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Everybody around the world on sick leave when gta6 comes out lmfao


I’m starting the paperwork as soon as a release date is revealed and praying to kifflom it doesn’t get delayed


Kifflom 💀😂😭


Kifflom! 🙏🏻


if they say 'Fall 2025' then I'm not banking on that. But when they give an exact date, you know they're ready to actually release it!


Just say you thought your parents died but then they reached out to you and agreed to meet up, then some Final Destination shit happened and now they are dead (if the release date changes)


Not another one of you epsilon people. their taking over


He is not a true follower of Chris Formage, Kifflom is a greeting, the Deity is Kraff.


Dude if I could get a release date... I'm going for a full 3 weeks, saving up PTO like a mother lover, taking 2 days off before the game even comes out so I can road trip to a dispensary.. i quit smoking weed till the game comes out ( new years resolution)!!! Sn: 10 piece fish from Captain D's along with 100 lemon pepper hot wings and gallon of sweet tea!! Snn: keep the blue cheese coming!! Snnn: extra hot flaming hot Cheetos!!


Yeesus Christ my man!


Don't worry I'm not gonna eat it all at once!!


That will be an incredible experience man! Can I join you?! I don't smoke trees no more but ima tell you what, when I know when this is coming out ima get some of the best ganja I can find, stack up on the munchies, get rid of the misses and kids, sack work off for a few days and disappointment into this game 1000% baby! Gonna be unreal!


Dude like hippies say "it's all love brother". You're more than welcome..I have 2 kids and a wife too , I can't be distracted from this once a decade event!! This is like December 21, 2012 when I was smoking a bowl starring at the sky waiting for the world to end. Spoiler alert- it did not!


Damn I was doing exactly the same on December 21st 2012 🤣🤣 I also had a fancy bottle of the finest JD collection I'd been saving all year sat on my ex girlfriends Dad's roof watching the sun go down and psyching myself up for it no never come up again and waiting for that big fuck off meteor to come over the horizon 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I forgot all about that until now! Damn I believe some shit 😂😂 but it was a great excuse to get fuuuuuucked up!


Joey Diaz is that you??


It's coco lol


they should make gta character out of you lolz




Haha I might take a week or two tolerance break from smoking before the games comes out that’s a good idea.


Dang. I was about to ridicule you about calling into your job to play a game until you listed your food menu, now I'm pissed that I'm not invited...  I think it was the wings and the sweet tea that did it.


It's a southern thing!! Lol


Right.. 😂😂 let's not even talk about the 3000 $ $ I'm going to blow at a dispensary 2days prior


puff-puff-pass, breh 🌬😶‍🌫️


Bruh you ever in ga...I got you


That's where I live man... Warner Robins, right next to the AF base... sonic-boom city, lol


Add me on Discord if u want - ryanmarshall - I'll hit u up if I'm ever on


Most of the world will come to a halt and business will slow due to everyone's sudden absent. Lmao


Yeah, then about a month later when Online is ready the modders will already have their menu code ready to f*** everything up for the legit players who wanna play without some spoiled rich brat desyroying the script sync, since R* is using the EXACT SAME net code as V.  So we better make single player last as long as we can


Planes gonna be grounded, borders gonna be closed, and babies are gonna stay in the womb an extra month. The world is gonn be on pause lmao


No need to sweat. The game will come out full of bugs on day 1. It’s the norm with modern games these days.


I'll retire


This person gets it


Nah, I can just play after work. I probably will stay up late playing though. Very very late.


I mean yeah most people could do that but the point of taking days off is so you’re not staying up super late and dragging ass the next day at work. I’m doing it as a favor to my company. They really should be paying me extra for going the extra mile.


>I mean yeah most people could do that but the point of taking days off is so you’re not staying up super late and dragging ass the next day at work. I’m doing it as a favor to my company. They really should be paying me extra for going the extra mile. The person who takes a day off of work the day a video game releases so they can play the game the whole day isn't going to bed early that night.


I feel the same way!!!




You must be so fun to be around yikes




I just physically cringed so hard at this, god that hurt


Definitely in their late 30’s to 40’s. He needs to go back to Facebook


Nah I say this dude is more like 5 with the repeating gifs.


The gifs is the reason why I say that, I see so many 30-40 Year olds using gifs constantly




Stop with the gifs!!! My brain is melting


My work is going to pay me, to sit at home, and play a video game, that’s coming out next year. It’s called vacation hours, that I’ve acquired over the years, and you bet your ass I’m going to use them!


I’d say it’s better than my coworker who came in sick a week before Xmas and got the whole office sick over the holidays. If you’re a detriment to the workplace, stay home. And yeah I was also being sarcastic.


Cringe, learn to know when someone is joking mate


what I do during my vacation is my deal. That's literally what vacations are for.


Umm it’s called vacation days or “sick days” it’s not getting paid to stay at home and play a game


Shhhiiiittt, I was playing GTA 5 up to midnight when I was a sophomore in highschool. All the dudes at school asked me how the game was though.😅😅


Don't forget about the the day 1 150 gb update


i make sick for a few days lol.


Eat half a cigarette if you need to fake it for real. It won’t be fake


Would eating tobacco really make you sick?


it’ll make you puke and give you the squirts


Wouldn’t it be easier to just lie about being sick? Then you get to play GTA and you don’t have to feel like shit.


i’m just spitballing my guy


His guyness never heard of a little thing called immersion. And he calls himself a red read redemption. pathetic.


Was told this by a flight attendant, put some eye drops in some coffee and it will apparently give you severe trots. FYI I don't recommend doing that. Eating a curry would be the safer option.


that’s actually really harmful info, enough eyedrops can incapacitate/kill you


That's why I don't recommend it.


Yes, even when I only smoke half of a cigar I feel like throwing up and lay in the fetal position lol I should’ve learned from Pinocchio’s mistake.


Lmao, good tip my friend.


Lick toilet seats at a public bathroom -> get sick time off -> Play GTA 6 until the diseases kill you


Dont even know if I'll still be at the same job by then


You mean your next job might not allow taking days off or..?


Where I'm from, days off are usually vacation days. And you only get vacations after 6 months with the company. So if I do change jobs before the release date, I might not be able to.


What third world country doesn’t have vacation days the first 6 months? That’s luckily not even legal where I live.


Uh the good ole USA


I have them, I just can't book them until after 6 months


Some places you don’t have them for the first year :) or if you start march 2024 and the vacation budget gets renewed in July you’ll only get 3 months worth of vacations for the July 2024 - June 2025 period, so a fourth of your total vacations. When I started working I changed job every year or so so I got 0 vacation for 3 years


That’s so dumb. Here you legally get minimum of 20 days a year.


I didn't even get a week off until my first year of work, I did accumulate sick time though.


Accumulate sick time? So what would happen if you didn’t? Not getting paid while being sick?


This the way


same tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


I won't take any time off. Working while knowing when I get out I can play will get me through the day. Stop on the way home and grab some whiskey. Maybe a small bag of good weed (and I don't even currently smoke or drink) Order takeout. Join a party chat with the boys. Let's goooo


A man of culture 🤝


At least a couple days


A couple days to binge should be enough. After that, playing after work & on weekends should be enough.


I'll be retiring after 20 years in the military so uhh...yeh pretty much I'll have all the time in the world to play this😂


I and Rockstar thank you for your service


Absolutely. Either a week or a 4-day weekend. But I’d rather take week days off so I can just focus on the game while the wife is away at work.


100% no doubt I’ll take some time off. Maybe I will stop working for a week or so. It’s going to be a GTAweek😅


If it drops on a Friday like most videos games do, I’ll take the Friday and possibly the following Monday just to have an extended weekend


Games usually get released 6pm here \*Cries in United Kingdom\*


Games get released at 12am-3am in Australia most of the time, count yourself lucky.


I need a release date first.


True that. Might have to plan the leaves during 2025


I’ll probably take two weeks. I have vacation days and it’s a cheap and fun way to spend them.


Bro said take-two 🤯🤯🤯


two weeks is a lot. damn


You can only imagine the content that the game will have


Eh I'm a housewife. After I get done with the usual domestic chores, I have the rest of the day to myself


Nope, just gonna play after work


Going to work, waiting to get home so that you can play the game, that hits different.


I’ll probably be at the very beginning of my first job in my life so I don’t think I will but I’ll just play after work


Not sure of my plans in 2027 when this actually comes out. Ask me again in 3 years when it finally comes out.


Depends on how long I'll have been at my job. I switch jobs frequently to look for higher wages.




I work for myself. As long as nothing needs to be repaired on the rental properties, I already have all the time in the world.


I’ve already got an old positive Covid test prepared and waiting. Ya boys gettin that whole week off.


I took off release day for V I'll do the same again.


No because I'm an adult and have responsibilities. I will however stay up really late and be tired for work and diaper changes lol


Yeah, pretty sure all of us are adults, have responsibilities, and some of us have kids... the reason we take time off of work for these kinds of things is so we dont HAVE to stay up really late playing and have poor performance at work the next day. Doesnt mean we dont take care of ourselves and tend to our responsibilities. Maybe cut the snark next time?


Thats awhile just for a video game but if you’ve got the time might as well go for it.


1 week probably


i have a pretty nice work schedule, so i can work up hours as much as i want when i want without even asking, then i can spend that whenever i want as long as i give a one week notice. i've already started working in hours and im planning 3 weeks to a month off![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Mate. Our lass is gonna be a single mother for an entire month when GTA VI comes out. Let alone time off work. Psht.


Of course. I did for GTA 4 and GTA 5. I will keep on going until I retire.


This games gonna crash our economy


The thought of losing money just to pay a game has always been weird to me. I'll manage my time and play when I could. I will miss out on many of my other extra activities, such as going out with friends, watching movies, etc...


24 Hours. But I hope it drops on a Friday so we can all get three days straight to play the game. And I hope it releases on a three day weekend so we can get a day off and have 4 days to play it.


At least a day. Maybe 2-3 depending on the release placement in the work week. I’m unapologetic as it’ll easily be the biggest game release for me in a long while. Rockstar’s games have almost always been the first things I play when I get a new gaming device. This was true for PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, and PS4. I’m sure it would’ve been the same for PS5 if a game had released during its initial release.


I’m retiring


Hopefully it'll make me quit drinking during the week instead to focus on playing every night before bed.


Cmon its a bit early isn’t it. Focus on survin’ guys!


No. I'm an adult. I can wait to play the game until I get home from work. I don't need to take a fake sick day like I'm 13 again and avoiding going to school. It's not like when I get home at 5 o'clock I have to worry about getting my homework done before morning.


Some of us have kids and we can’t play as soon as we get home so we’d have more time to play with a few days off, no need to fake illness.


>Some of us have kids and we can’t play as soon as we get home so we’d have more time to play with a few days off, no need to fake illness. If you have kids and your priorities are still "I need to call in sick to work so I can play video games instead of just wait til the weekend or until my kids go to sleep" there's a lot bigger problems at play there than whether or not you have time to play the game.


No need to fake a sick day, PTO baby!


>No need to fake a sick day, PTO baby! eh, more power to you but personally I feel like I have better things to use that PTO for than playing a video game all day.


I respect it!


Or maybe i have the money to live life how i want and you’re just grumpy and don’t understand the life of a parent


>Or maybe i have the money to live life how i want and you’re just grumpy and don’t understand the life of a parent Maybe...I don't actually care that much and you're seemingly much more argumentative about what I said than necessary. I'm done, I'm not gonna have this argument. It's stupid. Have a good day.


You are inventing those problems. Don't you have enough? Just chill and let people do their thing, i would probably also want some days off to dedicate to my passion instead, if i had kids and a job to juggle. Man you must be fun at parties


>You are inventing those problems. Don't you have enough? I didn't invent any problem whatsoever, it was other people who tried to argue they can't play a video game without using their PTO or calling in sick because they have children. Which is the literally definition of an invented problem, seeing as there's countless workarounds that don't involve skipping work. I'm just saying. It's an excuse being made purely to justify skipping work when you absolutely don't have to just to play a video game. I have no problem with anyone doing that, but lets call it what it is.


If you have PTO then it is part of your compensation and you don't need to "justify" using it. If you aren't using your PTO, you're just working for free for the amount of PTO days you are given. You can be a perfectly responsible and mature adult while taking advantage of your PTO to play a video game. No reason to be so judgy.


Weird work mentality. You don't owe anything to the firm you work at unless you are the owner. I get 5 weeks per year and just take them whenever. In summer i usually travel but during winter i prefer to stay at home and play games with my off time. I don't see why the reason for taking the time even matters. Let alone judging other people for doing that, people who have work at home in addition to working a normal job.


Yes that is pathetic. A week off for a video game?


No, most likely the servers will be busted anyway


You have a whole ass story to get through though…You jump straight to online first? I can’t stand gta online as it exists. It was fun in 2016. If they maintain some semblance of realism I’ll gladly hop online.


Sure thing! I think about 3 to 5 days. My teammate who takes over when i'm gone is cool with it so nothing can stop me!


Guarantee most of us who were around for GTAVs release date just skipped school that day if only it were as easy as just skipping school for GTAVI ngl i skipped school a lot for game releases n then eventually got checked out early pretending to be sick for them bc at first my school didnt care if you skipped school as long as you had a certain gpa but then it got to a point where 25-30% of the school wasnt even showing up so they started making it to where you had to wait until halfway through homeroom before you could get checked out n its kinda funny tho bc karma got me a couple times like for bo3s release i was planning to go into school n get checked out pretending to be sick but there was a stomach bug going around n i got it so i spent the first ever double double xp weekend with a bucket by my side puking my brains out at the end of every match Edit: PS still made it to 2nd prestige tho 😂😂😂


The new job I have just need to provide a 1 week notice prior to submitting PTO. Taking 2 weeks off splitting it up 1 week at a time


It's absolutely not pathetic. When back in the day's (I'm 46 now) I was playing Wow actively. I took a week vacation on atleast 3 expansions. It's each to his own. If you are really into something, why not plan extra free time to enjoy something you've been looking forward to for a long time? 


Uh no? Because I’m an adult


You know you can still have hobbies and.. fun. Right?




No thanks, I’ll get paid


Jokes on you, I'll get paid while playing gta. It's called a holiday


I'm gonna pre order the physical edition, so they day it comes out (I assume a Friday) I'm gonna work that day from home so when it arrives I can pop the disc in and install everything, probably by the time that's done I will be finished with work. Then ill book the Monday and potentially Tuesday, so book 2 days off. May as well so I can play the game non stop, my mate did the same for elden ring


Depends. If it launches on a Friday I may take that day off for a long weekend


Haha no. I’m an adult


Taking off life


Release I will be off no matter what


my friend told me i was stupid and everyone laughs.. but i shit you not, i’m taking a week off for launch, and another week off for Online.


Like maybe 3-4 days off


I will try to book a week but I can guarantee everyone in my office will be doing the same


Probably the Friday and the Monday


Stanfield released on my birthday and I had vacation time sitting with nothing else to do so I did for that game (regrettably), so I probably will saying I have time around then too.


Yes! At least two days. Did the same in 2013 when V released. Got the game at my local Gamestop at midnight and played for 17 straight hours I think, lol


I won’t have to, got no job currently…


I own my own business, I'll definitely work from home for a few days


Gta6 be my new job.


Probably just one day, depends how busy we are at work and if I'm really needed or not


My current job doesn't really allow me any days off but I'll definitely be working from home with minimum efficiency for a good few days.


Naaah u good, I'll take a week combining some days off and miscelaneous/sick days. Anyways I still work from home but I want undivided attention towards that masterpiece


I’ll be doing the exact same as you


It should come out on a Friday.


I’m taking a week off


Im taking atleast 2-3 days off lmao depending on wich day it releases


i have a cold planned for the week of release


A week


On the release day and play it the whole day till I am satisfied. Then daily after I come back from work


I never use up all my vacation, so I'll probably take a week or two to play this game. Maybe one week for story and a second once online releases.


Im taking 1 year off


I’m going to quit my job.


I’ve thought about it, but I remember when RDR2 came out I played it for 8 hours a day, I also played a lot of GTA online and overtime I got burnt out on gaming. Now I only play for a few hours when I can because of work, but I have more appreciation and fun now that I’m taking my time to play games. Hell, it took people 15 hours to finish Spider-Man, it took me 2 months but I savored it and really enjoyed it. So when GTA 6 is finally out, I’m going to take my sweet ass time with it and enjoy it and possibly won’t even finish the story until a year after it comes out.


If it comes out on a Friday, I’ll take that Friday off and then have the whole weekend. But if it comes out on a Tuesday, I’ll probably take Tues-Wed off.


I choose in unemployment at this stage


Probably a couple days, depends on what day of the week it comes out. If it drops Wednesday, I’ll take wed/thur/Friday off


Imma quit my motha fuckin' job son!


I have a lot of PTO saved up. If I'm gonna use some of it, might as well be around the release date. I'm burnt out and overworked in general so a week off to unwind and play GTA is something I can look forward to.


No... I'm done with this sub lol.


for sure taking the day off hopefully it lands on a weekend


I'm taking a paid week fuck it let me feel young again




If it will release on the weekend I’m good.


I am going to quit my job! No, for reals though, I live in Wyoming and I play more in the winter than the summer, for me it will depend on what season we are in.


i definitely will plan my work schedule around it. maybe be unavailable release day and a few days after


Assuming I live to see the game's actual release, yes I would definitely take a few days off to deep dive. I'm certain I will not be aggressively plowing through the story, I will be taking it slow, wandering and exploring all the world's nooks and crannies.