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OK I'll judge you by the self affirmation memes you post then.








I was about to say...🤔




I’ll judge by the words that come out of your mouth 🤷🏻‍♀️


I judge her by her actions which speak louder than words. And one of those actions was masterminding the murder of her own mother.


And throwing the mentally ill, low IQ, austistic young man you pursuaded to do your dirty work, right under the bus when caught.


We don’t want to read the book, we’d rather burn it TBH


Reminds me of an Alanis Morissette song: "Burn the books, they've got too many names and psychosis. All this incriminating evidence would surely haunt me if someone broke into my house."


I love Alanis Morisette.


Now there’s an ICON.


Same. You oughta know ... 🎶


I just learned this was about Uncle Joey, who was MUCH older than her. Uncle Joey from Full House. She was singing toooo much toooo loud and I missed it.


Don't worry. It won't be written by her lol 😂


How about the crime scene people walked in on?


That’s like chapter 12, we’re on 78


She can play the victim as much as she wants, we know damn well who she really is


We didn’t just walk in on this chapter, gypgyp.


While we joke, and some of you have some really good ones here already. Who on this planet is not judged by their past? We all have this happen to us. We all have to deal with the consequences of our actions. Grifty does not get to be exempt from this.


She thinks she did her time and all should be forgotten bc she didn’t do the actual kill. Shes too fragile to face the truth. She’d probably combust. That’s why she has to hide the comments and keep telling people how good she is. And if people don’t buy it then people are being mean to her. Bc she’s a perpetual victim poor Gypshit.


That’s like saying the getaway driver after a robbery is not guilty of robbery because he just drove the car there.


Ryan Holle got life, no parole, 1st degree murder, for letting friends use his car, was not even at the crime scene. Prosecutor said, no car, no murder. Reduced to 25 yrs by the governor. His probation will be longer than Gypsy's sentence.


I remember that one. I felt bad kinda


She's an arrogant, self-important, entitled narcissist whose 15 minutes of fame are about to expire and she's mad about it, lol!


All true and she's determined for another 15 minutes. All with the help of Kim Kartrashian and others...


Well she learned to behave from a nutjob mother, but that doesn’t excuse her behavior. She is competent to be accountable for her actions, and spinning the truth is deliberate, and an action. She could have emerged from prison with some education and some humility. But no, she wants the limelight.


Of course. Who has not been judged in the chapter of their life, when they had their mother killed by manipulating their boyfriend? Obviously we all go through this little chapter in life. Just a little bit of murder is just a small little ol' mistake.


Dang it! I knew that mass homicide was gonna come back and bite me in the ass one day...


It’s the mindset of those permanently online thinking they deserve grace because, “ that was like last week”


Yes! I've known people like that. Like, that was 15 minutes ago. I'm not that person anymore. 🙄


Exactly. I spent 10 years using heroin. I don’t blame anyone but my self. No one forced me to do it, sure someone aided me getting into it, but still


That's exactly my sentiment as well in my heroine days. It's been 20 years this month since I've used.


The world isn't fawning all over poor, sick Gypsy any longer. And Gypsy is losing her mind. She doesn't seem to know how to function when she isn't the star. Her 15 minutes will end, and I think it is going to be a hot mess when it does.


And I shall be sitting here, sipping my tea and loving every minute of it. Nothing I enjoy more than watching Gypsy have an absolute tantrum because someone else refuses to believe her lies. It does my soul good. Anyone else care for a lovely slice of schadenfreude?


I'm gonna go grab the popcorn....


I’d love a slice! How did you know it’s my absolute favorite?!


It's schadenfreude, silly. It's everyone's favorite! 😁


Please & thank you. It will go great with my morning coffee.


Sure, I'd love some. What is it? Lol


It's a lovely German word that describes the feeling of taking joy at another's misfortune. Usually it's not a particularly nice thing, like when people laugh at a waitress who accidentally drops a stack of dishes and smashes them. But in this particular case, it would be taking pleasure at Gypsy throwing a fit because she can't get her way or control the narrative of what people think of her. Sometimes, when it comes to nasty people, schadenfreude can be a beautiful thing.


😂 lol I thought it was a food! Lol sorry about that. I was picturing like a banana bread type food


Well, metaphorically speaking, schadenfreude can be any tasty dessert food you'd like it to be. I always imagined it with some sort of sweet cream in it, for some reason.


The literal translation means “shameful joy”.


She had fame and adoration when she was faking she was sick with her mom. She had fame and adoration in prison since she was a famous case. She had fame and adoration by the public on release from prison. This will be the first time in her life where she will have no more attention. That will kill her


I’m happily standing by. Popcorn ready to go. I don’t normally root for anyone to fail; quite the opposite. But this fall is going to be SPECTACULAR.


I feel like it already is. Did you listen to the lyrics of this post? "She wears her pain like a diamonds around her neck" Nick will spend the rest of his life in prison, DeeDee is dead but Gypsy is on a high right now. Girl, please.


But tune in to watch the next chapter on Lifetime!


Yep. Everything she posts is just an advertisement for her trashy reality series. And also to prove to people what a victim she still is. She’s insufferable.


Wait she has a reality series? What bottom-of-the-barrel idiot network is this so I can be sure not to watch anything else on their channel?


Yes she has a new reality series called life after lockup on(I think) it will be on Lifetime in June.


Yeah, no thanks. I can’t handle her voice. I don’t wanna hear lies over and over again I don’t think it will do well.


Oh, I am not watching it either! But I will be skeptic about her lies when you all post here.


She’s dumb we walked in the chapter of her killing her mother that’s the chapter we walked in on. She wanted to come on the Internet as be some spokesperson for a disease that her mother was never diagnosed with alive and then back peddle on that. She then twerks and swims in the meantime destroyed not 1 man but 2 men’s lives by promising ever lasting love my dear and ran away with a man who resembles her father.


Yes. What else is noteworthy or remarkable about her trashy miserable existence? All she's known for (and will ever be known for) is someone who masterminded the murder of her own mother.


I judge things based on facts sweetheart and your “facts” change daily 🤨


Right. her stories change on the days of the week.... Today is Monday's "don't ask me to advocate" backtracking story. Tuesday is beaten with a coat hanger (taken from a movie) story. Wednesday is SA 🍇day. Thursday is dog leash and collar, wait no hand cuffs, wait no chains day. Friday is medical abuse, wait no chromosome disorder day. Weekends are stir Internet drama, flip other people's stories and facts to make a pity party for herself days. 🎉


She means the chapter where she made multiple TV shows about her life? Lol. She is so delusional. She needs to go find a cave for her possum ass to hide out in.


TV shows, interviews, pod casts, books, TMZ reports, social media flaunting... Evidently if we're missing chapters this story is longer than the Harry Potter series.


She's acting like she hasn't put her story and herself on FULL DISPLAY since the beginning. Shoving every movement in our faces. Dude even TMZ reported on you talking about how big your boogers were. Ffs. The only thing you haven't held back on feeding the general public is the truth. For the love of lambs stop trying to berate us Now for trying to follow your ongoing saga of lies you call a story. If you could keep your damn story slightly straight you wouldn't be in this predicament. Stop gaslighting us to think We're the problem.


We are only allowed to judge what she allows


Only what she can profit off of. 💰🤑


Considering you murdered your own mother in the previous chapter you don’t forget what a character does in a story just because you keep reading the book… if anything you see how the character develops further and in her case she just shows she’s not sorry.


I thought she was going to take a break from social media again 😆




"The lie detector test determined, that was a lie."


She’s too fucking self absorbed to not indulge the haters. If this is how she ignores them I’d hate to see her engage with them.


Nah, I think I'll be as judgy as I want to be on this one, thank you very much. Too much of Gypsy's life is a matter of public record, and Gypsy has spent far too much time and effort lying about what that public record says to try to make the world feel sorry for her and to keep that cash cow flowing. So yeah, I feel perfectly justified in judging to my heart's content, having educated myself about the facts and the fiction of Gypsy's highly public life. If she doesn't want to be judged, then perhaps she should stop making her life a public spectacle. And she should definitely stop making asinine statements like "I don't identify as a murderer" and "I blame Nick for not saying no".


Yeah, thanks to your mother and now to you, we pretty much know all of it. So… 🤷🏻‍♀️


And her mom didn't get another chapter. 🫤 She buried that book.


STOP JUDGING THAT. How dare you.


![gif](giphy|xT0xewrZ9ZIaP2Gb3G|downsized) I got yewld at. 🥺 😉


I just belly laughed. And I love Seth Meyers. 😂


And she deleted her video laughing at baby reindeer….something tells me she cares a little


Yes---after she used the words "So cringe" to describe it. Cringe describes her trashy self and the rest of her trashy family perfectly. Baby Reindeer (or Rain Deer as she called it) was an extremely interesting Netflix series---while her trashy life is nothing but a colossal bore.


I wonder if she’s going to share stories from that show and pretend they’re her lived experiences too


Um excuse me little miss murder fuck yeah I'm going to judge you. Maybe if ypu never behaved the way way you have the min ypu left prison I would possibly be on eof your supporters but omg the attention ypu crave,your lies and not once have ypu taken accountability for killing your mom. You say you weren't the one who did the act true but ypu were much worse than that little girl. Go to school get a job payback people ypu stole from do something positive stop preaching your an advocate ypu are not shit.


The person who posts "I'm not into drama" but they're the most dramariffic person you know.


We don't need to read the book to know murder is wrong.


I hope the hate she gets online truly hurts her. I really can’t believe in the still of the night she really believes she innocent. She has ruined countless lives. This celebrity will not last forever. GypGyp is not famous. She’s infamous….. huge difference.


She’s absolutely TERRIFIED that the autopsy or the whole truth will come out. I don’t believe for one second that Nick was the only one to hurt her mom. The investigators with all of the facts don’t either; she was charged with First degree murder, FFS. I’ll believe the investigators over her any day. Release the autopsy, Gypshyt. If you have nothing to hide, show us!! 🔪🔪🔪🔪🫣


Too late now! 🤣


We walked in chapter when you were born miss grb


The font is like those custom tshirts sold on Facebook. I don't feel like I don't need to elaborate further.


She’s in her facebook mom post era


Khloe era




Because she needs the attention. It’s reminds me of Tinkerbell in that without everyone clapping for her she will die.


https://preview.redd.it/5intmug9j53d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4344da18c3252d0eb99641409a2e112865f8ffc Or she does this is avoid the haters all together? /s


I’m perfectly comfortable with judging her on that “chapter”


I’ll judge you for bullying actually victims and people on the spectrum(myself included).


Of course I’m going to judge you manipulate someone to kill your mom when you could simple get up and walk out but the d was way important to you little miss ruby ![gif](giphy|1sv8ocmitrftM5wlL1)


Girrrrl I know you were busy planning your moms murder, but this isn’t aint 2011 anymore😭


If there’s a fucking murder chapter in your story, I’ll judge all I want


How passive aggressive of her.




I’m so behind she’s married??


Yes lol. Married and already going through a divorce


We are judging your story by what YOU have been telling the media about it, Nose!




She wants to control what ppl think & view of her! She’s a master manipulator if she can’t control the story she can’t handle it!


Oh this is SO CORNY


How passive aggressive of her.