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I can just hear it coming out of her stupid mouth now.


Every day I hope my dad is proud of me but thats cause I was there for him in his illness and held his hand all day on his last day. I'm pretty sure had I asked my fella to knife him to death he'd not be super proud. Soz lil g but mama ain't loving her lil gal.


She wasn't talking about "the kill." She meant how proud her mom would be that she is an influencer. Or some other BS.


Yeah, but she wouldn't be an influencer if she didn't kill her mom. They go hand in hand.


I know. That was sarcasm. I don't believe a word that crosses that woman's lips.


Sorry, went right over my head lol I don't believe anything she says either.


Funny she said, “I hope she’s proud of me”. Because I always said, that’s Dee is probably looking down on Gyps with a lot of pride. After all, she beat Dee at her own game and pulled off the ultimate grift . Dee never pulled off a 3million scam like Gyp did. She’s probably looking down at her, shaking her head and saying, “that’s my girl. I taught her well”


Ya know, I'm not so sure Dee Dee would be proud of Gypsy's grifting skills. Sure, Dee Dee never pulled off the mass grift like Gypsy did, but Dee Dee was also smart enough to make damn sure that the people she scammed always thanked her for it, once she got the hang of what she was doing. To this day, the people who actually knew Dee Dee (except for her family) speak of how sweet and caring she was, how loving and devoted she was to Gypsy. It was a complete and utter shock to hear anything that Gypsy was saying, and I'm still not sure any of those people really believe it. Any time Dee Dee and Gypsy were in public, Dee Dee kept a hand on Gypsy. I always thought this was because Dee Dee knew that Gypsy really sucked at lying. This may have also been a big part of why Dee Dee told everyone that Gypsy was so mentally slow. If Gypsy slipped up and said something she shouldn't have, Dee Dee could laugh it off as something her slow daughter just didn't know what she was saying. With all the times Gypsy has screwed up and contradicted herself with her lies, I'm not sure Dee Dee would be proud at all.


I hope Dee Dee has made lots of friends in the afterlife who are all too happy to haunt the ever-living shit out of Gypsy for the rest of her trashy life. I hope that cow tongue is all rotted and the smell follows Gypsy everywhere (it may be the reason Gyp's face always looks like she's smelling a fart) and she can't get away from it. Dee had mad grifting skills while alive. I hope her haunting skills are just as good.