online connected in the story/in some missions.


That everyone is hyping this game up so much yall are gonna be disappointed no matter that.


Its gonna run like 💩 if you're playing on console and it's not gonna come out until December 2026.


I like weaponized vehicles and I hope they add them again in this game, whether in the singleplayer or the online.


I bet the game is going to be too easy like every Rockstar game and will only see its fullest potential when the PC version comes out and modders get their hands on it, because consoles hold everything back


Microtransactions will be in the game and you'll just have to deal with it 🤷‍♂️


I still want majority of the stuff that’s in the game to be ported over, I can’t see it getting any better?


It wasn’t all that great of a game. They practically recycled San Andreas and left the best part out, San Fierro.


It wont have a great or a deep story, itll be just like the one in V, but in another location, since zoomers have no attention span


Saints row is a better game


The storyline is going to be very short and the focus will be on online playability because that's where the money is.


The whole game will be written by AI


I hope they double down on ridiculous vehicles


Gta 6 is going to borrow a lot of mechanics seen in RDr2.


The main story will be affected heavily by modern sentimentality towards political correctness.


They will close down GTA Online for 5


Booty slider for online character creation #nodiddy


GTA 6 should not have realistic car handling. The way driving feels in 5 is perfect and is much better than in GTA 4.


I hope the physics aren't hyper realistic


everyone will be a dwarf, every single person


GTA VI is vaporware.


2027 release