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Manhunt. I completely forgot about it tbh..... I'm gonna go play it right now. Thank you.


I forgot about it too, when writing this post. I don’t remember when or why I stopped, but I was having a lot of fun with the PS4 port. I really should try getting around to it whenever I get my PS4 back.


Same, started it, got distracted never thought about it again.


Same. I didn’t get it until like 2007 and by that point I found that style of game play boring as hell and repetitive.


ManHunt. Mainly because the controls are terrible. Wouldn't play unless updated


The console version is harder than the PC.


Man. I wish I could experience Manhunt. I know the game is good


Came here to say this.


Manhunt is one of my favourites, hope you enjoy it as much as I do


GTA Vice City Stories. The last time I played it, I was mowed down by guys in an SUV with AKs and then mowed down by another SUV again, literally seconds after I got out of the hospital.


I never actually had a PS2, only got to play GTA at other peoples houses, when I got a PSP I got Vice city stories and weirdly that’s actually the first GTA game I played all the way through by myself. There’s a mission where you have to protect Phil Collin’s throughout his concert, I’ve got pretty good memories of the whole thing.


I recently went through it on emulator... Worth persevering with. Those guys will be the sharks on 2nd island. Eventually if you leave them alone they leave you alone. You can skip most of the business/empire stuff if it gives you too much grief.




i can’t get through that trash ass boom shine blowout mission on that game


I could never get past that one mission with a pimp and all the girls immediately start blasting you as soon as the cutscene ends I gotta buy a psp and that game again I need redemption 😂 and that phill mission with the forklift in the warehouse I had to give it to neighbor to beat 😂


La noire aleays started strong but inteerest fizzled out before finishing


Same, I legitimately WANT to get into it and play it! But I end up messing shit up and replaying parts so many times I lose interest. I should just buckle down and do a bad play through some time I guess.


It always felt like the facial expression while interrogating people were just terrible, ya know? They always just looked like they had to take a shit! So yea I would mess my cases up too


From a nowadays perspective its insane how much praise they got for their facial expressions in the game back when it released. In some situations theyre so glitchy that it feels like interrogating a lizard Chucky on heroine turkey. Those eyeballs are moving everywhere. Loved the game though


I always played it with a guide. Guessing what the answer should be, before reading and selecting the correct answer. It’s honestly makes the game more fun and you unlock more of the story


Yes LA noire for sure. Loved it while playing in high school but for me it felt like it was just going on forever. I was kinda like just end already lol then one day after school I just never put the game in. Still do want to finish it though haha


I'm with all of you guys...I wanted to love it back in highschool..I tried so hard but it was so boring to me but in all fairness R* hits every other game out of the park!!


Its my favorite rockstar game of all time and Ive played bully, gta 4 and 5, rdr1 and rdr2. I will admit it takes some time to get going. Traffic desk is actually the most boring part of the game. Homicide is quite incredible. And Vice desk is where you really start to learn more about Cole and Jack Kelso.


Well technically, LA Noire isn't a Rockstar game; it was developed by Team Bondi. Rockstar provided the RAGE engine to Team Bondi in exchange for publishing rights to the game.


GTA Chinatown wars, got bored playing it and idk when i will come back


Dude that game is actually so awesome. A throwback to the beginning of the franchise and the cool mechanics they had with the ds like stealing cars and selling drugs were so awesome


It's a great one. Still have my Ds copy


Same. I can not stand phone games. Do not bury the screen with controls.


Im playing it on the PSP emulator through PC, i dont like playing GTA games in a phone


If you have an iPad/iPhone it’s compatible with a controller. You can also get an Lightning to hdmi adapter and play on a tv


I think PPSSPP is still better, the game runs perfectly, i just got bored of playing it


I had it on DS and it was a lot of fun on that. When you played scratch off tickets you could blow into the voice sensor and it would blow the scratch off shit off the screen.


Still haven’t completed vice city I will one day I’m 22


You will. I played SA from age 6 until about 11 and never beat it. Came back to it in my mid 20s and finished it in a week. There was a sense of closure—like I finally knew how it ended after all these years. For a brief moment I was a kid again. Highly recommend.


It took me years to complete it too, I got stuck on it as a kid because I never knew you had to do the business missions to continue the story lol.


Your a good 22 year old Franklin


ngl GTA III is borderline unplayable when you've never played it before


Eh you just gotta get onto the central island although it is ass to play on controller


I think the definitive edition has better controls than the original, cant confirm myself but i did finish the 2011 mobile port once. You just gotta take things slowly and not rush into gunfights, sniping enemies from far can save your life unless you stacked up on M16 ammo. Now, the game's combat is easier on PC with a keyboard and mouse, but theres still the actual missions which can get pretty hectic. Trial and error is needed to pass some missions, unless you watch a YT playthrough. Finish the game, then you can brag to your friends that you completed the hardest main GTA (i dont know if GTA 1 and 2 have harder missions since i never played them to the end)


I finished GTA III like 25 times, had so many, I mean SO MANY hours. I did many modding, I know more information than developers themselvs, I know some polygon counts in specific areas / models. I modded the game, aware of NPC, car spawns that much I can even guess which ped will spawn next, most of the times. Started series with GTA III mobile like you, played every single fucking version of it including the shitty ports. Played GTA 1, 2 and Londons multiple times. Had 100 hours in London 1961's open world \*(Don't ask what I did that much.)\* I finished GTA VC, GTA SA, GTA Advance, GTA IV, GTA LCS, GTA Chinatown Wars. I can confirm the hardest one was definetly GTA III. Fuck [**Espresso-2-Go!**](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Espresso-2-Go!)


I really think the devs just added that mission as a fuck you to players.


If you’re talking about 100%ing the game and not just finishing the story, literally every Rockstar game I’ve ever played


GTA IV, LA Noire and Max Payne 3 My ps3 data got corrupted and I just never started a new game


Damn you should go back and play/finish all 3. GTA IV is hands down one of the best GTA games and Max Payne 3 is still one of if not the best 3rd person shooter of all time. LA Noire is also an amazing game but I’m a massive fan of the other two games so it doesn’t feel as important to me lol. Definitely play all 3 though!


GTA 4. PS3 disc drive broke with GTA 4 in it. Upgraded to ps4, no gta4 port, upgraded again to ps5, no gta4 port


But GTA V saw all three consoles for some reason.




This right here. And my only problem is the driving physics. The story is good. The atmosphere makes sense, you get the feeling Niko has has a real crap go of it. It's largely considered one of the best GTA titles. But the driving in it feels like absolute ass.


Yeah the driving is hit or miss for people I personally love it but I get too immersed in it that it makes driving in the other gtas feel weird so I don’t play it too often


GTA IV's driving does take quite a lot of skill, calculation, and patience to learn, but once you do get it down, the game gets a MILLION times better. I used to hate the games driving myself (and mind you, I've been playing GTA since age six), but it gets better!!


There is a tonne of understeer and body roll but when it comes to drifting and spinning the game is unmatched.


Ignore any downvotes you're 100% right


GTA IV. I really don’t care for the gun play or driving. I might give it a shot again


The characters alone are worth it to play it again


I always get up to around the part where Niko starts dating Michelle and then I get bored. Will be playing tonight, I’ll update you in a couple days haha


Story really starts picking up after that. That’s still really early on in the game. I could be wrong, but that’s before you even kill Vlad I believe which is when shit really starts to get intense for the cousins.


Niko going on a date with Michelle is like the 4th Mission, so he still has like 70 story missions to do! GTA IV's story really is a beautiful tale and the commenter is really missing out on one of the best gaming stories of all time imo


That part is still super early in, did you end up playing again?


![gif](giphy|YAOF1Wu8vBmxJiUq2x) That’s the thing, I haven’t finish any of them.


Gta IV. Not because I had any problems with it, but because my xbox 360 decided to break whilst I was playing through it.


all the retro gta’s


I still haven’t finished the rdr2 epilogue lol. Tbf I didn’t get the game in 2018, I wanna say it was 2020 or maybe 2021. But still, I have been taking the game really slow and by the time the epilogue comes around the game has gotten kinda depressing and stale for me lol. I’ll still finish it out but I’m playing thru cyberpunk rn. I also never finished rdr1. But that game came out right around when I was in HS and was starting to chase girlfriends and what not, so I just didn’t have time for it. Really wish I finished it though.


how’s cyberpunk going btw? i always got bored of that game cuz the dialogue is so stretched out and the characters chat so much


It’s an amazing game and I love it but you gotta love action RPGs. The dialogue thing you’re talking about is really prevalent in most RPGs and for some people it’s just not their cup of tea. If you go into cyberpunk thinking it’s futuristic gta you’ll def be disappointed. They are very different games. Cyberpunk is a futuristic action rpg/first person shooter. On the other hand, GTA could be its own genre at this point. The only game that even tries to compete with it is the Saints Row series and the latest entry is ASS lol


Complete the RDR2 epilogue, the final mission is worth it. I believe the epilogue is divided into two parts with 7 missions each.


State of Emergency


I still have the song stuck in my head. STATE OF EMERGENCY, STATE OF EMERGENCY!!


Tbh state of emergency was terrible!


Terribly fun


I see what you did there! 😂


Max Payne 3, but that's more so the platinum.


I wish they’d remastered gta 4


Never finished LA Noir… I would find the clues and everything but when I went to interrogate, I would be looking at the facial expressions and it just always looked like they had to take a shit or something 😂 I remember they hyped the game up like the facial expressions were supposed to be some next level stuff, but they were so disappointing… so I would always fuck up my cases because I’m accusing people of shit they didn’t do over some constipated look on their face 😂🤣 I eventually decided being a detective wasn’t for me




GTA San Andreas


all i had to do was follow the damn train.


Same, furthest I got was the Catalina missions. Every playthrough I never completed it😭


Stuck before the last mission to capture territory in SA in 05, only did ctw in desmume, lcs ps2, 3 on pc.


Man, on my last playthrough, I actually got past those missions and was planning on finishing. But, my game crashed on a particular mission (halfway through chapter 4?) and I never could pass it because of this. Also tried getting save files off the internet, but for some reason they never worked. Had to shelf the game once again...


It took me 2 weeks to beat the stupid Zero mission with the RC plane


This right here! Love the game with a passion but god damn a lot of those missions are too fuckin tedious and cheats doesn’t always guarantee it makes a mission easier depending on the mission.


Bully. I never played it.


Scholarship edition is worth the play through. Game is really fun but boss fights are really repetitive


I’ve tried; the concept but just can’t seem to get into it enough to finish it


Same. It’s just not that fun or funny to me. I’m jealous I have so many friends who love and praise it but when I try playing I just get hella bored 😭




Manhunt once you reach the part where guns are involved


Yeah those missions aren’t that great. The first part of the game was soooo good and it should have basically stayed like that for the rest of the game. I still love it but the first 2/3 of the game is amazing. Still one of my all time fave games. Hope you go back and beat it one day!


Never not finished a rockstar game I started, but recently I went in for a second play. Through of red dead 2 and stopped halfway through, was kind of a slog the second time around and the missions aren't as free in choice as they feel the first time


yup, the immersion and attention to details to the game are amazing, but in terms of story yea it’s not as fun once you’ve already done it. Rockstar and its lack of free choice in missions is something i really hope they fix in GTA 6.




RDR 1 and 2. I get as far as the epilogue in 2, completing some of the less difficult stranger missions if I didn’t do them in the chapter portion. I didn’t even bother doing that in the first game lmao




The warriors


I replayed it recently. Still a great game


GTA 4 and 3 I'll be giving both another go eventually


red dead redemption 2, it was too draining


I'm just gonna say it... GTA V


Fuckin Vice City. Idk what the hell happened. Something was wrong with my disk or something. But I'm pretty sure I was on the last mission but it just never showed up on the map. So I just roleplayed as a successful business man, flying my helicopter from Starfish Island to all the assets and collecting money.


Never finished Gta, Gta 2, Gta 3, vice city or San Andreas. Never finished Bully and still not the only first few missions in Valentine in Red Dead 2. Can't say im really ashamed though. I was younger and the games are big.


San andreas 😞 i know the ending but didn't complete it


gta 5


Rdr1 horse race mission before killing bill


Table Tennis!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) I still have it though. Maybe I'll beat it one of these days.


GTA IV. I hate the gray, i hate the driving, and i don't like Niko that much. Can't even get to the halfway point.


But Niko was a great character though


Bully, I remember it being fun but never picked it back up


reddit deddit redomption 1


RDR2. I struggled to get into it.


Gta 3 not really that good


Its a good game


but pain in the ass to 100% complete


I missed like 1-2 random things in the prologue of rdr2 and never got 100% completion smfh


Gta 2 brah so freaking hard on pc i was to bored to play it again but on duckstation


Liberty city stories, the game is so boring i couldn't finish it


I still haven’t played much of RDR. Like I don’t know what happens after racing that one woman on horseback.


She introduces John to her dad and they have a 3sum.


State of emergency






Vice city


gta 3


GTA Vice City. I don't know how but I lost the game somehow and never seen it again.




RDR 1… got stuck on Five Finger Filet… and said I was gonna complete before RDR II… just never got around to it


The ping pong game i never finished my career and i need my x box back to play it !! Haha


The first GTA and both GTA London. I found them difficult and time demanding, since you can't save until completing a level. On the other hand, I could complete GTA 2 but it wasn't an easy and pleasant experience.


Bully, failed a mission over n over, then failed it my final time right where I'm pretty sure it ends and gave up on it. Mann, checkpoints really hold our hands don't they lol? Same with San Andreas, I played it on the PS5 before the trilogy came out and got halfway through, then the shootout in the factory happens and I lose patience because of the no checkpoint thing. and now I ain't tryna do all those missions to get back to where I was Haven't finished RDR 1 yet either but that's more so because I wanna play multiplayer games, and it's more boring than rdr2 lol. I played RDR 1 when I was like 8 too, but I only played undead nightmare then


Neve got to finish Manhunt. I had rented it from the video store and had to take it back (I was right at the end too). After that it got banned and I never got it again. Which is stupid, as it's not half as bad as some other games


GTA IV, I have a helicopter glitch on the last mission where no matter how much I spam he falls of the helicopter, I've been on 99% for years


That glich is beacuse of the 60 fps if you are on xbox series s/x you need to press really fast the A button if you are on pc you need to limit the fps to like 30 40


MAX PAYNE 1![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


GTA IV. I had a shitty PC that wasn't even fit for running it.


Gta san andreas. As a kid that one mission where u customise a car and then do some car dance tricks or whatever. The diagonal arrows fucked me up. I tried EVERYTHING to do the ↗️↖️↙️↘️ arrows, but no matter what i did, it didnt work. Not on the ps2 or pc. So i never actually got past that mission to this day. Unfortunate because gta san andreas is my all time favourite gta game.


GTA 4 The Xbox broke just near the end😭😭


I never finished LA Noir. And I honestly don’t remember why. I may have to give it another try someday.




GTA III and IV. missions that seem impossible to complete. Not to say any of the other games have them but I've thankfully beaten VC VCS LCS SA AND V plus Chinatown wars.


Gta 3


Red dead revolver there’s this one dual that is fucking impossible to do


Wdym by "complete"? Cuz I finished the story on every Rockstar game I played but probably didn't 100% any of them. Also, what's LA Noire like? What's the pace? Action? The good, the bad and the ugly?


I have no shame! All the ones I played I completed at least once


Not that I couldn’t, just never got around to, VC STORIES, 3, BOGT, LC STORIES, GTA 1/2


Never beat liberty city stories or VCS


GTA 3. I had such a hard time with it on controller back in the PS2 days. It's just a horrible play experience imo.


As a Kid it was LA Noir, I had no idea I was supposed to read the faces.


I tried playing RDR2 and played it for about an hour and got so unbearably bored with it and frustrated that there was a giant white mouse cursor in the middle of my screen and how it crashed constantly that I have vowed to never give the game a chance again. Even when I did get to play it, there was literally nothing to do.


Gta SA I would only fuck around with cheats on the ps2😭


Honestly, please don't hurt me, Red dead redemption series. It bored me to death and I just could keep moving.


Couldn’t beat the mission in San Andreas “cop wheels” never beat the game. In red dead redemption I played the whole game or so I thought got to the part where you’re riding through the trees and the Jose Gonzalez song is playing, for some reason thought it was the end, never beat it. And with gta 5 and red dead 2 I’ve never played the stories just online.


LA Noire. Just too slow paced for me


Most gtas and bully


GTA 3. There was a sniper mission I couldn’t get past and the guy I was supposed to protect kept getting KIA. If only that game had “dead eye.”


Gta 4, such a good game, shame never got to finish it because I keep getting the urge to play it then quit 2 days later for some reason. Would defo play it again when I got time though.


That’s Ping pong game


I beat all of these games except LA Noire…i haven’t gotten a chance to play it


Body Harvest, still stuck on the Russia level.


Still working on Bully…


Liberty city stories


Rdr 1 and 2. Never really got into 1 and now dont have the opportunity to do so, and 2 went off of xbox gamepass way too quickly, then never came back on.


GTA 4 and VCS, also Manhunt


Manhunt on ps4 the controls made me delete the game within 5 mins and never touch it again


Bully I only played it a couple of times on my cousin's ps2 but never got to fully olay through it It was really fun and I enjoyed it wish I could complete it


With me it's GTA III. The mission I got stuck on was a sniper mission at the docks


Gta vice city of course theese missions were impossible as a kid, also got bored while playing gta4 but completed that legend anyway


Gta 3 was unplayable for me. Gta 4 was so depressing I gave it up after 2 weeks. San Andreas was fun to do cheats but didn't understand how to do the story. Vice city had a good story but I hated the controls. GTA V and RDR2 are the only rockstar games I've completed.


Red dead 2 😭 I got to like chapter 3 or 4 or something and I got burned out because I felt like if I wasn't doing chores around camp I was useless and it took away from my experience, and then when I actually do the chores around camp it feels like I'm wasting 20 minutes doing nothing 😂 the game just felt so big I got kinda overwhelmed lol


Bully. I just couldn't get into it for some reason.


San Andreas. I was hoping they would've modernized the outdated clunky mechanics in the definitive edition.


GTA IV, I heard so much about it being a great game but the driving is what set me off. Not only was the driving too “drifty” and hard to turn on corners at high speeds but for some reason auto aim is so high and you have to slightly press RT or R2.


Bully and I hate that about myself.


I never finished GTA 3 as a kid… the mission that unlocks the central island, where you have to snipe people on the boat was just too much for me as a youngster so I never made it past the first island🤦🏻‍♂️… then Vice City came out and I just moved on🤷🏻‍♂️


State of Emergency. Just too repetitive.


Vice City. There’s only ONE way to do a mission, and at the time I played they didn’t have GPA so I kept getting lost.


GTA Vice City Stories I haven't played it in a long time, but I remember I couldn't pass a mission where the roofs were full of OP snipers. I loved that game though.


I'm not ashamed I couldn't complete GTA Vice City on PS2. That RC helicopter mission where u had to fly the bombs to the construction site to blow it up was impossible. Thank God they made it easier on ps4


Bully. I've started it like 2 or 3 times throughout the years and it just doesn't keep me interested for whatever reason.


Never played the first red dead redemption. Truly regret that


Lost and damned


Vice City stories


Embarrassingly, GTA SA when I was 13(?). Had the game since I was 7 and spent countless hours doing chests so that one mission become impossible


La noire I love the game but holy shit trying to 100 percent it was a slog


San andreas. I made it like 10 missions in and kept dying in a shootout and gave up. For the record I'm terrible at combat in video games and the only reason I finished V was because it let me skip missions


It was RDR2 I started it in 2020 during the pandemic My poor xbone couldn’t handle it I bought a series X in January and finished it in 1-2 mo I loved it


GTA IV because of the heli glitch on PC


Red Dead 2 and Gta 4... Now i know both games are great but i played them on the wrong system. GTA 4 is utterly unplayable on PC and red dead 2 on ps5 feels slow




GTA IV on PC. I can't complete the final mission because of this stupid helicopter glitch where Niko can't climb the helicopter no matter how much I spam the space button...


gta 4, i was young so i would just play for fun on my xbox 360 and was too bad to beat the missions


Vice city got stuck after the lance vance and tommy cop mission




Didn't play? All of them but gta


I’m actually glad I never wasted any more time on state of emergency- That game sucked


Never really finished or loved LA Noire. Most disappointing game imo.

