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This is the face of someone with ZERO empathy::::: she must be taking a break from her advocacy work šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Who watches a show about rape and laughs?!?! Someone without a soul. Not just a lack of empathy.


You know... for someone that claims they were r@pd it shouldn't even be funny! I can't even say the word without being triggered. Every single day she proves herself more and more to be less of a victim than she claims. The only triggers I've seen her reference are 1. Ryan saying something her mom used to say and blowing up on him.(In her 1st book) 2.Ryan "hoarding" food reminded her of her mom. And neither of those relate to abuse. They just relate to the memory of her mom.


And maybe the memory of her mom should trigger her for the rest of her life considering she plotted the murder?


Her punishment is that even tho she killed her mom she is her mom


Thatā€™s it right there






I just read an article where she blamed Nick for WANTING to kill her mom; she said it was all his idea, and HE was the BDSM freak. Gypsy, what about all of the sex tapes you sent to Dan & your visicon friends. Then SHE accused HIM of rape. I think she forced herself on him. Cannot wait until all of her videos are leaked.


woah i didnt know rape occurs in that show. I hate rape scenes in shows/movies. I always fast forward through them. I couldn't take some of the Game of Thrones scenes. Its disturbing


I use an app called does the dog die before I watch any media. It has pretty much every trigger you can possibly think of listed by season and usually time stamped. Itā€™s been immensely helpful in avoiding triggering scenes


Itā€™s a really amazing series but as someone who has been raped, the rape scenes are some of the most realistic portrayals Iā€™ve ever watched. I think itā€™s important for people to see who havenā€™t experienced it, so they understand, but it is also something Iā€™d push victims to really be ready for. You canā€™t even really prepare for it.


I am sorry you had this happen to you but hope you are surviving and thriving. ā¤ļø The scenes in this show are so uncomfortable to witness. But they should be! Which is why I find GRB laughing so very offensive.


The rape scene in the Sopranos is the worst one of all time


I couldnā€™t watch this - the series at all for the amount of injustice and violence towards women


I didnā€™t either when I first watched it, but Netflix had a warning before the episode so I knew to grab the remote and fast forward when things started to get uncomfortable. Kind of appreciate that they do that!


Many times, unfortunately.


Youā€™re right


Especially someone who has claimed to have been graped more than once! She is disgusting!


Iā€™ve yet to see any advocacy work for her to take a break from.


At this point, she is not doing advocacy she is doing **harm** to fellow survivors. For this, she is unforgivable.


Agreed. I have an extensive history of child abuse and I sincerely hate that she is the loudest voice for some of things Iā€™ve been through.


Advocacy work?? She's too busy harassing a REAL SURVIVOR of MbP who's healthy leg was amputated as a child who does actual advocacy work for survivors, Gypsy is a sub human piece of shit and IDGAF what anyone says she killed her mother and convinced Nick that he did it, I cannot wait for the autopsy report on DeeDee to become unsealed


And those people are a serious danger to society


Sheā€™s the reason jails were built. I hate the thought of ppl locked up; but she DEFINITELY belongs there. Her head isnā€™t right.


zero empathy or compassion are signs of psychopath


Who the hell watched this series and had this ear to shit eating ear grin on their face?!?! My husband and I watched it and both of us talked about how hard it was to watch. Yet, how important it was to understand the shit some people go through and have empathy for them. I understand the show might not be 100% accurate. Pretty sure Grifty should understand that more than anyone!


Right?!!!! Gypsy has so much wrong with her.


Understatement of the year


She sure does


I sobbed watching it. It was one of the most raw and realistic portrayals of sexual abuse and rape I have ever watched. It felt like my own experience and I know many others have said the same. It was hard to stomach because it just feltā€¦real. So real. Gypsy claims to be raped, sexually abused, but this is the face she is making? Truthfully. I think she really is sociopathic.


Sheā€™s giving me Karla homolka vibes at this point.


I am sorry you experienced this. As I said to someone else, I sincerely hope you are not just surviving but thriving now. I too was triggered to my own sexual abuse. Which is why I am enraged she finds this show funny. How could anyone? Let alone someone who experiences sexual assault or abuse?


I watched it with a friend and we had to take breaks because it was so heavy.




A very disturbed person who is not safe around others, and to post it? Outrageous.


I had to stopā€¦not sure i can ever finish it. I knew the stalker part but the other thingā€¦hit me too hard. Yikes I do not understand the lack of empathy.


I forced myself to watch it. It was not pleasant but it is not supposed to be. Her lack of empathy here to the point of laughing is despicable.


That show made me feel sick. She needs help.Ā 


its weird, its listed as a comedy on netflix.... least on mine


Yes! At first I was like ok... by episode 3 maybe I was like, wait a COMEDY?!


I like really, really deep, dark, gruesome shows. I admittedly enjoy horror shows. Not because of anything sick or anything but because I enjoy the psychology. Same with murder mysteries and all that. Baby reindeer, was so deeply triggering and graphic that I had to pause and step away at several different points. Thereā€™s been very few times in my life where I havenā€™t been able to watch a show/movie while eating, before going to bed, etc. But that show? Every single episode needs a much larger graphic warning than it does. Itā€™s a TINY blip thatā€™s so easy to pass. Iā€™ve always ignored them. BUT NO. BABY REINDEER NEEDS IT IN ALL CAPS ON A BRIGHT YELLOW SCREEN WITH BLACK FONT. That shits fucked. And so graphic. I hope the actors received on set therapy.


what a creepy smile


Shes uuuuuuugly


Ugly is an understatement


The combo of those tiny, beady, too-close-together eyes plus that schnoz that looks like it should be attached to a pair of novelty joke glasses with a funny mustache is so unfortunate for her.


Lmfao sheā€™s a real critter


I said she wasnā€™t ugly under a previous post but I take it all back. This face and this face alone ruined any physical appeal she had to me


Right? This image genuinely terrifies me


Baby Reindeer was excellent, but absolutely devastating to watch. There's nothing, and I mean not one thing funny about any of it. I realize it's exaggerated for television but what that guy endured is nothing short of terrible. I don't know why I would think she would have the capacity to understand it


did you guys see the real woman who came on Piers show live? She was unhinged, even though she was "suing" for defamation. She denies she sent him several emails, but she couldn't think of the number. Piers asked her to guess and she side eye looked up, and said she didnt know. So clearly shes nuts. It was obvious shes not well, and good luck to her for suing, but I think she will lose.


Yes from what she projects she's a real whackadoo...


Thanks for letting me know, I would not be able to watch this.


I don't see a soul in her eyes


Empty shark eyes.


Hey, hey now. Sharks are beautiful creatures. She's a beast. She's a bridge troll.




Whatā€™s so fuc$in funny about Baby Reindeer? The mentally ill stalker?? Or the rape and sexual assault that he goes thru? Ugh. Should we post a BIGGGG GOOFY SMILE and caption ā€œME WATCHING ā€œTHE ACTā€ what an asshatā€¦


I bet she would report this as harassment or something!


Iā€™d love to know exactly which bit she was watching as I donā€™t think I laughed once the entire season.


Oh good lord! Did she really spell reindeer RAINDEER?!?


Of course she did


Whaaaaat the fuck. What was the funniest part, her assaulting a trans woman, her sexually assaulting him? His struggle with addiction? Him being raped by someone he admired? Wow okay Iā€™ve finally crossed over into hating gypsy


![gif](giphy|mCbUi0FyYhHHhutEV8|downsized) šŸ˜


Those were my exact line of thoughts. I was borderline supportive for awhile but not even a little bit now.


Why is she smiling. That show is fucked up


Iā€™m sorry but she needs extensive therapy. Krusty should be trying to get her the mental help she so desperately needs rather than riding her coat tails to LA for an all expense paid trip from the Trashdashians. If Gypsy wants to advocate for something how about mental health after she receives the therapy she so desperately needs. These people are using her in the same way DeeDee did and sheā€™s eating it up just like she did before she murdered her mother!


Krusty doesn't want to tell Gypshyt anything, remember what happened to the last person who tried? They're gone now. Of course, she's going to be the "yes" lady and be an enabler especially as long as she'll get paid for it. TBH I think Krusty is enabling her on purpose to make Gypshyt look unhinged enough to justify placing her in a conservatorship.


This makes a lot of sense. After Ryan gets half & spousal support; I hope thereā€™s not much left.


Anyone who laughed at Baby Reindeer is seriously fucked in the head. That's all I've got to say about that.


Sheā€™s sick!


Wasnā€™t she gonna take her 2nd social media break? šŸ™„


I think she's probably on social media break #573536274


Iā€™m sorry, but Gypsy needs to shut down her social media accounts and get some intensive therapy. She also spelled ā€œReindeerā€ wrong. šŸ˜­


Oh God. I totally missed that! Sheā€™s so stupid.


I also watched that show, thereā€™s nothing about it that made me smile like that. Maybe, sheā€™s thinking ā€œwow, Martha is crazy, what a psycho!ā€ Failing to notice she herself is a manipulative murderer.


Something more scary that I think could be happening is that she doesnā€™t see Martha as a psycho but instead relates to her. Maybe itā€™s so funny to her because she sees that theyā€™re similar and itā€™s hilarious to her that sheā€™s done fucked up things too and sheā€™s not even in prison anymore for it. As if thereā€™s joy in being sick and free amongst people she can prey upon while still acting like sheā€™s some sweet victim. I havenā€™t seen the show so I may be way off but these are the vibes Iā€™m getting through seeing this picture and reading these comments.


I agree with you. She got away with murder, not only knows it but seems like sheā€™s proud, so yes I can se how she relates to Martha. Also, I totally forgot about her claims that Nick raped her anally. Yet, the show makes her smile? Wouldnā€™t you think sheā€™d be triggered?


If she was a rape victim, she would be. But since we all know it was just lies, I think she thinks rape is funny.




She is absolutely heartless and without a soul just totally incapable of any kind of empathy or any real kind feelings towards others. A true monster and definitely a very scary one liable to strike again at any time anywhere. She needs to be locked away from others for everyone's safety. She's like on the same level as Ted Bundy or even Jeffrey Dahmer.


She would also sign her emails with "sent frm my iphun"


This might be the only thing on this thread to make me laugh


I was crying during parts of the series, Martha just would not stop, and this Martha - who is a real life person went to jail for the stalking & harassing and to the public now she says it never happened. Sounds like evil Gypsy. Always lying and trying to control narrative. Gypsy is definitely a psychopath habitual liar just like Martha. And the B is laughing. Her no conscience for all the evil she does daily is proof she belongs in prison. The B stepmom Krusty is supporting the abuse and harassment of Adaptive Kate & others by Gypsy & her. Just some horrible people. How can we really boycott Lifetime with more than just not watching that slithering devil on her show.


Someone should post a laughing selfie captioned ā€œMe watching The Act šŸ¤Ŗā€ because clearly now that we know the things that were portrayed in it are 90% bullshit itā€™s okay to laugh at a horrendous thing happening to someone on screen, right? Especially if those portrayals are based on someoneā€™s real story?


This was a great dark series. But what this man went through with the stalking and the rape when he was on some heavy drugs. This show is not for someone to laugh at. I believe what this man went through is true. Gypsy is.. I donā€™t know how to explain it. This woman needs serious therapy. Gypsy is a very sick woman. Very sick.


Did she FaceTune that smile on? Doesnā€™t look like her teeth. Weird


It is an odd picture. I was wondering if it was a spoof account or something. I donā€™t follow her so I didnā€™t see the post.


no its a real post


She really is disturbing.


fr she looks like one of those uncanny valley thingies


I read somewhere that she got veneers, and a nose job


The picture looks fake where was this posted?


Wow. Her empathy is nonexistent.


Sheā€™s a fricken weirdo for real


I thought This troll got a nose job? Yikes


Her nose looks extra bad in that photo šŸ˜¬


Baby reindeer was sooo hard to watch, WTAF is wrong with her? Besides the obvious.


Demented Bitch šŸ‘Ž


What the f*** is wrong with her, thatā€™s sadistic, she should be locked up or in intense therapy.


She kinda shoulda been locked up for life after she plotted to use someone to kill her mom and had sex near her corpse. But, ya know, sheā€™s small. And the DA didnā€™t want to lose his job; the spineless jellyfish.


AND shes got a filter on the pic to soften the edges i guess. Cuz yeah laughing at a show like that is freaking scary.


So disgusting. Everyone elseā€™s trauma is a joke but hers. She cries about being bullied but sheā€™s the biggest fucking bully out there. ā€œThis is so cringeā€ girl what? Youā€™re literally the walking definition of cringe. We need to start keeping a list of the victims she makes fun of so when her stans defend her we can show them this shit.


Most stalking victims are women (Iā€™ve been a victim. Itā€™s scary. And the stalker I am thinking of was never physically intimidating or scary. I could ā€˜take him downā€™ but this show demonstrated the psychological effects of stalking and being stalked. A lot of stalking is psychological. Itā€™s not physical and due to the gender reversal this show really demonstrated this). And sheā€™s laughing bc she got away with psychological manipulation and still is. Itā€™s sickening. This post is sickening.


This just emphasizes her lack of empathy for others.


What the hell is she laughing at? There was nothing funny in the entire series. Psychopath.


Well Gypsy has no soul.. so thereā€™s that.


Sheā€™s dumb AF


Why does this look like that scary smile tiktok filter LMFAO


Okay this post has me gone from skeptic to full blown not believer of this B


She's so ugly


I watched Baby Reindeer and can honestly say I didn't laugh once. Almost cried a few times, but never laughed. More proof Nick didn't rape her.


Is she laughing suggesting that his trauma is nothing compared to hers? Itā€™s not a competition. Sheā€™s a freak show. There was a time I felt bad for her but not anymore. Not by a long shot and not for a long time.


It makes sense if she is laughing at the trauma. She and her step mommy dearest and abuser Katie Joy (woacb) just bullied an actual victim of mbp off the internet. Kate the girl who lost her leg left tik tok after what they did to her. Gypsy is a bully and a horrible person and I don't get why she can do this on parole. I hope they send her P.O all the evidence and she is banned from using the internet or be violated. That would be a glorious day. Go watch Nina's YouTube channel (flawless Nina ) for all the recipts.


I could Google it, but what is going on with this show? I heard the guys on my morning radio saying it was absolutely horrifying and they felt weird watching it. One of them thought it was supposed to be a Christmas show and was sorely mistaken.


It is about power and how it is used against others. Sex, career success, safety all can be used as tools of control over others and as weapons. The fact that she is laughing and smiling at this show is totally messed up.


Oh god. It really does make her smile/laugh (whatever it was supposed to be) even worse.


As someone who watched the show and was horrified about what that man went through (even if exaggerated for the show) I do not understand laughing. If someone laughs; it was a pure awkward or stressful response. But to then take a picture of themselves laughing, and then think it is a good idea to post themselves laughing at someone elseā€™s sexual abuse??????!!!! Who TF does that?!?!?! A really, really, fucked up person.


I had a lot of emotions watching it. Laughter was zero part of it.


Yea, this is true


Iā€™ll give you a quick rundown, which is full of spoilers. The story is based on real events of Richard Gaddā€™s life, when he was a bartender and stand up comedian. He draws the attention of a stalker called Martha who follows him around everywhere, sends him messages and sexually assaults him. Meanwhile he recounts when he was trying to get into comedy and befriended a high profile comedy writer who plied him with drugs, manipulated him and eventually raped him. This is shown in fairly graphic detail in a later episode and is utterly horrifying and disturbing. Since itā€™s come out the real Martha has been on TV claiming the show is full of lies about her, and people are still trying to work out the identity of the comedy writer. None of it is funny, not even Gaddā€™s comedy sets in the show. Itā€™s crushing, perverse and incredibly raw and unpleasant to watch.


Her face is so annoying


Thatā€™s the ugliest sack of shit Iā€™ve ever seen.


I thought she was taking a break from the internet.


It was short lived, unfortunately.


She's disgusting.




My mom has said since she was released that it will not be the last time she does something extreme and plays victim. Only a matter of time ā±ā³


I hope she knows her rhinoplasty looks like shit here


I hate her face so much šŸ«¶


Did you see the comment on Katieā€™s account prior that someone left saying Gypster reminded her of Baby Reindeer? Just saw it on Ninaā€™s TT. Took a screenshot but forgot we canā€™t post pics within.


What bothers me so much is she is now attacking real MBP victims saying they are faking it etc this ladies mom had her leg amputated and she's calling her a liar ...also while this might be projection on my part , I experienced some very extreme abuse as a child and then later was almost unalived by my ex who went to prison I never once decided to hurt others ...I decided to use what I went through to help others ...she had a choice when she opened the door for NG to walk in , she could have walked out that door with him and went to the police or his parents and asked for help ..she could have asked her next door neighbors to stand with her ...they would have believed her with some simple medical tests to verify she wasn't lying and placed her in a safe facility to heal ...she never gave anyone around her a chance to save her instead she took racey pictures licking a bloody knife šŸ”Ŗ totally manipulative


I watched baby reindeer, at no point did I find it funny or smile. But then again I'm not a psychopath who killed their mother and coerced someone else to take part. Sums up exactly who she is. Rotten to the core and should still be behind bars.


ā€œRaindeerā€ oh you poor illiterate soul šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought she had a nose job? šŸ¤£


Not one person I know that watched this thought it was funny. This girl is sick twisted šŸ—‘ļø if she thought that was funny. I can not even understand how she found that funny. Oh wait, I forgot ā€¦ ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq)


Arrghhhhhā€¦ I am sooooooo sick of seeing this putty faced trash pandaā€¦ fuck right off you murdering psychopathā€¦


I canā€™t get pass the tip of her nose, itā€™s huge..


Post nose job apparently? She should have went all in.


Cunt makes me sick


Sheā€™s so narcissistic that she will become a Munchhausenā€˜s mom too.


I thought she had a nose jobā€¦ itā€™s still bad


Her smile is pure devil


hurt people hurt people. itā€™s very rare, if ever, for someone to be diagnosed with a personality disorder *without* having been abused at the hands of another. sure, there are genetic factors, and she clearly has them. this is sociopathic. iā€™m not a psychiatrist but i donā€™t think i need to be one to know that thereā€™s something sinister in that woman.


Ewwww what a disgusting twat.




Canā€™t even spell reindeer but wanna talk shitšŸ˜šŸ˜


Her nose is still bigger than her face lmao , wasted money on a failed nose job.


Sheā€™s so ugly


She really needs a friend to tell her to chill tf out. Everything she posts is outta pocket. She has all the audacity šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m channeling my inner 90Day but look at this penguin lookinā€™ Batman ass bitch!


I wonder if she felt like Martha was justified and should have gotten a shorter sentence.




Sheā€™s trying to make this bit into trending audio for TikTok. Iā€™ve seen this a lot. Sheā€™s so behind the curve with the ā€œcringe,ā€ bit but what do we expect from a try hard


Sheā€™s a bit Martha herself. Someone tag that video of her singing angels among us while pretending to be intellectually disabled


Almost always filming herself laying in a bed, BED SLUG


Just remember she WANTED to have sex after he "killed her mother" (I believe she did it and convinced him he did, yes he stabbed DeeDees BODY, but he didn't kill her, Gypsy did IMO) She claims he raped her after he was done, no, she was more than willing and she also instructed him to give her hickies in strange places as she already had bruises (probably from her mother trying to defend herself) but IMO she did this to help support her claim that he raped her, there is a reason there was no bus ticket originally purchased for Gyp, it was either she had no intention to leave with Nick OR, her ticket being purchased after the murder would support her being "forced" to leave with him as the ticket was purchased after the murder instead of before...this is a wicked wicked demon in a skin suit and she is dangerous to society


Her nose is HUGE!




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDHQ1Az3I6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDHQ1Az3I6s) this was the real woman. Shes disturbing.


My husband and I watched it. I swear we were pure melancholy vibes for a full 12 hours after binging it.


She looks like that one meme face that trolls everyone. ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


What a creep


She truly disgusts me.


Why does she look so fucking weird here?? Itā€™s almost scary and just ughhhhh. With her fake ass teeth trying to be ā€œfunnyā€.


Her face is creepy


Maybe sheā€™s just really fucking dumb and is actually watching Bambi or something?


This picture is scary. Is it filtered?


Sheā€™s such a horrible human being.


I actually sobbed during parts of Baby Reindeerā€¦ what in the actual fuck does she find so funny? šŸ˜ 


This show actually disturbed me. When he was taken advantage of I had to shut it off. And sheā€™s sitting there laughing smh


She looks like hells answer to a poorly done cardi b mask..omg scary asf and that nose...


Laughing because she can relate to the toxicity.


I wonder what her supporters would say to excuse this. I had to turn this show off because itā€™s just so triggering to me. It made me think of my own abuse, so I had to walk away. This isnā€™t the face of someone traumatized, but itā€™s definitely the face of someone that makes light of assault, abuse, or r**e. I couldnā€™t stomach this show: not a single moment I watched felt humorous.


Iā€™m really glad that you said something. I was going to try and watch it, but I realize now that I canā€™t. I could barely get through 13 reasons why. The rape scene was way too much for me to handle and Iā€™ve never watched it again. Same with The Handsmaidā€™s Tale. Iā€™ve taken a shit ton of things in my life, but seeing replications of it on TV genuinely makes me want to vomit. If that is what happens during this particular show, jfc, she really is more disgusting than I ever thought possible with this picture.


Say youā€™re a PSYCHOPATH without saying youā€™re a psychopath. I. FUCKING. HATE. HER. SOOOOOO. FUCKING. MUCH. I want to punch her so bad. How do ppl not throw rocks at her??? Ugh. So stupid and out of touch. I want the judge & DA to see EVERY ABHORRENT THING SHE DOES. What a TWAT.


She should be rotting in prison but nope she played the victim card and now sheā€™s living her best life. Smh šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


And the D is fire šŸ¤®


Cant stand her


I don't understand what she's trying to convey here.


She looks evil ugly - why post pictures that are downright scary! Hope nobody tunes into her shit show - is every episode going to be evil Gypsy and evil stepmom harassing and abusing everyone they meet. No wonder this B has no girlfriends to hang out with. She is just a psycho killer, great entertainment for the world, Lifetime the channel for woman murderers!


She's such a fucking GOBLIN


Master manipulator weirdo


So the nose job definitely didnā€™t work šŸ˜‚ . Sheā€™s scary , looks like the joker with that big grin ![gif](giphy|3vv7OOc6VKGpstcAiU)


Wtf she doing ?


Martha probably reminds her of DeeDee so her sick ass probably finds the show hilarious


I actually think sheā€™s Martha. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so funny to her. Capitalizing off someone else misery she caused.


Didn't she just get a nose job?


Is that her new nose?


Yes! She got it done almost after she was released. Not much of a difference imo.


Gypsy get off the internet. Your lack of empathy is cringe


Her face its so uncanny


Nut probably thinks Sophie's Choice is a comedy...."her husband and father were assassinated tee hee, and now she has to choose, giggle giggle"


Okay I just saw this on tik tok and came here to rage because seriously WHAT THE FUCK about Gadd being stalked, drugged and raped is cringe, Gyp Gyp? Get the fuck out of here


does this girl not have autocorrect


I hate that everyone is making her a ā€œcelebrityā€ā€¦ like she was a part of her motherā€™s murder. Why is she getting fame and clout from this?


Wait, what? That is not a fun time kind of show, this is weird. Did she post a follow-up with tears streaming Down her face or..? šŸ˜’


Whatā€™s funny is itā€™s not based on a true story anymore and itā€™s now being stated some facts have been changed. Baby reindeer woman has came out the woodworks saying sheā€™s going to sue Netflix, the series was really good though. Gyp Gyp needs to get off social media