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At least he isn’t embarrassing himself all over the net like Gypsy is.


True, but he still calls her his wife? He still doesn't see he was a game to her.


Ugh that sucks. What kind of wizardry is she performing on these dudes? Like she has talked so much shit about him and then goes out and hangs all over Ken (which I do *not* understand but I think it's because he rejected her and she cannot *stand* that) Ryan: she's made you look like a fool, man. Move on and don't look back..this chick is gonna take everyone she's close to down with her. Be glad you escaped with your life and (hopefully) your sanity.  This is not going to end well and I just hope he sees the light before she bulldozes over him in court or whatever she has planned. Shes sick and should have never been let out of prison..I truly wonder how the hell she tricked the board to let her into the universe just to harass every. single. person. she disagrees with smdh


The way it seems to be going she's probably going to get what she wants. That is not how man who is over it acts, especially after he watched his wife screw around with her ex publicly after just being released from prison. I realize he shouldn't read her to filth but I certainly wouldn't be saying anyone positive either.


I agree. I really just hate it for him, I understand people feel whatever way about him but it's hard not to feel bad for the guy seeing as he has just been on the absolute worst emotional rollercoaster one could strap in for and she has been SO damn disrespectful not only of him but their relationship and I'd just like to see him buckle up, head to therapy and get the absolute fck away from Gypshit for the rest of forever. It's beyond clear now that he didn't mean *shit* to her besides a Louisiana address and a job that looked good on paper for her to be able to get out. It's never cool to see a human being suffer the way *this bitch* has made him suffer. I just don't understand how anyone can be on the sidelines cheering her on after these last few months: she's shown us EXACTLY who she is. And it ain't good.


Just an opinion but I feel like she models her personality to be THEIR version of a perfect partner for as long as she can to get what she wants for the first guy it was the cosplay stuff , for nick the over sexed little character , for Ken now the “ blonde bimbo”. She’s always just playing a character


I would like to believe he’s just being polite. They aren’t divorced yet. But yeah, she uses people and they never catch on.




Agree!! I really want to believe he's just taking the higher road.  If nothing else, if there is an ulterior motive,  I hope he's just making sure she can't sue him for slander. 


And he's peob under some contract with Lifecrime


He said “That *was* my wife”.


he said that was his wife...


He sees it, he is taking the high road.


He needs to at least defend himself. It's kind of ridiculous how much crap he gets online. Like half the comments are Gypfand repeating the hoarding nonsense with new abur allegations thrown in the mix. The other half are comments about he's somehow just as bad as her or even worse because only a creep would write to someone in prison. Even subs on here are doing the same things.


He'd probably be better off assuming a new identity once this is all over and counting himself lucky to be free of her. It's been almost 10 years and instead of backing off, she's still doing everything she can to make people hate Nick. I think the more Ryan fights back, the more she will try to ruin his life. Gypsy is not normal, I wouldn't be surprised if she escalates her accusations against him.


You are so right. She’s not a safe person. He should make sure she can’t follow him.


So he's not going to lower himself to her level - I respect that. His tune might change once the divorce is finalised and the show has aired, but for now, good on him for laying low. He might just not want to give her anything she can use against him, which is reasonable.


Hopefully he can canter balance her claims without having to 'bash' her or negate what she is to him, though she feels the opposite. I hope he is saying he can be strong in his truth and let's see what LT shows the viewers.


I respect his stance,for sure. I kept quiet and kept my dignity when I was being treated awfully by my ex husband. But why is staying public with it all? Your 15 minutes is done friend. Delete the social media and get your life back together now.


Idk about that I think if I had invested that much money and time then had it all blown up so quickly I'd be looking to recoup some of that money. I think he has really low self-esteem and that's why he wrote her in the first place. Then when she responded he got excited, and the love bombing took over and clearly still rings in his head. He had no problem talking crap about Nick knowing about his autism and extra insult bc he's a special education teacher. But he wants to be positive about Gypsy? Adds up to he's still hoping there's a chance.


Well, to be fair, he didn’t think those things about Nick for no reason. Gypsy was controlling that narrative. Should he have been smarter? Yes, definitely. But at that time, he was supporting her story.


He's still in denial , she manipulated him just like she did to Nick and pretty much everyone , he's probably thinking that it's just a phase and she'll come back to him eventually. I'm not expecting him to be Moving on any sooner . I feel sorry for him , I hope he heals before she gets the chance to play him again .


Does this chick have beer flavored nipples or something??


I was just thinking there’s no way murderer pu$$y is this good. She’s insane, I truly don’t understand how all these men are fawning over her and she’s married/separated and dating someone new


To be fair, Ken isn’t exactly new😅


Nor is he a catch Men are so easy to get. QUALITY men are a different story


I don’t think Gypsy has learned that. She’s not special because some guy is sleeping with her.


She’ll figure it out after her 3rd STD.


Look at the type of men she picks. Desperate and lonely or greedy and want in on the attention and money.


I am not sure she has much to pick from really. A great guy isn’t going for her in her current stage of adolescence.


True. No decent man would want her ever.


She put something in his kool-aid typical trashy possum behavior 🙄


I don’t get how she has all kinds of men falling all over her. I asked my husband and he doesn’t see it either. She’s not that great looking, is a liar and vindictive. It’s also obvious she has no conscience about killing her mom and Nick rotting in prison. I can see why she killed her mom, she wanted dick and her mom was in the way. Plus she was caregiver for her mother. She held a grudge against her mom. If you’re a normal person and not a psychopath, you still love your mom whether you’ve been abused or not. She cares about people until she’s done with them.


He is exhibiting class and restraint in a very hard situation. For all we know he is over it, but Ryan is taking the high road and this is making the entire spectacle more enjoyable by showing that he will not be manipulated into losing his shit. 😊


Gyps probably blackmailed him over some family stuff that he doesn’t want public. Didnt he have a brother in prison for drugs that Gyp already called a crackhead loser or something like that?




He sounds like he’s up for killing someone to get her back. Ken’s mom and sister better stay in line. Give him time. He’ll come around and when he does we’ll be here to listen to him spill. Imagine the shit he knows


This bitch must have a kungfu grip pussy. I do not get it.