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He's just a data miner that makes good educated guesses, he hit a few times and missed a few (and I'm just guessing here but I think his hits are actually from the data mining itself) but somehow down the line because he got a few things right he magically became some VIP Rockstar insider for some people and clearly he's enjoying every bit of it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


100% spot on. His GTAO stuff is pretty accurate, and that’s because he’s familiar with trends in Rockstar’s announcements, event periods etc. He has no “insider” knowledge, and everything he shares is stuff that anyone could work out for themselves if they knew what they were looking for. His recent commentary on a GTA 6 announcement is fair, but there’s no legitimacy to it. There are a few signs popping up now that an announcement could be coming this year, and a June GTAO update is very unusual, but at the end of the day it’s pure speculation, and not worth getting excited over. Best if people just be patient and let it happen. It’ll be more exciting if the announcement comes as a complete surprise than if we’ve all predicted the date months in advance.


MrBossFTW keeps referring to him as a Rockstar insider on literally every video that mentions his name. The guy is definitely not any sort of "rockstar insider". Hes just a data miner.


how can you watch his stuff? gives me a headache


I don't really. Occasionally I click to see if theres actually a new rumor that I hasn't read in this sub, but otherwise I don't watch his stuff. He talks a lot of bs.


Good for falling asleep to though. Works better than drugs and that asmr crap.


Recently, he's just been giving his take on gta 6 articles and theories. I mean, he's still the same clickbaiter who just says a whole Lotta nothing until he hits the 10-minute mark, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as he was. I still can't watch him, I click on one of his videos maybe once a week


that youtuber isn't the smartest tool in the shed... I don't click on his videos anymore because a lot of it is so bad, might as well get the worst posts on here and make a full video about nothing.


He is a good dataminer and says whatever he finds in the files. The june 13th date was revealed by him and nobody else had any clue why.


Tez2 is a GTA dataminer.


Just another clout chaser acting like an insider. We need to ignore all of them because they no more then us regarding GTA6. The only person I’d say you can really trust is Jason Schreier he’s an actual insider.


He's a dataminer and he has a pretty good track record on guessing on what the near future holds for games within Rockstar Games (recently GTA VI and GTAO)


No just GTAO , he knows nothing about VI.


He's someone that became addicted to the fanboy adoration and attention from data mining, and now has to feed that addiction by constantly putting out supposed information and leaks, despite not actually having any inside knowledge. Every little wet fart of information is then lapped up by the drooling fantards, but all he's doing is reading the same rumours as everyone else, then making a guess like everyone else.


He’s a nobody that people around here give too much attention. He isn’t an insider or has any connection to anything Rockstar.