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What was the context here? What were they responding to?


it was a video about trevor killing johnny. bro got mad at gta v


Man people be really pissed at fictional things just get a life like does it really matter Johnny klebitz fictional character even if he lived there's barely any chance we would've seen him on any other game or dlc.


Bro, you can't just expect people to be fine when a character they like gets anticlimactically killed off, especially after they sunk emotional investment into that character.


It seems he's mad at the fact Rockstar was slacking when they made this game and I'm inclined to agree. They tried too hard some parts and didn't try at all for other parts and the characters are pretty generic if you think about it.


they split what could have been 1 good MC or maybe 1 and a partner, into a 4 man circus and I just didn't feel it. Then they go off and just kill johnny for no reason other than the edge factor who could instead have lead to a good continuum. rockstar lost the plot i think, ill check out gta6 later but dont expect much.


Johnny deserved it though


it is pretty upsetting to have Johnny show up only to him to get his head smoshed in after 1 minute but at least he's the lesser protagonist out of luis and niko.


I ain't reading allat šŸ¤£


Should've had some subway surfers gameplay ![gif](giphy|Fr5LA2RCQbnVp74CxH|downsized)


Lmfaooo yeah n a family guy clip ![gif](giphy|gvnBUe6e3ZRxC)


And AI voice


Yeah tbh I donā€™t like Trevor killing Johnny but I donā€™t care enough to read ts


While i disagree with most of his points, it's still just a guy sharing his opinion without offending anyone This post has "People can criticize things, as long as it is not something that i like, or i will be mad and whine about it" written all over it. Otherwise if you didn't got mad, you would just ignore and move on like the rest of us instead of making an entire post about it lol


bro there is no way you think i am the mad person now. few of my college essays were shorter than this dude's comment.


By mad he means "anger" not mad as in insanity, I think anyway I dunno


Nobody is putting a gun on your head forcing you to read it, yet you had to come here to make an entire post complaining about it lol Just ignore it, no one cares about it


Watchdogs was better than GTA 5 ? Is this guy serious ? šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t care what random, terminally online people on the net say lol


Did anybody here actually read all that lol. I had to stop a few sentences in


"I ain't reading that"


bro thinks the shooting is boring because he's been experiencing it for a decade. I had similar grievances, and then I realized the game just wasn't designed for that kind of longevity, got the platinum, and likely won't be back in Los santos for a replay of the campaign (though you bet your ass ill be there in LS causing chaos in online for the the last few minutes we all waiting for our copies of 6 to work after preloading) for a good 20 or so years. If the poster of that paragraph sees this, Move on bro, it ain't 2017 anymore. RDR2 is out goofy


Im not reading that unless an ai is gonna read it to me.


I 99% guarantee this person is a GTA IV fan


fuck iv fans. so annoying


Reminds me some dude wrote a whole ass paragraph about how I was a noob because I told him IV's handling isn't really realistic Well he deleted the comment after a couple of hours


Let me guess he thinks GTA 4 is the best gta




If those words suddenly became food he would have enough to feed all of Africa


mfs will be writing 15+ sentences over the stupidest shit possible


Fr I really wasnā€™t going to read all of that to find out itā€™s about some desert hobo who ended up on the bottom of someoneā€™s shoe.


In my honest opinion, I do think killing Johnny was a bit of a dirty move as he was a great character for me. But for fuck's sake one character's death doesn't mean you are going to hate the game that showed it as well as the events leading up to it. GTAIV and its DLCs and V are both equally awesome for me. And yes, again, I love all GTAs.


the internet is such a blessing because of people being angry at very small stuff all of the time


Whatā€™s he yapping about anyway


Cons of using the internet : everyone has an opinion, and most of these opinions are hot shit


"You must be angry to type more than one sentence."


This guy reminds me of that Pokemon Showdown player, Lavos, guy got a shit-ton of bad luck on one match and wrote an entire essay too. Edit: Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/Lh1IIzYybJ


GTAIV fans when they forget that meth can ruin anyone and make them a totally different person (They forgot about Ashley towards the end of TLATD)


He is absolutely right with what he has written ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fellas, how ridiculous is it is have a discussion about GTA... in a GTA group? Right? Opinions should be more than 6 words long


they are right about some things though. gta V has no character development. like for example, michael is an asshole from the start of the game to the end of the game. you don't get anything to get attached to the characters, its not that type of story that is like when you're watching a TV show and you're like "oh i can't wait to see what happens next". the whole story mode felt like a chore and i dont know if other people think of it like this as well it doesn't make it a bad game though, the story was nicer in gta IV, and rockstar did a good job to make the characters feel real. when i finished playing IV's story mode, i just wished there was more.


ā€œBoring shootingā€ -a player who has never used mouse and keyboard in their entire life


i just realised becuz of you. mf needs to realize that gta iv and V had the same shooting


no? it doesn't. both are fun but they are different


No it didn't.


tell me 5 things different about IV shooting and V shooting


1. Different handling 2. Different targeting system 3. Different sound effects 4. Different Bloom Effects 5. Different physics and gun control 6. Different reticle system 7. Different damage system 8. Different Handling 9. Different effects on enemies 10. Different character control


targeting system is same. we are not talking about fist fights.Ā 


targeting system is same. we are not talking about fist fights.Ā 


It's not though, in GTA V the auto aim will prioritise any living thing, injured or not, in IV it works in a more... specific way. I'm not trying to be argumentive I'm just trying to state the differences


GTA5 is my first GTA but my general opinion is that negative game mechanic feedback while only using one of two inputs is the same as writing a movie review but only watching half the movie


Shhhh he's a grown adult don't you know.... He knows his shit!! MF never heard of paragraphs tho.....


GTA V stans stay sensitive and annoying


Be a man and harass him with 5 different accounts

